![]() Ashiel wrote:
Tsc... Nothing there was against the rules... But because a single person thinks statistics are offensive, posts are erased without explanation... *sigh* ![]()
![]() Nicos wrote:
Only upside-down! :D Besides... Redundancy never stopped anyone from creating a new thread. Well, maybe 137ben. He prefers to necro. (I'm sorry, ben! I can't keep your secret anymore! They started sending Inquisitors!) ![]()
![]() Ashiel wrote:
And that's why every year, around December, I conveniently get homesick and decide it's time to visit family members who live in tropical areas. :P Saudades. XD ![]()
![]() Ashiel wrote:
Wouldn't killing someone (i.e.: turning them into a corpse) be considered damage, in which case the whole things doesn't work anyway? Isn't it easier to kill someone, Sculpt Corpse them and then resurrect? ![]()
![]() Ashiel wrote:
Again "recognizable" means "can be recognized", not "it's always easily recognized by anyone and everyone". And well... It doesn't give any bonus to disguise as the old sex either, so it doesn't make you look particularly masculine or feminine either way, no matter which sex you belonged to and to which one you transformed. Of course, all this argumentation is mostly me reaching so that the item actually works as a fantasy magic elixir should, rather than as a victim of overly paranoid designers who are completely afraid of little innocuous things breaking their (already quite broken) game while completely missing or wilfully ignoring the stuff that actually does affect game balance. :P ![]()
![]() Jiggy wrote: Have you tried the "Whole 30" eating plan? I have family members who swear by it, and personally I went from counting calories to just eating as much as I pleased and started rapidly losing weight. I really don't have the will to resist eating sugar for a whole month... But even worse: 30 days without dairy?! oO Not gonna happen. Milk is the one "vice" I allow myself to have everyday. Overall, I'm quite healthy... I don't smoke and rarely drink (only on social occasions, and even there, just a little). Eating salads, white meat and fruit every day, plus exercising a bit every morning is working quite well so far. :) ![]()
![]() Ashiel wrote: (stuff about the elixir of sex change) Well... To be fair "recognizable" is not really the same as "always recognized by everyone". As I understand it, that line was meant to say that the character becomes more or less a gender-bent version of him/herself (same ethnicity, apparent age, girth, hair color, etc)... So someone who was aware of that person's transformation, they would be able to recognize him/her... I imagine it as something like the similarities between brother and sister that look like each other. ![]()
![]() Ashiel wrote: That's entirely true, but perhaps unfortunate. Pretending something doesn't exist has never solved anything in the history of ever (that I know of at least). Uh... It defeated Freddy Krueger, IIRC. :P Ashiel wrote: X-Men wouldn't have been the positive influence that it was for many people if bigotry wasn't a defining feature (and having characters that had experienced bigotry for other reasons be more sympathetic to the mutants for having "been there" to an extent is all the more humanizing). To be fair, while prejudice and acceptance became a central theme to X-men, mostly, they use "mutants" in place of whatever discriminated group they want. How well this is done varies greatly from writer to writer, of course... Nothing wrong with using non-existent groups to point out bigotry and prejudice, of course, but it does fall into the same category of "no one cares what you are, as long as you're not a half-orc". Which is not bad... As it allows the product to discuss themes such as bigotry and prejudice without hurting or offending anyone, who might have to deal with more than enough of that crap in real life. That said... It can stretch or even break suspension of disbelief if it isn't explained/presented in a sensible way ("How come these ignorant peasants from medieval world are so accepting of every minority when that is far from being the case in our far more enlightened and informed world?"). e.g.: in a setting where humans are constantly competing/fighting against another race, it makes sense that humans would ignore all differences in favor of uniting against their common enemy... But in a world where most humans never/rarely see any inter-racial conflict and/or never/rarely even see any non-humanoid beings, one would think some humans would have some prejudice against some other humans. I'm not sure my words are comprehensible... Hopefully I was clear enough to avoid confusion. ![]()
![]() In fact, while I always liked tea, I mostly drank only the Lipton sweet stuff (as suggested by TheSweetTeaGamer). I started looking for the healthier stuff as part of improving my diet (and adding some variety. I love juice, but I want something different on occasion and I'm not a fan of soda). I have low blood pressure (which is somewhat annoying, specially on hot days, but not nearly as dangerous as high blood pressure) and don't gain a lot of weight... But I let myself grow an unsightly "beer gut" (more like a bacon gut, really) and noticed I lost a lot of stamina, so I decided to lead a healthier health style. The exercizing part wasn't too difficult. I always take a while convincing myself to start the exercise, but once I do, I have no problem doing it for as long as necessary (getting my butt out of the chair really is the hardest part)... But eating discipline... That is an everyday battle. ><' The good news is that I did notice some real progress in the few months I've been doing it. I lost some weight and can run longer now. :) ![]()
![]() I tried vegetarianism (for health/weight reasons), but simply couldn't stick to it... Turns out I have a really weak Will save vs delicious food. ><' My solution was to stick to a (mostly) vegetarian diet on week days (I still eat chicken and fish) and allow myself to eat the delicious fat and sugary stuff on weekends. I avoid keeping unhealthy food in my fridge, though, since I have no confidence in my determination to not eat it during week days. :P ![]()
![]() Alzrius wrote:
Not your best Sense Motive roll, huh? ;) ![]()
![]() Kahel Stormbender wrote:
I suppose even casters are helpless when the GM cheats against them. ![]()
![]() Ventnor wrote:
Or a caster in general... Or a creature from the bestiary. Anything other than a spell-less martial class, really. ![]()
![]() Tyinyk wrote: That's a pretty unreasonable desire to have there. I could get wanting to do that at level 20, but wanting to cut a mountain in half with a single swing of your sword at level 13? Is it not enough that you can singlehandedly slaughter armies at level 20? What do you think level 13 is? A 13th level character could bet the crap out of Hercules! Seriously, take a look at the bestiaries and see what fits CR 13. It's things like adult dragons, wish-granting demons, angelical archers and vicious undead. Things that could lay waste to a whole city. Why are casters allowed to have all sorts of level-appropriate abilities, but 13th level martials are expected to be "level 1, but with slightly higher bonuses"? ![]()
![]() Greylurker wrote:
I just want this manga to end. I've been reading this b*!+#$ since I was in highschool! :( ![]()
![]() DrDeth wrote:
Everything everyone says is their opinion. Do you want every single post in the forums to have a warning sign saying "this is my opinion"? Reread your own posts and see if you never state your opinion as if it were fact (spoiler alert: you do). ![]()
![]() DrDeth wrote: And Stormwind isnt a "fallacy." Just because someone calls it that , doesnt make it so. At best it's a observation. You're right, it's not a fallacy because just someone calls it so... It's a fallacy because it's devoid of actual logic. It's a faulty conclusion that does not logically follow from the original premise. DrDeth wrote: Why bring it up then? Because it's pertinent to the subject at hand. It's meant to point out that many people (typically angry elitist grognards) will completely ignore any uniqueness a character has if it's not written down in the character's class description and/or feat selection. And will quickly accuse the player of having a "cookie-cutter" character with no regard to the character's backstory, personality or behavior. Ironically, sticking as rigidly to class descriptions as said angry elitist grognards do leads to masses of "cookie-cutter" characters, where every Rogue is a sneaky scoundrel and every sneaky scoundrel is a Rogue. DrDeth wrote: When you set up a hypothetical then attack it, that is a strawman. You didnt know that? Who exactly did I attack? As far as I can tell, all I did was to criticize close-mindness and elitism. DrDeth wrote: In fact I have never seen the "Stormwind fallacy" properly used, except as a attack on others. I'm sure that if you take a look at past threads where you participated, you'll see more than a few fair accusations of "stormwind fallacy". ![]()
![]() Larkos wrote: Also thanks Lemmy Z. That is really interesting and I will look that over. I'm just adverse to Third Party that my group hasn't vetted so I'd like something from Paizo (paragons of balance, I know.) That system can be used in conjunction with the weapon list from RAW. If you can't build an old favorite weapon, just use it as normal. :) ...But I understand if you'd rather have something official. I too hope Paizo publishes more viable weapons. It's tiresome to see scimitars, falchions and longbows everywhere, even in settings where sniper rifles are available. -.-' Sadly, I don't see that changing any time soon... :( ![]()
![]() ... Either you don't know where I was born and raised or you don't anything about the place... Yes. I've had coffee. Lots of coffee. It was offered during and/or after every meal. Every. Single. Meal. I'm more than slightly tired of the dark sludge... Not so much due to flavor, but because I always despise having to wait everyone drink their cup of coffee after every single meal. I'd much rather have tea. It tastes better... :) ![]()
![]() Larkos wrote: I'm tired of only a few weapons being viable. Larkos wrote: That's exactly my point. Other weapons are cool and fighting style should matter more. This game punishes you for not taking the best option in your field. Martials have it tough enough so any penalty can be difficult to take if there are party members with higher tiered classes. Your problems are over! ![]()
![]() 3d6 OTOH rewards... Luck. The classes are at theoretically balanced taking their SAD/MADness in consideration (obviously, Pathfinder fails quite hard in the balance department, but that's more an issue of magic x non-magic than anything else). Admittedly, Monks are very, very MAD (and extremely poorly designed all around), but Clerics, OTOH, hardly need 5 attributes... Most of their spells don't care about save DCs, so starting with Wis 14~16 does quite well. Channel Energy tends to fall quite quickly in usefulness, so Cha 10 is more than enough. It's not rare to see Cleric builds outright dump Cha and just forget Channel Energy exists. And let's not pretend 3d6 doesn't favor SADness... It's far more likely to get good rolls for a Wizard than for a Monk. With PB you can at least choose. And giving higher point-buy does a lot to fix this problem, since the MAD classes benefit much more from the extra points than the SAD ones. Sure the Wizard will have slightly higher HP and/or AC, but his real power is already maxed anyway... Meanwhile, the Monk has his effectiveness increased all around! But even putting all of that aside... Like I said, a Barbarian with stats 17 09 13 11 13 05 isn't significantly different from a Barbarian with 18 12 14 10 12 07. And since character building includes a lot more than their base ability scores, both characters still end up quite similar. All that 3d6 does is change the a little of the specifics... A +1 here, a +2 there... But unless you get absurdly high/low rolls (in which case balance and fairness goes out the window), the difference is mostly negligible. ![]()
![]() Kitty Catoblepas wrote: Has anyone tried something like this? How well did it work for you? Did the demihumans seem more powerful in comparison to The Best Race (Human) or did it even out? Were Half-Elves and Half-Orcs shafted? Did your players have more fun? I allow players to sacrifice their racial -2 penalty in exchange for one of their +2 bonuses... It works fine and opens a bunch of character possibilities. I also allow a few races to trade one of their bonuses to a different attributes (elves can trade +2 Int for +2 Wis, gnomes can trade +2 Cha for +2 Int). Additionally, I let Androids get the Empathy feat for free if they want, since it comes with considerable downsides. BTW... Humans really aren't "the best race"... Unless the class is particularly starved for feats and skills, half-elves and half-orcs are more effective most of the time, IMO. Specially after the ruling that says they can take human racial FCB. Dwarves, Aasimar and Tielfing are really good too. ![]()
![]() The fact that there's a reason for the "cookie-cuttery" doesn't make it any less cookie-cutter. Obviously, most people will assign their highest roll to their most important attribute... Assigning a rolled 17 to Str on your Barbarian isn't any more creative, flavorful or unique than simply point-buying that 17. My problem is when people claim that "point-buy leads to cookie-cutter builds" and conveniently omit how dice rolling does the exact same thing. A Barbarian with randomly-rolled 17 09 13 11 13 05 isn't really any more unique than a Barbarian with point-bought 18 12 14 10 12 07.