Azmur Kell

Lemmy Z's page

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Hello, everyone! How you all doing?


Today I am here to ask how you guys and gals go about writing homebrew campaigns. Do you write a timeline of events? Do you simply improvise game session after game session? What's your writing process for writing the overall story/narrative and how do you turn that into individual moments?

I like to begin by writing a series of events that will take place, unless disrupted by outer forces (i.e.: the PCs), then I give a few adventure hooks for the PCs to choose from and follow through that naturally lead into one or more of those events (although, players do occasionally decide to do something completely different and unexpected and I can only hope they will stumble into something plot-relevant again. :P)

I usually start with writing bullet points, then I develop them more as needed.

e.g.: Lord "X" is planning to do "Y". He attempts this plan around date "W", in location "Z". If nothing interrupts his plans, he succeeds, and as consequence, Baron "A" ends up in condition "B", but everyone blames it on Lady "C".

...Or something like that.

As of a few months ago, I started making detailed timelines of when notorious events have taken place... It helps me organize my mind. Future events aren't as precisely written because sooner or later, the PCs do something that delays, stops, changes or advances on them and then the dominoes start falling...

I find this entertaining because when a PC adds a bit of their backstory, I know what was happening when [piece of backstory] took place and can even tie it in with my storyline. In one of my games, this resulted in the long disappeared parents of one of the PCs visiting a notorious tavern at the day/night of its grand opening!

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But forget my lovely self for a second (just a second!)... How do you do it, ladies and gentlemen? How do you write campaigns and/or game sessions?

Share your stories and advice!