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![]() We know that the rules state
Wielding Items wrote: Some abilities require you to wield an item, typically a weapon. You’re wielding an item any time you’re holding it in the number of hands needed to use it effectively. When wielding an item, you’re not just carrying it around—you’re ready to use it. Other abilities might require you to merely carry or have an item. These apply as long as you have the item on your person; you don’t have to wield it. But for instance using a weapon like a shuriken that is thrown with Reload 0 do I really have to take an action to draw one before using feats such as Hunted Shot. It just seems odd that I can draw the ammo for a bow as part of such a strike but since the thrown weapon is the weapon it's not being wielded since I'm not walking around with one in hand. ![]()
![]() Okay so I am working on a cooking based sphere homebrew for Spheres of power. I wanted to have various effects based on creature type for the dishes made but have hit upon a issues. What is considered actually an evil act when it comes to cooking and preparing food. And does it matter what type the cook is? ![]()
![]() Two questions here first can Caster's Champion users benefit from the gloves at all? Second do I have to be under the effects of Arcane Strike/Caster's Champion for the bonuses to take effect?
Gloves of Arcane Striking:
These soft leather gloves are decorated with even rows of mithral rivets.
Requirement: Only a spellcaster with the Arcane Strike feat can activate the abilities of these gloves. These abilities are as follows: When the wearer uses the aid another action to improve an ally’s attack roll, the ally adds the wearer’s Arcane Strike damage bonus to its damage roll for that attack.
Caster's Champion: Benefit(s): Three times per day as a swift action, when you are within 30 feet of an ally who is an arcane spellcaster, you can channel a portion of her arcane power into your weapons. For 1 round, you gain a +1 bonus on all weapon damage rolls, and your weapons are treated as magic for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. When your base attack bonus reaches +4 and every 4 points thereafter, this bonus increases by 1, to a maximum of +5 at 16th level.
Special: This feat counts as Arcane Strike for the purposes of prerequisites. ![]()
![]() Was wondering if bonuses from Protective Faith and the Helpful Trait would stack Protective Faith:
Your faith in the Father of Creation strengthens your ability to shield others. When you use the aid another action to grant your ally a bonus to AC, you grant a +3 bonus to AC instead of the normal +2. Helpful: You always know the best way to assist your companions, be it assisting them with a task, defending them in battle, or helping them place a wellaimed strike. When using the aid another action, you grant your ally a +3 bonus instead of a +2 bonus. ![]()
![]() OK so I know that if I were to hold the charge on a spell and deliver it through and on armed strike that weapon for national would apply. My question is would apply to the free touch attack that I get simply for casting a spell i.e. if I have weapons in the ass and cast inflict light ones can I use my dex on the attack roll to touch the target as part of the spell. ![]()
![]() I know we don't even have a release yet, but after realizing just how prevalent this issue is in 1E I wanted to make sure it was something we might get codified into the designer rules you guys use.
There are still a few weapons out there in 1E from as far back as Ultimate Intrigue that don't get any bonuses or count as a group for feats with out GM adjudication. Just a thought. ![]()
![]() Other than those in Unchained does anyone know of any rule for poisons that they might suggest to make them a bit more useful to the players? They would love to make more use of them but outside of a few situations it's typically way more cost effective to stab the guy than to dose them out with poison. ![]()
![]() I love the new way of doing the paladin code and honestly feel like it will help in so many situations. But I do have one request going forward can we have either a different word or a stated definition for 'murder' I just feel like that one will still be used to cause a fall from killing something that might not have been directly hostile but still had to go. ![]()
![]() As a long time pathfinder player something I always wanted to see but never found a working method for was bringing some of the more over the top things from Anime to the game. Sure we have the Path of War and its supplements but you still are fairly grounded with those books. So imagine my surprise when about 5 years ago I found the Bleach d20 system which combines a bit of PF, and D20 modern with a few holdbacks from 3.x. Well about a year ago the man behind the curtain ran into some hard times and after the birth of his daughter had some issues getting things back on track. So those of us who have been around for a bit decided to set up a gofund me to help him get back on his feet. Even if you can't donate if you can at least share it would be great. Take a look here if don't mind. ![]()
![]() David knott 242 wrote:
I want this explained, I want the exact reason written down so that it can be understood what changed. What in the world is so different about necromancy? Is it powered differently? Did we discover that it didn't work the way we thought it did? Did morals lax during the passing of time? ![]()
![]() So the discussion on splash damage lead to me wondering a few things. 1. Can an Alchemist use a Flask thrower to throw their bombs? 2. When doing so does INT modifier from Throw anything still apply? It is called that but it also just states it applies the damage to splash weapons. Throw anything alchemist:
Throw Anything (Ex): All alchemists gain the Throw Anything feat as a bonus feat at 1st level. An alchemist adds his Intelligence modifier to damage done with splash weapons, including the splash damage if any. This bonus damage is already included in the bomb class feature 3. Can you enchant the flask thrower and if so do the enchantments apply to the splash weapons(whether bombs or otherwise)? 4. If all of the above is true what would apply to the minimum damage calculation for a bomb with both static pluses and rolled damage enchantments. ![]()
![]() Since one of the major rules of the Society is cooperation, and sometimes that means paladins have to work with evil as part of the job would it be possible to get an answer on whether or not 1. Such cooperation requires atonement as per the Associates section of the paladin class.
Associates wrote: While she may adventure with good or neutral allies, a paladin avoids working with evil characters or with anyone who consistently offends her moral code. Under exceptional circumstances, a paladin can ally with evil associates, but only to defeat what she believes to be a greater evil. A paladin should seek an atonement spell periodically during such an unusual alliance, and should end the alliance immediately should she feel it is doing more harm than good.[/b] A paladin may accept only henchmen, followers, or cohorts who are lawful good. 2. If so for this instance of atonement only would or should the Society foot the bill for the cost of the spell? EDIT: I think that having this codified would help with making sure that GM's aren't causing paladins undue issues due to sheer dumb luck of who else is at the table, and also give the paladin players a RP reason why either they don't need said atonement or how they cover their possible need for constant aura cleansing. ![]()
![]() So since we have had a back and forth and someone asked what the percentage of people on both sides of the issue where, here a little poll thread on the issue just like the post with your position on it and feel free to comment. Edit: may be a few minutes making sure I have proper positions on both sides. ![]()
![]() So the setting I have been working with my home game is one that uses firearms more often than base fantasy. However I really don't like having a weapon type critically fail, couple that with the guns being more modern in Na'Nil and I was thinking about ways to work them so that it wasn't a oh oh me me choice for everyone even with them being simple and not being so bad that no one wants them. So I was thinking of dropping the Touch Attack mechanic and dropping miss-fire altogether . ![]()
![]() Gloves of Dueling:
These supple gloves grant the wearer a +4 bonus to her CMD against disarm attacks, attempts to sunder her wielded weapons, and effects that cause her to lose her grip on her weapons (such as grease). The wearer doesn’t drop held weapons when panicked or stunned. If the wearer has the weapon training class feature and is using an appropriate weapon, her weapon training bonus increases by +2. Trained Throw:
When the fighter makes a ranged attack with a thrown weapon and applies his Dexterity modifier on attack rolls and his Strength modifier on damage rolls, he doubles his weapon training bonus on damage rolls. Unless he has the Throw Anything feat, the fighter can choose only the thrown fighter weapon group with this option. If he has Throw Anything, the fighter can choose any fighter weapon group with this option and apply this option's benefits to any weapon from that group that he throws. Would the bonus from the gloves be applied before or after the doubling? For instance at level 9 would it be (2WT+2GD)x2TT=8 or 2WTx2TT+2GD=6? ![]()
![]() I don't know how many people have played any of the Cortex system games, but a common theme in these games is a pool of dice that move between the player and GM in one way or another based on the system to create tension. Basicly if the GM has a lot of dice on his side test are more likely to have higher DC's (the systems usually allow up to 3 total dice to be used to make a final result but any number of dice availble may be rolled at once.) while the players having alot of dice means things are calmer and safe as they can more easily overcome challenges. What I am considering using would be the standard hero point rules but also having the GM have a pool to start each adventure with as well. When the GM wishes he can spend a dice on a roll (more than likely with less options than players) and give it to the player most effected when players spend these dice they return to the GM's pool. Some options i though of using to go along with it might include.
2. Have the extra dice on the players side simply be a pool as well with dice available to anyone in the party's use. What do you all think? ![]()
![]() A lot of the new Style feats have a special line allowing use of the feat with either additional weapons of the same weapon group or in the case of Ascetic Style any Monk weapon. Do these exceptions apply to the later feats in the chain or must you only use your chosen weapon for the later feats? Ascetic style wrote: Special: A 5th-level monk or character with the weapon training (monk) class feature can use Ascetic Style with any monk weapon, in addition to the chosen melee weapon. With Ascetic Style we see the additional weapons being those with certain special quality. Smashing style wrote: Special: A character with the weapon training (axes, hammers, or flails) class feature can use Smashing Style with any axe, flail, or hammer, respectively, in addition to the chosen weapon. Most styles are like Smashing style and allow use with any weapon in their weapon group. Startoss Style wrote: Special: In addition to the chosen weapon, a character with this feat and the weapon training (thrown) class feature can use Startoss Style with any thrown weapons that she wields in one hand. Startoss is another odd one as it seems to allow any thrown weapon that is wielded in one hand, possibly opening it up to weapons outside the group altogether. ![]()
![]() Kyton Style wrote:
Ascetic Style wrote:
The question I have is after reaching 5th level would I be able to apply Ascetic style to my spiked chain? ![]()
![]() Okay so I am actually going to delve into the use of pawns and tokens in our upcoming gaming session. What would help are some software suggestions to resize and print battlemaps to actual 1 inch squares when prineted. Tried using MapAlign but it gets an exception when i try to create a file large enough for that size. ![]()
![]() Ravingdork wrote:
With this change over I assume their might be some changes to be made to characters out there. Just wondering what the exact depth of rebuild would be. I would assume that it would be to redo the favored class options and anything that you might no qualify for because of lack of bonus. ![]()
![]() As a break off of this thread I am making a thread for dicussion and hopefully if enough clicks are gained a definitive answer to the question, can a creature with extra arms make weapon attacks with all of them without using iterative attacks.
We see several creatures in the bestiary who use x attacks where x is the number of arms in a full attack in the way described above without a special ruling to allow it. We also see some with extra arms who only use 2 in their written attack sequences. We also see Vestigal Arms which grants arms but gives a specific rule disallowing extra attacks lending to the position that by default extra arms means extra attacks. ![]()
![]() I don't know if the situation will even come up but my group is planning on starting a new game in a few weeks and I've decided to let them vote on a list of ideas I've been wanting to run for awhile and go from there. One of them was Carrion Crown set in a more modern era using the Modern Path. The problem is that chances are we may not have a channeler in the group to handle the haunts easily. Anyone have any suggestions for the best way to deal with this....or will it even be an issue (haven't read back over everything just yet so I might be forgetting something about haunts.) ![]()
![]() Posting the relevant text below and then asking a question in the hopes of reduced table variation. PDT wrote:
With this sorta of clarification could we possibly see a PFS specific ruling regarding whether or not the task being preformed is counted as distracting enough to prevent the character from taking 10 on a check. ![]()
![]() So I have been working on a Red hand of Doom Kirthfinder Conversion. So far I have restatted several of the enemies and plan on starting the party around level 6. If anyone has the time take a look at the stat blocks and let me know what you think and what I might need to change. Updated with working doc. ![]()
![]() Just picked up S&S this weekend and other than lamenting I waited this long to try PACG I have a few questions. 1. We also picked up the Ranger Class deck, Does this provide enough extra cards to increase the players past 4 or do I need to get the char-addon pack. (will be doing so anyways but may have a group of 6 by this weekend.) 2. One of my buddies loves caltrops but we weren't sure if he could re-add to his deck at the end of scenarios if all caltrops got banished and there were still enough items to rebuild his deck. 3. WE cant seem to understand moving the ship and encountering new ships if anyone could explain it easily. ![]()
![]() Hi we are gonna be starting carrion crown this weekend and I'm honestly not big on experience points for just killing so i was going to run it according to story points i found a thread for suggestions on doing this with book one but haven't yet for the others could someone point me in the right direction for a good suggestion on leveling the players without needing to track xp. ![]()
![]() As I am 30 and out of the house it isn't a problem for me, however my youngest brother is wanting to get into pathfinder and my father is extremely conservative religiously. Can anyone possibly point me in the right direction of some articles I can show him or anything really along those lines so we can at least get a dialogue going? P.S. Sorry if this is in the wrong section. ![]()
![]() Since the question was too unclear in the last thread I decided to fire up another since the question has come up again. If a character gains access to a class feature of a class he has no levels in is he allowed to gain archetype modified versions of those abilities or must they be chosen from the base class? Examples are taking the Amatuer Gunslinger feat to gain Up Close and Personal from the Pistolero archetype or taking eldritch heritage to gain a wildblooded bloodline such as Sylvan. ![]()
![]() Since its coming back up and the old thread already had a "answered in FAQ" with no answer I could find I'm going to reposit this in an attempt to seek an answer. Q: If a character gains the ability to select something from another classes list (sorcerer bloodline, gunslinger deed etc.) can the character choose abilities from an archetype of that class( wild blooded bloodlines, Pistolero, etc.) or must it be chosen from abilities from the base version of the class? Please hit FAQ regardless of opinion.