
Latheera Brightstar's page

74 posts. Organized Play character for Mothman.


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Thanks Korskal, Latheera says telepathically to the Shirren. I was in some trouble there.


Thanks Korskal, Latheera projects. She’s glowing brighter now, almost too bright too look at, and the skeletons cannot fail to have noticed her position. She steps to where she can line up another shot …

Now fully photon attuned. Step to D20 and take a shot at S3 with autopistol.

attack: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 2 = 10 damage: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5


Weirdness abounds, the site has not showing any new posts to my games since I was last on. I'll update shortly.


Latheera’s action this round may vary depending on her and her opponents’ and allies’ positions.


Latheera Brightstar wrote:

Latheera gains another Photon atonement point.

She fires her auto pistol at the nearest skeleton (S3): 1d20 + 2 [dice=damage]1d6 + 1, then ducks around the corner, drawing her sword as she goes. Move to D19.

I've noticed that Latheera's movement to D19 last round has not been updated on the map - which possibly means the skeletons could not reach her to attack last round? (which was the intention of the movement).


Latheera gains another Photon atonement point.

She fires her auto pistol at the nearest skeleton (S3): 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5 damage: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2, then ducks around the corner, drawing her sword as she goes. Move to D19.




Latheera begins gathering her power as she moves forward. “Make sure you’re not too close when I start glowing real bright,” she warns her team mates.

Enter Photon mode and gain 1 photon attunement point. Manifest Solar armour (move action), and move to B17, pistol in hand.




“I’ve got a bad feeling about this,” mutters Latheera, pistol in hand.

Init: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (19) + 1 = 20

Sorry for the delay.


“Anyway, everyone suit up and grab your favourite weapons … looks like we need to kill some Corpses. Magnus, you wanna take point on this?”


Wayf wrote:
"We could ask them. If there are any life support components, they wouldn't be using them. And if they talk nicely to us, well I could help them out too. Get them moving again. It would be really interesting to see inside their ship. Do you think they grew the hull? What power source do they use? I once heard about these ships that were powered by magic. Somebody sat in a big chair and it drained the spells out of their minds to move the ship through crystal spheres and a river in space......"

“Oh, I think that space river is in the Diaspora,” says Latheera, “but the bit about draining spells to power a ship sounds … pretty improbable. I mean, why would anyone spend all those years at wizard school or however they learnt magic in the olden days, just to become a big magic battery?”

I loved Spelljammer, but being the mage sucked sometimes!


"Good work everyone. You all rock," says Latheera, finally relaxing and lounging back in her chair.

"But seriously, we need to go over there and fight our way through a ship full of angry bone troopers? One of you computer geeks can't just remote hack them or something?"


"Oh, good shooting Mister Magnus!"


“Patch my comm through to the open channel,” calls Latheera, not trusting herself to tap the right icon. Once she’s sure she’s on, she calls, “Attention gun crews of the Endless Threnody … man, you guys suck! I mean, seriously, big powerful ship like yours and you haven’t blown us out of the Drift yet? You really need to go back to basic and brush up on that precision aiming … though I guess sucking goes hand in hand with being dead …”

Intimidate: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (17) + 7 = 24 Using taunt in gunnery phase to try to intimidate enemy gunners giving them a -2 to all rolls for 1d4 rounds, DC = 15 + 2 x enemy ship tier. 1d4 ⇒ 1 rounds if that worked.


Have they only got one weapon that seems to be targeting us? Or multiple? I am thinking if they are able to fire at us again I should try to taunt them to give them a penalty on gunnery checks.


No, given our facing we only had the turret available. And was Frankie Goes To Hollywood pop? Not sure ...


“Nicely done Wayf. Good shootnig, good flying everyone ... if only their guns weren't so damn BIG! Ok Korskal, do your thing!”

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (6) + 9 = 15 to encourage Korskal, giving them a +2 bonus to check this round if I meet the DC … which is … 17 I think, so no go.


No, it sounds like you have a plan! Let's stick to it.


So at the end of our move would we be facing so that they are aft of us? We have some forward shields left and no aft facing guns, would we be better off to flip and burn so we can have Korskal use a forward facing laser cannon, rather than evade? Or am I misunderstanding our facing?


Latheera is not a fantastic gunner however.


I can try negotiating. Earlier we were told (in character, by the Venture Captain I believe) that the Corpse Fleet ship / crew will not negotiate, but I don't know how hard and fast that is in the context of the adventure as written.

Otherwise I intend to try to taunt their gunner crew to apply a penalty to their next weapons roll.

If preferred I could change role this round to a secondary gunner. And / or maybe our Science Officer or Engineering Officer could jump onto guns?


"Often enough that it's habit forming Wayf," answers Latheera with grim humour. "Does everyone's armour include environmental systems? I have confidence we won't need them but ... it doesn't hurt to be prepared. Korskal, do we still have that channel open to the enemy ship? Perhaps I can distract their gunners..."


If possible.


Wayf wrote:
Can the captain give us a bonus to the initiative/piloting roll?

The captain can do that – apologies for my absence.

Latheera seems somewhat out of her depth with all the tech speak – she definitely doesn’t seem to understand starship systems to any great degree. As the battle progresses she gazes somewhat helplessly at the display screen, her star mote brightening and dimming intermittently.

Abruptly she shakes her head and sits up straight in the captain’s chair, shaking herself out of her fugue. “Right! Helm, evasive action! C’mon Tofana, you can do it!”

Suggest we take an ‘evade’ stunt – piloting check DC is 14, and we get +2 to our AC and TL until next turn. Unless our pilot has something else in mind. Latheera will make a Diplomacy check (DC 17) to try to encourage Tofana, giving them a +2 bonus on next piloting check. Diplomacy: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (11) + 9 = 20


Do you guys want the captain to do 'captainy' stuff (encourage someone for a +2 to their roll, or maybe taunt the enemy), or should I jump on the guns?

"Mister Magnus, fire at will! Oh and ... do you want someone on another weapon there?"


I think both pilot and science officer act in this Helm phase. The captain is happy to give her officers discretion on what to do, but possibly scanning them to try to find out about their weapons might be a good idea? Or improving our countermeasures ...


Korskal via telepathy:
If they are Corpse Fleet they’re unlikely to be open to negotiations …

“Do the active sensors pick up any turrets on that thing? Magnus, I’ll leave attacking and choice of weapons in your capable hands, but I suggest we don’t fire until either they fire on us or we’re behind them.”


"Their rear weapon mounts are badly damaged," observes Latheera, looking at the sensor display. "And with some luck that battle damage may also impact their ability to turn. I want to try to fly around behind them - give them a wide berth, they've got plenty of guns front and sides! Wayf, divert power to the engines, give us a boost ... Tofana, get ready to fly around, not too close until we get behind them or see what they can do. Oh, and can someone open me a comms line to the ship? Maybe I'll dish up some verbal b@%~& slapping on those undead pricks ..."


"Well, it looks like more of nothing out there folks," says Latheera, looking at the ship's sensor display before glancing up and out of the forward view port. "But we know there should be a Corpse Fleet ship ... unless they somehow managed to repair their Drift engines without whatever nasty components the charming ghoul lady was collecting for them. So ... who's in charge of the sensors on this crate? Can we do a scan or something - short range and long range?"


Latheera seems a fairly egalitarian captain; during the journey through the Drift she doesn’t give any orders, ask for status updates or anything. She spends time with her fellow crew members, asking them questions about themselves, their interests, and their ships’ stations. Where possible she tries to also familiarise herself with these stations to some degree; it becomes apparent that she can work the ships controls but doesn’t have great skill as a pilot; she can target the ship’s weapons but doesn’t have the same aptitude for it as Magnus does; and she seems surprisingly inept when it comes to operating computers beyond basic interface and commands. For what it’s worth she seems to have a decent grasp of physics, acceleration, time dilation, Drift travel and the like.

Days in Drift: 5d6 ⇒ (3, 2, 2, 4, 2) = 13


Captain seems to want a high charisma, in particular a good bonus on Diplomacy and Intimidate. I built Latheera with this in mind; she’d be fairly rubbish in other roles, although she could probably be a back-up gunner if required.

Who is our pilot?


"Well you lot all seem to have the technical aspects under control," comments Latheera, "I guess I'll just slouch my way into the captain's chair."


Latheera whistles and runs a finder along the hull of the starship. "Nice ship," she says. "Can we download her specs?"


"Let's roll."


"Um," says Latheera, her antennae twitching. "It doesn't seem quite right to kill her in cold blood now that she's surrendered. And given us the information we were after. Let the gardeners call security and have them deal with her would be my vote."


Is there like Station Security or someone we can alert to this dead chick who is likely to be going around looking for skulls?


Ha! I was going to suggest I assist Magnus, but Latheera is scarier than I thought. She's probably just pissed that her supernova ability was so underwhelming in the end. Nice combat my Magnus with the double pistols and grenade by the way.


Latheera wipes blood off her sword onto some nearby leaves, then rests the still naked blade on her shoulder and saunters over to stand to the left of Magnus. “I’d listen to the ysoki if I were you,” she says conversationally to the Eoxian. “He gets pretty mad when people try to kill him, and he really likes shooting fools. Now … you’re not going to be foolish are you? Come to think of it I don't much like people trying to kill me either ... Telling us where you got the insignias from seems like the real smart choice at this point.” Despite the seemingly pleasant tone there is a hard edge of threat in the solarian's voice.

Intimidate: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 27


Wow, what a build up for such a small damage roll!


“Thanks,” says Latheera, nodding to the downed mercenary as she steps over him. “You’re not much of a sweet-talker though are you?”

The glow of Latheera’s solar armour has increased to an almost blinding intensity (now fully photon attuned with 3 attunement points) as she dashes around past her other attacker.

Intent is to move within 10 feet of both Merc 2 and Exegara. I think J7 is the right spot if everyone’s position is accurate on the map, though J6 could work too. I have enough speed to move around avoiding AoOs I think.

Suddenly a small star explodes, centred on Latheera’s location as a wave of superheated plasma sweeps out in a sphere around her, encompassing the mercenary and the Eoxian.

All within 10 feet of Latheera take 2d6 + 1 ⇒ (2, 2) + 1 = 5 fire damage, Reflex save DC 13 for half.

When the stellar fire fades, Latheera stands unharmed, her solar armour now reduced to a dull glow.


DM and Tofana:
Latheera (as a Solarion) has a couple of abilities that affect all persons within 10 feet of her. There is a 'buildup' for her to activate those abilities, then 'BOOM!' The 'boom' is not actually automatic, I can suppress it if needs be.

I think Nevynxxx is questioning whether what a Solarian can do is general knowledge - and therefore her allies (and possibly enemies) would know to keep away from her as her glow increases.

I have been assuming the other characters either are not aware of a typical Solarian's abilities and/or they don't know exactly what she's going to do and when, so have had Latheera warning people telepathically to stay away. So far Magnus has kind of ignored or not understood, and I have probably left my warning to Tofana too late - didn't have the foresight to post before you took your turn.


Latheera looks past her antagonist at Tofana, her antennae twitching.

Try to stay at least ten feet away from me! My control over the photon's building up inside me isn't absolute ...


The blue glow of Latheera's solar armour continues to grow in intensity she now has 2 photon attunement points as she swirls about to avoid being flanked careful step to G3 before stabbing at the already injured mercenary with her blade.

long sword vs mercenary 1: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (14) + 4 = 18 damage: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7


Nope, attack roll of 17 was a miss against Latheera's KAC thanks to the +4 bonus on going full defensive last round.

As the mercenary swings his hammer at Latheera, the alert solarion brings up her sword, deflecting the blow enough for her to dodge aside.


Merc 1 is up!


Sorry, missed that it was my turn.

Is the floor of the Vat Garden difficult terrain?

Latheera concentrates for a moment, and her solar mote flares into blue light (meaning she’s no longer benefiting from stealth) and once again forms a transparent glowing suit of armour over her form (move action to form solar armour) as she begins to attune herself into photon mode (gain 1 photon attunement point and become photon attuned – this doesn’t take an action).

She holds her body and blade ready in a defensive stance (go Total Defense for +4 AC as a standard action) as she sends a quick telepathic message to Magnus.

Cover me … but don’t come too close.


Yep, you can still stealth at normal speed with -10


Ok, so the concealment applies to anyone down here regardless of their position?


No worries ... Latheera is a little reckless (as evidenced by her running down there ahead of everyone else) but she's not quite stupid enough to leave herself exposed!

By the way ... do these bushes down here look highly flammable?

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