Nevynxxx's SFS PbP

Game Master Nevynxxx

Starfinder Society Games run by me!

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Android Mechanic 1

Wayf continues to act calmly and methodically, moving up to stand behind Tofana. The laser rifle is pointed over the fellow android's shoulder and fired at the skeleton ahead.

Move to B19 and fire at S5.
Laser rifle: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 2 = 161d8 ⇒ 5


Outlaw Android Operative // Init +6 Percept +6 SenseMotive +5 darkvision (60'), low-light vision;// F 2 R 7 W 3, (+2 v disease, mind-affecting effects, poison and sleep) // KAC 18 EAC 18 ; Stamina 9/21 HP 22/22 Resolve 5/5

"Good shot." Tofana intones.

"Latheera, come behind me."


Thanks Korskal, Latheera says telepathically to the Shirren. I was in some trouble there.


Male Shirren F+1 R+1 W+6 SP 7/7 HP 6/12 RP 5/5 Spells 1st 2/3

The shirren hums and clicks, watching over his teammates.

Wayf's shot strikes home, taking a chunk of the skeleton's rib cage out. unfortunately though, the things still keeps coming.


Someone please post for LAth....


Outlaw Android Operative // Init +6 Percept +6 SenseMotive +5 darkvision (60'), low-light vision;// F 2 R 7 W 3, (+2 v disease, mind-affecting effects, poison and sleep) // KAC 18 EAC 18 ; Stamina 9/21 HP 22/22 Resolve 5/5

Feeling Korskal behind her, Latheera calmly pulls the longsword from her hip and sweeps the archaic weapon at the damaged skeleton.

longsword v S5: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9 ... damage: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5

I would have liked to move her behind us, but she'd have taken 2 AoOs to do that anyway. Gambled on bringing down one of them instead.

Tofana's next round, Regardless of skeleton's actions:
Tofana steps forward, grabs the forearm of the skeleton in front of her, and pulls it toward her slashing knife.

Just thought the description sounded good. Rules wise -- cautious step to D19 and attack S5.

Knife v S5: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (17) + 1 = 18 ... damage: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3

Latheera's strike fails to damage the skeleton. Meanwhile, they both attempt to claw back.

Atk S5: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (9) + 4 = 13 DMG (S): 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6
Atk S6: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (17) + 4 = 21 DMG (S): 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4

Everyone Else up.
Tofana's action will take out S5, assuming no one does anything to interfere with it in the mean time.

Venture-Captain Arvin wrote:

Everyone Else up.

Tofana's action will take out S5, assuming no one does anything to interfere with it in the mean time.


Outlaw Android Operative // Init +6 Percept +6 SenseMotive +5 darkvision (60'), low-light vision;// F 2 R 7 W 3, (+2 v disease, mind-affecting effects, poison and sleep) // KAC 18 EAC 18 ; Stamina 9/21 HP 22/22 Resolve 5/5

Korskal, Magnus, Wayf, Latheera! Time for glory!

Character Init
Latheera 20
Skeletons 16
Tofana 11
Korskal 11
Magnus 10
Wayf 7


Move to C20, shoot S6
1d20 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8 to hit, damage 1d6 ⇒ 6

"Eat lead, boney motherf%@%er!"


Android Mechanic 1

Wayf moves and takes a bead on the last skeleton with the laser rifle.

Laser rifle atk: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 2 = 22
Damage (fire): 1d8 ⇒ 7


Android Mechanic 1

Critical Hit extra damage: 1d8 ⇒ 7 plus Burning for 1d6


Male Shirren F+1 R+1 W+6 SP 7/7 HP 6/12 RP 5/5 Spells 1st 2/3

Korskal waits in support. What's Latheera's apparent health now? Does she need aid? If not, Korskal will conserve resources.

As Torfana causally takes a skeleton apart with her knive, Magnus narrowly misses. Wayfs cool and calm aim though finds it's target and the final skeleton falls.

End of combat.

Lath is on 7 of her original 11 HP, so not in dire need.


Male Shirren F+1 R+1 W+6 SP 7/7 HP 6/12 RP 5/5 Spells 1st 2/3

The medic looks over his allies, clicking and humming as he works. There's a definite attitude of those clicks sounding like 'tsk' when he's looking over the ship's acting captain, but he moves on.

What's the plan? Anything I need to know?

"Let's get to the bridge and finish this," growls Magnus.


Android Mechanic 1

"Bridge, This way!" Wayf curtly asserts and strides off deeper into the vessel.


Outlaw Android Operative // Init +6 Percept +6 SenseMotive +5 darkvision (60'), low-light vision;// F 2 R 7 W 3, (+2 v disease, mind-affecting effects, poison and sleep) // KAC 18 EAC 18 ; Stamina 9/21 HP 22/22 Resolve 5/5

Follow that 'droid!


Male Shirren F+1 R+1 W+6 SP 7/7 HP 6/12 RP 5/5 Spells 1st 2/3

Humming and clicking, Korskal is obviously agitated as the group is progressively more divided. He starts to follow Wayf, stops to look back, then looks back and forth in indecision.

Assuming everyone follows WayF

The ships corridors continue in the same steel over bone fashion. Despite the huge size of the ship, getting the the bridge is uneventful, and straight forward.

The bridge of the Endless Threnody is located behind the enormous crimson eye at the front of the ship, bathed in a blood-red glow. The crew stations are fabricated from bone and steel, apparently grown from the floor and walls of this room. Battle damage is evident throughout the bridge, but it is now empty and utterly silent—truly a ghost ship.


Outlaw Android Operative // Init +6 Percept +6 SenseMotive +5 darkvision (60'), low-light vision;// F 2 R 7 W 3, (+2 v disease, mind-affecting effects, poison and sleep) // KAC 18 EAC 18 ; Stamina 9/21 HP 22/22 Resolve 5/5

"I'll try this console." Tofana strides to one of the crew stations and tries accessing the navigation logs.

COmputers: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (8) + 6 = 14

Anyone else doing similar, or assisting?


Outlaw Android Operative // Init +6 Percept +6 SenseMotive +5 darkvision (60'), low-light vision;// F 2 R 7 W 3, (+2 v disease, mind-affecting effects, poison and sleep) // KAC 18 EAC 18 ; Stamina 9/21 HP 22/22 Resolve 5/5

Wayf is our best computer operator, I do believe.


Android Mechanic 1

Wayf attempts to interface with the ship's systems through the inbuilt rig.

Computers: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (12) + 9 = 21


Male Shirren F+1 R+1 W+6 SP 7/7 HP 6/12 RP 5/5 Spells 1st 2/3

Computers aid: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8

Not expecting to be of much assistance, Korskal watches the android work, hoping to learn a thing or two. He wisely chooses to keep his mandibles together, so to speak.

Tofana and Wayf both take a seat and attempt to hack into the bridge computer. It takes a few minutes, but together they deactivate the security that encrypts the core data.

It would seem that the Endless Threnody was attacked by Pirates above a planet called Ulmarid. The planet where the crew found the insignias.

"So - to Ulmarid!"

If there are no other actions?

The trip back through the ship is uneventful, and you make it out to the Lorefinder easily. Once you take off and begin moving away from the Threnody, the holo-viewer kicks in.

"Report. What have you achieved?"


Android Mechanic 1

Wayf will have tried to get any more information from the computer - particularly on what happened in the pirate attack, info about Ulmarid and also information about the design of the Endless Threnody itself.

Wayf wrote:
Wayf will have tried to get any more information from the computer - particularly on what happened in the pirate attack, info about Ulmarid and also information about the design of the Endless Threnody itself.

There is lots of gorey information on the ship that WayF will find interesting, but that isn't greatly useful to the plot.

You also find coordinates for the planet, Ulmarid. Finally you find details of the pirate attack that crippled the Endless and left her drifting..... The details are vague, but you know that the ship attacked as they left Ulmarid...

"We have taken the Endless Threnody and neutralised all resistance. We have identified that the inisgnia were found on the planet Ulmarid. The Eoxians visited there, found the insignia and were subsequently attacked by pirates. We are on our way now!"


Outlaw Android Operative // Init +6 Percept +6 SenseMotive +5 darkvision (60'), low-light vision;// F 2 R 7 W 3, (+2 v disease, mind-affecting effects, poison and sleep) // KAC 18 EAC 18 ; Stamina 9/21 HP 22/22 Resolve 5/5

"Those skeletons are not smart enough to run this ship. Someone else must be aboard, or on our ship."

Before leaving, Tofana searches the Loreseeker looking for anyone who might have snuck on board.

Magnus Norvegicus wrote:
"We have taken the Endless Threnody and neutralised all resistance. We have identified that the inisgnia were found on the planet Ulmarid. The Eoxians visited there, found the insignia and were subsequently attacked by pirates. We are on our way now!"

"Well, done. Head back to Absolon Station though, I want to have the clercs to some investigation before you head out to this, Ulmarid. We have lost one ship there, I don't wnat to lose another."

A small access port in the bridge pops open at this point, and a small tray glides smoothly out. On it are various food stuffs and drinks tailored to your individual tastes.

"You have done a good job so far, I thought you deserved some form of reward. Get back here as quickly as you can."

Tofana searches the ship high and low, but there is no sign that anyone, or anything has breached the Loreseeker. The Eoxian ship was large though, it's remaining crew could have hidden quite easily.

You have a couple of days downtime while you journey back...


Outlaw Android Operative // Init +6 Percept +6 SenseMotive +5 darkvision (60'), low-light vision;// F 2 R 7 W 3, (+2 v disease, mind-affecting effects, poison and sleep) // KAC 18 EAC 18 ; Stamina 9/21 HP 22/22 Resolve 5/5

Tofana has nothing to do, but watch and contemplate the drift.


Male Shirren F+1 R+1 W+6 SP 7/7 HP 6/12 RP 5/5 Spells 1st 2/3

Once the part has returned to the ship, Korskal makes a point of providing healing to anyone still injured. Other than that, he will spend time in contemplation, as well.


Android Mechanic 1

While reviewing the information on the planet Ulmarid, Wayf will be happily (and chattily) informing the crew of their findings, updating them on the progress of the ship repairs and any modifications being planned.


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Outlaw Android Operative // Init +6 Percept +6 SenseMotive +5 darkvision (60'), low-light vision;// F 2 R 7 W 3, (+2 v disease, mind-affecting effects, poison and sleep) // KAC 18 EAC 18 ; Stamina 9/21 HP 22/22 Resolve 5/5

Ship repairs! Tofana will help Wayf with those. She's got an untrained +2 in engineering, so she's qualified to hold the flashlight.

Magnus will obsessively clean his weapons.

Wayf wrote:
While reviewing the information on the planet Ulmarid, Wayf will be happily (and chattily) informing the crew of their findings, updating them on the progress of the ship repairs and any modifications being planned.

Physical science and life science checks would be good here...As you have time, and computer access, I'm going to assume you take 20.....

Ulmarid is a desert planet wracked with fierce storms that scour the surface. Several square tunnels pierce the earth under much of the planet’s crust; although plainly artificial, there is no evidence as to who made these tunnels or why.

A startling variety of vicious, unintelligent monsters inhabit the planet’s surface as well as these subterranean tunnels.

The planet’s two enormous moons collided long ago, filling the planet’s upper atmosphere with a dangerous cloud of tumbling asteroids that
makes approaching the planet with large ships difficult.

Diameter: ×2/3
Mass: ×4/9
Gravity: ×1
Atmosphere: Normal
Day: 2 days; Year: 14 years

Tofana wrote:
Ship repairs! Tofana will help Wayf with those. She's got an untrained +2 in engineering, so she's qualified to hold the flashlight.

With your life support glitching, that's probably a good idea!

Shield points regenerate at a rate of 1/min, you can double this by spending 10 minutes and hitting a DC19 engineering check. Removing the glitching condition on life support is a DC15 Engineering check. Repairing the hull points is a lot harder (see the core rule book).

If someone wants an assist on Engineering I can provide 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (17) + 7 = 24


Android Mechanic 1

If Wayf can take 10 on the engineering checks to repair that's 21; then with two aids that would be a DC25.


Male Shirren F+1 R+1 W+6 SP 7/7 HP 6/12 RP 5/5 Spells 1st 2/3

I cannot make an untrained Engineering check, so I cannot apparently hold the flashlight for you.

Wayf wrote:
If Wayf can take 10 on the engineering checks to repair that's 21; then with two aids that would be a DC25.

You don’t necessarily need to do these ones, but at the same time, I don’t think you can take 10 as there are penalties for failure. You’ve hit one of the DCs with magnus’ roll, may as well try the other. Magnus can roll to assist again too, these are separate issues....


Android Mechanic 1

"If you have the time and the opportunity, you might as well perform some miracles," Wayf chatters to Magnus as they set about repairing the ship. "I was told that once by a very wise priest.... er, that is I heard a mystic say it somewhere."

Engineering: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (19) + 11 = 30

Between WayF and Magnus the ship is brought back to reasonable working order and the journey continues without further incident.

By the time you reach Absolom station, it would seem that the Venture Captain has done all of the research he needs.

As you leave the Loreseeker, you approached by a service crew who direct you to a bigger, much more heavily shielded ship called "The Odyssey"[. Armed with the co-ordinates you have, your orders are relayed to get to Ulmarid as quickly as possible.


Outlaw Android Operative // Init +6 Percept +6 SenseMotive +5 darkvision (60'), low-light vision;// F 2 R 7 W 3, (+2 v disease, mind-affecting effects, poison and sleep) // KAC 18 EAC 18 ; Stamina 9/21 HP 22/22 Resolve 5/5

Looking over the ship Tofana remarks, "This Odyssey has many more weapons than Loreseeker. VC Arvin is preparing us for a fight. But these extra weapons won't help if we don't man them. When we arrive at Ulmarid, everyone not running the ship should be at a gun post."

It would be good to have confirmed positions for each of you for the journey. You don't need to stick to the roles you had before... do what you think best. As Tof says, there's lots of weapons this time.

Your Journey to Ulmarid is an easy one, during which you get the pleasure of a pre-recorded message from the VC:

Venture-Captain Arvin’s pre-recorded hologram stands on the bridge of the Odyssey, his hands clasped behind his back.

“Hopefully your journey was uneventful. Based on your previous mission, we’ve obtained information about the planetof Ulmarid. The desert world has breathable atmosphere but is devoid of intelligent civilization. A cloud of asteroids—leftovers from a collision of the planet’s moons long ago—surrounds the planet, so you must carefully navigate the Odyssey to the surface to find the crashed Unbounded Wayfarer.

“Be sure to bring the Starfinder insignias with you; they will be critical in recovering the information the Starfinders left behind. If you can recover any of the lost Starfinders—alive or dead—please do so as well. Good luck.”

Your previous research also informed you that Ulmarid’s atmosphere experiences sudden and ferocious storms of poisonous crystals

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