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![]() Yes, I would very much like to see the source information on this as well. I am currently prepping a witch for Reign of Winter and this is causing a bit of confusion to me as well. Marphod wrote: Ancestors gets Heroism (not greater heroism, unless that's been errata-ed or d20pfsrd.com typo-ed it) at 12th level. Confirmed on pg 3 of Errata of UM. It is Supposed to be Greater Heroism However, I think a better example is the level 14 Ancestor Patron spell "refuge" which is a Witch 9 spell. A witch doesn't get to cast level 9 spells until level 17. So does this lower the spell level? ![]()
![]() An email I received today regarding the Kickerstarter that stated that I was to have received an email yesterday that "includes a link to Paizo's new Pledge Drive management tool, where you'll be able to validate the information we've received from Kickstarter" I never received an email, what do I do? ![]()
![]() It has been an ordeal and half. Though I am proud to be bringing in new people to the hobby. One of my players used to be a Magic the Gathering player and never played D&D or any other tabletop rpg. Another used to play red box D&D back in the day, and his wife is brand new to the hobby. End game plan is to get a PFS group going. Hope you're having better luck in Atlanta! ![]()
![]() Update: I have a total of 4 players. I still plan on putting the players through the beginner box adventure (as 3 of them are fresh to Pathfinder and the 4th only played once). After that, provided there's no TPK (HIGHLY DOUBTFUL, but hey, fumbles happen) I'm going to run Rise of the Runelords as I just got the anniversary hardcover, and I'm squeeful. There's an empty chair if anyone in Ocean County, NJ is interested. ![]()
![]() The rules of the Charm Person are straight and to the point: Abbreviated Spell info from Core Rulebook:
School enchantment (charm) [mind-affecting] Casting Time 1 standard action Components V, S Target one humanoid creature Duration 1 hour/level Saving Throw Will negates; Spell Resistance yes This charm makes a humanoid creature regard you as its trusted
My question is, what happens at the end of the spell? Is the NPC or PC aware that a spell took place?
Relating to an Adventure Path: I have a witch in the AP Skulls and Shackles who would like know know if Charm Person can be used to help gain the favor of fellow crew members. Honestly I don't know how to answer this. I'm leaning toward a bonus to the roll depending on the original attitude but would like some advice or insight. ![]()
![]() Game is growing, have 1 definite player. I also have another who I will hopefully be helping with their character in a week or so. I would really like at least one more. This game (at the moment) will be hosted at my home in the Toms River area of NJ. Both of the player I mentioned are beginners, as such I will be starting them at level 1 with the Beginner's Box adventures. If you're new and looking for a game PM me or post, we'll make arrangements to get together for coffee or something and talk (just precautionary as it will be in my home after all). ![]()
![]() While I hear what you're saying and understand your point of view, I have to side with the GM. I mean yeah it's nice when gold is raining down on the party but personally don't see a serious issue with this. I guess chalk that up to a different playing style? Maybe you can just slow down the progression of the story and make use of your crafting and profession skills to make a little extra coinage? ![]()
![]() Mathwei ap Niall wrote:
Use of divine magic requires divine influence, which kind of implies a divine connection. Any doubt about divine magic's prohibition in Rahadoum, was put to rest by Death's Heretic ![]()
![]() Two-Weapon Defense RAW:
Eh.. technically I think you can, though personally speaking, I think the spirit of the rule would equate a spike gauntlet to being like having a natural attack. See how your GM feels. As for spell combat, I think that should work. You won't be needing the Improved Unarmed Attack "Gauntlet, Spiked: The cost and weight given are for a single gauntlet. An attack with a spiked gauntlet is considered an armed attack. Your opponent cannot use a disarm action to disarm you of spiked gauntlets." ![]()
![]() Great idea especially if your players are new to this game system. If you want to evolve their awareness later you can make your leads environmental rather than saying "you want to check for traps?"
Make it "eerily quiet" as if this area were purposely unpatrolled. could lead for a trap search. ![]()
![]() Kalshane wrote:
I'd say from a RAW standpoint the added expense to the clothing is a prerequisite to use of the trait. "Extremly fashionable
Adding MW Quality to clothing does seem like a way to artificially inflate the cost of clothing, but it is technically equipment and since the optional trait does make clothing a "tool" for use with a skill the MW Tool should apply. So while there is nothing in RAW that specifically says "You can add MW to clothes" I think it fits very well with the spirit of the RAW. However, I would argue that they should not stack because the cost of the clothes is DIRECTLY the reason how the Trait works. For that reason I would think that since it is the trait that makes use of clothes as a tool, simply MW clothes would have no effect. (Last edit I swear)
![]() Harley and Voodoo covered the main question but.. ...the Dodge Feat is still useful. Dodge bonuses stack so; Dodge feat, Fighting Defensively, total defense, Combat Expertise all stack. Fighting Defensively = -4 to Att +2 Dodge to AC
Great for light/no armor classes ![]()
![]() Stynkk wrote:
I believe a both a disarm and sunder replace the attack action. RAW:Sunder "as part of an attack action in place of a melee attack" Disarm "You can attempt to disarm your opponent in place of a melee attack" I would interpret that as you attack and deal damage or you sunder/disarm can't do both. though I'm sure there are exceptions al la BAB, Two-Weapons fighting. Maybe as a full-round action a PC could try two Sunder checks on a hydra? The Archer has Trick Shot(ex) that allows him/her to preform a sunder check with a bow or crossbow. But that tidbit is a bit off topic ![]()
![]() I say no.
I agree that cinematographically(new word!)speaking it would be frigging awesome. ![]()
![]() @Carl Cascone I live off of Exit 74 in Lacey Township, or Forked River. 102 isn't to much of a trek for me, so if you want to host I'm game for that. @Legendarius Conquest Comics 659 Route 9 Bayville, NJ 08721 On Conquest Comics, they don't stock Pathfinder, as they don't have a market for it (thus why I'm looking on the messageboard) but they can get anything in about a week (delivery on Wednesdays), which I sometimes do just to throw business their way. Sorry for the delay, been a busy week. ![]()
![]() Looking for Pathfinder games, groups, and/or players in the Jersey Shore area. If possible I would like to put together or even join a PFS group. I have already talked to a local comic book store who is willing to host games. I play with a group about once a month, but very much would like to play more. We can play one shots, story arcs, Adventure Paths, etc. ![]()
![]() Greetings All, I currently reside in the Toms River, Manahawkin Region of the Jersey Shore. I'm looking for other people who are interested in Pathfinder. Optimally I would love to do Pathfinder Society games, but that could be something to build to. I have talked to a co-owner local comic book shop who likes the idea of loaning use of their back room for geeky activities. I'm currently in touch with (what I assume to be) the head of another gaming group down here. Any takers? ![]()
![]() It depends. I have a Rogue 6 who will soon be a Rogue/Fighter(Two-Weapon Warrior Archetype). Benefits: I already have TWF feat, trapfinding/disarming role maintained, the Eclectic allows to maintain favored class bonuses, faster development of combat skills (with sneak attack damage). I could have had a more powerful character if I just did fighter all the way, but I didn't want a fighter at first. Over the course of the campaign the PC had to fill the role of a front line attacker to tactically cover bard and sorcerer so they could be effective and flank with our cleric. He's actually on par with our later joining barbarian because of his sneak attack bonuses and his offhand weapon attacks. Funny how character development happens over the course of a campaign. But it's fun that way! ![]()
![]() Fromper wrote:
More a mental exercise than anything else at the moment. Shizzle made a good point that GMs can make a ruling. It makes sense to not have a specific rule, makes things flow better, also offers PCs the chane to come up with stuff to confound the GM for a moment (thus earning bonus XPs :-) ). ![]()
![]() I glossed over the "Rules" messageboard and didn't see anything, so forgive me if I missed it already being answered. The question is on "bench resting" a ranged weapon such as a crossbow, but can be applied to pretty much any ranged weapon that just needs a trigger pull to fire. If I'm behind cover, lets say a fallen log, and can rest my crossbow on it, are there any circumstance modifiers to help with the attack role? ![]()
![]() (Posting just in case anyone else in in the situation as I'm sure the above poster figured something out) My gaming group is doing something similar at the moment, we started with Crypt of the Everflame and continued on through to City of Golden Death, we then did a game I wrote (my first actually) that touches on the idea that Molthune might be gearing up for open war with Nirmathas again and is running a slave camp that mining iron ore in the Mindspin Mountains. We're running Conquest of the Bloodsworn Vale now. If anyone it just looking for ideas, I'll offer the pdf for the game I wrote. It's beginner crap, but it's ideas. ![]()
![]() I have had similar thought processes on this subject, I guess it would all depend on your perspective. If you mess up and forget to activate an item/ability or something like that, that's on you a mistake is just that, so if it was a situation where those hypothetical boots of haste would have helped if you activated them but didn't, I would side with your GM. If it was a situation where you have a +3 Dodge bonus to your AC because of a feat or you just have a +3 because of your DEX and YOU don't apply it when your GM says "does it hit with an AC 16?" (when you should have remembered you're at 19) I still say that's on you, you should know your character better. Story wise that part would be written as (the Orc took a lazy swing at Maethu, and I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw him connect square in the jaw. I have seen Maethu cartwheel over the enemy, leap 30ft from ship to ship in open water, a shot like that should have come no where near him. But it did). BUT, If it's a passive item, like say if the boots of haste are always activated and just making the check means you're good free and clear, (so long as consequences have not been applied) if your GM doesn't allow it, they're a douche. |