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#3-17 SFS #2-04
![]() A cheerful verthani technician finishes installing a holographic display in the meeting room as Venture-Captain Kunoris Vex eagerly watches over his shoulder. Outside, through the meeting room’s primary window, a pair of gnoll gardeners tend to part of a sprawling hydroponics facility built around a crashed cargo pod. In the larger ship landing area, an excited yeti with grease-caked fur leads a group of confused mechanics through trust fall exercises. As the technician finishes, Venture-Captain Vex rushes him out the door and ushers those remaining to sit. “Starfinders! Please, come inside and sit. We’re almost settled in here. It’s starting to feel like a proper lodge and not a war zone.” He smiles warmly and offers to shake everyone’s hand or equivalent appendage before gesturing to the conference table. Vex activates his wrist-mounted comm unit to activate a display on the table, first showing Salvation’s End and then the long hall of vault doors contained within it. “We’ve continued our exploration and examination of the numerous vaults contained within this moon, but the guiding intelligence behind them remains an enigma. To date, the vaults have contained different social experiments involving simple or ancient societies, but recently we intercepted signals from a vault and detected the presence of Pact World and Veskarium communications. The transmissions use encryption patterns our people did not recognize. I’d like you to review them, if any of you have skills at deciphering such things.” Introduce characters and roll a DC 15 Computers or Culture check. ![]()
![]() Scenario wrote: A mysterious signal from within the false moon of Salvation's End requires further investigation from a Starfinder team. Inside a newly opened vault, the PCs uncover a gateway into a potential future—a future where the Pact Worlds has fallen into disarray. Meanwhile, an ongoing invasion from an outside force threatens the stability of the entire vault. Only by learning about this theoretical future before the vault falls to ruin can the Starfinder Society hope to alter a future catastrophe. Opening recruitment for a 7-10-tier Starfinder scenario. One seat reserved for cmloblue. ![]()
#3-17 SFS #2-04
![]() Pathfinder 1st edition special #8-00, tier 3-4 OOC thread. After you have signed on spreadsheet, submit your character information on RPG Chronicles. ![]()
#3-17 SFS #2-04
![]() Astronomers have marveled as the famous comet Aucturn's Tear once more soars through the solar system, yet this cycle, strange portals have begun opening on each planet the comet passes, and a powerful entity trapped on the other side of these gateways desperately calls for help. To the Pathfinder Society, this is a once-in-a-human-lifetime opportunity to discover what lies through these portals—and either free the captive trapped within or ensure that it remains sealed forever. ![]()
![]() Official sign-up here. First come, first served. 1. Player name
![]() When you have signed on the event listing, post your character info here. 1. Player name
#3-17 SFS #2-04
![]() Two silent servants open a pair of richly lacquered doors, and a human and two dwarves stride into the lavish parlor. The man, clad in immaculate robes of whitest silk, is short and round with a blond oiled beard, and his eyes are alert and amused. He takes a touch of snuff from a golden box and sneezes before saying, “It is a pleasure to welcome Pathfinders to one of my estates once more. I am, as you may know, Temel Passad. Allow me to introduce—” One of the two dwarves, a redheaded female in deep scarlet robes, curtly interrupts the man. “We can introduce ourselves, Passad. I am Metella Raugar, representing the interests of several Highhelm mercantile consortia. My companion”—she gestures to a dwarven man with leathery skin baked by the sun, his head swathed in a bright yellow scarf—“is Amauhak of Reth Bezel, a mystic of the sand dwarves of Osirion.” The Gameday starts on September 4. ![]()
![]() 1. Player name
Please sign in on the spreadsheet. ![]()
#3-17 SFS #2-04
![]() The growing light of predawn filters in through a window of the two-story building that Amenopheus has rented in Eto, and the aging Garundi man takes a seat on one of the cushions set out for this meeting. He produces a sealed letter from his robe, placing it in the middle of the floor before speaking. “Good morning, Pathfinders. As you know, we have had our share of setbacks recently. Not only have the emerald and topaz gems sacred to my order slipped through our fingers, but we also faced the frustration of finding nothing but fragments of the once great ruby. Thankfully, its power is not lost entirely, and through the Ruby Sage’s blessing, it lives on in you. I am thankful that you have agreed to act on her behalf and see this through to the end.“ “As we speak, the scoundrels who seized the two gems cross the Pillars of the Sun to meet their employer, the cryptic Diamond Sage.” He sighs heavily. “What she intends to do with the gems is a mystery, but the sage jewels are too important for me to take risks with. If the power that you wield is representative of a shattered jewel’s potential, imagine what one might accomplish with three undamaged stones! Until we know what her plans are, it is paramount that we get to the jewels first.
Letter from Norden Balentiir on slide 7. Important Mythic rules reference on slide 6. Slides link ![]()
#3-17 SFS #2-04
![]() The sun bears down oppressively through the jungle’s humidity, causing the air to shimmer and lending an even greater feeling of otherworldliness to the Mwangi city of Nantambu. Aya Allehe enters the sweltering room in the local Pathfinder Lodge with a worn and harried look in her eyes. “Thank you for agreeing to meet here on such short notice,” she begins. “As you may already know, the venture-captain of this lodge, Nieford Sharrowsmith, has been away for several weeks heading an expedition into the interior of the expanse. A week ago, I received a letter addressed to Sharrowsmith from our agent working in the Aspis Consortium-controlled city of Bloodcove, Malika Fenn. The letter appeared to be a routine report, though I recognized that it hid an encoded message that describes an impending Consortium expedition up the Vanji River, planned to depart within the week." “Malika additionally informed us that this expedition’s aims are of great concern to the Pathfinder Society. She has collected substantial intelligence to this effect but is unable to get the information out of the city for fear that the Consortium will detect and intercept it. To make matters worse, Venture-Captain Sharrowsmith has failed to check in with any other Pathfinder contacts in the region or send back any messages during his own expedition. The timing of these two events is too convenient for my liking, so even though I am only overseeing this lodge in Sharrowsmith’s absence, I ask that you travel into the lion’s den to retrieve the information that Malika has gathered on this expedition so that we can find out if it is connected to Sharrowsmith’s disappearance. Malika has indicated that she left a message for us in the Witchlight Inn that will help us find her information, so head there first." “Though these are grim circumstances, they also present us with an opportunity. Once you have infiltrated the city, try to sabotage the Consortium’s preparations for the expedition. You won’t be able to stop it completely, but you can at least buy us some time to determine its nature and formulate a response. I also want you to make some inroads for the Society in the city. Gaining the ability to move agents and supplies through Bloodcove more easily would be a massive boon for our operations in the Expanse. I have some information on some disenfranchised citizens of Bloodcove who may be up to the task. Finally, gather some intelligence of your own. Talk to the people of Bloodcove and see how complete the Aspis’s control over the populace is. Report to me any groups or people of influence who may be sympathetic to our cause and support us in future moves against the Consortium. Once you’re done, get out of the city. Leaving in a different way than you arrived tends to be best.” Please introduce characters present. To gather information on city of Bloodcove, roll Knowledge (geography or local). Diplomacy (gather information) or Knowledge (local) help you know stuff about Bloodcove’s political and social dynamics. ![]()
#3-17 SFS #2-04
![]() Venture-Captain Naiaj summons you to meet in her office in the Lorespire Complex. Her office, usually utilitarian and organized, is a bit of a mess, with research materials, paperwork, datapads, supplies, and the detritus of various missions scattered across her desk. A holographic screen that runs across the entire length of one wall displays the Pact Worlds, with colored dots marking pending and in-progress missions—most related to the ongoing Drift Crisis. Venture-Captain Naiaj surveys the group with her characteristic grim expression. “Don’t bother sitting. I’ve got no time to spare, so this’ll be brief.” She waves her hand through the air, causing the holographic wall to zoom in on Akiton’s central wastes. “During the Drift Crash, a large piece of planar debris was ejected from the Drift and collided with Akiton’s surface, crashing down outside of the town of Great Gwaz. The impact destroyed half the settlement and drew the attention of Avor Stelek, a Starfinder of some renown who was visiting Akiton at the time. Avor’s preliminary reports indicate the planar debris took root and sprouted into some kind of jungle, terraforming Great Gwaz and its immediate outskirts. Conflicting reports from locals suggest the jungle sprouted from the epicenter of the impact site, disrupting the natural ecology of the area and altering existing life forms, potentially on a genetic level. Despite the danger, the locals and some gangs have already moved into Great Gwaz, looking to cash in on what they’re calling the planar bloom.” “Travel to Great Gwaz and assist Avor in investigating the planar bloom and its effects on local lifeforms. Determine whether the planar bloom is a boon or a bane and proceed accordingly. Your first of order of business is to report to Avor Stelek. The Drift Crisis is wreaking havoc on communications, so I’ve no way to know how old his preliminary report is. He’ll have to update you upon your arrival. Understand?” Please introduce your characters ![]()
#3-17 SFS #2-04
![]() A new day dawns in the Osirian trade city of Eto only hours following the meeting with Grandmaster Torch. In exchange for a handful of services, he delivered several maps and sketches of landmarks that collectively point the way to the last known resting place of one or more sage jewels—enchanted gems capable of storing memories of Osirion’s past and reviving the Sapphire Sage Amenopheus’s order. “Those will take you where you want to go,” Torch declared while handing over the maps.
Diplomacy and Knowledge (local) may be used to ask around the Eto bazaar and the caravanserais for information about desert travel or any hint of their competition with the rival group. ![]()
![]() scenario wrote: Unstable planar matter ejected from the Drift has collided with Akiton's wastes, causing regional destruction and rapid biological mutations. Yet, from this collision sprouts opportunity, as the planar collision terraforms Great Gwaz into a lush, jungle paradise. At the request of famed Akitonian Starfinder Avor Stelek, a team of Starfinders is dispatched to investigate the so called "planar bloom." Can the Starfinders stop the planar bloom's spread? More importantly: should they? Recruitment for Outpost VI 1) I'd like to hear of your experience in Pbp-games and Starfinder system. If you recall having played with or GM'd game for me, you have advantage in selection.2) Party composition: enough diversity in classes and skills. No more than 3 PCs of same class. ![]()
#3-17 SFS #2-04
![]() Venture-Captain Norden Balentiir shutters of the windows in his second-story office overlooking the lodge’s tranquil gardens and seats himself behind his writing desk. He nods and introduces a thin, aging Garundi man in an ornately bejeweled and feathered turban. “This is Amenopheus, the Sapphire Sage. I trust most of you know of him already. If you don’t, know that he has served both the Ruby Prince and the Pathfinder Society for many years, uncovering vast troves of lore from Ancient Osirion and mentoring some of our finest agents. He recently approached my colleagues and me with a request for assistance, and the Society has agreed to step up and aid its ally. The arrangement is, in fact, rather mutually beneficial.” He nods to Amenopheus, signaling the elder man to speak. “Faithful servants of the past, I bid you greetings,” the wizened sage says with a shallow bow. “Our esteemed ruler, the Ruby Prince, recently released me from his service, which has freed me to learn more about a little-known organization to which I belong: the Jeweled Sages, protectors of Osirion’s history and chroniclers of its past glories. Quite by accident, I found myself initiated into this group, and have long believed myself to be its sole surviving member. Each sage in the group possesses a unique jewel —a priceless artifact that contains memories of Osirion’s golden age.” He pauses as if considering how to express his thoughts “For many years, I have sought news of any other members of the Jeweled Sages. My agents recently learned of the Diamond Sage, whom they traced to the city of Eto in the Osirian Desert. At the same time, I received word from a reliable source that several other jewels in the vicinity. I ask that you travel to Eto, negotiate with my contact in the city for his assistance, and then use what you learn to find the Diamond Sage and these lost jewels.” Venture-Captain Balentiir frowns and adds, “This contact has tried to remain anonymous, but we suspect he is none other than Grandmaster Torch. If you’ve heard of him —or worse, met him— you may know trading favors is his signature. Regardless of Torch’s past treacheries, we need you to deal with him fairly for the information. There is a caravan leaving for Eto in a few hours, so don’t delay.” Post your introductions, any questions, purchases etc ![]()
#3-17 SFS #2-04
![]() The crisp chill of the Arcadian Ocean can be clearly felt as it sweeps across the fetid waters of Riddleport Harbor and onto the city streets, and the briny air inspires recent memories. Only a few days ago, back in Magnimar, Venture-Captain Sheila Heidmarch detailed the covert mission from behind the oaken desk in her office. “Lissala is the Thassilonian goddess of runes, fate, and obedience,” she explained. “Her followers are wicked and secretive, but they can be bought for the right price. The Aspis Consortium offered that price. In exchange for creating a back door into the Hao Jin Tapestry—a museum demiplane that we Pathfinders thought was entirely our own—the Aspis Consortium promised a river of wealth to the secretive cult. The Pathfinder Society ejected the Aspis Consortium from the Hao Jin Tapestry and the Consortium defaulted on its contract with the cult of Lissala. As you might expect from followers of a goddess of duty, the Lissalans are irate at the Aspis Consortium for defaulting. Tensions between the two groups are at their breaking point, and I need you to finish the job.
#3-17 SFS #2-04
![]() Venture-Captain Ambrus Valsin paces in front of a small table in this meeting room in the Grand Lodge. In front of him on the table is a packet of parchments.
Ambrus rubs his temples with one hand, then continues. “Our relations with the quahs have already been somewhat strained, although friendlier than their other connections with outsiders. Fortunately for us, we have some history of goodwill with the Shoanti, so Cousin to All was able to convince the other quahs to send representatives to hear our side of the story. Unfortunately for us, our side of the story is still bad. Lumketul showed no regard or respect in his blind pursuit of discovery, and frankly, the Society doesn’t have much grounds to deserve forgiveness. The Muschkal Sepulcher is an important location for all the quahs, and Lumketul’s disregard has cast the Society as a whole in a bad light. We’ve tried contacting Lumketul, but he has cut contact with the Society, and no one in the Society has heard from him in over a year. This is where you come in. I would like for all of you to travel to the meeting of the councilmembers and represent the Society. I believe excuses will not be received well; rather, please petition the council with utmost earnestness and sincerity.” Ambrus pushes the packet of parchments across the table. “I’ve had Lumketul’s notes on his expedition dug up in the hopes they’d be of some use. I’ve also included a copy of his Chronicle publication, although his embellishments and obfuscation of truth may have rendered it useless; nevertheless, maybe you’ll glean some helpful information from it.” Ambrus then reaches down beside him and pulls up a large satchel and an egg-shaped rock that emits a warm, red glow. “The bag contains the items Lumketul plundered from the burial site. At the very least, we must return the items to the Shoanti, and I request you try to convince the council to allow you to restore the sepulcher to its proper state. As for the stone, if you touch it to a broken object, it will gradually repair it. It won’t last forever, but it should have enough magic left in it for this mission.” The venture-captain pauses for emphasis. “It’s important to the Society to develop further relations with the quahs, so this could be an opportunity to show that we can be trusted.” Character introductions, please. Any questions and knowledge rolls will be answered in January when we will formally begin. |