9th Generation Ventrue - Willpower 8 - Blood 5/14
![]() ST: Hunting Rolls I believe DC 5 as this is a "lower class" neighborhood - Carousing with the Ladies: Charisma+Subterfuge 4d10 + 3d10 ⇒ (2, 1, 4, 2) + (10, 2, 2) = 23 Charisma+Subterfuge 4d10 + 3d10 ⇒ (6, 6, 5, 6) + (3, 9, 1) = 36 Charisma+Subterfuge 4d10 + 3d10 ⇒ (2, 7, 10, 7) + (8, 8, 1) = 43 After I feed should I just have myself walk up to where they are now?
9th Generation Ventrue - Willpower 8 - Blood 5/14
![]() Kent has Freddy drive him to the nearest "night club" to their destination to get a bite. Still unable to truly manipulate Mortal minds well, and in a big rush, Kent puts up money for the "champagne room" where there might be no sex, but there will be heavy "necking" and feeding to be sure! ![]()
9th Generation Ventrue - Willpower 8 - Blood 5/14
![]() "Kent Woolthorn, tell me Craig, have you significant mastery of the Sight? If not, do any of you? That would certainly be helpful in this endeavor. Though I do believe we should be discussing this little game of ours where less ears are about to hear us". ![]()
9th Generation Ventrue - Willpower 8 - Blood 5/14
![]() Kent chuckles at Triel's declaration, "That's fine so long as you are handy with a shotgun, I am more partial to the handgun". The Ventrue shrugs at Kaydee's statement, "Seems reasonable. It's fortunate then that you did not stay with them else you may not be here this night. In your time with them, did they mention any odd circumstances or enemies that were afflicting them, new as they may have been to this territory?" ![]()
9th Generation Ventrue - Willpower 8 - Blood 5/14
![]() Kent raises an eyebrow and wonders if this is the opportunity that Sovereign mentioned before sending him here or if it is just a coincidence. Kent responds, "We shall do our best to ensure that such criminals are at least unmasked if not brought to justice. A few questions if I may. Do we have permission to search these locations Princess? Are there any suspects being considered that we should be concerned about or at least made aware of? What is the level of aggression we are emboldened to bring to bear should we locate the perpetrator or is it our job to inform you before any action is taken?" ![]()
9th Generation Ventrue - Willpower 8 - Blood 5/14
![]() Kent does not look back at the Reaper as, quite frankly, he has nothing to say to the Kindred. Once the door opens, he enters, not cutting in front of any of the other new arrivals if they are before him in "line". He surveys the room to find a place to take a seat but does not sit until bidden to by the Princess. ![]()
9th Generation Ventrue - Willpower 8 - Blood 5/14
![]() Kent shrugs at McNeely, "It appears the formalities are complete Primogen McNeely. This meeting should prove interesting, though based upon my prior associations with Lodin, such meetings are generally less than pleasant, perhaps a Gangrel Princess shall be less, adversarial". After McNeely responds, Kent will bow to the Elder formally and attend to the Princess as per her request, at the five minute mark, no sooner and no later. ![]()
9th Generation Ventrue - Willpower 8 - Blood 5/14
![]() Kent looks the Princess in the eyes and declares, "I shall follow the Traditions of the Camarilla as well as the customs of your Domain Princess. I shall honor all declared Elysium and treat the Domains of my fellow Kindred with respect and dignity as if it were your own Haven. I have been told of the importance of the Treaty of the Ring of Gold and shall uphold it to ensure the peace that has been striven for by my Elders remains intact". ![]()
9th Generation Ventrue - Willpower 8 - Blood 5/14
![]() Kent stands to head towards the Princess for his own introduction when the newcomer steps into the room. The Ventrue pauses to ascertain whether this one will move forward, when he does not, Kent nods to him and then approaches the Princess. He pauses and then begins his introduction, "Princess, I am Kent Woolthorn Clan Ventrue,
9th Generation Ventrue - Willpower 8 - Blood 5/14
![]() Albeit a step behind not having known what to expect, Kent also states "I do". Unity among several Clans at once is something he has never experienced before. Indeed, the largest number of Cainites he has been before was his first introduction to Lodin and his Brood, this gathering dwarfs that. ![]()
9th Generation Ventrue - Willpower 8 - Blood 5/14
![]() Kent nods and smiles at the Toreador Elder. He does not approach, at least not yet. Personal interests must be tempered with his standing within Clan Ventrue, Kent knows the Ventrue are not well liked and certainly is beginning to understand why but that is his family now and standing outside of one's family just is not done. His rebellion led him here when he could have had a different path. ![]()
9th Generation Ventrue - Willpower 8 - Blood 5/14
![]() Kent is puzzled by, what he assumes to be a Brujah speaking, about the title of Duke. To mask his ignorance, he remains silent. After all, better to be assumed to know something than to come out and admit to ignorance, especially in open Court. He nods to Triel, considering his own response to the rude Brujah Elder in Elysium, he has respect for her bravery though he could tell by her speech that where she was going to go could have led to trouble for her. He watches and waits to see the rest arrive. Leaning into McNeely he speaks, ST & Kent: "That one I believe was going to respond in a most offensive manner, tis a good thing for her that this Duke stepped in. The art of offense without being offensive appears lost on the Clan of Rebellion". ![]()
9th Generation Ventrue - Willpower 8 - Blood 5/14
![]() He wants to ask what the damned statue-like creature is but he supposes there will time for that later. Kent notes Scarpa so he knows what he looks like finally after being warned of him at first arrival. Interesting how someone who appears so plain could be considered so deadly even among their own kind. Kent watches the Primogen closely to gauge his reaction to the Brujah Triel. ![]()
9th Generation Ventrue - Willpower 8 - Blood 5/14
![]() Triel Carter wrote: "Yeah" - Triel smiles and looks Kent over from top to bottom - "You think it's on purpose? See if someone loses it?" - she chuckles again - "Might be fun actually" Kent raises an eyebrow, "Perhaps, with the Kindred, one can never know what games are being played. It may be an excuse to bring one with low courage and high esteem down in the eyes of their peers. It could be so many things. Or it could just be that the Elders don't like change overmuch. Harnessing electricity after all is rather new all things considered". ![]()
9th Generation Ventrue - Willpower 8 - Blood 5/14
![]() Kent looks at the open flames, small as they are, and shrugs, "Indeed, something not seen everyday any longer". He looks about the room to see who is present besides himself and the Primogen of course. Spotting Triel he nods to her respectfully. 5d10 ⇒ (10, 6, 10, 10, 3) = 39 ![]()
9th Generation Ventrue - Willpower 8 - Blood 5/14
![]() Kent: "Understood Primogen. I shall be discreet if I discuss such ideas at all. The tale does make me wonder..."
Kent gives his head a firm shake, "Now is not the time, perhaps another night we can discuss the past. For now, I shall follow your lead Elder". He bows graciously and deferentially but not in a way that would invite the thought of cravenness to an observer. ![]()
9th Generation Ventrue - Willpower 8 - Blood 5/14
![]() Kent: Kent can not hide his eyebrows raising at the tale, "Certainly I have heard that myth before.
I did not suspect that it had any true meaning other than that of a story. If true, how do the Toreador fit into this rivalry? Is their enmity for the Ventrue or the Brujah?" ![]()
9th Generation Ventrue - Willpower 8 - Blood 5/14
![]() Kent: Kent nods in understanding, "Is this a move designed merely to weaken the Brujah or to goad him into a foolish overreaction, or both?
Seems to me one of his henchmen wanted to strike me, right inside of Elysium! Just for speaking mind you. Poor etiquette to be sure, but the Brujah Elder waived him off. The Brujah Camarilla here seem even more aggressive than the Brujah Anarchs of Gary". ![]()
9th Generation Ventrue - Willpower 8 - Blood 5/14
![]() Kent nods at the Elder, "Good evening Primogen McNeely. Yes, I am indeed very much still interested in the offer. I appreciate your good will. Tell me, are there a large influx of Cainites? I have had a brief encounter with a Caitiff who appears to be requesting permission to stay. Is the Princess likely yo accept an appeal from one so... downtrodden?" Sorry for the delay, RL got a bit hectic there! ![]()
9th Generation Ventrue - Willpower 8 - Blood 5/14
![]() Kent: The Ventrue makes sure he is presentable and advises Freddy that he cannot attend for the evening but should follow behind Kelly just in case he needs to make a quick exit.
Then he will enter and look for Kelly, awaiting with anticipation the chance to meet the full Court, and then, quite frankly, go feed! ![]()
9th Generation Ventrue - Willpower 8 - Blood 5/14
![]() Kent and Sean:
Kent wakes, feeling ever more depleted. Now though, that he will be introduced, the chance to feed shall finally arrive and with hi owing nothing more to any Kindred than was absolutely necessary.
"I trust I shall see you at the introductions tonight Sean?" "Remember, if you seek assistance from me, it is best that we make such an arrangement a private affair between we two". Kent: Kent and Freddy head to Kelly's per instructions from the Elder of Clan Ventrue so that Kelly can safely navigate him to the Princess' domain.
9th Generation Ventrue - Willpower 8 - Blood 5/14
![]() Kent: Now that Kent has some leads he is content to listen to the radio and shoot the s$#* with Freddy until the appointed time that he agreed to wait for Sean.
If the Caitiff does not arrive, he will head back to his Haven and sleep it out until the next day. Same thing if Sean does show except that now he'll have something to possibly talk about! ![]()
9th Generation Ventrue - Willpower 8 - Blood 5/14
![]() Kent: Kent nods, "Excellent, thank you Kelly. I will be at that boat no later than 8:30 tomorrow evening".
Kent exits the private room and sits at the table with Freddy giving him an hour or so to relax, eat, and have a drink before they move out once more. --- Outside in the Car "I will need to contact the Coroner's Office in a few days but I am not sure it will suit my purposes. Still, feeding when not fully announced is dangerous so I wish to avoid it tonight, hungry as I may be tomorrow, some risks are not worth the trouble. For now, let's find a phone book and a map and list out all of the Strip Clubs in the area, we'll need to hit several in the coming months so I am not too reliant on any one place. We can do this work while waiting near the Art Museum for Sean to arrive, if he does not show it's back to the Motel, for at least one more night". ![]()
9th Generation Ventrue - Willpower 8 - Blood 5/14
![]() Kent: "A pleasure to meet you.
McNeely had informed me that you had the line to him should I ever need to contact him and in fact tomorrow night I will need to be brought before the local head woman in charge at Harrier Island. I will need to know the best way to arrive there tomorrow and you are my contact regarding that duty. However, I also need a local contact for myself as I will require a certain type to sate my own needs. Tell me, how many Gentlemen's Clubs are within the Twin Cities area? How many are in territories controlled outside versus inside of the Ring of Gold and how many, if any, are owned by my "kind"." ![]()
9th Generation Ventrue - Willpower 8 - Blood 5/14
![]() Kent: "Good. I wanted to make sure you were you before I discuss anything further. I am Kent, McNeely informed me that I should seek you out and so I am, I will be there shortly. I trust you are not going anywhere?"
Assuming he's not, Freddy will drive there. "Thoughts on what you have observed of the city so far my friend?" ![]()
9th Generation Ventrue - Willpower 8 - Blood 5/14
![]() Kent: Kent nods,"The weight of time must be a heavy one to bear.
I think I understand and I will make sure to keep such questions limited to our interactions. I appreciate you making time for me Elder". Kent did not exactly have his questions regarding the current political climate met but he got more than most will so early into their time here he suspects. Bowing respectfully Kent exits and meets up with Freddy, "My friend, I need to pay a visit to the Ventrue Elder's personal attache Kelly Hecho, he is located at a bar called Kelly's in Centerville, let's stop at a pay phone to call and get the address". At the nearest pay phone, Kent calls Kelly. ![]()
9th Generation Ventrue - Willpower 8 - Blood 5/14
![]() Kent: "Fair enough, hard to befriend someone who charges and attacks you on sight. Looking at our kind you could not tell if we were Gangrel, Toreador, or some other Clan.
I suppose I have just one more question as I have already taken up much time already though I would like to come back and visit again and speak of the past as that is what truly intrigues me... What are your opinions of the Sabbat versus the Camarilla? Are they truly so much different than we are?"
9th Generation Ventrue - Willpower 8 - Blood 5/14
![]() Kent: "Do the Gangrel have their own interactions with the Lupines? It's what I have always heard or is that just a myth that they are able to move through such territory less molested than the rest of us?
The one Gangrel I was friendly with refused to say yea or nay on the matter, she would just grin". ![]()
9th Generation Ventrue - Willpower 8 - Blood 5/14
![]() Kent: Kent's eyes light up a bit, "Ah, I fear that my understanding of the history of our kind is lacking. Without context I guess I cannot understand rivalries...
I suppose my Sire did me a service, not being wed to Ventrue ideology will allow me to understand how others perceive the role of my Clan in the world today. That makes sense. And the current political factions? How do they interact with historical politics? Is the current Prince or Princess a Malkavian?" ![]()
9th Generation Ventrue - Willpower 8 - Blood 5/14
![]() Kent: "Interesting, I would not have suspected that certain Bloodlines among Clans would evoke different reactions.
I would very much like that. Thank you in advance if it ever comes to pass. I fear that I would wish to know more than I could possibly provide in return. So for now I shall limit the scope of my question to the current hierarchy of the city. Who is who is you will... and whether the Brujah I met last night has a vendetta against all Ventrue or just those who are Neonates". ![]()
9th Generation Ventrue - Willpower 8 - Blood 5/14
![]() Kent: "I understand Elder. I shall not do anything foolish to upset such a delicate balance of power. However, if at some point you must meet with them to discuss a matter for a point of negotiation I would be willing and honored to accompany you to such a meeting".
Kent grins, "Ah yes my lineage. Sovereign made me memorize it by heart for an announcement to any Prince. Kent Woolthorn Clan Ventrue,
9th Generation Ventrue - Willpower 8 - Blood 5/14
![]() Kent: What language is the book written in, French?
"So you personally know the Inner Circle of Clan Toreador? That is certainly an impressive lineage, my Clan cares about pedigree above all else that is for certain. I was wondering why you would have relinquished your Princeship... I have many questions stemming from a tale as fantastic as yours but that shall have to wait I know. I fear mine own story is mundane and will bore you but a deal is a deal even if you get short shrift. I was born in the year 1961 to a family of merchants. We owned a handful of lucrative department stores from a chain that has nearly a century long legacy of quality and favorable customer treatment and affordability. Things that my grandfather and father after him prided themselves on. As a child I never wanted their lives, I was always on a quest for something new. New endeavors, new experiences. I suppose it made me more interesting than my mundane peers but also affected my ability to truly master any one thing. My gift then is the gift of being personable. I found that one need not be anything but interesting and a free-thinker and people would gravitate towards you. I frettered my youth away indulging in new hobbies and interests. The same thing happened in my schooling, in four years of University I changed my major six times. Not wanting to work in my family business but wanting to maintain a wealthy lifestyle I settled on finance and found that my ability to be well liked was just as, if not more, important than my ability to truly understand markets. Markets are after all made of people and much as economists like to believe markets are a mathematical riddle they are just as often controlled and swayed by human emotion. For a few years I did well until I made a significant mistake. This was less due to my own growing skills in my choice of profession and more due to my new hobby, drugs and women of the night. Coming to work with no sleep and still intoxicated is a recipe for making a mistake. The mistake I made was significant, so significant that my Sire himself called me to a meeting. I believe that he intended to feed upon me or at least have me killed for that error. Then he discovered not only my pedigree but the penchant for night life in Gary Indiana that I hid from all but my best friend. The man who is now my most trusted ghoul servant. Sovereign made me a ghoul and began to utilize me to gather information on the Mortals that served the Anarch Maldavis. Soon enough I was effective enough and in deep enough that my Sire decided to Embrace me as a more potent weapon against the Anarchs. However, I am young and despite my talents in finance my talent for cloak and dagger spy games was not up to the task that my Sire expected of me. I became a liability, instead of having me potentially captured by the Anarchs to be used against His Sire, Sovereign sent me here instead. For a vague "opportunity". Thus, I am here to answer the call of opportunity. Or as a punishment due to a failure related to a standard I could not possibly have un-lived up to. Still, for a man who wished for a unique opportunity in life I have certainly found one in death". Kent turns the book in his hands and as if unable to control himself blurts out, "I really want to meet a werewolf face to face". He stops and his face is aghast, "Damn and I was doing so well. My apologies Elder, I sometimes find it hard to hide my own exuberance when faced with the prospect of an exciting new experience..."