Isai Odighuzua

Kellan, the cursed's page

47 posts. Alias of Aku Warashi.

Human Hero Killer1 / Holy Assassin1 / Deceiver2

Many trials have you faced over the last week. Against many you have raced for this chance. You saw several more accomplished adventures aiming for the same opportunity and you know not what criteria was the deciding factor, but somehow, you were chosen.

You’ve been escorted to a modestly decorated room, with chairs and couches and tables, refreshment, food and drinks. In the same room, four other awaits just like you.
Please describe your character and introduce yourself.

Human Hero Killer1 / Holy Assassin1 / Deceiver2

Hey, welcome!

Post here if you have any doubt about the game, also, take this time to make any last minute adjustment to your hero. If you guys want, feel free to talk among yourself and discuss skills and roles for the game.

Also, I tried to select a good mixed party. A friend of mine will be joining the game in a couple of weeks, after she finishes her travels. She’ll play an alchemist, and I know the role has some overlap with the Hedgwitch proposed by David and the Elementalist by Ventiine, but I think it’ll all work out in the end.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask it out.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Brevoy is a proud land, known throughout Golarion for producing able warriors, regal nobles, and clever rogues. Yet Brevoy’s two regions, Issia and Rostland, have long held one another in contempt and now stand on the verge of civil war. Both Issia and Rostland were independent nations until Choral the Conqueror’s barbarian armies and red dragon servitors united the regions into a single kingdom two centuries ago. Until recently, the iron rule of House Rogarvia maintained a fragile peace between the two regions. But a decade ago, House Rogarvia mysteriously disappeared, and the conniving leaders of Issia’s House Surtova supplanted them as Brevoy’s rulers.

Now a labyrinthine political landscape plagues the nation, full of secret alliances, provincial loyalties, and nefarious plots; civil war seems inevitable. In Rostland to the south, the swordlords see in many of Issia’s recent political moves the swift approach of such a war. They rightly fear such an event, for Rostland is smaller than Issia, it has fewer armies, and its rolling hills and grasslands offer very little in the way of natural defenses. Worse, unlike Issia, whose northern border stretches along the Lake of Mists and Veils, which offers some defense, Rostland’s southern border lies along a stretch of wilderness infested with bandits and monsters.

If Brevoy falls into civil war, it won’t be long at all before the violent, opportunistic vultures to the south move to take advantage of Rostland’s problems. This southern region of wilderness is called the Stolen Lands. While these lands are technically a part of the River Kingdoms, several of which have advanced claims in the past, Rostland has long viewed them as “stolen” from it by bandits and monsters. Many attempts have been made to settle the Stolen Lands, but to date, none have succeeded, making these 33,000 square miles of unclaimed wilderness the largest swath of unclaimed land in the entire River Kingdoms. As tensions mount in Brevoy, some of Rostland’s swordlords hope to change that fact; they have issued charters to several groups of adventurers, sending them south into the Stolen Lands.

These initial charters are simple enough: re-open the old trade routes along the rivers and scatter or defeat the bandits who have made them too dangerous to use. Beyond that, it seems apparent that Rostland wants to encourage new nations to grow in this region—and believes that by supporting these nascent kingdoms as allies, it’ll gain loyal support in any coming conflict with Issia. It’s a bold and brilliant political move—for if Rostland turned its own resources to the task, not only would such a move weaken its defenses against the north, but the blatant power grab would certainly force Issia’s hand. By sending free agents south, the swordlords of Rostland hope to create new allies without sacrificing their own position of power in Brevoy.

Yet as with most complex and brilliant plans, there are plenty of opportunities for disaster.


Welcome to my Kingmaker game. I will be selecting four (4) players to join a friend and me on our adventures in the stolen lands. The rules to apply for the game are as follow:

Character creation:

  • Level 1
  • Books: Core Rulebook, APG, Unchained, Spheres of Power
  • Spheres of Power replaces Pathfinder magic system. Spellcasting classes from Pathfinder must use Spheres of Power Archetypes as described on the book, if the class doesn’t have a archetype, but it’s a class you really want to play, pm me and I’ll work something out. Variants, which removes spellcasting, are allowed. Ex: Skirmisher Archetype from Ranger
  • From Advanced Magic on Spheres of Power, we’ll only use Rituals.
  • Include a back-story. Make it as short or long as you want, but make me laugh, cry, or say "damn!".
  • Wealth starts at level 1 average for your class (per the WBL rules).
  • Paizo material and Spheres of Power only, no other 3rd party, no exceptions
  • No Gunslinger/Cavalier/Paladin.
  • 18 point buy at lvl 1, with no mental status below 10 after racial adjustment.
  • Core races are preferred but ARG featured races will be considered if provided with a good background. Do not select Aasimar just for the race bonus.
  • 2 traits, no drawbacks
  • Non-evil only

House rules:

  • XP I don't use XP. I will arbitrarily level you up, every so often.
  • Hit Points Max HP at every level.
  • Critical Hits For players a natural 20 always results in at least a x2 damage critical hit without having to confirm. Extended critical hit ranges/modifiers (19-20/18-20 or x3/x4 and/or Improved Crit/Keen) still must confirm in the normal fashion. The idea is to make natural 20s more exciting when you're in combat with an opponent that is about your level or lower. This is also a nod to previous editions (and 5th edition) of D&D.
  • Power Attack All Players may take Power Attack as free bonus feat regardless of pre-requisites if they so desire.
  • Weapon Finesse All players may take Weapon Finesse as a free bonus feat if they so desire.
  • Weapon Focus/Specialization These feats now apply to a weapon group (see Fighter in the CRB) instead of a single weapon.
  • Dragon hides and scales When harvesting dragon hides/scales for the creation of armor/shields, the harvested dragon corpse is counted as 1 size category higher than it actually is when using the accepted Pathfinder rules. Furthermore, any suits of armor (not shields) made of dragon hide/scales have an armor bonus equal to the armor type +1. (Example - A white dragon hide breastplate has an armor bonus of +7). Can’t be purchased on normal stores.

Other considerations:

I insist that players post more than "I attack with my battle axe." in their combat posts. You don't need to pen a novel for each and every post, but I am looking for descriptive/substantive posting, both in and out combat. Let's tell a story together! If you don't think you're up for this, please do not apply.

I am looking for players who post with "nudges" and "hooks" that generate energy by allowing ample room for other players and the GM to grab the baton and move forward. Momentum is the single most important ingredient of a successful PbP game, and that responsibility is on the shoulders of every player as well as the GM.
Please check Painlord's Guide to PbP GMing and Doomed Hero’s Guide to Play by post gaming, there’s a lot of cool tips for new and old players as of how to keep the game moving.

I want players who want to post often (Preferably 2+ times a day, but 1/day is acceptable on weekdays with weekends free.)

If you are already playing in a lot of PbP games, I would prefer that you don't apply. The amount of games that defines ‘a lot’ changes from player to player, but usually the quality of their posting indicates if you are playing in many games. If you are posting simple lines with no nudges/hooks and simples “I attack with my battle axe”, then it’s a good indicator you are playing in too many games. I want players to be able to dedicate energy to their games, and I have seen too many players stretch themselves thin which causes their games to suffer.

Poor formatting are irritating things to me. I myself am not perfect but try not to suck at these things.

About the DM:

I’m a system analyst part time game developer, which has been playing computer games and tabletop games for a lot of time now. I started with a local Brazilian rpg system 3D&T (Defenders of Tokyo 3rd Edition), which you can guess based on the name, was a satire of amines/manga/ and Japanese related stuff. I played the system a couple of months, before our gaming group noticed it wasn’t for us, then we jumped on D&D 3.5.

I DM’ed a campaign which took about 5~6 years to finish, which took players from level 1 to level 19, and the inevitable saviors of the universe plot. After that, I DM’ed a lot more, from pathfinder, to Runequest and more.

My favorite read:

  • Dune (Frank Herbert)
  • Malazan Book of Fallen (Steve Erikson)
  • Dresden Files (Jim Butcher)
  • The First Law (Joe Abercrombie)

Recruitment will be open from August 10 to 25.
Results will be shared on August 27.

If you have any question, drop me a line.

Thanks for the interest. :)

Human Hero Killer1 / Holy Assassin1 / Deceiver2

The Laughing Gull is a thoroughly disreputable tavern situated near the docks in the roughest part of the city of Belthaar. Widely known as the unofficial headquarters of the Gerozzo crime family, the place is best avoided, but here is where you ended up, after your travels left you penniless and with no means of travel or work.

The city of Belthaar is located west of the Ophrat river, is one of the smallest city-states of Susrah, with a population of only 12,000 people, yet its foundations are ancient, and its gloomy, serpentine streets wind their way between mighty monuments and hoary towers. There are temples and ziggurats dedicated to Belet-Lil, Baal-Khardah, Yadar, and a multitude of others.

Belthaar is currently ruled by the petty king Simashattar III, whose army of 2,000 pikemen and 500 charioteers is involved in a three-way war with its bigger neighbors, Zhaol and Ghezath. The war is cause of most of your misfortunes to date. The city is on curfew, and the only ones allowed to leave, have some sort of letter of recommendation, which you have no idea how to get or where it’s crafted.

The tavern occupies a ramshackle two‐storey wooden building built on the end of a pier, sitting above the waters of the harbour. A couple of dodgy‐looking Gerozzo family soldiers loiter outside, but most people stupid enough to come here without an invitation are admitted with little more than a shrug of the shoulders. Inside, the main bar is on two levels; stairs lead up to a first‐floor balcony where Orzo Gerozzo and his lieutenants look down on the action below in some comfort. Common thieves, low‐level enforcers and teenage pickpockets drink at rough tables and benches on the lower floor.

In the center of the room is a large round hole in the floor, surrounded by a low wooden railing. The dark waters of the bay are just five feet below the hole, and occasionally a large dorsal fin breaks the surface of the water. Every night, a barrel of fish heads and guts is poured into the hole to entertain Gull patrons with a glimpse of one or two sharks.

Hardjoy, tends the Gull’s bar while living up to his epithet “the unsmiling.” Hardjoy is missing half his nose and gets very angry if anyone asks him how he lost it (his ex‐wife bit it off). Several women work as tavern wenches; the younger ones flirt with Orzo and his men to keep in with the crime boss and get the best tips. Hild, has just started work at the Laughing Gull because she is deeply in debt to Orzo and is horrified as to what she has gotten herself into. Most of the clientele terrify her and she has already fended off several inappropriate advances.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Human Hero Killer1 / Holy Assassin1 / Deceiver2

The Laughing Gull is a thoroughly disreputable tavern situated near the docks in the roughest part of the city of Belthaar. Widely known as the unofficial headquarters of the Gerozzo crime family, the place is best avoided, but here is where you ended up, after your travels left you penniless and with no means of travel or work.

The city of Belthaar is located west of the Ophrat river, is one of the smallest city-states of Susrah, with a population of only 12,000 people, yet its foundations are ancient, and its gloomy, serpentine streets wind their way between mighty monuments and hoary towers. There are temples and ziggurats dedicated to Belet-Lil, Baal-Khardah, Yadar, and a multitude of others.

Belthaar is currently ruled by the petty king Simashattar III, whose army of 2,000 pikemen and 500 charioteers is involved in a three-way war with its bigger neighbors, Zhaol and Ghezath. The war is cause of most of your misfortunes to date. The city is on curfew, and the only ones allowed to leave, have some sort of letter of recommendation, which you have no idea how to get or where it’s crafted. This isn’t a hook you should explore for this preview.

The tavern occupies a ramshackle two‐storey wooden building built on the end of a pier, sitting above the waters of the harbour. A couple of dodgy‐looking Gerozzo family soldiers loiter outside, but most people stupid enough to come here without an invitation are admitted with little more than a shrug of the shoulders. Inside, the main bar is on two levels; stairs lead up to a first‐floor balcony where Orzo Gerozzo and his lieutenants look down on the action below in some comfort. Common thieves, low‐level enforcers and teenage pickpockets drink at rough tables and benches on the lower floor.

In the center of the room is a large round hole in the floor, surrounded by a low wooden railing. The dark waters of the bay are just five feet below the hole, and occasionally a large dorsal fin breaks the surface of the water. Every night, a barrel of fish heads and guts is poured into the hole to entertain Gull patrons with a glimpse of one or two sharks.

The Laughing Gull has the following notable staff members:

Hardjoy, tends the Gull’s bar while living up to his epithet “the unsmiling.”
Hardjoy is missing half his nose and gets very angry if anyone asks him how he lost it (his ex‐wife bit it off).

Several women work as tavern wenches; the younger ones flirt with Orzo and his men to keep in with the crime boss and get the best tips.

Hild, has just started work at the Laughing Gull because she is deeply in debt to Orzo and is horrified as to what she has gotten herself into. Most of the clientele terrify her and she has already fended off several inappropriate advances.

Oxilia, is out for revenge – Orzo had her brother killed and she is waiting for the right moment to slip a knife between his ribs. Not that you know this. :D

The Laughing Gull has several patrons of note:

Orzo Gerozzo owns the Laughing Gull and is a thoroughly nasty piece of work. Fat, sweaty and fond of wearing massive jewelled rings, Orzo controls much of the smuggling that operates through the city docks, as well as running protection rackets and thieving gangs.

The Laughing Gull is not renowned for its cuisine:


Ale, pint 2 cp
Beer, pint 2 cp
Fish stew and a hunk of bread 4 cp
Meal, poor 1 sp

None available.

Welcome to a world where men are mighty, women are voluptuous, kings are cruel, and hidden terror lurks in every brooding ruin! It is an age of splendorous but decadent kingdoms, where armies clash at the whims of depraved nobles, and the bloody sword of an adventurer can topple empires.

The World of Xoth is a campaign setting inspired by the exciting pulp fiction of such great authors as Robert E. Howard, Clark Ashton Smith, Fritz Leiber, Michael Moorcock, and Charles R. Saunders. Read on, and prepare for high adventure, as your characters cut a crimson swath through savage jungle kingdoms and thronged desert cities. From the forbidden catacombs of Belthaar to the sunken temples of Namthu, a world of adventure awaits you!

About GM:

I’ve been gaming for some time now, and was more active on the boards a couple of years ago, but due to life kicking my backside several times, I had to end/leave several of my games. Things got better to me since then.

I’ll run several different tales, some of them inspired by the campaign book: Spider God’s bride: Tales of sword and sorcery, others from my own nebulous mind. Those games will connect to one another, forming a large campaign or history/plot, but they are ultimately separated histories.

Settings changes:

Player Guide
Grab a copy of the player guide, read it. That is mandatory for anyone that wants to apply for this game.

Things to consider:

Sword and Sorcery

The worlds of sword and sorcery adventures are quite different from the «high fantasy» environment assumed by the core rules. In sword and sorcery, the world is dominated by human races; other races (usually degenerate survivors of an earlier age) and supernatural monsters exist only in hidden or lost enclaves far from human civilization. Combat is bloody and brutal, and magical healing does not exist or is very limited. The use of real magic or sorcery is uncommon, and when used its effects tend to be subtle. Sorcerers are almost always villains, tainted by cosmic evil. Permanent magical items are extremely rare, and never for sale.

To establish the proper atmosphere for the adventures in the World of Xoth, the following adjustments to the core rules are in effect. Ask your Game Master for campaign specifics.

This game will use a lot of variant rules described on the players guide, you should read the following entries, and ask me if there’s any question about it:

  • Out With Alignment
  • Monsters Are Monstrous
  • Magic Is Mysterious
  • Combat Is Deadly
    A special attention to Massive Damage rules.
  • Wounds Heal Quickly
  • Treasure Should Be Spent
  • The Tale Is Its Own Reward

Character creation rules:

Follow the rules described on the players guide, but it can be summarized by the following:

Step 1—Determine Ability Scores:
Use 20pt-buy system. No score below 8 or above 20 after racial adjustments.

Step 2—Pick Your Race:
Use one of the 20 races described on the players guide. Anything else from pathfinder check with me first, but be prepared to give me a good reason why you should use a different race.

Step 3—Pick Your Culture:
Choose from the list described on the players guide.

Step 4—Pick Your Class:

Core Classes:
Barbarian: Savage warriors are found in all wild lands, from the fur-cloaked clans of Tharag Thule, to the tribal spearmen of the Jungle Kingdoms and the pygmies of the Silver Lotus Isles. Many hillmen of Lamu are barbarians, and the piratical Sea Reavers include a few wandering barbarians and other outcasts.
The following archetypes from the APG are appropriate for barbarians of Xoth: Breaker, Brutal Pugilist, Drunken Brute, Elemental Kin, Hurler, Invulnerable Rager, Mounted Fury, Savage Barbarian, Superstitious, and Totem Warrior.

Bard: Forget what you know about harp-wielding minstrels. The «bards» of Xoth should be played as decadent courtiers, shadowy spymasters, sullen temptresses, and scheming eunuchs. Their mix of social skills, powers of suggestion, knowledge of secret lore, and dabbling in sorcery, makes them formidable opponents or valuable allies. They are found in the cities and courts of most nations, particularly in Zadj, Yar-Ammon, Khazistan, Susrah and Taraam.
The following archetypes from the APG are appropriate for bards of Xoth: Archivist, Court Bard, Magician, Sandman, Savage Skald, Sea Singer, and Street Performer. In addition, this book includes the Temptress/Tempter and Spymaster archetypes.

Cleric: The cleric class does not exist in the World of Xoth. The cultist class, included in this book, fills the cleric’s role as servant of the gods.

Druid: Among savage tribes, from the frozen wastes of Tharag Thule to the steaming jungles of Yalotha in the south, the druid is a shaman or witch-doctor, who speaks with ancestor spirits and spirits of the mountains and lakes, commands animals and the souls of the dead, and curses his enemies with powerful juju. He declares taboos and crafts masks and drums to terrify his enemies; he beseeches the powerful beast-gods of the wilderness for aid; and he knows the secrets of strange herbs and deadly poisons.
Special Rules: Druids of Xoth do not have the Wild Shape ability. The character gets a bonus feat per daily use of Wild Shape instead (for example, a 10th-level druid with wild shape 4/day would have a total of 4 bonus feats). They gain another bonus feat at 13th level instead of A Thousand Faces.
Legends speak of the Primal Druids (or Ur-Druids), servants of the ancient nature-goddess Xu-Neb-Ur-Hat, who were able to shapeshift, but this ability has now been lost.
The following archetypes from the APG are appropriate for druids of Xoth: Aquatic Druid, Arctic Druid, Blight Druid, Cave Druid, Desert Druid, Jungle Druid, Mountain Druid, Plains Druid, Swamp Druid, and animal shamans, such as Bear Shaman, Eagle Shaman, Lion Shaman, Serpent Shaman, or Wolf Shaman. In addition, this book includes the Witchdoctor archetype.

Fighter: Fighters fill the ranks of armies and mercenary companies in the lands of Susrah, Khazistan, Yar-Ammon, Zadj, Taraam, Nabastis, and elsewhere. They are expertly trained in the art of war and include swordsmen, archers, pikemen, and cavalry. Nobles are often of the fighter class. Occasionally, fighters and mercenaries abandon the army and turn to a life of banditry along with rogues.
The following archetypes from the APG are appropriate for fighters of Xoth: Archer, Free Hand Fighter, Mobile Fighter, Phalanx Soldier, Polearm Master, Roughrider, Savage Warrior, Shielded Fighter, Two-Handed Fighter, Two-Weapon Warrior, and Weapon Master.

Monk: While monks are quite rare in the West, they are common in the mysterious lands of the East, such as Laksha, Ghoma, Azjan and Taikang. Some travel across the ocean or overland to the West, either as lone seekers of wisdom, or as agents on a secret mission from their monastic order. Some cities in the West even have secret underground temples dedicated to the strange Eastern philosophies.
The following archetypes from the APG are appropriate for monks of Xoth: Drunken Master, Hungry Ghost Monk, Ki Mystic, Monk of the Empty Hand, Monk of the Four Winds, Monk of the Healing Hand, Monk of the Lotus, Monk of the Sacred Mountain, Weapon Adept, Zen Archer.

Paladin: Paladins do not exist in the World of Xoth. The cavalier class from the APG fills the paladin’s role as valiant, mounted knight.

Ranger: Rangers of Xoth are men and women who thrive in the savage wildernesses, from the dark jungles of Yalotha and Mazania to the scorching deserts of Yar-Ammon and Khazistan. Many are nomads who can quickly travel vast distances on their horses and camels. The ranger class is also suitable for lone hunters, assassins and slayers.
Special Rules: When selecting «Humanoid (human)» as a favored enemy, rangers of Xoth must also specify a culture (see the Cultures of Xoth chapter). The favored enemy bonuses apply only to members of that culture. Rangers can have multiple cultures as favored enemies.
The following archetypes from the APG are appropriate for rangers of Xoth: Beast Master, Guide, Horse Lord, Infiltrator, Skirmisher, Spirit Ranger, and Urban Ranger. In addition, this book includes the Amazon and Slaver archetypes.

Rogue: Every city or town of some size, from the slaver-fortress of Al-Qazir to thousand-columned Achad of the Taraamites, is filled with thieves and assassins, gamblers, kidnappers, and lotus-traders. Plains and mountains are plagued by bandits, slavers and highwaymen, and pirates and reavers are the scourge of the seas; the latter even have their own «kingdom» centered on the impregnable sea-citadel of Khora.
The following archetypes from the APG are appropriate for rogues of Xoth: Acrobat, Burglar, Cutpurse, Poisoner, Rake, Scout, Sniper, Spy, Swashbuckler, Thug, and Trapsmith. In addition, this book includes the Torturer archetype.

Sorcerer: The sorcerer class does not exist in the World of Xoth, at least not for the human races. There may be some pre-human races or unique creatures that have innate sorcerous abilities similar to sorcerers.

Wizard: The wizard class does not exist in the World of Xoth. The witch class from the APG fills the wizard’s role as arcane spellcaster.

Additional classes:
The base classes from the APG have the following characteristics in the World of Xoth:
Alchemist: In every city in the World of Xoth, there are individuals who dabble in alchemy, creating potions, powders, and explosives. But the real masters of this art are those that supply the raw materials; the Biramites, a sub-tribe of the Khazrajites, roam the lands west of Jairan and harvest resins from rare plants, mine the pits of Naphat for its black viscous liquid, and extract various salts from dry river beds in the desert.
The Biramites are traders of myrrh (the Yar-Amonites purchase it for use in mummification), frankincense (used in the rituals of all cults), bitumen (used for waterproofing seagoing vessels anywhere from Zadj to Nabastis), and naphtha (the main component of alchemists’ hurled bombs).
The myrrh and frankincense provided by the Biramites is also used in healing potions and medicine. Special Rules: Alchemists of the Biramite nomad tribe gain the Infusion discovery as a bonus discovery, representing their use of herbs, plants and incense to create balms and powders that others can use.

Cavalier: Mounted knights in heavy armor are found in particular in the lands of Lamu, Taraam and Khazistan, where they are commonly used as shock troops and imperial bodyguards.

Inquisitor: The Inquisitor class does not exist in the World of Xoth.

Oracle: The Oracle class does not exist in the World of Xoth, but the mechanics of the class are used in the new Cultist class, detailed in this book.

Summoner: The Summoner class does not exist in the World of Xoth. It is possible that there are lost tomes of forbidden knowledge waiting to be rediscovered that would open this path of sorcery for humans; such summoners must use the Star-Spawn Prophet archetype (not included in this book).

Witch: Witches and warlocks are the most powerful arcane spellcasters of the World of Xoth. The men and women who take this path are few indeed, for it means making a pact with an unknown entity. The witch’s familiar, an animal far more intelligent than normal beasts, is the bond between the witch and this nameless patron. Without the familiar, the witch is powerless and unable to learn or memorize spells. Some sages even speculate that the familiar is some sort of parasite that uses the witch to grow more powerful and intelligent...
Special Rules: The witches of Xoth do not know the real identity of their patrons. Instead of selecting a bonus patron spell from a theme-based list, the witch can choose any level-appropriate spell (chosen from the cleric, druid or wizard spell lists, and subject to the game master’s approval) whenever she is due to gain a new patron spell.

New class:

The Cultist class is a variant character class, based on the Oracle class from the Advanced Player’s Guide (APG).
A Cultist is a member of a religious organization devoted to the worship of a powerful entity, such as a god or demon. The Cultist starts out as an acolyte, whose duties include studies of the cult’s secret texts, as well as guarding the cult’s temple and protecting its interests. As he rises in the ranks of the cult, the Cultist becomes a teacher of acolytes, standing at the center of rituals of worship and sacrifice. Eventually, he may become high priest of the cult, with full and undisputed control over its temples, treasures, relics and priests.

Step 5—Pick Skills and Select Feats:
Allowed sources: Core Rulebook, APG.
Also, no traits or drawbacks.

Step 6—Buy Equipment:
Allowed sources: Core Rulebook, APG and Xoth’s player guide.
Heavy armor cost five times more than described on the equipment section. No magic item is for sale.

Step 7—Finishing Details:
Link to two posts (one combat and one RP) from any other game play/played.

Tips to get selected:

Copied from the most awesome GM I’ve played with:

  • I insist that players post more than "I attack with my battle axe." in their combat posts. You don't need to pen a novel for each and every post, but I am looking for descriptive/substantive posting, both in and out combat. Let's tell a story together! If you don't think you're up for this, please do not apply.

  • I am looking for players who post with "nudges" and "hooks" that generate energy by allowing ample room for other players and the GM to grab the baton and move forward. Momentum is the single most important ingredient of a successful PbP game, and that responsibility is on the shoulders of every player as well as the GM.

  • I want players who want to post often. (Preferably 2+ times a day, but 1/day is acceptable.)

  • If you are already playing in a lot of PbP games, I would prefer that you don't apply. I want players to be able to dedicate energy to their games, and I have seen too many players stretch themselves thin which causes their games to suffer.

  • Poor spelling and formatting are irritating things to me. I myself am not perfect (since English is not my native language) but try not to suck at these things. The player should use some text editor to prevent some silly typos, as well format his post to make it easier and pleasant to read.

Any doubt, please drop me a line.
Recruitment will be open for two weeks, the deadline for submissions being December 28.

Hey, hello.

For some time now, I’ve been wanting to ‘play’ kingmaker, and since forever, I’ve not been able to get on any game that lasted past the first battle. Kingmaker, the game that I can never play…

That being said, I’m getting more and more tempted to run Kingmaker myself, but with some differences,

Instead of using pathfinder, I want to use Mongoose Legend Legend as rule set.

Here are the basics of this system:


Every Adventurer is comprised of certain game statistics that describe the character and what he is capable of. These statistics are as follows:

Characteristics – Seven Characteristics define an Adventurer: Strength, Constitution, Size, Intelligence, Power, Dexterity and Charisma. These are physical and mental attributes that define how strong, resilient, large, clever, quick and charismatic the Adventurer is. From these seven Characteristics all other game statistics flow.

Attributes – Derived from the seven Characteristics, Attributes are secondary statistics that provide modifiers for certain actions or determine particular capabilities. Each is described in more detail later in this chapter but the attributes are: Combat Actions, Damage Modifiers, Improvement Roll Modifiers, Hit Points, Magic Points, Strike Rank and Movement.

Skills – Skills are the engine room of a Legend Adventurer. Skills are particular talents, abilities, capabilities and professional skills that are shaped by an Adventurer’s culture, the profession he has chosen for himself and the way he has chosen to develop his interests and competencies. Skills are divided into Common and Advanced; Common skills are common to all Adventurers. Advanced skills differ from one Adventurer to another, reflecting culture, profession and individual interests. However all skills work in the same way and have starting values derived from a combination, or multiple, of the seven Characteristics.

Community – No man is an island. Even before your Adventurer has set forth on his career as a potential hero, he has been supported by family, friends and allies. He may also have made valuable contacts, gained a few rivals and perhaps even some enemies. An Adventurer’s Community is a summary of those people he knows and may be able to call upon in the future – or who may call upon him.

Magic, Weapons, Equipment and so on – In addition to these game statistics every Adventurer has additional information relating to what magic they know (if any), weapons they are experienced in using, equipment they carry and other pertinent information about the Adventurer in the here and now.

Combat is an inevitable part of Legend. Violence, whether it is a squabble descending into fisticuffs between childhood rivals, a drunken bar-room brawl, or a duel to the death between mortal enemies, is handled using these rules.
Legend combat has certain hallmarks that are worth bearing in mind; these are as follows:

  • Combat is a deadly business, irrespective of an Adventurer’s level of skill. A well-placed blow can take down the hardest or best armoured Adventurer.
  • Combat is tactical. Good tactical decisions or choices can greatly influence the outcome of a battle. The combat rules are designed to support tactical options.
  • Combat should be fun. Although it deals with violence – and does so seriously – there is little like a good, well orchestrated melee to get the pulse racing and the adrenalin flowing.
  • Legend combat aims to be cinematic. What is meant here is that melees and ranged combat can emulate the feats seen in television and movies – be they dashing, swashbuckling duels; gritty, bloody one-on-one combats, or large-scale, epic stand-offs between heroes. The combat rules are designed to handle all such confrontations.


Magic is inherent to Legend. Access to it is not restricted by culture or profession and, in many cases, magic is a commonplace element used by most people to aid their daily lives. In a high-fantasy setting, for example, most Adventurers begin with some common magic, taught to them along with all the other mundane skills of their society. In other settings magic may be less common but still apparent: it remains, however, as fundamental as the physical laws of the planet or plane of existence.

The Pursuit of Magic

Even though the magical types work very differently and are, to a large extent, mutually exclusive, there is nothing to prevent Adventurers from learning and developing more than one magical style. An Adventurer may therefore freely learn Common Magic, dedicate himself to a god to gain Divine Magic and even learn a smattering of Sorcery. Sorcerers will more than likely have a good understanding of Common Magic but may also pray to their gods to gain a few Divine Spells.

In reality Adventurers who desire great magical power will choose one form to pursue above the others and many societies or cults consider some magical styles to be taboo – but these are cultural limitations rather than a limitation of the rules. In reality any Adventurer can pursue any magical style and develop several style simultaneously, if they so wish.

Other than that, the game uses a concept of ‘time invested’ to perform some action. Here is an extract from the rulebook:

Legend wrote:

Routine activities; those an Adventurer conducts time and again, under normal circumstances and expected pressures, do not require a roll for success. For example, riding a horse at a trot or gentle gallop across an open field, on a fine day, does not need a Ride test. Similarly a blacksmith making horse shoes with all the right tools and raw materials does not need to make a Craft (Blacksmith) roll.

Skill Tests are required where the circumstances are out of the ordinary and/or impart some degree of stress, urgency or difficulty to the situation. Riding a horse at a gallop across an open field whilst being pursued by bandits is an instance where a Ride roll is called for. Attempting to make horseshoes with poor quality implements or a Skill Tests of resources is another.

The watchword is circumstance. The Games Master is the best judge as to whether the conditions and circumstances warrant a Skill Test. An Adventurer might not need to make a Perception test to hear a neighbouring conversation if the surroundings are relatively quiet. However, if there is a degree of background noise it will be necessary to roll to overhear accurately. If the people the Adventurer is eavesdropping on are whispering, then the Skill Test should incur a penalty for the circumstances, as outlined in Difficult and Haste.

So it allows for greater depth on history, without calling for a roll for everything as pathfinder does.

One other point is that, even tho you have a ‘class’ or ‘job’, you are not entirely defined, or limited by it.
You can be a sword wield rogue wizard (albeit not better than if you had gone into those single paths), and still be a force to be reckoned with!


So, here is the deal:
If there’s enough interest, I might run the kingmaker game (at least the entire first module), using legend rules.

So, what you guys think about it?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Tiadora leads you to a beautifully appointed office richly decorated with dark wood and sumptuous brocade tapestry. Sitting in a leather high-backed chair is a devilishly handsome fellow who smiles as you enter.

“I have brought you here for a reason. My name is Cardinal Adrastus Thorn. I am the last high priest of Asmodeus left on the island of Talingarde. Once the Prince of Nessus was rightly revered alongside the other great powers. Now, the king of Talingarde has become a puppet to Mitran fanatics who wish to destroy any religion that does not bow to their insipid sun god.”
“For their blasphemy, I am going to burn Talingarde to the ground and from the ashes I will build a new nation that knows its rightful master. I cannot do this alone. I seek servants worthy of our Infernal Father’s majesty. Have I found them in you?”
He rises and his eyes flash with hellfire and divine purpose. “Join me! Serve me well in this holy endeavor and I will raise you up in the eyes of gods and men. I will make you prince of the new Talingarde. Today, swear fealty to me and to Asmodeus.”
“Put aside forgiveness and I shall give you vengeance. Put aside mercy and be made powerful. Put aside peace and become my harbingers of war. What say you? Will you swear your allegiance or will you burn with the rest of the blind fools?”


Opening recruitment for two maybe three more villains for Call Forth Darkness!

Current party setup is:
Hound - Barbarian
Mysty – Rogue/Sorcerer
Nahia – Witch


Creation rules:
Level: 7.
Starting wealth: 17k, you can’t use more than half in a single item. No pre-game crafting.
Alignment: LE, even if you class say you can’t be LE, I’m allowing it.
Traits: 2
Drawbacks: Nops!
Banned classes: Samurai, Ninjas, Gunslingers, Paladins.
Abilities Score: Focus and Foible or 25pt. You can roll for F&F, if you don’t like your rolls, you can change for 25pt buy.
Multiclass: Allowed, one extra class.
Archetypes: Allowed, only one per class.
Prestige classes:Allowed, as long your background history cover it.
Background: Why are you evil? What have you done to attract the Cardinal attention, and motivate him into inviting you to join his plans? Don’t need to be necessarily big, but well written and concise backgrounds are a boost.
Motivation: Why do you what you do?
Personality: You character at first glance.
Metal Abilities Score: Dumping mental scores is fine, as long you don’t put int/wis/cha 8 or less and RP your char as the most smart/wise/charismatic person in the party. If you want to dump any ability, be prepared to RP it.
Posting Examples: Select from your previous game one RP example and one Combat example that you like and link it with your application.
Skill Points: You have two extra skill points per level.
Sourcebooks: Anything on Paizo PRD is fine, except for Mythic Adventures, and Technology Guide. If you want to use anything else outside PRD, you’ll need to talk to me first. Summoners must use the unchained version.
3rd Party: Maybe, the party members will have the final saying if they want it or not. If they accept and you get chosen, you must be willing to share the sourcebook for reference.
Posting Rate:1/day posting rate is the minimum required, with the weekends free.


Things you should know about the game:
House rules: We use a few house rules, most of them concerning out of combat rolls. Outside combat, you don’t need to roll knowledge if you have the skill, with enough research time, you can get the info needed.
Outside combat players don’t roll for: Perception, Bluff, Intimidate, Sense Motive, Disable device or Diplomacy. You simply post your RP and you might gain bonus or penalties based on it.

While in combat: All rolls are open.

I don’t do random encounters. All combats have, some extent, a history behind it. Combats are brutal (even though until now I haven’t killed anyone, sniff);
Enemies although strong, are not machines designed sorely to kill the players, they have their own agenda, they make mistakes, the make bad decisions, they act irrational given the circumstance.

When creating your character, all things must be from the allowed source books (paizo/prd), after the game starts, everything is free as long it’s obtained inside the game.


How to get chosen: Well-rounded characters are a plus, must enjoy RP as well combat. I’ll consult the current players over the app and see what they think it would be best for the party. From the current setup, we have a human barbarian, a changeling witch and a Halfling rogue/sorcerer.

How to not get chosen:
Min-maxers, optimizers, rule-benders and one-week-posting-rate players, one-line posters will not be considered.
I don’t mind well-crafted and concise characters. However, if you want to optimize you char, your background should be above average and explain those optimizations.

Last reminders:

Don’t create an alias for this recruitment; you may post your application in RP format, and you may RP with other applicants to get a feel of your character; role playing can be used to demonstrate your writing style and help bring out some character potential; RP is not mandatory and everyone, even if not RP will be considered.

Do not create a character sorely for combat, you will not do well, this is a fair advice from the DM.
Leadership feat is allowed, but it works differently, instead of getting followers, you get an organization. If you have interest in taking the feat, talk with me and I’ll give you more details about it.

Recruitment will be open until: April, 28. Results posted on April, 29.

Any questions, drop me a line.

Human Hero Killer1 / Holy Assassin1 / Deceiver2

So, here is the deal:

This is a one-shot, hopefully amusing adventure where you get the play your minions and possible earn some bonus for the normal campaign.
I’ll post a list of pre-gen characters, choose one and give it a name, that’s the one you’ll playing.

Also, don’t fret too much if things go south, or even if you die in the game, I’ll be quickly replaced by another minion.

The goal is to have fun!

Human Hero Killer1 / Holy Assassin1 / Deceiver2

You are summoned talk to your masters in the Horn of Abaddon (the Lower Temple) Your masters are all arrayed before you.

The scary brute that could snap your neck faster than he could when say “You are dead!”, the one always in a bad mood, the master of the fire-spitting horse.

The one clad in the black metal plate, the sinister looking armor that rumors say it’s a cursed thing that makes the master invincible, the wilder of the firesword, the charming deceiver.

The one always smiling, always… friendly, the one that most likely could kill them all while still smiling. The one responsible for the taking care of things, providing entertainment and god knowns what else…

And finally the noble one, the arrogant one, the one always impatient to return to his just and noble pursuits, the one that barely had the patience to deal with such trifling matters, but the same one that could command devils, summon creatures of the other side, and bound and bind then, the one that always had his devils hidden, watching, spying…

You stand now before your masters. Easily the most powerful people you have met, there is only one certainty. Opposing them is folly. You must obey. And through obedience no doubt they will reward you. Or at least, you hope they will. At last one of them speaks.

“We have a chance for you to prove your worth to us. Within Farholde even now a street preacher, Ezekiel Hawthorn, speaks against us and urges the people to rise and raid the Horn of Abaddon. This must not happen! He must be silenced!”

Another speaks at this point. “This Mitra loving weasel is nothing! He must be slain and made an example! When he is dead then we will be troubled by his voice no longer.”

Again another voice. “No no no. If he is merely slain he will become a martyr. That will only prove the truth of his words. Instead, he must be discredited.”

“Bah! You waste time! Who cares what those worms believe? By the time they summon any courage we will be done with the ritual!”

“Do not speak of the ritual!”

“I mean...we’ll be done with ... whatever we’re doing here. Which is nothing really.” They all pause from their debate and look suspiciously at you. There is a very long and nervous silence that goes on for entirely too long. “So,” says the voice of one your masters finally. “That then is your mission. Silence the street preacher in Farholde. Do not kill him. Instead, discredit him so that the people will not listen to him.”
“And do not leave him alive! Make an example of him! Teach the people of Farholde what it means to fear...”

“Secrecy is of course paramount.”

“Yes, of course.”

“You have your orders! We give to you now some gold for equipment, bribes and so forth. Further, to ensure success, we have assigned our servant the ogre Grumblejack to aid you. You will find him at Lord Drownington’s Manor in Farholde. Now go! And do not fail, my minions, lest we unleash upon ye the full measure of Hell’s wrath!”

I've often though about this. D&D based games such as Neverwinter, Baldur's Gate, while being really good games, they aren't loyal to the d20 system itself. There are several modifications made, which for me makes the game lose a part of it's charm.

So, if you have the opportunity, what would you have or don't have in a d20 based computer game?

Tiadora leads you to a beautifully appointed office richly decorated with dark wood and sumptuous brocade tapestry. Sitting in a leather high-backed chair is a devilishly handsome fellow who smiles as you enter.

“I have brought you here for a reason. My name is Cardinal Adrastus Thorn. I am the last high priest of Asmodeus left on the island of Talingarde. Once the Prince of Nessus was rightly revered alongside the other great powers. Now, the king of Talingarde has become a puppet to Mitran fanatics who wish to destroy any religion that does not bow to their insipid sun god.”
“For their blasphemy, I am going to burn Talingarde to the ground and from the ashes I will build a new nation that knows its rightful master. I cannot do this alone. I seek servants worthy of our Infernal Father’s majesty. Have I found them in you?”
He rises and his eyes flash with hellfire and divine purpose. “Join me! Serve me well in this holy endeavor and I will raise you up in the eyes of gods and men. I will make you prince of the new Talingarde. Today, swear fealty to me and to Asmodeus.”
“Put aside forgiveness and I shall give you vengeance. Put aside mercy and be made powerful. Put aside peace and become my harbingers of war. What say you? Will you swear your allegiance or will you burn with the rest of the blind fools?”


Opening recruitment for two more villain for Call Forth Darkness!

Current party setup is:
Johan Hale - Inquisitor
Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa - Conjurer
Eldred Crofter – Ranger


Creation rules:
Level: 7.
Starting wealth: 17k, you can’t use more than half in a single item. No pre-game crafting.
Alignment: LE, even if you class say you can’t be LE, I’m allowing it.
Traits: 2
Drawbacks: Nops!
Banned classes: Samurai, Ninjas, Summoners, Gunslingers, Paladins
Abilities Score: Focus and Foible or 25pt. You can roll for F&F, if you don’t like your rolls, you can change for 25pt buy.
Multiclass: Allowed, one extra class.
Archetypes: Allowed, only one per class.
Prestige classes:Allowed, as long your background history cover it.
Background: Why are you evil? What have you done to attract the Cardinal attention, and motivate him into inviting you to join his plans? Don’t need to be necessarily big, but well written and concise backgrounds are a boost.
Motivation: Why do you what you do?
Personality: You character at first glance.
Metal Abilities Score: Dumping mental scores is fine, as long you don’t put int/wis/cha 8 or less and RP your char as the most smart/wise/charismatic person in the party. If you want to dump any ability, be prepared to RP it.
Skill Points: You have two extra skill points per level.
Sourcebooks: Anything on Paizo PRD is fine, except for Mythic Adventures, and Technology Guide. If you want to use anything else outside PRD, you’ll need to talk to me first.
3rd Party: Maybe, the party members will have the final saying if they want it or not. If they accept and you get chosen, you must be willing to share the sourcebook for reference.
Posting Rate: We usually post more than once a day. Because of that, 1/day posting rate is the minimum required, with the weekends free.


How to get chosen: I’ll consult the current players over the app and see what they think it would be best for the party. From the current setup, we have a Inquisitor in fullplate, the urban ranger focused in ranged combat and acting as party scout and rogue, and lastly the mage, partial battlefield controller, wannabe devilbinder.
I’ve already talked with them, and they don’t want any competition in party roles. That means: Inquisitors, Rangers, mages have less change of being selected. Of course that if you have a strong concept, this may change.

How to not get chosen:
Min-maxers, optimizers, rule-benders and one-week-posting-rate players, one-line posters will not be considered.
I don’t mind well-crafted and concise characters. However, if you want to optimize you char, your background should be above average and explain those optimizations.

Last reminders:
Don’t create an alias for this recruitment, you may if you so desire, post your application in RP format, and you may RP with other applicants to get a feel of your character. Role playing does not change your chance of getting selected.
Do not create a character sorely for combat, you will not do well, this is a fair advice from the DM.
Leadership feat is allowed, but it works differently, instead of getting followers, you get an organization. If you have interest in taking the feat, talk with me and I’ll give you more details about it.

Recruitment will be open until Friday, April 24. Results will be posted on Saturday.
Any question, drop me a line. :)

Human Hero Killer1 / Holy Assassin1 / Deceiver2

First, welcome.

I need some information about the game itself.

How ended up things at Branderscar?
How ended up in the Watchtower?
How is you relationship with the master?
How is you relationship with Tiadora?
What happened to Grumblejack?
How is you relationship with the knot hibernal?

Any ally recruited?

Lastly, what is your character motivation and how you plan to achieve it?

Human Hero Killer1 / Holy Assassin1 / Deceiver2


Hey again!

Please, update your character to level 6.

And post up the level up changes.


Tiadora contacted you when you broke the clay seal. She has been commanded by her master to escort our band of villains to their next mission. She leads you to a ramshackle river barge “Halstyn’s Folly” tied to Lake Tarik’s bank. The captain and three man crew of this shallow-bottomed barge are all thoroughly under Tiadora’s control. They are certainly no threat. Tiadora will tolerate no delay. “The master commands you board. You will learn more later.”

Accommodations are crude. There is only one cabin and Tiadora has already evicted the so-called captain and made that her own personal domain. The she is not particularly adept at sharing. That means that the rest of you must sleep with the crew on the deck of the barge. There is a roof but no walls and at night on the lake and rivers, it can be bitterly cold.

“The Folly” in a journey through the great scar that almost cuts the isle of Talingarde in twain. The barge is sluggish making less than twenty four miles a day.

Tiadora herself is not idle. Though “The Folly” is adequately provisioned and never docks, every night the barge anchors within sight of a village or keep.

During the night, fire, screams fills the air. Every morning, at the barge resumes its journey, Tiadora watches from afar as another settlement wails and mourns.

Human Hero Killer1 / Holy Assassin1 / Deceiver2

Conveniently situated just inside the city gates is the not‐so‐ cheap but cheerful Wyvern’s Head Inn, an establishment built to cater for adventurers and liberate them from as much of their ill-gotten gains as possible.

The inn is a large, ramshackle building with many wings, roofs, towers and balconies, added on as its popularity grew over the years. In addition to food, drink, accommodation and stabling, the Head also has its own adventurers’ store which sells a variety of useful gear at standard prices.

The main barroom is capable of seating a couple of hundred hungry heroes at rough wooden benches and tables. The floor is covered in straw to mop up frequent drink spills, and the walls are hung with faded maps and rusty old weapons and shields.
Dominating the room is an impressive stuffed wyvern’s head. Nicknamed Grimjaws, the head is enchanted – at irregular times during the evening, it speaks in a low rumbling voice of legendary dungeons and ruined towers. Several adventuring bands have become rich from Grimjaw’s ruminations over the years.

There, four famous and experienced adventurer, rest from their travel, that for one motive or another, lead them to stay in that Inn, at that particular time.

Please, describe your character appearance.

Human Hero Killer1 / Holy Assassin1 / Deceiver2

Welcome. :)

Here we go. :)

Hey, howdy!

I just got my hands in an adventure from 3.5 era: Expedition to demonweb pits!

And boy! I'm excited about it!

So, I’m inviting you, to create a character, at 9th level with the following pre-requisites:

  • Pathfinder rules.
  • World: Faerun.
  • Expect a lot of planar travel.
  • Gimme a background explaining why you are the famous hero you are, what have you done to make your feats known across the entire helms. From the recluse dwarfs in the deeps of the earth to the carefree elf’s in the forests.
  • You can be anything you want, except an impossible ninja, a samurai with his unbreakable vow, a summoner with his inseparable eidolon, dashing gunslinger with his I-don’t-know-what-it-is grit, and finally an anti-paladin seeking his archenemy!
  • You should have two traits, with no trait from campaigns Ap.
  • You cannot have a drawback, since I find it boring and no one ever role play it.
  • I’ll not consider min-maxers or optimizers.
  • I don’t really like when someone dump a mental status and don’t role play accordingly.
  • I don’t mind you being in 30 other games, however be warned that I’ll check the quality of your posting. If everything you do is only post one short line, with no real RP or interaction with the other players, your chances will be severely reduced.
  • You are more than welcome to create between you and the other applicants, some sort of adventure group/guild, or create a common history between players. I’m not saying that its guarantee I’ll pick the entire group, but it may raise chances if the histories are interesting.
  • It’s not mandatory, but feel free to do your application in a role play style.
  • Create a crunch.
  • Post up your char personality.
  • Don’t create an alias for this recruitment.
  • Races: No drows, any race other than the base ones, should have a well worked background that explains and gives reason why you have that race.
  • Abilities scores: 20pt
  • Monies: 46,000gp which you can’t expend more than 18,000 in a single item.
  • Multiclass: Allowed
  • Prestige class: Allowed
  • Combo Class: Will not be considered.

Recruitment will be open until November,29

I'm considering a party of 4~5.

Any question, drop me a line.

Edit: For those that want to role play with the other applicats, I'll open the discussion thread for that purpose. Don't do it on this recruitment thread please!

Edit2: Forgot about Alignment! You can be evil if that’s what you prefer. But you should know how to work in group, and “I’m evil, I need to steal/kill/be a jerk” will not be tolerated.

Edit3: I like fast paced games that I cannot lie! So 1+ daily posting is desirable.

I may accept third party content, but you should be willing to provide the material if your application is chosen.

Tiadora leads you to a beautifully appointed office richly decorated with dark wood and sumptuous brocade tapestry. Sitting in a leather high-backed chair is a devilishly handsome fellow who smiles as you enter.

“I have brought you here for a reason. My name is Cardinal Adrastus Thorn. I am the last high priest of Asmodeus left on the island of Talingarde. Once the Prince of Nessus was rightly revered alongside the other great powers. Now, the king of Talingarde has become a puppet to Mitran fanatics who wish to destroy any religion that does not bow to their insipid sun god.”
“For their blasphemy, I am going to burn Talingarde to the ground and from the ashes I will build a new nation that knows its rightful master. I cannot do this alone. I seek servants worthy of our Infernal Father’s majesty. Have I found them in you?”
He rises and his eyes flash with hellfire and divine purpose. “Join me! Serve me well in this holy endeavor and I will raise you up in the eyes of gods and men. I will make you prince of the new Talingarde. Today, swear fealty to me and to Asmodeus.”
“Put aside forgiveness and I shall give you vengeance. Put aside mercy and be made powerful. Put aside peace and become my harbingers of war. What say you? Will you swear your allegiance or will you burn with the rest of the blind fools?”


Opening recruitment for one more villain for Call Forth Darkness!

Current party setup is:
Johan Hale - Inquisitor
Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa - Conjurer
Eldred Crofter - Ranger
Father Sidious - Cleric


Creation rules:
Level: 6.
Starting wealth: 9k
Aligniment: LE, even if you class say you can’t be LE, I’m allowing it.
Traits: 2
Drawbacks: Nops!
Banned classes: Samurai, Ninjas, Summoners, Gunslingers, Paladins, ACG classes I don’t have the source book, and it’s not on Paizo PRD.
Abilities Score: Focus and Foible or 25pt. You can roll for F&F, if you don’t like your rolls, you can change for 25pt buy.
Multiclasses: Allowed, one extra class.
Archetypes: Allowed, only one per class.
Prestige classes:Allowed, as long your background history cover it.
Background: Why are you evil? What have you done to attract the Cardinal attention, and motivate him into inviting you to join his plans? Don’t need to be necessarily big, but well written and concise backgrounds are a boost.
Motivation: Why do you what you do?
Personality: You character at first glance.
Metal Abilities Score: Dumping mental scores is fine, as long you don’t put int/wis/cha 8 or less and RP your char as the most smart/wise/charismatic person in the party. If you want to dump any ability, be prepared to RP it.
Skill Points: You have two extra skill points per level.
Sourcebooks: Anything on Paizo PRD is fine, except for Mythic Adventures, and Technology Guide. If you want to use anything else outside PRD, you’ll need to talk to me first.
3rd Party: Maybe, the party members will have the final saying if they want it or not. If they accept and you get chosen, you must be willing to share the sourcebook for reference.
Posting Rate: We usually post more than once a day. Because of that, 1/day posting rate is the minimum required, with the weekends free.


How to get chosen: I’ll consult the current players over the app and see what they think it would be best for the party. From the current setup, we have a Inquisitor in fullplate, a reach cleric, the urban ranger swapping into melee and ranged combat as need arises and acting as party scout and rogue, and lastly the mage, partial battlefield controller, wannabe devilbinder.
I’ve already talked with them, and they don’t want any competition in party roles. That means: Inquisitors, Rangers, mages, clerics have less change of being selected. Of course that if you have a strong concept, this may change.

How to not get chosen:
Min-maxers, optimizers, rule-benders and one-week-posting-rate players will not be considered.
I don’t mind well-crafted and concise characters. But if you want to optimize you char, your background should be above average and explain those optimizations.

Any question, drop me a line. :)

About the DM:

Not my first DM’ing experience.
I don’t mind players that like rules, as long it does not bog down the game. I prefer history over combat.
I’ve been gaming since 2001. Mostly 3.5, pathfinder in the last couple of years.
English is not my main language, some grammar errors are bound to happen, I do my best to prevent then.

Recruitment will be open until saturday, sep-13. Result will be posted sunday.

Human Hero Killer1 / Holy Assassin1 / Deceiver2


Human Hero Killer1 / Holy Assassin1 / Deceiver2



Please, update your crunch to level6.

Eldred, you can use the roll from the other thread.

Let's us discuss here before starting the new part of the game.



I still have too much to prepare, and I think that this project will not start at least for the next couple of months, but let we have a place to discuss and understand this.

Please, dot in game play, so it’ll be easier for you to keep track. :)

The Storyteller

Here you may ask any question without any fear of spoiling things! :)

The Storyteller

Each of you has your own history and circumstance that made you be in the Merchant ship, the Man’s Promise.
Only when you were already at sea, the Captain Aspar Tharkidor revealed his destination.
The city for Senghor!
Now, the city itself was not the problem. The problem is the waters around it. It’s pirate territory!
No amount of talking would swat the captain from his destination, and thus, your journey began.
The Man’s Promise in manned by its captain, four officers and twenty four sailors (including yourself!)
Please, describe your char and post up what would be her best job in a ship.

I’m sure this question was asked before, but I could not find in the Rule thread.

My doubt is this:
Can you get Two Weapon Feint and it’s feat requirement, Combat Expertise in the same level?

To illustrate better, there is the actual situation:
A level 3rogue/level 1sorcerer just got to level 5.
She picked up one more rogue level and as rogue talent, she selected Combat trick. The bonus combat feat selected was combat expertise.
Her level 5 feat selection was two weapon feint.

"In an honest service there is thin commons, low wages, and hard labor; in this, plenty and satiety, pleasure and ease, liberty and power; and who would not balance creditor on this side, when all the hazard that is run for it, at worst, is only a sour look or two at choking. No, a merry life and a short one, shall be my motto."

Hello! I’m opening recruitment for a Skull and Shackles game!
We have four players and I’ll be recruiting one, maybe two others.

The current players are:
Ambrose – Tiefling Wizard
Boldwin – Dwarf Brawler
Dughal- Half Orc rogue
Sh’torek – Undine Barbarian

We are mostly looking for divine classes. A cleric would be great, but any class capable of performing healing is welcome. (Witch, Oracle, Bard, Cleric…)

Starting Level: 2nd level
Stats: 22 Point Buy.
Alignment: This is a bit of a sticky wicket, or at least was until I made my decision. Since the PCs are supposed to be a part of the pirate lifestyle, I WILL allow neutral and evil PCs, but be amply warned beforehand: your actions will have consequences, and those consequences could spell your doom if you're mindlessly violent or bastard-y.
HP: Max for 1st level, half for even levels thereafter, full for odd. So a 1st level Wiz would be 6 + Con mod, 2nd level 3 + Con mod, 3rd 6 + Con mod, lather, rinse, repeat.
Classes: For this recruitment, any class capable of performing a healer role.
Races: All races except the following will be okay: Samsarans, Strix, Vishkanyas, or Wayangs. Oh, and naturally, no Azlanti. Remember, the campaign is set in a relatively warm and aquatic environment; northern/cold-loving races would probably be a little put off.
Drawbacks: Nope!
Traits: Two, one must be a campaign trait.
Wealth: You will start with one mundane weapon and armor of your choice. Nothing more. No more than 300 gp.
Downtime: Downtime will be an important part of the adventure, particularly the latter portion, since there’s a definite kingdom-building vibe to the entire AP. I’ll handle significant events that happen during downtime in vignette-style action, and hopefully it’ll work to keep everyone from getting bored.

Submitting a Character:
Description – A paragraph or two should be sufficient for this. Please describe your character, as they’d appear the first time someone saw them.
Personality – I’d like to see a nice paragraph or two talking about the PC's background at least, though I won't say no to more than that. Since the campaign is focused on the Shackles and surrounding areas, your character will be from either the areas nearby or an immigrant.

Background – A paragraph or two, describing your life history, and how you ended up working in the Man’s Promise merchant boat.

Recruitment will be open until Friday.
Thanks :)

Human Hero Killer1 / Holy Assassin1 / Deceiver2

You all were able to escape that cursed place. But even then something felt amiss…
It was too easy, and no one is chasing you…
It appears that you had help in escaping, and that confirms just after your first night free, you awaken in the middle of the night, someone is near you, a beautiful silver haired woman with sparkling green eyes.


I’m opening recruitment to my WotW game.

Those are the current players:
Seren - Oracle
Nahia - Witch
Zerik – Ranger(urban)

We have a heavily RP focused campaign, if you only want to roll dices; this is not the game for you.

Still here? Okay!
I’ll be recruiting one, two or three players, I’m still not sure!
To apply this is what you need:
1-Create a background:
This must tell us why you are a bad person, about your family, how you got the skills you have, what crime you committed, how you got caught, and how you escaped the salt mines where you have been sent after being sentenced to a life-time of slave work.
2-Character concept:
What you char do? What you want him to do? What party role he fills?
You do not need to create an Alias for recruitment, but you must provide a crunch for you character. Power builders will not be considered. You char starts at level 4, with 2500gp as starting gold.
It can be anything you want, but the rarer, more you have to work with your background to compensate for it.
Anti-paladin is allowed. Paladin is a banned class.
No summoners, gunslingers, samurais or ninjas. No playtest stuff.
6- Alignment:
You must be LE. Even if the class you want to get says otherwise, I’m telling you that you need to be LE. In other words, it does not matter the class, your Alignment will be LE.
Drop me a line!

Recruitment will be open until Friday, March 28.

Human Hero Killer1 / Holy Assassin1 / Deceiver2

There are some things you need to know.

First: You are know as the Nessian Knot.

You are going to help the other members in a mission in balentyne.

To help you, the cardinal gave you 2500gp to buy supplies (the initial gold), a silver pendant with asmodeus simbol, and an Iron Circlet, that is the same things as a Hat of Disguise. Everyone has one of those.

More than that, you felt, this same day, when you meet the others at the inn, the conctract being broken. But you know not the reason.

Human Hero Killer1 / Holy Assassin1 / Deceiver2

Your time in prison was a short one, after being branded you were sent to pay for your crimes in the slave pits of the salt mines. Only you were able to flee, their mistake, to put together the two most clever and treacherous minds Talingard had ever seem!
Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa von Nettesheim and Fet the false-hearted, two names still unknow in this dammed island, but not for long.
It did not take too long to hear whispers of Brandescar destruction. The Forsaken killed everyone, the warden, the sergeant, even the servants were had the same fate, and more than that, they burned the place down. Brandescar was no more.
During your stay in the salt mines, you had the feeling someone was pulling strings, and that was confirmed when the opportunity to escape appeared! Even then, it took all your cunning and wits to leave the place alive, it was not a grand escape as the Forsaken, but a grand feat nonetheless.
Days you spent in the company of each other, you knew that your best hope of survival was to stay together, until you found a small town and there everything changed.
As soon you entered the place a peasant woman, approached you. She was using farm clothes and she looked like a farmer, except for the eyes that were bright green.
”Dearest” she says with irony ”I was beginning to think you would die before reaching this god-forsaken village.” she then smiling continues ”I’m sure that smart as you are, you know someone helped you to escape that place. That someone is ready to meet you, but before you need to be made presentable. There’s hot water, clean clothes and food for you if you care to join me.” and then she stride away, down the road.

The woman leads you down the road until you leave the village, you walk for some minutes and you see an abandoned inn, by the look of it. She stops at the door and claps her hands ”Slaves, take our guest to their room and help then clean themselves!” and then she adds ”Now!” this last word almost like a threat.
The place inside is surprisingly clean and well preserved, comparing to outside. You are taken to a room and as promised, hot water, delicious food and clean clothes wait for you.

The Storyteller

Testing... one...two...three...

The Storyteller

Let's start then!

Are you not tired of saving the princess?
In a fair land, were the good people live in peace. The Sun god watch over the good folk.
The good and just King see to everyone’s need…
All you need to do is forget all your previous belief, throw away your faith and only adore and pray to Mitra.

But I would see things differently. As last high priest of Asmodeus, I would burn Talingard to the ground; bring war and chaos to the same land that marked you forever as enemy of Mitra…
My agents fell short of one of their numbers; I seek now to enlist someone else with vengeance in his heart. But not a pointless, petty revenge. I seek someone who is fit to join my great plan and be my instrument of war.
Are you prepared to burn down Talingard?



You will start at level four.
You will need to present your char concept and write up a background about your char, what was your crime and how you get caught. More than that, you were branded as Forsaken of Mitra, and sentenced to slave work until the time you die in the salt mines. Only that you were able to flee.
You will need to describe how you escaped the place.

A fair warning: Powerbuilds are not encouraged.

You can create your crunch and present it, but you are not required to create an alias for recruitment.
25-point buy or Focus and Foible, your choice, no reroll.
Core races are encouraged, if you want to play anything else, your background need to have to be really well made to support your choice.
No Gunslinger, Summoner, Samurai or any Playtest stuff. Paladins are banned classes. Anti-Paladin is allowed.
LE, you cannot be Neutral or Chaotic. If the class you want required one of those, you can assume the class will work with LE alignment.
Money: You will start with 1500gp.

The party consists for three players:
Eldred Crofter – Ranger(Urban)
Johan Hale – Inquistor
Malgrim Ironskin – Monk/Fighter

It would be good if you create your char considering the party balance.
I will choose the ones I like best and present then to the players and let then decide with whom they want to play.
I may recruit two players, but officially, this is recruitment for only one.

Recruitment will be open for 3 days (March, 5).

Any doubt drop me a line or send me a PM.
Looking forward to see your app. :)

Human Hero Killer1 / Holy Assassin1 / Deceiver2

Doting, anyone? :D

Human Hero Killer1 / Holy Assassin1 / Deceiver2


It's open now.

I'll update gameplay as soon as you guys finish the character sheet.
I've some house rules and Talingard history at Campaign Info. Read the rules, if you have time, read the history.

Human Hero Killer1 / Holy Assassin1 / Deceiver2

In the kingdom of Talingarde, many crimes may send you to Branderscar Prison, but the sentence has but one meaning. You are wicked and irredeemable. Each of you received the same greeting when you arrived. You were held down by rough hands and branded upon the arm with a runic F. The mark signifies ‘forsaken’ and the painful scar is indelible proof that each of you has betrayed the great and eternal love of Mitra and his chosen mortal vassals.
Condemned, you face at best a life of shackles and servitude in the nearby salt mines. Others might await the “gentle” ministrations of the inquisitors so that co-conspirators may be revealed and confessions extracted. Perhaps, some of you will be spared this ordeal. Perhaps instead you have come to Branderscar to face the final judgment. In three days, the executioner arrives and the axe falls or the pyre will be lit. Through fire or steel, your crimes will be answered.
You have all been chained together in the same communal cell dressed in nothing but filthy, tattered rags. Manhandled and mistreated, any finery you once possessed is either ruined or long lost. No special treatment has been given any prisoner – male or female, commoner or noble – all of the forsaken are bound and imprisoned together. Your feet are secured by iron cuffs tethered by one long chain. Your arms are secured to the wall above by manacles. A guard is posted right outside the cell day and night. Little thought is given to long term accommodations. At Branderscar, justice comes swift and sure.
Escape seems hopeless. You have all been well searched and every attempt to conceal anything on your person has failed. And if you could somehow slip your bonds and fly out of this prison, where would you go? Who from your former life would want anything to do with the forsaken? Despised, alone and shackled – all that you can do now is await your doom. For each of you, your old life is over. For each of you, hope is a fading memory. For each of you, justice will be fairly meted. And who can blame fair Talingarde after what each of you has done?

Spell casters:
If you want(I really recomment it), you can start with all your spell for the day, but even if you sleep, you can't recover then for now.
Arcanes spellcastes that prepare spells ahead of time, has all his spells too, but will not be able to prepare until you find a spellbook.

Let's begin then!
You can all introduce yourself and write about your character apparance.

Human Hero Killer1 / Holy Assassin1 / Deceiver2

Welcome :D

I'll update gameplay as soon as we finish character creation.
I'm really excited about this game. Hope you guys enjoy it!

We have some boring house rules at Campaign info, please read then.

Don't forget, you guys are villains, but you will need to work together to survive. This time, I'm the good guys. I'm the adventure party hunting the evil villains, and in the end the gooddoers always wins... or so they say.

After getting all your skills, you guys have 2 more skill points. Villains are more resourceful than normal folk, so use then well. :)

The Kingdom of Talingarde is the most noble, virtuous, peaceful nation in the known world.
This is the story of how you burned this insipid paradise to the ground. It’s only fair. They
burned you first.
They condemned you for your wicked deeds. They branded you. They shipped you to the
worst prison in the kingdom. In three days, you die. In three days, the do-gooders pray they’ll
be rid of you.
They’ve given you three days. The fools, that’s more than you need to break out. And then,
it will be their turn to face the fire.

Hello :)

I'm looking for 4 or 5 mature players for a evil gampaign.

Char Creation rules:

Required Reading:

Player Guide

Lawful Evil

A lawful evil villain methodically takes what he wants within the limits of his code of conduct without regard for whom it hurts. He cares about tradition, loyalty, and order, but not about freedom, dignity, or life. He plays by the rules but without mercy or compassion. He is comfortable in a hierarchy and would like to rule, but is willing to serve. He condemns others not according to their actions but according to race, religion, homeland, or social rank. He is loath to break laws or promises.

This reluctance comes partly from his nature and partly because he depends on order to protect himself from those who oppose him on moral grounds. Some lawful evil villains have particular taboos, such as not killing in cold blood (but having underlings do it) or not letting children come to harm (if it can be helped). They imagine that these compunctions put them above unprincipled villains.

Some lawful evil people and creatures commit themselves to evil with a zeal like that of a crusader committed to good. Beyond being willing to hurt others for their own ends, they take pleasure in spreading evil as an end unto itself. They may also see doing evil as part of a duty to an evil deity or master.

Lawful evil represents methodical, intentional, and organized evil.

Alignment: LE. (if you want a class that has Chaotic Alignment as requirement, send me a private message. )

25 point buy or Focus and Foible. Your choice, no reroll.

Focus and Foible:
Choose a Focus, an ability score at which you excel.
You receive an 18 in that score.
Choose a Foible, an ability score that is your weakness.
You receive an 8 in that score.
The other four, roll 1d10+7 four times in order. There
are no rerolls or moving of ability scores. Those are your
other four scores.

2 traits (One from player guide).


Antipaladin (LE, even tho it says it must be CE)

Paladin is a banned class.

No summoner/ninja/samurai/ or any test stuff

Any, except Drow, no more than 20RP. But remember, you are a evil person, and most of the time you want to pass unnoticed...

Money: Dont even spend time buying equipament and stuff.
You will begin the game in jail. No money, no itens, nothing.

Extra credit:

You are a lawbreaker – the worst of the worst.
Too dangerous to live amongst the good people,
they dragged you in chains before a magistrate and
condemned you.

I would love to read what was your crime and how you got caught.

It's not mandatory, but it will help me a great deal in choosing the players.

Any doubt, drop me a line or send me a Private message.

Thanks and good luck. :)

P.S. Recruitment goes until: Monday 16. (12/16/2013)


A bastante tempo eu estou querendo mestrar uma campanha play-by-post.
Minha dúvida é: Há jogadores brasileiros que queiram jogar?

Caso haja interesse, eu me disponibilizo a mestrar uma campanha. (Eu ainda estou Estudando qual, mas eu estou pensando na boa e velha: Rise of the Runelords.)

Criação de personagem:
20 pontos para comprar de atributo.
Level 1.
Hp maximo no lvl 1, outros rolados.
Dinheiro mediado com base na classe.

2 traits.

Classes: Nada de ninja,samurai,summoner ou antipaladino.
Nem as classes advanced.
O resto, é de boa.

Alinhamento: Qualquer um não mau.

Raças: Raças até 20RP são liberadas se a história for compatível com a raça que você quer pegar. Somente o Drow não é permitido.

Arquétipos: Somente 1.

Mínimo 1 post/dia, sem contar os finais de semana. (mas seria muito bom se vocês postassem mais vezes.)

Caso haja interesse, espero as suas postagens. :)