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Im using a Scimitar + Heavy Shield.

Should I stack up more AC with Armor Focus and Shield Focus?
Are there any feats to help fighting like this?

So Far I had come with this:

Wiz (Spellslinger) 5 / Gunslinger 1 / Eld Knight 10

Eldritch Knight Spells Arcane Lv3 and all martial weapons which the 1 Level in Gunslinger gives plus, Grit, +1 bab and some extra saves.

My Stats Str 10 Dex 18 Con 14 Int 19 Wis 14 Cha 6 (Android Lv10)

Weapon of Choice: Double Barrel Shotgun

Feats that I got:

Point Blankshot
Precise Shot
Rapid Reload (Shotgun)
Weapon Focus (Shotgun)
Reckless Aim
Reach Spell
Craft Arms and Armor

Anything I should add or change?
Arcane Blast perhaps?

Level 10 Fighter and so far.

Exotic Fauchard
Weapon Focus
Weapon Specialization
Power Attack
Furious Focus
Combat Reflexes
Phalanx Formation
Improved Critical

What else can I add to the list? Anything that comes to your midn that is useful from 11 to 20 Levels.

I was wondering if there was a feat or trait or something that could make those Vestigal Wings strong to gain fly movement speed. Besides casting a fly spell XD. I mean I want to be able to use the wings.

I think I had read somewhere in the rules about when creatures increase or decrease size in battle but cant find it, but I'm specifically searching for what determines which squares in the battlefield the creature will occupy when becoming smaller or larger. Because becoming small or large many times during a battle can be confusing to check in which square he/she should be. If anyone knows anything about this, please point me in the right direction.

On Difficult terrain each square counts as 10 ft movement, this prevent 5 foot steps so player will have just a single attack unless they didnt move at all.

The question will be if squares count as 10ft of movement then moving a single square would provoke an attack of opportunity? I mean because it would count as moving from a threat range.

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The Ultimate Magic got an FAQ on this:


Summoner: Can a synthesist (page 80) use spells on himself that don't affect outsiders, even though he is treated as his own type or the outsider type, "whichever is worse"?

Yes, because the normal eidolon's share spells ability says "A summoner may cast spells on his eidolon even if the spells normally do not affect creatures of the eidolon's type (outsider)," and the synthesist archetype doesn't change that.

Note: This is a revision of an earlier question that used enlarge person as an example. FAQ pending about size-changing magic and a synthesist (because of the limitation of "the eidolon must be at least the same size as the synthesist" rule).

So I was wondering if the Rules Team ever made an FAQ about size-changing magic or is it still pending up to today? If not then.... Can we get the clarification on size-changing magic on the next FAQ update?

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I know that you normally can not make attack of opportunities with a ranger weapon (lets say a Longbow), but can you make an attack of opportunity with a natural weapon instead?

The person is holding the bow with one hand while not retrieving an arrow to shoot in an opponent's turn. So will he be able to make attacks of opportunities (lets say with a slam attack)?

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Metamagic Rods increase the casting time of spontaneous spell caster (of course except quicken spell).

So an spontaneous spellcaster need to use his own metamagic feats just like the Arcane Bloodline metamagic adept requires you to have/use a metamagic you know when use a Metamagic Rod + Spontaneous Metafocus?

To be more specific. Lets say a Sorcerer have Spontaneous Metafocus Fireball and he wants to cast fireball with an Empowered Metamagic Rod (Not using his feats just the rod).

Is there a rule somewhere for this?

For example, a Cleric cast True Seeing on a Barbarian and then this Barbarian dies. If the Cleric Raise Dead him, will the Barbarian still have True Seeing?

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This spell is strange as it was written. It seems like if when it was made they based on 3.5 rules that says a character dies at -10 HP, otherwise the spell would make no sense.

Pathfinder no longer have spells that kill in an instant such as old Finger of Death, Destruction, Wail of Banshee etc (these do just damage now).

So if the spell can't revive someone who reached more than Con Score then the spell don't work, since below your Con Score in Pathfinder you are still alive.

Breath of Life

School conjuration (healing); Level cleric/oracle 5; Domain healing 5

Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S

Range touch
Target creature touched
Duration instantaneous
Saving Throw Will negates (harmless) or Will half, see text; Spell Resistance yes (harmless) or yes, see text


This spell cures 5d8 points of damage + 1 point per caster level (maximum +25).

Unlike other spells that heal damage, breath of life can bring recently slain creatures back to life. If cast upon a creature that has died within 1 round, apply the healing from this spell to the creature. If the healed creature's hit point total is at a negative amount less than its Constitution score, it comes back to life and stabilizes at its new hit point total. If the creature's hit point total is at a negative amount equal to or greater than its Constitution score, the creature remains dead. Creatures brought back to life through breath of life gain a temporary negative level that lasts for 1 day.

Creatures slain by death effects cannot be saved by breath of life.

Like cure spells, breath of life deals damage to undead creatures rather than curing them, and cannot bring them back to life.

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Does Thanatopic Enervation spell would consider a target valid if used against a creature with Death Ward Spell?

Will Death Ward allow a saving throw vs Enervation or that only applies to Death spells without saving throws?

Death Ward Spell make you immune to negative energy spells and Enervation Effect description says "A ray of negative energy".

Thanatopic Spell says it pierces defenses and immunities that protect against death effects, negative levels, and energy drain, affecting the target as if the protective barrier did not exist, but negative energy is not included in the Thanatopic description, which would make Enervation invalid target because is negative energy.

Related Links:

Thanatopic Spell vs Vampiric Touch, descriptions outdated?

Thanatopic Enervation vs Death Ward - Question 2

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Does Death Ward still negate the negative levels penalties when affected by spells like Thanatopic Enervation?

Once again, Thanatopic need rewording. It seems like this metamagic also was made with Death Ward 3.5 version because it says like if Death Ward gives immunity against Death spells and Pathfinder version just add a +4 to the save.

Thanatopic Enervation should allow to affect someone with Death Ward protection but Enervation has a Duration Instantaneous which provokes a condition on the target of temporary negative levels. So I think that the target would still get the negative levels inflicted by enervation or any other spell but while Death Ward it's in effect the target wouldn't have any penalties associated with negative levels.

Related Links:

Thanatopic Spell vs Vampiric Touch, descriptions outdated?

Thanatopic Enervation vs Death Ward - Question 1

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Does Thanatopic Spell (Metamagic) even works with Vampiric touch as the example says?

I believe this metamagic feat new a serious re-wording for errata. The example assume it works for vampiric touch but the description says that makes immunities useless but still Vampiric touch description doesnt says is negative energy, nor death spell, nor inflict negative levels and above that even if the creature didn't had an immunity due Thanatopic or other ability, the spell target is a living creature which means it would check for an unvalid target if used against undead or any other non-living creature.

It seems like if Thanatopic Spell was made with Vampiric Touch 3.5 DND version, but the Pathfinder version makes no sense for Thanatopic.

Related Links:

Thanatopic Enervation vs Death Ward - Question 1

Thanatopic Enervation vs Death Ward - Question 2

I heard that Scattered Star Adventure Path it's somehow a sequel to Rise of the Runelords. In Rise of the Runelords the players fight Karzoug Runelord of Greed and Transmutation.

So I was wondering...

In Scattered Star, do players fight more runelords? If so, which of them?

Rending Fury (Combat)

You easily tear your enemies limb from limb with your natural attacks.

Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +6, rend special attack.

Benefit: You deal rend damage if you hit with half the normal natural attacks your rend requires.


This feat requires rend special ability to be able to get or qualify for it, but I have no idea how to get rend.

I only got Rise of the Runelords (Hardcover) which I really like and can get my players from Lv1 to about Lv 17.

I'm interest on buying another Adventure Path. So Im asking those of you who had run other Adventure Paths which would you recommend? Though I'm only interest on LONG Adventure Paths that can take the players from Lv 1 to near Lv 17 or more.

13 people marked this as FAQ candidate. Answered in the FAQ.


An Alchemist extracts when made with the infusion discovery follow the rules about potions on page 477 Pathfinder Core Rulebook 2nd paragraph?

I understand that the rules about extracts under the Alchemy(Su) probably didn't need to be too specific since the creator/caster and the user/drinker would be the same person the Alchemist but with Infusion discovery some word conflicts exist and I want know this for sure since "extracts aren't exactly potions nor spells".

Reference from Page 477 Core Rulebook wrote:
Potions are like spells cast upon the imbiber. The character taking the potion doesn't get to make any decisions about the effect—the caster who brewed the potion has already done so. The drinker of a potion is both the effective target and the caster of the effect (though the potion indicates the caster level, the drinker still controls the effect).

15 people marked this as FAQ candidate. Answered in the FAQ.

Can an Alchemist with the Infusion Discovery make extracts with Personal range to affect others?

Wind Walk


You alter the substance of your body to a cloud-like vapor (as the gaseous form spell) and move through the air, possibly at great speed. You can take other creatures with you, each of which acts independently.

Normally, a wind walker flies at a speed of 10 feet with perfect maneuverability. If desired by the subject, a magical wind wafts a wind walker along at up to 600 feet per round (60 mph) with poor maneuverability. Wind walkers are not invisible but rather appear misty and translucent. If fully clothed in white, they are 80% likely to be mistaken for clouds, fog, vapors, or the like.

A wind walker can regain its physical form as desired and later resume the cloud form. Each change to and from vaporous form takes 5 rounds, which counts toward the duration of the spell (as does any time spent in physical form). As noted above, you can dismiss the spell, and you can even dismiss it for individual wind walkers and not others.

For the last minute of the spell's duration, a wind walker in cloud form automatically descends 60 feet per round (for a total of 600 feet), though it may descend faster if it wishes. This descent serves as a warning that the spell is about to end.


Because of that part on BOLD this spell is giving me some headaches. The spell is basically made to travel fast outside, but players are using this spell inside underground dungeons to "scout" and because they are all in white, they claimed that can't be NOTICED except on 20% of the cases. I dont think thats entirely truth, I believe it depends on the creature they encounter and what kind of senses the creature have.


1. Can this spell even be use inside dungeons?

2. Can a creature with Scent noticed the players?

3. Can a creature with an ability that can see perfectly fine in fogs, clouds, vapor, smoke and such noticed players?

4. Can a Creature with Blindsight see them?

5. Any other way enemies can noticed the party? Perception roll perhaps?

I think an intelligent creature would see suspecious/odd that in a dungeon suddenly a weird mist appear and moves back and forward (not behaving as a normal mist which should only move in one direction)

I heard from Hero Lab staff that the Winter Witch Prestige class from Paths of Prestige was errated but I havent seen where was this errata posted in Paizo website.

Anyone knows? link? please

Witch is the one class I still havent figured out how to make it work effectively. So I was wondering if anyone have any idea of how to make a powerful Witch for a possible main Antagonist.

For Levels 15-16

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Example: Robot, Annihilator
Weakness: vulnerable to electricity
Resist: electricity 30

Lets say that enemy got hit by a maximized electricity Dragon Breath for 12d6 = 72 dmg

1. Which will be applied first, Vulnerability or Resist element?

2. Resistances and Vulnerabilities go after or before the reflex save?

3. How much damage will it take if successfully save?

4. How much damage will it take if fail the save?

Hmm too excesive dmg I might say....

Ifrit - Alchemist Lv10
+1/2 Bomb Damage from Favorite class
Lets say Int 20 base + 4 Headband Vast Int, +4 Cognatogen + 2 Lv4/Lv8 = 30

Bomb Damage 5d6 + 10 Int Mod + 5 Favorite class + 1 Point Blank
Splash Damage 21 dmg

Improved Two Weapon + Rapid Shot + Haste = 6 attacks

6 Sticky Bombs do 30d6 + 96 in one round.
The Next round the target that got hit by all 6 bombs splash gets an automatic Splash dmg of 21 x 6 = 126? and of course the Alchemist can attack again.

Reflex Save is quite high
10 + 1/2 Alch Lv + 10 Int mod = DC 25

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Death or Glory (Combat)

Even when facing a larger foe, you aren’t afraid to take great risks in order to finish the fight.

Prerequisites: Str 13, Power Attack, base attack bonus +6.

Benefit: Against a creature of size Large or larger, you can make a single melee attack as a full-round action, gaining a +4 bonus on the attack roll, damage roll, and critical confirmation roll. You gain an additional +1 on this bonus at base attack bonus +11, +16, and +20 (for a maximum of +7 at base attack +20). After you resolve your attack, the opponent you attack can spend an immediate action to make a single melee attack against you with the same bonuses.

Special: You can combine the full-round action attack this feat allows with the benefit of Vital Strike, Improved Vital Strike, or Greater Vital Strike.

Question 1

Can I still have this bonus if I'm large (or if Im somehow Huge) with for example using an Enlarged Potion and I'm fighting a Giant, Stone (Large)? Because we would be of the same size (or larger than my target if I were Huge).


Devastating Strike (Combat)

Pitting all of your strength and resolve against your enemy, you deliver a strike that is impossible to ignore.

Prerequisites: Vital Strike, base attack bonus +9.

Benefit: Whenever you use Vital Strike, Improved Vital Strike, or Greater Vital Strike, you gain a +2 bonus on each extra weapon damage dice roll those feats grant (+6 maximum). This bonus damage is multiplied on a critical hit.


Question 2 (This one is confusing)

If I use a Greatsword and Im enlarged (Greatsword do 3d6 dmg) and I use Vital Strike which doubles my weapon dmg, granting me +3d6 extra dmg.

Would I get +6 extra damage for just using Vital Strike? Or I only get +2 for Vital Strike, +4 when using Improved Vital Strike and/or +6 when using Greater Vital Strike?

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I was wondering if Armors like Celestial Armor or Rhino Hide could be further enchanted? Add more enhancement bonus or add extra abilities?

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Hmm I was wondering if there was a mistake here with the Favorite Class +1/4 Banner bonus for humans.

If it says 1/4 means that you could pick this ability every 4 Levels if you want, so would means for example Levels 4,8,12,16,20.

But the Cavalier dont have the Banner ability until Lv5, so I wouldnt be able to pick banner bonus at Lv4 I assume. In which case I could only get the Favorite Class Banner Bonus at Levels 5,9,13,17.

Unless there was a mistake on this ability and might had been +1/5 instead of +1/4. In which case it would affect Levels 5,10,15,20.

Enlarge Person

All equipment worn or carried by a creature is similarly enlarged by the spell. Melee weapons affected by this spell deal more damage (see Table: Medium/Large Weapon Damage). Other magical properties are not affected by this spell. Any enlarged item that leaves an enlarged creature's possession (including a projectile or thrown weapon) instantly returns to its normal size. This means that thrown and projectile weapons deal their normal damage. Magical properties of enlarged items are not increased by this spell.

Multiple magical effects that increase size do not stack.

Lead Blades

Lead blades increases the momentum and density of your melee weapons just as they strike a foe. All melee weapons you are carrying when the spell is cast deal damage as if one size category larger than they actually are. For instance, a Medium longsword normally deals 1d8 points of damage, but it would instead deal 2d6 points of damage if benefiting from lead blades (see table below). Only you can benefit from this spell. If anyone else uses one of your weapons to make an attack it deals damage as normal for its size.


So a Large (Huge after enlarged) creature with Enlarge person would deal weapon Damage as a gargantuan weapon?

I was wondering what Ability Score the Ancient Lorekeeper use for the spells taken from the Wizard/Sorcerer Spell List. There are other archetypes that specify this but this one doesn't say.

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First I would like to know if the mount can attack at all while the Cavalier is on it?

Second if the Beast Rider takes a mount with Pounce Ability does the Cavalier or the Mount can make a full attack? Or the mount cant pounce while mounted?

Third if the Mount have Improved evasion can he use it to takes no damage from a fireball while mounted? Will the Cavalier takes no damage too while riding the mount?

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I was wondering if an Alchemist can use his extracts while grappled.

A wizard can cast spells as long as the spell dont require somatic or components that you need to have in hand in order to cast a spell.

So I do think that since the extract is an item require to use or "cast" then he would also need the extract in hand to be able to use them. So the extract is basically a component need it right?

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Bombs are just considered weapon for purpose of getting/using feats? Or are they a weapon just like a dagger or any thrown weapon and therefore you can imbue or channel a spell through them?

How much the ingredients to make the bombs cost?

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The description of this material says:

The root of the wyrwood tree has a peculiar quality. When a weapon constructed of wyroot confirms a critical hit, it absorbs some of the life force of the creature hit. The creature hit is unharmed and the wyroot weapon gains 1 life point. As a swift action, a wielder with a ki pool or an arcane pool can absorb 1 life point from the wyrwood weapon and convert it into either 1 ki point or 1 arcane pool point. Most wyroot weapons can only hold 1 life point at a time, but higher-quality wyroot does exist. The most powerful wyroot weapons can hold up to 3 life points at a time. Any unspent life points dissipate at dusk.

Wyroot can be used to construct any melee weapon made entirely of wood or a melee weapon with a wooden haft. Constructing a wyroot weapon that can hold 1 life point increases the weapon's cost by 1,000 gp, constructing one that can hold up to 2 life points increases the weapon's cost by 2,000 gp, and constructing one that can hold up to 3 life points increases the weapon's cost by 4,000 gp.

So I was wondering if doing no damage is the condition to be able absorb life force? Will the weapon start doing normal damage once it had reach the maximum absorb points possible?

If this does normal damage I could see a potential exploit of unlimited source of arcane pools with a weapon with critical 15-20 and using the arcana that makes your weapon do touch attacks.

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Can a Ninja get with a General Feat the Extra Rogue Talent to be able to get a rogue talent?

I was check the chapter to create new races and they categorize Advance a race which have 11-20 RP points but it seems all the races (except the 24 RP Gnome) have around 11-16 RP with mostly Standard abilities.

A power level Standard can have more than 10 RP? Because allowing player to pick the Advanced Ability Score trait for only 4 RP seems quite powerful. This Trait allow a race to have +2 to all mentals or physicals scores plus +4 and -2 to abilities scores of the not chosen type to have +2 to all.

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Rhino Hide

This +2 hide armor is made from rhinoceros hide. In addition to granting a +2 enhancement bonus to AC, it has a –1 armor check penalty and deals an additional 2d6 points of damage on any successful charge attack made by the wearer, including a mounted charge.

So it do just 2d6 to the first attack or it also works for the other attacks the player have?

Also the +2 bonus to attack roll due is just for the first attack?

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I was wondering if you a person can make a Pounce while flying. Pounce only say:

Pounce (Ex)

When a creature with this special attack makes a charge, it can make a full attack (including rake attacks if the creature also has the rake ability).

So if someone is flying and go driving attack which works like a charge assuming it moves a minimum of 30ft and 10ft must be straight down to meet the conditions. He would make double damage with his first atatck or with all attacks given by pounce?

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I was wondering if this ability works only with barbarian level like many of the Rage Power a Barbarian have.

Most people would get two levels of Barbarian for any class because of this I would say.

Challenge requires concentration so it would mean that it wouldnt do anything under Rage I guess guess right?

If Cavalier have +4 enhancement STR bonus from an item and (sighs players do have such imagination) and also the mount have a +4 enhancement bonus from an item I would assume that even when using the Order of the Sword ability it wouldnt stack those +4 enhancement bonus from the rider and the mount right?

If the mount have Pounce he shouldnt be able to use it if the rider is on him right?

I got a player with a Gunslinger and the other 6 players complain about its power, because it can so soo much dmg in so little time from distance and with touch attacks.

In top of that 2 good saves, a quick BAB, extra feats, good to strong abilities.

How would you proof Gunslinger is balanced (if it is) or not soo much stronger than other classes or how would you beat a gunslinger?

Paladin use 2 Lay on hands to use Channel energy, but how much does he cure? The channel suppose to be as a cleric but then does this means it heals more than lay on hands? Because a Paladin Lv 5 only have 2d6 lay on hands while a cleric 5 have 3d6 channel. Or does the paladin channel heals the same amount of dices lay on hands does?

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Astral Skin and armor are quite attached to the body and I assume there is no problem with them and magic items but Juggernaut is slightly different since your whole body is inside of it. So I was wondering if magic items such as boots, amulets or other that you character have on but are inside and protected by the juggernaut suit are inert just like an armor you are wearing is no matter if it brings you better protection than the juggernaut.
For example an amulet.of natural armor will protect you while inside the juggernaut? Or will boots that increase your movement will increase it too while weating the armor?

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Astral Repair
What mundaned items would mean? Non magic objects?

crystallized weapon.
Can you pay 2 power points per attack to do 2d6 extra dmg or is it a swift action.

Nimble and Hardy both say in last sentence strength bonus.

An Astral armor.nor aind.blade enchanted as normal weapons I guess... Even if the Aegis is able to sleep with his suit and never take a bath lol

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I know Powerful Build state y stacks with size increase from spell powers or such that increase size but umm does is stack with Augmented Weapon costumization? Seem rather cheap pay 2 costumization points for each avility plus size.increase and the weapon dmg would be increased 3 times already and would increase a 4th when Aegis can get the Huge size increase.

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The class feature says that you can spend power points to increase the mind blade enhancement bonus but it doesnt say anything about duration. Is it for a single attack or for one round or any other time frame? Or is it unlimited time per day?

I guess that if an enemy is adjacent to you then you can feel that this enemy is threatening you and if you provoke an attack of opportunity then he can attack you if can and want to.

Now.... if someone have a higher reach due to size, weapon, special abilities or other suck as Combat Patrol feat. Does the player know or feel if the square he is in is being threatened by an enemy.

Example a Wizard is 15 ft away from a fighter Lv20 with Combat Patrol. The Fighter is medium size and the wizard could not tell if the fighter could reach him if he cast a spell.

The rules say that range weapons does half damage to objects.

So I was wondering if Constructs like golem or other creatures that are considered objects suffer only half damage from ranged attacks?

A paladin with the archetype Sacred Shield have an ability that gives the Paladin Shield Bonus to all allies adjacent to him.

If this Paladin also gets the Covering Defense feat which gives cover bonus equal to his shield to an ally when he goes full defense, would stack with Holy Shield ability?

Paladin with Holy Shield + Covering Defense and a Tower Shield +2 would give to an ally +6 AC shield bonus and +6 cover bonus for a total of +12 AC? (oops Edited the number Thanks)

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Damage Reduction says:

Whenever damage reduction completely negates the damage from an attack, it also negates most special effects that accompany the attack, such as injury poison, a monk's stunning, and injury-based disease. Damage reduction does not negate touch attacks, energy damage dealt along with an attack, or energy drains. Nor does it affect poisons or diseases delivered by inhalation, ingestion, or contact.


A Monster had damage reduction of 10 and a player roll 6 damage plus +2 str mod and +1 enhancement = 9 total damage, the player would be doing 0 damage.

So now according to what it says above in Damage reduction it wouldnt negate touch attacks or added effects like flaming or other magical effects.

But now things like extra damage such as Sneak attack or any other Precision damage would be completely negate too if the weapon damage was completely reduced to 0? Since these are not magic based. I think you couldnt hit a vital spot if your weapon didnt even cut or pierce the enemy.

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