
Karse's page

Goblin Squad Member. 303 posts. No reviews. 1 list. No wishlists.

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My List

(26 items)

1.  Khalib
Re: Has anyone tried Spell Perfection?
Post, by Karse

2.  Khalib
Gunslinger and the unending complaint on its power.
Thread (51 posts),

3.  Wizard
Alchemist/Fire bomber-archetype/Explosive bomb dicovery question
Thread (9 posts),

4.  Khalib
Ninja and Extra Rogue Talent
Thread (9 posts),

5.  Khalib
Wyroot does no damage?
Thread (45 posts),

6.  Khalib
Alchemist Bombs questions
Thread (8 posts),

7.  Khalib
Cavalier Beast Rider attacks
Thread (3 posts),

8.  Khalib
Enlarge Person + Lead Blades stack?
Thread (36 posts),

9.  Khalib
Favorite Class Banner question
Thread (4 posts),

10.  Cayden Cailean
>>Ask *James Jacobs* ALL your Questions Here!<<
Thread (83,732 posts),

11.  Khalib
Death or Glory and Vital Strike feats question
Thread (7 posts),

12.  Khalib
Sticky Bomb stack with itself?
Thread (9 posts),

13.  Khalib
Vulnerabilities over resistances questions (confusing)
Thread (6 posts),

14.  Khalib
Any Reliable Witch build?
Thread (30 posts),

15.  Kenku
Staff response: no reply required
Thread (72 posts),

16.  Kenku
Special Material Weapon Hardness
Thread (77 posts),

17.  Khalib
Question of Alchemist Infusion with Personal Extracts
Thread (31 posts),

18.  Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook (OGL)
Re: Is this TWF combination legal?
Post, by Pathfinder Design Team

19.  Khalib
Thanatopic Spell vs Vampiric Touch, descriptions outdated?
Thread (11 posts),

20.  Khalib
Thanatopic Enervation vs Death Ward - Question 2
Thread (7 posts),

21.  Khalib
Thanatopic Enervation vs Death Ward - Question 1
Thread (5 posts),

22.  Khalib
Spontaneous Metafocus and Metamagic Rods
Thread (2 posts),

Synthesist and belt of constitution +2
Thread (97 posts),

24.  Khalib
Need Feats for Polearm Master
Thread (24 posts),

25.  Khalib
Any Advice to build a Spellslinger?
Thread (42 posts),

26.  Khalib
Are there any One hand + Shield styles?
Thread (5 posts),