KageNoRyu's page

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook Subscriber. 171 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

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Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook Subscriber

For me it would be interesting how they handled the dragon disciple as he is one of the hardest 1e arxhetypes to convert imho due to his many ability and ac bonuses

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Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook Subscriber
GGSigmar wrote:
Oh I see. I was one of those who didn't have The Slithering in their orders, but it was resolved immediately. I contacted customer service and got reply and fix in like an hour, super fast. Paizo's Customer Service is excellent, so shout out to them, because they are awsome!

what is slithering?

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Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook Subscriber

hopefully before 26th then^^'

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Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook Subscriber

Did I understand everything correctly?

Bonuses are now:
untrained +0
trained +2 + level
expert +4 + level
master +6 + level
legend +8 + level

Or am I wrong somewhere?

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Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook Subscriber

Is there any info if the skill list will be expanded?
(time and again during the playtest it felt as if some skills were missing. Especially during times when a monster was to be identified that was not a natural animal, but something else like a drow,...)

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Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook Subscriber
Deadmanwalking wrote:

Uh...Quality says what it does on Armor very specifically on p. 190. It reduces Armor Check Penalties. It in no way adds to AC.

Also, I was talking about Mage Armor there, but that's really secondary to you misreading the armor rules.

Yepp saw it (read it up already and wanted to edit my post accordingly).

Thus it is correct: AC: 7 TAC: 5 for studded leather is its max (sry there^^')

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Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook Subscriber

While doing a bit of a conversion I just noticed soetthing about mage armor.

its highest incarnation gives +6 to ac, +0 to tac and +5 to saving throws.

Still though I noticed that that is quite weak vs. what other characters at that level could get. Even compared to light armor.

If I take a studded leather and give it +5 (with legendary quality) I would get an AC of: 10 and TAC of: 8. (not taking proficiencies into account there).

So I'm wondering aside from being a gimmick is mage armor worth anything at all? (as seemingly even light armor bests it without the player giving up a limited resource for it).

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Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook Subscriber

After looking up things in the core rules I noticed that there seems to be a massive difference in regards to size (pf1/pf2).

In the past size usually modified your to hit, damage and ac and also stats for characters.

But now it seems (aside from enlarge spell) size does not do anything at all but telling you how much space you occupy?
(aka the races don't have any modifiers and also no combat modifiers,...).

Or did I overlook something there?

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Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook Subscriber
Matthew Downie wrote:
KageNoRyu wrote:
In 4 combats with lvl 1 chars I noticed it is killing at least one pc if I go 1:1 with wolves vs chars (even some optimized ones inside).

Isn't that roughly what CR1 is intended to mean? A CR1 enemy is supposed to be a threat to a level 1 group on its own; two CR1 enemies at once is about the limit of what they group is expected to be able to take on.

That is the question. In pf1 I understood that CR 1 means threat to a single party member. IF its CR 1 = threat to a WHOLE 3-6 man group of lvl 1 chars then........I honestly don't get how the hell civilizations in Golarion survived. I mean 6 wolves are enough to squash a whole village.......... gg civilization. Food time for wolves and similar.

Aka from a fluff and setting perspective some of the CR 1s then make absolutely no sense at all as the setting would not be possible at all.

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook Subscriber

The problem is for the olves as exmple in combat als o they seem to be optimized for BEST of the best.

in my group most had 14 for their to hit attribute (thus a total of +3 or ü+4 for the warrior) and their armor class was of average 12.

If we only use optimized chars then yes the wolves are okay. But if we want to use REALISTICAL chars then.....the wolves are "elite" wolves able to easily kill lvl 2 chars without much trouble.

In 4 combats with lvl 1 chars I noticed it is killing at least one pc if I go 1:1 with wolves vs chars (even some optimized ones inside). If I got 1/2 wolves and 1 chars (thus 1 wolf for 2 chars) the chars have a good chance to survive with only half hp lost.
(although in 2 of the 4 combats I had to retreat the wolves after THEY lost half hp...else they would have squashed the party still!)

And in all honesty that feels completely wrong vs a WOLF.

And to correct a foreposter: Wolves had +4 to hit in the PF 1 not +2.

And in all honesty: With +4 to hit they would be good against optimized and normal chars of level 1-3 while giving the chars a fair chanbce and a gm the chance to use a whole pack instead of "okay 3 wolves vs. 6 party members and I have a chance that nobody has to die".

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Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook Subscriber

I've run a few level 1 sessions now and did also some calcing.

First: Don't misunderstand me, I'm liking the new rules (most of them) so far. But for the monster stats I couldn't understand / get to the why.

When I looked at the monster stats I was baffled by the +7 to hit for wolves and other similar Cr 1 creatures. In essence if we took an average fighter (str 16) he would to be at level 3 to be at the same +7 total to his to hit. I was quite surprised there (quite experienced wolves so to say^^)

Then I compared the +7 to the usual +1 to +4 for the chars in my group and also the AC of the group (usually 11-15).

thus statistically and also in praxis the wolves had a very easy time hitting wehile the chars had troubles beating the AC 15 of the wolves.

With the wolves hitting that easily while having such high defenses I had drop a default scenario of mine for wood adventures....attacking low level chars by a pack of wovles (4-5) as the wolves would overwhelm any party (thanks to hitting extremely easy while being hard to hit).

sooo with the background dwon to my question: Is there any known reasoning behind why the former +4 for many CR 1 creatures is now +7?

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Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook Subscriber
David knott 242 wrote:

I think one issue with applying the OGL to a computer program is that you would have to release the source code to the general public in order to comply with that license -- and that is something that is almost never done with computer programs, since that would make it possible for others to modify said program and release their own versions of it.

So I am not entirely sure whether the OGL prohibits computer programs or just makes them an extraordinarily bad idea.

Not necessarily there. I've done a few computer programs in the past that used open source material. There it was so that only the part that you modified from the original source had to be made public (thus if you changed a specific method from teh source material that had to be public, not the other code, ...).

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Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook Subscriber
GinoA wrote:

My understanding is that the Open Gaming License is only used for RPG, tabletop games. I believe even the Pathfinder Card Game falls under different licensing.

IANAL, nor do I represent Paizo. Blah, blah, blah...

Thanks. I found an old thread in the meantime where it was stated that computer games are not falling under the ogl licence (are excempt so to say).

Which means that if one wants to create a computer game using the pathfinder rules paizo must allow it.

Is licensing@paizo.com still the correct address there? (found that in the old thread and tried to write a mail to there but never got an answer).

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Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook Subscriber

When I read a bit about the licenceses for PF and SF I got the impression, that it is quite uncomplicated to use either system and put sourcebooks or rule modification books out for them (please correct me if I'm wrong there).

What intrigues me the most there though is...for digital media like computer games I've read that they are not explicitely mentioned in the licenses there. Are they also allowed the same way as books? Or does that work differently?

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Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook Subscriber

I'm looking for players for a darkmoon vale campaign which is primarily play by post.

The game will be held via play by post (I'm currently deciding between 2 possible solutions there 1 is a wave like solution and another a more forum like solution). In between it is possible that there are also IRC sessions (but that depends on time,... and would only be in between if at all the primary goal is a play by post session).

Races: Core (all paizo published) and rift publishing races are allowed (this also includes the dragon species tainim). For other races approval would be needed.

Classes: Core, advanced classes,.... (only thing I have a dislike for are the more technological inspired classes which need approval to be in).

Start level: 1. HP rolls for all levels are maxed.
Traits, drawbacks are takeable (got ultimate campaign).
Alignment: All takeable with only one requirement: No autokills thus characters should be able to work together.
Heirloom items: Possible but need background reasons,... (Info: Heirloom items are start-magical items that serve as plothooks also. They can be got for free but are gm approve. For example tainim and other monster races can get an item that allows them to attain a humanoid shape as else they will have problems entering cities until at least level 3 in the case of tainim).

Rulebook limitations: Currently none in place as I got quite a few and can buy what I need.

Place: Darkmoon vale with the campaign there being played.

Tools: I'm going to use 1 wiki/forum for progress and infos and a possible additional forum (forum or wiki) or forum/chat hybrid (wave) for the game itself.

As a few warnings there: The play by post should be relatively fast thus more than 1 post per day. Additionally I'm coming from the storytelling section of games so the game will be slower in pace than normal "only" rpg games and more interactions there for haggling,... (additionally I'm more used to IRC games than play by post).