
Ka'etil Malas'rae's page

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Male Half-Elf Invulnerable Rager 2/Crossblooded Envenomed+Draconic Sorcerer 1/ Trapper Ranger 1/Rage-Vivisectionist 2/Dragon Disciple 1

For economy, the treasurer actually wants to stimulate Economic Growth in general, and assist the citizens in making better business decisions. Licenses would not cost much, if anything besides basic processing fees, but the business is registered, and If there are lots of one kind, and not enough of a different sort, She would suggest using their skills to fill another niche in order to maximize the GBP (Gross Baronial Product) basically helping businesses maximize their production and markets and such. My idea is to give them a bonus on their profession checks, so while they don't squeeze the businesses harder, we build them up so they do better, make more money, and thus we get more cash!

Businesses, Kae would allow export and transit of most things with a kinda high tariff, but sale of illicit materials would not be allowed. No highly addictive substances like Opiates or Pesh, but Coffee, Tobacco, Alcohol, etc are fine, with licenses.

What Gather Information Bonus would I need to use? Because she is a Yuan-ti, She takes a -5 to diplomacy without a successful disguise check. So is there some way to leverage her DIsguise and Bluff skills in order to remove that penalty to her Gathering Information through her Brothel? She does have non-Yuan-ti agents so can that help to mitigate her Diplomacy penalty?

Looks like I need a serious BP boost to get my smith and shrine up this coming month!

Male Half-Elf Invulnerable Rager 2/Crossblooded Envenomed+Draconic Sorcerer 1/ Trapper Ranger 1/Rage-Vivisectionist 2/Dragon Disciple 1

Awesome. whenever arsinan's report comes up, and the Yuan ti respond in some way, then i'll continue on.

Male Half-Elf Invulnerable Rager 2/Crossblooded Envenomed+Draconic Sorcerer 1/ Trapper Ranger 1/Rage-Vivisectionist 2/Dragon Disciple 1

Some time in the first month


With Kemat's aid secured, Ka'etil interfaces with the Yuan-ti. Before he approaches their camp, he asks Kemat "What sort of Command structure do your people have now? The people of Saravale seem to be somewhat ill at ease with them, and I would offer a place in my lands for them. Are there any with whom I should speak that speaks for the group at this point?"
Take me to your leader?


Upon their return, Kae warns Arsinian, "We have a large group of refugees about to take up residence here. I'd like your men to take note of how they are interfacing with the rest of the people in the coming weeks."

WHat should i do to gather information on the race relations. I remember reading a post, but i think it was on Ry's board where I was checking stuff out.

I recall that the Golds are mostly moving to Ariarh's province.
Dunno where the Ape men, the new Silvers, nor the Yuan-ti are heading. If any decisions have been made, Kae would like to hear about them, so at council, he brings it up when he presents Arsinian's report on how the newcomers are fairing!

"Well, we seem be be settling into our respective lands. I wish to ask what information others have regarding the condition of the new races in our capital, and where they wish to spread throughout the lands." Kae will present Arsinain's report when i get that information.

Male Half-Elf Invulnerable Rager 2/Crossblooded Envenomed+Draconic Sorcerer 1/ Trapper Ranger 1/Rage-Vivisectionist 2/Dragon Disciple 1

I figured this fit better on this page than the main board, taking up space there.

In his augury, Ka'etil requests of the ancestors "This Kobold Orunla reveres 'The Great Serpent' which may be the same entity as the being the Yuan-ti follow. Is this the case, and what does it mean, that this Kobold Orunla was led to me, and that the Yuan-ti have come to us as well?

Not really sure what else to say to the other council members. No dialogue going on there, so not sure what else to say.

Not sure what exactly is going on with Mitzune. Sounds like her dynamo gave me information for the Dojo. So do i just get Mitzune of are there conversations to have? Not sure what to do there...

I'm thinking that I'd like to have my warden and general meet up on the road, and show up during a council meeting. I figure it would be fun to play out that sort of silly scene, as the Savage Skald is a little wild and irreverent, and the Warden is a Shoanti tribesman, odd for a Shoanti but still tribal.

If you set a scene, I can give the two of them Aliases and they cay enter the council chambers?

I'd also sent the other two members to meet with Kae in the Barony.

Male Half-Elf Invulnerable Rager 2/Crossblooded Envenomed+Draconic Sorcerer 1/ Trapper Ranger 1/Rage-Vivisectionist 2/Dragon Disciple 1

What month did the guys come back and we're resurrecting them?


I wonder if his Great Serpent is similar to that of Kemat and the Yuan-ti? Regardless i should not speak of it at this time.

Ka'etil guides Orunla into the fortress, and asks,"I would like to speak to you of what you may do to serve in my lands, as I would not wish to offend such powers. Please abide for a moment, help yourself to refreshment and relax. I must look over a few things, and shall be with you shortly." Kae summons for someone who works in the citadel and requests that they ensure Orunla is comfortable.

Inside his office, Ka'etil looks over his SID reports, taking careful not of the information about Orunla, and makes a mental note to see if Brett's men can further investigate this individual. But first he pauses a moment, and enjoying his deeper connection to his Draconic blood, consults his ancestral heritage
[i]"I have chosen my bloodline, embraced your ways, and now this Kobold, a servant of the "Great Serpent", a being that brings to mind the "Serpent" venerated by the Yuan-ti, comes to my very door. What sort of trust does this Kobold merit? What service can he lend? Plese hear my plea for guidance."[/b]
"What the heck am I supposed to do with this guy?" is the basis of Kae's question, and while I know what do do with him, kae doesn't yet, and the Ancestors have the best answers!

Male Half-Elf Invulnerable Rager 2/Crossblooded Envenomed+Draconic Sorcerer 1/ Trapper Ranger 1/Rage-Vivisectionist 2/Dragon Disciple 1

Here's some ret-con to gather my council

I think they can keep any encounters rather private, and there would only be some rumor regarding their "involvement" and it gives context for what Kae requests here.

Ka'etil sits in his offices about to leave for his lands to personally oversee construction. He has been contacted by various individuals whom he has recruited to join him, and so summons Kemat, this time in an official capacity. "Kemat, I thank you for seeing me here. I have a request for you. Your powers of persuasion are most impressive, to say the least, and i feel that your skills would be invaluable to me in this coming endeavor of mine," he begins. From a sheaf he withdraws some simple plans to show her. Pointing North-east to the Kobold Cave on the map of their lands, he says "I shall be settling in this area, establishing a fortress city to protect our eastern boarders and river access. but i shall have my duties here at the capital, as general of the nation, as well as manage my lands. I wish to invite you to assist me as part of my council."

Kae looks her up and down, as he is wont to do, appreciating her fine form. "I feel that your talents can be used to great effect for information gathering, and as you have told me about the uses of sex, an idea has occurred to me. You see, if i am to establish a Citadel, a more martially inclined city, there will be many men of a rougher sort, and I suspect that they would be much more peaceable within the city had they women to make them happy."

"It's not as if there will not be a brothel established, and i would like you to manage it, keeping tabs on the men who frequent it. Know their dealings, plans, etcetera. Of course i want to ensure the women are taken care of and not mistreated as they often are in such houses. Your kind may appeal to men, as you are most appealing, as well as others to better cater to their desires, and get information out of them. What is your opinion on the matter?"

Kae wants her to join his council as spy-master, and would suggest operating out of the city's brothel, using sex as an asset in addition to the other tools at a spy-master's disposal.


If you don't really have a voice for her (Druid who venerates nature that took up her practice among cultures that are perhaps less nature-oriented) i can talk to myself for this one... I am also operating under the assumption that there was the chance encounter with the wolves. The first encounter occurred just after we picked up the new races at the tower and had not gotten to Saravale yet. WOuld it be appropriate to rafer to her as -san or -sama? It depends on her age and the level of respect the other Golds afford her. That would be apparent to kae at this point, having spoken to taedo and being aware of how the titles work.

The general rides out to where the Golden Kobold are and seaks the Female who accompanied him on the Hunt. "Mitzune-san, I thank you again for your assistance on the Hunt. Your ability to communicate with the Wolf-clan proved to be a great boon," he says to the druid, bowing low to her in respect.

"I aim to settle and establish a Citadel on the northern bounds of their lands and wish to respectfully ask that you lend your powers for the good of this land? This Citadel shall protect our eastern boarders, and with the help of the Wolf-clan, this foothold can maintain a very strong presence in the area. Your assistance would be invaluable in keeping the peace between the Dire-wolves and rest of the population."

How old would she be? I'm assuming fairly young, maybe not a child, but still wiser than many fully grown adults. "You are wise beyond your years, and just in camp I had the opportunity to see that you are a woman of great insight. Please, I humbly ask that you consider lending that to me, that my lands, thus the greater kingdom shall benefit from it." Kae's request is accompanied by a low and reverent bow.

I guessing I'll have to pop over to Ry's thread to ask to have a couple Golds for my council, yeah?


To the Wako, Ka'etil also gives an invitation. "I have recently received some interesting advice, regarding the importance of waterways, and the city I aim to raise rests on a riverfront. You have served on ships, of that i am aware, and one of your experience would be valuable in patrolling my lands and protecting the Citadel. I would be Honored if I may attempt to persuade you to join me up river at the Nunavut Dragon's Teeth, Taedo would know the meaning (i decided that it is Draconic, cause why not, it's cool sounding) and get the reference Citadel."

Male Half-Elf Invulnerable Rager 2/Crossblooded Envenomed+Draconic Sorcerer 1/ Trapper Ranger 1/Rage-Vivisectionist 2/Dragon Disciple 1


Ka'etil chuckles slightly. "I use "master" as a a simple expression. So you say you have the Second Sight? With what forces do you communicate? I am unfamiliar with the Old One you mention that guided you here."

"The female, Bessie, the sister of Grymm had similar powers. Did you share a similar vision with her" Kae wonders what this creature is, and his intent. "What do you mean about the waterways rising with my power?"

Male Half-Elf Invulnerable Rager 2/Crossblooded Envenomed+Draconic Sorcerer 1/ Trapper Ranger 1/Rage-Vivisectionist 2/Dragon Disciple 1

Hey I like Ret-Conning!!! have some ret-con!

Nunavut Citidel

Choosing the location:

As Ariarh makes plans to establish a settlement, Brett starts looking into building himself a place, and Arasmes decides to set up shop at the tower down south, Ka'etil starts thinking about it too. We lack protection on the Eastern borders. WIth the wolves to the south, and that river, we'd be easily targeted, even if Arasmes is able to fortify his position and make that direction an impractical approach, open planes... Ka'etil thinks to himself, scratching at a rough patch of skin.

Looking at the maps f the territory, he finds the spot. The silver Kobold slumbered, There is a prime location for a fortress, the river-way for trade, and with that Mitzune woman, I'll bet we could interface with the wolves and turn them to allies. THere is good ground there. A fine position, defensible.

This shall be our eastern flank, a citadel, station for our armies, wounds appropriate. A mighty stronghold to be the teeth of our nation. The seat of the dragons of old may yet become the seat of a new dragon. Nunavut, the Dragon's teeth.

With Ry while the rest are off exploring the cave:

While the priestess, her new companion, the one with with wolf, and his... well, Clari, are away with Arasmes, and Shaezon having become a bit o a recluse, Ka'etil and Ariarh are left In charge. Kae's Lieutenants have most of the forces well in hand, and as there isn't a war on, Kae has some time, and Warden Sylvath has much well in hand.

Kae approaches Ariarh, in the council chambers while they wait for further word form the venturing party, "Little sister," he says, walking into the door, the term of affection and closness still appreciated by the Half-elf, "I have been making arrangements to establish a Citadel to the east. I feel that a strong eastern flank and river-guard will be good for the city, and nation as a whole. We shall also be able to more immediately take advantage of the ruins where the ancient Silver Kobold were entombed." He states matter of factly.

"I have already convinced Grishnak to move his base of operations there, to make things easier here at home. I may also be willing to offer a place for the Yuan-ti, as they do not seem to be getting on well with most of the folk here. They are a powerful martial faction, which i think would serve us well out there in case of attack." Kae suggests.

It was indicated that Orunla was out and about the citidel, and I would liek to get a bit more form him before taking him over entirely, or is can run him, but i feellike there's elements of prophecy and such that i don't want to write that are outside of Your plans, Dain. So...

Returning to the Citidel reports from Brett's SID group in-hand waiting to peruse, Ka'etil sees the strange Silver Kobold seemingly waiting for him. "Greetings, I appologize i do believe we have met." the general says as he rides up to the Kobold. He leaps off of Konur to better match the draconic's height, while failing, the tall Half-elf at least shows the Kobold a level of respect, even as he absently picks at a patch of strangely rough skin on his face. "Is there that i can do for you, master...?" he asks inviting the Kobold to introduce himself.

Now with the council
Ka'etil stands stoic, and respectful of the dead men, and says "Well, Let us raise them, so we can return them to their families. Should we tell their wives before-hand that their husbands died? I think that news would be better received after they have risen. We can also learn some valuable information from them about what they discovered in the caves. With that information I could ready an appropriate force and clear out the caves."

Male Half-Elf Invulnerable Rager 2/Crossblooded Envenomed+Draconic Sorcerer 1/ Trapper Ranger 1/Rage-Vivisectionist 2/Dragon Disciple 1

Hey Dain!

Is there a copy of our kingdom sheet? I think i remember working on updating it to include all our councelor decisions but ive re-organized my files, so i am not sure where it all is.

Mind letting me know? maybe sending out a new copy?

Male Half-Elf Invulnerable Rager 2/Crossblooded Envenomed+Draconic Sorcerer 1/ Trapper Ranger 1/Rage-Vivisectionist 2/Dragon Disciple 1

[Ooc] no worries. I'm pretty busy too, and have some ret-conning, and book-keeping to do. So I'm going to be slow on this game too. Takin my time getting back to this game so I don't burn out before we get started...

Male Half-Elf Invulnerable Rager 2/Crossblooded Envenomed+Draconic Sorcerer 1/ Trapper Ranger 1/Rage-Vivisectionist 2/Dragon Disciple 1

Would Kae know that she can speak Draconic yet? THis is basically jsut after they had met, and are out hunting while the refugees are following them back to Saravale, all the way back before we leveled. Ret-conning stuff

Ka'etil half-smiles, an almost resigned chuckle escapes his lips. "Honestly, I cannot understand why others attempt to advise me on this kind of thing. Your psychology is as alien to me as that of people like Ariarh. Admittedly, based on what you have said, I would willingly wager that my understanding may be lacking, in your opinion. But at the end of the night what does that really matter?" Ka'etil says to her, rising to his full height, uncoiling one could say, looking down at her sitting there in the flickering firelight. "The decision is yours, weather or not to follow me now, and while i make no attempt to dominate you, and feel that in good conscience, I must advise that I may not react as you may anticipate, to any machinations, but i do not wish to dissuade you. So come." His hand reaches out to her to assist her in rising, and he will accompany her to his tent. woo-WOO-woo.
Diplomacy to improve her attitude toward Kae?
1d20 + 12 ⇒ (9) + 12 = 21
[/i]Not that that's necessarily a thing, but it is the bread and butter of the pirate game, and i felt like referencing it.[/i]

Kae would like Kemat to like him, but if there is merely lust, it's something. There is something in his blood that pulls him toward the Yuan-ti, something of which he was previously unaware, and he is still not one to ignore his impulses and instincts. Kae's psychology is also warped, and his responses to others in terms of feelings are strange. He's 24 and never felt anything even remotely similar to love, and the idea of people manipulating each others feelings is utterly alien to him, having never really had those sorts of straon exploitable emotions before. Als, not to forget, he did have a major psychotic break earlier this very year, from which he had very recently recovered, before arriving at Oleg's, and underwent a rather dramatic shift in behavioral motivation and ideals (CN to NG) which is really more of a refelction on the ideals he aims for, as he has ideals now.

He also is going to try to avoid getting Kemat knocked p already, as that potentiality has occured to him, and he should not be a father at this point.

Male Half-Elf Invulnerable Rager 2/Crossblooded Envenomed+Draconic Sorcerer 1/ Trapper Ranger 1/Rage-Vivisectionist 2/Dragon Disciple 1

Also, there is a table that indicates how much you can build and do every month, based on size.

that table is on the City Rules Page 9, that you sent us, called Improvements Per Month, which dictates that at size 1-10, we are only able to claim 1 hex, build 1 road, establish 1 farm, and construct 1 building per month. Is this also the case for the Baronies, ie 1 building a month, and shall remain so for the rest of game? Just checking for confirmation that this is your intent.

Male Half-Elf Invulnerable Rager 2/Crossblooded Envenomed+Draconic Sorcerer 1/ Trapper Ranger 1/Rage-Vivisectionist 2/Dragon Disciple 1

Kae votes to Rez to save the men he was part of sending off.
(Clari will also support the dicision, but she also wants information about what happened to them.)

Male Half-Elf Invulnerable Rager 2/Crossblooded Envenomed+Draconic Sorcerer 1/ Trapper Ranger 1/Rage-Vivisectionist 2/Dragon Disciple 1
book wrote:
you can develop any grassland or hill hex that contains roads into farmlands... costs 1BP to designate a glassland hex as farmlands and 4BP to designate a hill hex

so there's that. SO aside from it being easier to move through the kingdom there's no special benefit for having more road hexes in the barony, as there can only be 7 at max, and no more than that.

SO we don't get the 8 road hexes stability bonus, and the kingdom doesn't get bonuses for roads built in out barony, does it? Beyond traveling easier.

Kae's got some RP to do, but i got a lot on my plate right now, and can't work it all out yet.

Male Half-Elf Invulnerable Rager 2/Crossblooded Envenomed+Draconic Sorcerer 1/ Trapper Ranger 1/Rage-Vivisectionist 2/Dragon Disciple 1

i was suggesting that on the hunt, while returning to Saravale back in the beginning, we run across the wolves again. At least it is a group of them.

Male Half-Elf Invulnerable Rager 2/Crossblooded Envenomed+Draconic Sorcerer 1/ Trapper Ranger 1/Rage-Vivisectionist 2/Dragon Disciple 1

The Hunt

While they return to Saravale from their expedition south, Ka'etil leads a Hunt, scouting ahead, claiming food enough for the refugees to eat, and returning to the party every few days over the course of the two week journey north.

WIth each return, the Half-elf re-joins the council, reporting the information gleaned while scouting, as well as granting insight in which path to trod through his Auguries communing with his draconic ancestry. the other members of the hunt may rejoin their peoples, but each dawn Ka'etil rides forth into the wild to scout and hunt. The butchered corpses of their quarry are left to the wolves, off the path their people shall tread to avoid a chance meeting, although Ariarh's presence with the refugees would mitigate any conflicts, Kae does not wan to take the risk.

Nights on the trail at campfire, the party partakes of fresh meat, conversing and at times reveling at the wild. Ka'etil plays at fighting with Tohk in contests of strength, converses with Taedo regarding mercenary life at sea, compared to his experiences on solid ground. The silvers he also converses with trying to bring them closer, through the camaraderie of hunting. Khemat's more subtle advances seem to fall upon deaf ears, and Clari's presence seems to dissuade her from more overt flirtations.

Mitzune, the strange golden druid, does not often interact with her fellow Golden Kobold, Taedo, avoiding inappropriate contact with the Wako, as it were. She also seems to shy away from the other silver Kobold Jaxx and Rhett. Ever polite to those she avoids, she instead finds some kinship with Ryul, their tracker whom she assists during the day.

Clari watches like a hawk, aloof for the most part, although she does hold even the modern Kobold in high regard. Khemat she looks upon with undisguised distrust, but Ka'etil talks quietly with the Yuan-ti, curious to know more of their history and nature, wondring where they would fit into the growing state.

Several days into the hunt, the rest of the party being tired, Ka'etil and Kemat remain sitting by the fire. After an evening of entendre and suggestive almost intimate contact and Ka'etil pauses the conversation. "Kemat, I understand that it is the way of your people to address those in command with a degree of respect, rule of the strong, and I respect that. I hope that through this time together I have come to understand you better." he tells her.

"I do not believe that you are trying to manipulate me, and i do not demand this of you. There is a strange draw that I don't understand, beyond the powers i know your kind to posess, and you are beautiful," he looks at her a moment, then smiles, "Rather green, but i do not care about that." He chuckles and tenderly touches her cheek, brushing the hair from her face. "So Kemat, will you retire with me, purely of your own volition, simply as a man and a woman?"
There is one thing i need a response to in order to continue writing

It is nearing the edge of the wolves territories, and Ka'etil relaxes, not expecting to encounter them. Just as he is thinking about it, assisting in carving meat off a carcass, the air is rent by an echoing howl. "Mitzune! The wolves approach. This is why i sought you. You're deep connection with the creatures, your ability to commune, now is the time it would be most valuable. Now I have somewhat of a way with beasts, and have met them before, so I can lend my assistance to you, but i cannot speak to them." The two ride out to meet the wolves.

The canines circle them, Mother recognizing Ka'etil. Not seeing Ariarh, but instead this golden lizard being, she is potentially displeased, but the offer of a fresh carcass to her clan gives her pause long enough for Mitzuen to commune with them
Wild Empathy as a full round action
1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22
and Kae aids her in this, tapping into his more primal side
1d20 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11

The pack pauses and looks at them cautiously, at which Mitzune lets out a bark and a growl, speaking in their language, via her Speak with Animals ability. "We come passing through your lands with a large pack. We have hunted, taking only the prey we needed to survive, and leaving the carcasses that you can eat them if you find them, as an offering of thanks for letting us travel. Please allow us passage."
Using wild empathy as diplomacy, Kae and Mitzune aim to appease the wolves, and prepare to solidify their alliance. I'll write up the rest once you respond?

Male Half-Elf Invulnerable Rager 2/Crossblooded Envenomed+Draconic Sorcerer 1/ Trapper Ranger 1/Rage-Vivisectionist 2/Dragon Disciple 1

How does the tax thing work?
There is a system where taxes are ranked as such
None: +0 econ +1 loyalty
Light: +1 econ -1 loyalty
Normal: +2 econ -2 loyalty
Heavy: +3 econ -4 loyalty
Overwhelming: +4econ -8 loyalty

So how do these two rules interact? What's the difference between 10% and 15% in terms of consequences to the barony?

Just need to understand how the house-rules actually work before i start making decisions and rolls.

Also why is the DC now 35?
Initially it was 30+size, which is 10 more than the kingdom DC, but now it is a flat 35?

Male Half-Elf Invulnerable Rager 2/Crossblooded Envenomed+Draconic Sorcerer 1/ Trapper Ranger 1/Rage-Vivisectionist 2/Dragon Disciple 1

do we have one water boarder, or two?

Male Half-Elf Invulnerable Rager 2/Crossblooded Envenomed+Draconic Sorcerer 1/ Trapper Ranger 1/Rage-Vivisectionist 2/Dragon Disciple 1

Barony problem...

So I have a pretty well built council, in as much as i have pretty round bonuses and all my councilmen add a +3 or +4 to the relevant stats.

In my initial barony build, I have a +14 to econ (+2 from buildings, +12 from Council, and no penalties.) as such i have to roll a 18 to make my econ check to generate any BP. I have to get a 19 to pass my loyalty check, and a nat 20 to pass my stability check...

I have yet to allocate my Ruler and Spymaster so that adds a +8 to one of my checks, and i can mess with with taxation, to boost my econ a bit more so that there is a chance that I can pass my check and generate some BP, so there is a little bit that i can do, but it's really hard to pass any of these checks at the moment

The question is: Do you intend for the beginning of the baronies to kinda be on hard-mode for the start?

There's only a 10-15% chance of passing one of the rolls, and either there's a pretty huge risk balancing the other two, or get a somewhat safe bonus on one roll, and have pretty bad chances for the last one too.

What's the other's experiences with these bonuses and stuff? Cause you need to pass that Stability roll, or Unrest jumps up, but you need to pass Econ or else you get no BP to move forward. So what have others people got goin on to be able to advance and not backslide...

Male Half-Elf Invulnerable Rager 2/Crossblooded Envenomed+Draconic Sorcerer 1/ Trapper Ranger 1/Rage-Vivisectionist 2/Dragon Disciple 1

"Patty is indeed rather distraught. As soon as you can, please send us here word, so i can tell her the news." Kae asks those leaving.

"I shall contact Clari. I she'll be helpful if she is willing to go, I'm sure."

Male Half-Elf Invulnerable Rager 2/Crossblooded Envenomed+Draconic Sorcerer 1/ Trapper Ranger 1/Rage-Vivisectionist 2/Dragon Disciple 1

To Ariarh and Arasmes conversation abotu eliciting aid, Kae adds "To be sure, some "Allies" are not friends at all. From what I've heard of the nation of city states, it seems to be a less than stable area, and informing that there is a fledgling nation coming into being may be an invitation for another invasion. If we contact them from a position of slightly greater strength and stability, we will not only have more to bargain with, but be less of an inviting target."

"Now I do believe that the Serpent was destroyed, although my memory of that battle is admittedly somewhat hazy," taking a moment, Kae recalls having leapt upon the creature as others attacked it with magic and such..."but there could be another creature having taken it's place. Now loath am I to miss out on a fight, I worry that the entire council taking this trip, and leaving the Capital once again lacking leadership could be dangerous."

I believe Drake is still around, right?
"I would be more comfortable if some of us remained here to oversee matters. I can continue to manage things, but I am sure Clari and Garith along with a small contingent of riders will join. Arasmes, once you get your letters written, it will take time to receive any response, so you will likely to be at liberty."

"I can afford to send a small contingent south, but we are certainly in dire need of income to keep the soldiers paid properly for the coming months. Hopefully the taxes on our Baronies will help with that."

Male Half-Elf Invulnerable Rager 2/Crossblooded Envenomed+Draconic Sorcerer 1/ Trapper Ranger 1/Rage-Vivisectionist 2/Dragon Disciple 1

"To be completely honest, Brett, we need to get out finances settled. If we can't pay for watch-towers or afford to pay our soldiers, then we don't really have anything we can do to defend ourselves. But as you said, now is not really the time to attack a city or move troops, so we have time. Having out Barons situated around the capital keeping an eye on things will help give advance warning for attacks."

"As soon as I have the budget for it, I would like to establish an outpost at the smuggler's cave where we raided the caravan to act as an outpost to give advance warning for forces moving in that area. We should also build a system of roads as soon as possible as they are inexpensive and can greatly improve communication and commerce amont our baronies and the capital. While it is not my place to dictate how we build up our respective lands, some kind fo military presence would be prudent."

Male Half-Elf Invulnerable Rager 2/Crossblooded Envenomed+Draconic Sorcerer 1/ Trapper Ranger 1/Rage-Vivisectionist 2/Dragon Disciple 1

WIth concern Ka'etil asks, "You said one of the guards perished. Were you able to apprehend anyone? Are there any survivors left from the group that we can test? We need information, if anyone can cast a spell to speak with the dead, we can question this Smyth fellow or one of the others, postmortem. Otherwise we could possibly use either the scroll or rock you mentioned having acquired in order to resurrect one of the cultists. We need information, and by the sound of it, we have no leads only dead bodies."

I had said that i wanted to have men keep tabs on the camp, way back when, and compile lists of those acting there, and that are involved with the gang. So there should be records of citizens that regularly visit, although it may take time to fully sift through those records, we should be able to use them to pick out any survivors of the cultist and try to find them, in order to question them. Big Brother was watching, after all.

Male Half-Elf Invulnerable Rager 2/Crossblooded Envenomed+Draconic Sorcerer 1/ Trapper Ranger 1/Rage-Vivisectionist 2/Dragon Disciple 1

"I too was referring to the Baron Romanov, the Scarlet Wyvern Knights. They through this Luthario are certainly connected to the cultists in the south. I was not suggesting that Dashan and Aliento would be connected to these enemies, save by similar bonds of enmity." Kae says, nodding as Brett points his attentions to the Baron.

"Are you suggesting that Kaid is aligning himself with the Baron? that would be rather dangerous for us. Even if commander Tinker remains loyal to Oleg, that is still another faction aligned against us. Where was it that we received this information?" Kae asks, concern in his newly green eyes.

"I think we need to see what this next month holds so we know what sort of resources we have at our disposal in terms of military action, fortification, and so forth. hopefully your team can make headway as we focus on keeping the city and territory in order"

Male Half-Elf Invulnerable Rager 2/Crossblooded Envenomed+Draconic Sorcerer 1/ Trapper Ranger 1/Rage-Vivisectionist 2/Dragon Disciple 1

Ka'etil sighs. THe city is in rather dire financial straits, playing catch-up, and there are enemies all around... money, money, money, for troops, for information, for fortifications, for supplies, he'd never worried so much about capital! "Unfortunately I do not have any further information about the southerners. My intelligence is instead regarding a Jaded companion of yours, from before my time with you. This individual is recruiting thugs and toughs for the purpose of taking back what if felt to be owed. As i noted in my letter, who is it that could bear ill will toward you? Hermia, the mad priestess, is dead, Khrovan and Bronwyn went out on some errand or another, and we parted on good terms. THis individual talks of having contracts and agreements and debts that need be paid, of which I know nothing."

I did bring this up before, but with this additional information, is there anyone who may fit the description? There is a force being amassed, and it seems that the Ustalavian knights are working with the Osirons. So we have two very powerful factions aligned against us, in addition to a third entity from your past work here turned against us."

Male Half-Elf Invulnerable Rager 2/Crossblooded Envenomed+Draconic Sorcerer 1/ Trapper Ranger 1/Rage-Vivisectionist 2/Dragon Disciple 1

After speaking with Patty, Kae check on Garith's progress, and asks about Brett's team, and how recruitment is going. He also discusses plans for the outpost with Arsinian, discussing troop displacement, resources needed, and preps a report for the council. That evening he rides back home, stabling Konur and after an evening meal, returns to his chambers, bidding a good night to the others there, and collapsing into his bed.

Ka'etil opens his eyes, and before him looms a great shining bronze wyrm, green eyes burning, staring past him. He watches the great creature, recognizing the form from his visions as it's immense form tenses and it emits a frightful growl.

He turns to face what it is looking at, and towards him is crawling a dark slithering shape with green tinted skin, razor-sharp tusks, and wickedly curved horns. The abomination rears up as a bolt of lightning strikes it square in the chest, emitted by the Wyrm. The creatures circle Ka'etil, eying each other. Suddenly a hand reaches for the barbarian stopping short as draconic fangs sink into the the foul brute's arm.

Ka'etil watches as the nightmare and Dragon battle, tearing up the earth around them. The beast hurls the dragon away, and catches Ka'etil in its grasp, lifting him as if to devour him. a great voice echoes over the landscape and through Ka'etil's mind. "Resist it you fool! That beast is merely a part of you, yours to control. Your darkness is not your master."

The beast stops, and reveals a foul maw of broken fangs. "That is right boy, I am you. I'm in your blood. I'm in your soul. You know you can feel me, just under the skin. You know you like it, you want my power, you feed on my fury. You can't fight me! you have no choice." It tells him, laughing.

"No! That is simply an excuse. You are as strong as you choose to be, now choose Ka'etil. Prove yourself worthy. The power is within you, if you would jsut accept it." the dradon rises, sitting on it's haunches as Ka'etil is drawn to the monster's mouth.

With a roar, Ka'etil spits a lightning-bolt into the gullet of the nightmare, "You are a part of me, but only a part, and I control you, not the other way around. I am not yours, you are MINE!" more lightning racks the nightmare's body as the dragon spits out another bolt. Ka'etil floats there, looking at the charred monstrosity.

"You can't be rid of me you fool. I am you, never forget that." The beast slinks away into the shadows.

Ka'etil turns to the Dragon who nods to him, then takes wing.

With a violent "ROOOAAARR" of pain Kae awakens in his chambers and the shout echos through the halls.

Rising and lighting a lamp, he takes a polished a glass and looks at his reflection. Drawing back at the sight of burning green eyes staring back at him, he gasps. touching his face, there is a strange flaking on his cheeks and a slight glint in the light. Hardly noticeable, but still something is odd about his skin. His "choice" seems to have manifested is a strengthening of his draconic bloodline causing it to fully reveal itself, even without the aid of his alchemical compounds and magic.

In the morning, those who see him notice that his slitted eyes have shifted from a light cool turquoise to a warmer green, and he no longer is taking any efforts to conceal his tail, which has taken a much more pronounced bronze color. There is a calm confidence about him, although that wild look that characterized the barbarian is still most certainly present.

Male Half-Elf Invulnerable Rager 2/Crossblooded Envenomed+Draconic Sorcerer 1/ Trapper Ranger 1/Rage-Vivisectionist 2/Dragon Disciple 1

Not wanting to leave the city at this point, things being as they are, Ka'etil rides to the village. He ties Konur off and dismounts, walking up to the Ironhorse door, he knocks.

as the door opens, he smiles warmly, greeting the residents, and asking to have a moment to talk to Mrs. Ironhorse. "Patty, how are you? I know that you've been worried about Henry, as have I. I sent a rider out for news to Oleg's and shall hopefully be receiving good news soon. He was dispatched with urgency and shall not dally, but it is a bit of a ride back and forth still and news should be en route as we are speaking. But I shall speak with the others on the council and determine what course of action we can take regarding Henry and Mak Morn, considering the issue with the attack on the cultists." His voice is calm as he can manage, and tries his best to be supportive toward the worried woman, hoping to quell her fears for her husband for another day.
1d20 + 9 ⇒ (9) + 9 = 18

"Speaking of that, Garith mentioned that he has requested your expertise with examining the recovered bodies. Were you able to assist?"

I gotta level kae to 7 now don't I, finally

Male Half-Elf Invulnerable Rager 2/Crossblooded Envenomed+Draconic Sorcerer 1/ Trapper Ranger 1/Rage-Vivisectionist 2/Dragon Disciple 1

Hey, so I'm working on a Ruler concept, a divinely inspired Silver Kobold Oracle of Apsu. I'm not actually home or even remotely free right now, hence not posting.

But right now kae's got to have his barony set up before he can do much on this thread.

Male Half-Elf Invulnerable Rager 2/Crossblooded Envenomed+Draconic Sorcerer 1/ Trapper Ranger 1/Rage-Vivisectionist 2/Dragon Disciple 1


You, whenever dain deems fit, should get this letter from one of the outriders at the capitol:


I have received word that one of your old allys had been conspiring against us and is gathering forces in Brevoy. I had thought the threat was Hermia, but the nature of the danger seems more mundane. It appears that this individual believes that the council owes him a large sum of coin, and wants to be paid what he feels he is owed.

Do you know who this may be, so I can better prepare for his or her actions? It seems likely that it was someone that left before my arrival, as it would not likely be Bronwyn nor Crovan. i'd guess smendor or the first summoner, as they did not leave on the best of terms based on what I read... So if you have any ideas please let me know post haste!

be safe while you track the cultists. They are a treacherous lot, to be sure

General Ka'etil Malas'rae

Do with it what you will.

Male Half-Elf Invulnerable Rager 2/Crossblooded Envenomed+Draconic Sorcerer 1/ Trapper Ranger 1/Rage-Vivisectionist 2/Dragon Disciple 1

The first thing Kae does when he is put in charge is try to get news about what happened in the spider cave. If there is no information yet, then he sends word with Drake that he wants a report from Oleg's settlement. What happened out there?

When he recieves grishnak's first letter and responce, Kae summons a courier and begins writing several letters

First he addresses a letter to Oleg, warning of the potential threat and asks how they are in terms of military and defensive forces, in case of a raid by said old ally. He asks if Oleg and his council has heard any such news.

Then he writes to ariarh and brett which he sends with a rider to pull hard after the party. He should intercept them on the way back, and offer to run a responce back to the city so Kae can make preperations. he may run into Garith's rider, or get there before Garith sends one, depending on when Kae gets Grishnak's responce and the exact timing.


I have received word that one of your old allys had been conspiring against us and is gathering forces in Brevoy. I had thought the threat was Hermia, but the nature of the danger seems more mundane. It appears that this individual believes that the council owes him a large sum of coin, and wants to be paid what he feels he is owed.

Do you know who this may be, so I can better prepare for his or her actions? It seems likely that it was someone that left before my arrival, as it would not likely be Bronwyn nor Crovan. i'd guess smendor or the first summoner, as they did not leave on the best of terms based on what I read... So if you have any ideas please let me know post haste!

be safe while you track the cultists. They are a treacherous lot, to be sure

General Ka'etil Malas'rae

He summons Arsinian to tell him about the potential threat, tells him to keep it close to the vest, and increase patrols. He also orders a group to check on the old Koda properties to see what's going on there. The group will be three infiltrators out of uniform with a normal patrol of 2 bruits, a spearman and a shield-bearer moving by as the infiltrators look around.

He then sets a meet with grishnak, confirming all of the information in the letters

He also regretibly informs Grish that his budget is already dead, but that next minth Grishnak will be compensated properly.
Kae will also discuss his barony where he is going to have greater liberty with his funds, and less scrutiny from the rest of the council, so it would be advantagious for both if grishnak set up shop, or at least an outpost of sorts there when things get going. But kae will pay grish for his trouble for this info.

Kae also asks, if things come to blows with this guy, whay cut does grish want of the loot gathered? This is a negotiation so Kae want's Grish's request here, and will try to work with that.

Male Half-Elf Invulnerable Rager 2/Crossblooded Envenomed+Draconic Sorcerer 1/ Trapper Ranger 1/Rage-Vivisectionist 2/Dragon Disciple 1

ret-coning the hunt:

You want to play out the hunt here, and everything, or abbreviate it or something? I haven't really been around and free lately, and i won't be for a few days. I did have the idea if you'd be down, to, once i get my charger and can use my own computer that has speakers and a mic, that we can skype through the stuff really efficient like, and it's be like being at an actual table doing table-top RP but you don't have to see my ugly mug! I can post as much as i can in ret-con spoilers till then, but it'd likely be something like saturday/sunday/monday, whichever works for you best...

Ka'etil heaves a heavy sigh as he reads it. With the rest of the council gone, and one of his captains out with most of his outriders, it's his task to figure this mess out.

"Wait there a moment,"Kae says to the young man. "Take my response back. Please wait a moment by the door."

Kae's Letter:


Is there any more information about this "old mate"? This one of the folk traveling with the others on the council that left them, cause i have not met any of them, other than the one we already killed, except the paladins that went off.

Or are you talking about someone I knew before i showed up here? Is there any news on what sort of person this is so i can try to work out who we're dealing with?

Ka'etil Malas'rae

Male Half-Elf Invulnerable Rager 2/Crossblooded Envenomed+Draconic Sorcerer 1/ Trapper Ranger 1/Rage-Vivisectionist 2/Dragon Disciple 1

smashing dip check sister! You may have actually gotten through to clari! Quite a feat. Anyhoo...

Re: Ry's concerns:

Ka'etil thinks on his interaction with Kemat. There was a unique and viseral connection to the woman, something he had yet to experience before. She was not the most attractive creature he had ever met, so it wasn't simple physical attraction. Her manner, in many ways was actually rather off-putting, the suggestion that he was being manipulative, and considerewd himself the master of her people did not sit well, but she was also very straight-forward, simply offering herself. Yet things were rarely that simple, were they.

Ariarh was right, there may be an alterior motive on her part, and kae knows that he is not one that can see through manipulations very easily. Yet she may also feel bound to him and feel like this is her obligation, as opposed to a simple offer based on her own wishes, also not alright. It's worth noting that it doesn't even occure to kae that there is any remote possibility of romance or any desire for such an emotional attachment. Doesn't even cross his mind. Kae will consider what she actually wants from him, and clari will likely have something to say during the hunt as well.

Still there is the matter of what it is that draws him to the serpant-woman. It's almost as if there is something in his blood drawing him to her. Something he can almost taste. he is envenomed so there is snake-magic in his blood.

Having a moment to himself, Ka'etil meditates a moment, augry
While a personal matter, it may be one of consequence. Is there a dangerous manipulation that I walk into with the female Kemat, or am I violating my principles and taking advantage of my position of power?woes
Or is this simple as I believe it to be?
Making another use of his augry he also asks:
What aspect of my nature draws mw so strongly to her? I know blood of both dragon and Orc flow through my veigns, coming from powerful ancestors of both my mother and father, but what of the serpent? Am I even more tainted being than I thought?

Male Half-Elf Invulnerable Rager 2/Crossblooded Envenomed+Draconic Sorcerer 1/ Trapper Ranger 1/Rage-Vivisectionist 2/Dragon Disciple 1

Hey, so i wanted to ask about a couple characters!

So far, my thoughts...:

Wolf-Shaman Councelor
Witch Treasurer
Kemat as Spymaster

Taedo as Warden/Marshal
although i'm not sure which he would be best suited for.
Maybe Jaxx or Rhett as the other? Or try to recruit Gladius =P

I'm thinking i can build an Oracle for my High-Priest, unless you have one that might work with Kae, in which case, I'll send Kae to meet them, and try to recruit 'em.

I also have a cool idea for a Savage Skald General that uses Cha as opposed to Str for the checks, and I think he'll be cool.

What i don't have is a:
...and i really don't know what to do for them.

+I would kinda like to have a Cleric that focuses on Channeling, so it would have High Cha so it could make a good diplomat.

+Magister would be a caster, i could dig having an alchemist run the barony's academia/arcane studies.

+Dunno about a ruler yet. Need someone to run things for Kae when he's gone being i got no idea about what to do for that one either.

I'm pretty wiped out and won't be back till saturday/sunday night. I dunno if you want me to control Mizune, but i liked how things worked with Galen, so if you don't mind, Dain... Hands reigns
I kinda need her introduced by Taedo so I can chat with her for recruiting.
Not sure what i want to do with the Kemat storyline...
but again, im gone a while, so...

Male Half-Elf Invulnerable Rager 2/Crossblooded Envenomed+Draconic Sorcerer 1/ Trapper Ranger 1/Rage-Vivisectionist 2/Dragon Disciple 1

with Ry:

Clearly much is weighing upon Ariarh, and if finding Clari will ease her mind, Kae shall find her. "I apologize, Ariarh, I shall locate Clari and ensure all is well with her. She did agree to join me on the hunt, and you can speak to her about your concerns regarding Kemat, if that would make you more comfortable with the situation."

"These first months are likely to be very important to our Baronies, so I would suggest that we tax the Baronies at a 10% rate for the next three months, and then we raise the rate to 15% and hold it there for the rest of the year."

Male Half-Elf Invulnerable Rager 2/Crossblooded Envenomed+Draconic Sorcerer 1/ Trapper Ranger 1/Rage-Vivisectionist 2/Dragon Disciple 1

does ry have anything else do talk to Kae about the night before the hunt?

Kae still votes 15% at least for the time being. The kingdom is in much greater danger of collapse than our baronies, I'd wager. So after the year is up, we can re-negotiate the terms of the taxation.

Male Half-Elf Invulnerable Rager 2/Crossblooded Envenomed+Draconic Sorcerer 1/ Trapper Ranger 1/Rage-Vivisectionist 2/Dragon Disciple 1

can my officers, Garith and Arsinain operate as the leaders of the council and maintain their responsibilities in the capital?

and yeah, i'll make recommendations.

What i'm really missing is the more academic positions, there's plenty of martial NPC's all over the place.

Male Half-Elf Invulnerable Rager 2/Crossblooded Envenomed+Draconic Sorcerer 1/ Trapper Ranger 1/Rage-Vivisectionist 2/Dragon Disciple 1

Should we move the in-game posting to the other thread? or is it all good here.


Kae relaxes visibly "Clari and I have an understanding, regarding our history. She left home when it was revealed to her that my father was the one that slaughtered her family. Clari was reasonably upset. I on the other hand did not understand the source of her ire. I didn't know that she now saw me as the spawn of the source of all her pain and anguish. So I was hurt when she left. I learned the truth later, and understood her feelings of disgust, but she seems to have out-grown that. And we have an understanding in relation to my father as well, so there is nothing to be concern yourself with there." This is certainly a grim sort of understanding that the two have. Some common goal, but Kae has been focused on the kingdom, so there does not look to be an immediate danger there. But Kae's face is dark when he speaks of his father, and memory of is mother clearly pains him.

Kae changes his tone, shaking of the brooding mist that seemed to have settled on him. He is mildly embarrassed as he speaks now, "There were few elves back home that were ever near my age when I was younger, and mercenaries like me didn't Romance, and i wan never inclined to buy a ladies affection. It was no secret that violence of the work was more satisfying to me, so i was given a wide berth." there is a slight grimmace as Kae thinks back just a year ago to the monster the saw himself as. The monster he liked being. Times change... "Anyway, I am rather unused to women such as Kemat, unless they are attempting to sell something."

Looking around, "I have not seen Clari since i spoke to her. I believe she may have been looking for Shaezon. She has always been rather unsociable, part of why I think we found each other interesting... Regardless, she may have gone to sleep, or is off on her own." We can either look for her to talk, or not. The child seems to have gone even madder since she left, almost seems to be having conversations in her mind with nobody in particular. Although Kae is not someone to talk, as he has had his own bouts with madness that he's lost.

Male Half-Elf Invulnerable Rager 2/Crossblooded Envenomed+Draconic Sorcerer 1/ Trapper Ranger 1/Rage-Vivisectionist 2/Dragon Disciple 1

"Well, Right now there's plenty of hunting to do. Work in the wilds, and keeping the land safe, and people fed." To Jaxx he asks, "A head for towns? As in city jobs, like working shops and such, or like you get how towns work and a head for figures or people?" This a potential council application? cause that changes how i approach this... not sure if i'm meta-gaming and reading too much into it... "Cause I sure don't. Towns are strange places, never much cared for them. Except the military, of course. that makes sense, but the rest of a big city... some of those folk are crazy!" which would be a funnier comment if they knew that kae had moments where he seemed a bit insane...

What kind of terms exactly? cause there's odd-job stuff, and then there's council stuff, and council stuff would be pretty kewl, jsut saying...

Male Half-Elf Invulnerable Rager 2/Crossblooded Envenomed+Draconic Sorcerer 1/ Trapper Ranger 1/Rage-Vivisectionist 2/Dragon Disciple 1

ret-con Taedo

Having considered his options, as the riders were preparing to leave, Kae approached Taedo.
"Taedo-san," He says, bowing, "I am concerned about the possibility of running into the wolves again. There are few of us, and while Baroness Ariarh can communicate with them, i know of no-one else able to speak with animals. Are any among your people that maintain a close communion with nature that may be able to assist in averting a dangerous situation with the creatures? Ryul and I are able to calm animals, but a pack of dire-wolves aiming to defend their hunting-grounds may be beyond the ken of our mere Empathy. Are there any that you would be familiar with?"
You know any druids? I'm guessing that if there are any here, they'd be Gold Kobold =P

Back to the present! er forward to the present, rather.

Ka'etil takes the offered heart and tears a chunk out of it. "I catch your drift. Was a mercenary, like I said. I get working for what I get, and paying for what I ask for." he says to Rhett,

Male Half-Elf Invulnerable Rager 2/Crossblooded Envenomed+Draconic Sorcerer 1/ Trapper Ranger 1/Rage-Vivisectionist 2/Dragon Disciple 1

Kae pauses with a sigh as Rhett takes offense to his comments about Sylvath. "I meant no offense and am not speaking ill of Sir Sylvath. I consider him both comrade and friend. I merely point out that we began our relationship on rocky ground and we took some offense to each other, which has fallen by the way-side." They don't know that Kae and sylvath work together in some capacity as protecters of the reams, nor that Kae respects Sylvath.

"I don't know much about Destiny, myself, but I have felt it's hand guiding me here. And in Saravale, your people will find a welcoming home. That is the whole point of the place, but I won't go speaking on purpose and point of tragedy. Seems disrespectful for someone who never knew her to go preaching about Bess like that." Kae would not like it if someone went and talked about his tragedy leading to a greater purpose unless they were some kind of Oracle or something.

That night, Kae will use his augry to ask his ancestors if there is a plan for these silvers and if they are following it, confirming that Bess dies for a reason

to Jaxx, Kae says in broken Common/Elven "Well, Gladius can take care of his-self and his own business, so i got no reason to say nothin to him so no worries there, from me." giving her a conspiratorial sort of look before putting on a bewildered face feigning ignorance of her intent, making light of the situation in a way that mitigates her embarrassment.

Male Half-Elf Invulnerable Rager 2/Crossblooded Envenomed+Draconic Sorcerer 1/ Trapper Ranger 1/Rage-Vivisectionist 2/Dragon Disciple 1

Ry, before you left for the weekend, Ariarh interrupted Kae and brought up clari and a conversation that needed be had...

Want to have that conversation before we continue too far? We caa toss it in spoilers on the main board so it's not taking too much space and interrupting. But kae don't know why he in trouble, and the esults from that convo may affect his future actions...

Here was Kae's last contribution to that

in responce to Ry:

Kae immediately snaps to, and after a brief glance moving from Kemat, to his hand, to Ariarh, Kae raises his eyebrow briefly. "Kemat, I need a moment with Ariarh. But it is late, and while I would very much enjoy seeing several of my recent acquaintances demonstrate their talents, I believe you are right in that tonight may not be the best time to hunt. I shall be riding out in the morning, and i would appreciate it if you would introduce me to the warriors you spoke of that I may take a tact that your people will better appreciate, and gather a hunting party to scout."

Kae takes his leave of Kemat, and then when they are separate from others, he whispers to Arairh, "What exactly do you need to speak to speak to Clari and I about. Please pardon me, but am I correct in assuming that you were taking note of Kemat's . . . foreword behavior. What was it that CLari discussed with you, sister".

Oh gods, what did Clari tell her? Kae is uncomfortable and somewhat confused about Ariarh bring up Clari in particular when she interrupted what Kae suspects could have been a rare...encounter... "From what I heard, Anuk-su is rather insistent that Clari and I are family, siblings, in fact. You should be aware that there is rather significant tension between Clari and I, so what is it that suggests that my personal affairs be a concern of hers?"

Kae certainly misunderstands Ariarh's concern, as he does not know what all Clari told Ariarh about, and probably needs some clarification.

Male Half-Elf Invulnerable Rager 2/Crossblooded Envenomed+Draconic Sorcerer 1/ Trapper Ranger 1/Rage-Vivisectionist 2/Dragon Disciple 1

The strategy for the hunt:
Ryul tracks prey.
When he finds something, Tohk rides out around the prey so he can attack from behind.
the rest fan our around the prey, the new silvers split up to flank too, getting past them.Kae and clari split up as well using bows from the sides. When Kae and Claei shoot, Gladius charges, and the silvers close to make sure the prey doesn't escape.
Tohk does what Tohk does so well. Jump off his horse, and chase it down, blocking its retreat.

The Kobolds
While Ryul takes point, Kae hangs back a bit from him and speaks with Rhett and Jaxx. He struggles to break out of his formal speech, and in doing so uses lapses into Elvish and occasionally a word in draconic... He does manage to avoid any sylvan at least "So you aren't particularly close with Sylvath and his company. I follow you on that one. When I first met him, the way Sylvath talked down to me really set me off.

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (12) + 9 = 21
"I came from a pretty rough spot myself, Just my mother raised me. I was a pretty wild brat. Just ask Clari over there. That said, I never had a chance with my clan, they hated me before i was even old enough to make trouble. When I left, I had nothing. Had to make my own way. Was no good at anything really clever, but I was tough so I used that to make a living as a mercenary, until my magic awakened... Ka'etil pauses there for a moment, then takes a breath to compose himself, smiling "But now? Look at me, commander of a city's forces, respected. Glad I took up this charter and ended up here where I did. It's a good place here." Kae came across poorly with these guys, so he's trying to build credibility so these guys know that he came from a rough place too, and is someone they can identify with.

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (10) + 9 = 19
He also asks about their history, "You speak a bit of elf, even though you grew up in a dwarf town. When I left home dwarves always gave me a pretty cold shoulder untill they found out that I wasn't the stuck-up elf they assumed I was. How did you two get to know the language?"

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (17) + 9 = 26
"I know there's a lot of differences between you and the others, but is there any common ground? Ryul and Gladius are out here on the hunt with you. I alway found that out in the field things are a lot easier, simpler. While we're out here, think we can let it be that, comrades on a hunt? Make friends and play nice? We'll have a good hunt." Kae encourages these silvers, hoping that they find some common ground. He wants to try to help integrate the old kobold with the new, and this group may have a good sort of shot. That said Kae also wants to get to know these two, so he's really not being pushy about this. he's making nice himself.
Bluff: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (12) + 6 = 18 to be subtle with Jaxx about having a chance to chat with Gladius without someone like Sylvath around making things awkward or whatever Sending a covert message is DC 15 for a simple one, it's like an innuendo check. Kae's not trying to hide anything but rather communicate that she's got a shot to "make nice" with Gladius but isn't going to say it out-loud cause she doesn't want it out.

Sense motive: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (18) + 9 = 27 to catch their reactions and adjust his tone and such to make sure he doesn't make any missteps.

I'll toss up stuff for the Golds, and Kemat, after I hear from you again. also, sleepy...

Male Half-Elf Invulnerable Rager 2/Crossblooded Envenomed+Draconic Sorcerer 1/ Trapper Ranger 1/Rage-Vivisectionist 2/Dragon Disciple 1

Kae gathers his hunting party, Clari, Taedo-san, Tohk, Kemat, Rhett, Jaxx, Ryul, Gladius, and himself. That is a total of 9. Kae gives studded leathers and longswords to Taedo, Kemat, Rhett, Jaxx, Tohk and Ryul. He also offers the Brestplate and a lance to Gladius, re-equiping his own wooden armor. With everyone equipped and mounted, they set off in advance of the party.

"My friends, I am glad that you are all able to join me. Let us go and track what we can. There are many following behind us, and we have a long road ahead to the capital, so it is our responsibility and task to ensure all of our people have enough food." before they ride, he pauses a moment, recalling one potentially important thing. "We may run across a pack of Dire-wolves as we travel. We encountered them as we traveled south, and Councilwoman Ariarh forged a peace with them, so if we encounter them give them a wide berth and do not threaten them."

as they set out
Ka'etil quietly mentions to Ryul "I have some affinity with beasts, but it is not a particular talent of mine, so you may be needed in the wolves are less than friendly."

Ryul is tasked with tracking.
Kae aids with Survival: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (19) + 4 = 23

Male Half-Elf Invulnerable Rager 2/Crossblooded Envenomed+Draconic Sorcerer 1/ Trapper Ranger 1/Rage-Vivisectionist 2/Dragon Disciple 1

Kae builds on the site where the Silvers are found. E7

I have not completed my council. things have been hectic lately, but I have some stuff done.

Clear land: 1bp
Town Hall: 22bp
Barracks: 12bp
Brothel: 4bp
Cave: Free

Clear Hex E6: 1bp
Farm: 2bp

No Promotion: -1 stability
No Festivals: -1 Loyalty
No Taxation: +1 Loyalty

Economy+1 = +1
Loyalty+1+2 = +2
Stability+1 (+1) -1 = +1
Unrest: +1-1 = 0
Defense: +2

Size 2
Districts 1
Consumption = 1

Can I convert money to BP in the Upkeep phase in order to pay consumption, in case I don't pass my Stability roll? If not i do that now, so i have one BP in my treasury to handle consumption.

I just need to figure out my council now.

Male Half-Elf Invulnerable Rager 2/Crossblooded Envenomed+Draconic Sorcerer 1/ Trapper Ranger 1/Rage-Vivisectionist 2/Dragon Disciple 1

Kae takes 2 hexes
what does it cost to make a farm? 2bp, one to clear the hex, so 3bp total?

Shall we compromise at 15% tax to the baronies?

Male Half-Elf Invulnerable Rager 2/Crossblooded Envenomed+Draconic Sorcerer 1/ Trapper Ranger 1/Rage-Vivisectionist 2/Dragon Disciple 1

OK, if we can use Shae as magister for a bit, we keepp him oh, unless someone thinks Galen is a better Idea. I feel like after a year of rolls, Galen may have some time to mature a bit, so he can take shae's post if shae poofs eventually.

then we keep sylvath on board. i like having sylvath as warden personally, and shae as magister solves everything.

Raz, you wanna play him for things he needs to do?

Male Half-Elf Invulnerable Rager 2/Crossblooded Envenomed+Draconic Sorcerer 1/ Trapper Ranger 1/Rage-Vivisectionist 2/Dragon Disciple 1

So i think this is an acceptable council distribution.

Grand Diplomat-Arasmes
High Priest(ess)-Isani

any comments?

Male Half-Elf Invulnerable Rager 2/Crossblooded Envenomed+Draconic Sorcerer 1/ Trapper Ranger 1/Rage-Vivisectionist 2/Dragon Disciple 1

I like Colleen as the Counselor cause she's much less insane than Hester, and nicer and such.

I don't really know about who would be really well-suited for Magister and DIplomat at this point.

Magister is about Higher Learning and magic, so someone who is Educated, not necessarily a caster...
There doesnt' look to be any NPC that really fits the idea of the Diplomat as far as i can see...

Higenbottom acts as Grishnak's lawyer, having him take care of our finances may be odd... Also Drake usually acts as Ruler at Oleg's so it should be fine to have Oleg as Treasurer.


so we need one more NPC to take either Magister or Diplomat. If we go with having two Old Kobold in the Council, then we're good.


The other option is giving Sylvath some time off to deal with the new silvers, have a different NPC sit on the Council as Warden, such as David, Henry, or Tom Fletcher.

Then we have Adjt as the Magister and Raz as Diplomat.

Male Half-Elf Invulnerable Rager 2/Crossblooded Envenomed+Draconic Sorcerer 1/ Trapper Ranger 1/Rage-Vivisectionist 2/Dragon Disciple 1

Herels my vote.

Councilor-Patty Ironhorse?
Grand Diplomat-Arasmes
High Priest(ess)-Isani


As such we don't have two people from the same family acting in on the council. We also have the situation with the guilds.

Is Selendria in the healer's guild, and will that be a problem?

we also need edicts for getting money from deville, etc. and we should clear the questionable goods out of our treasury. lets see if we can have Grish export them, preferably to anywhere other than ustalav or oriron, cause we seem to have issue with those two nations. SO lets send the stuff elsewhere, yeah?

Dain mentioned some of the stuff had been sold, and we've agreed to give some of the stuff to the medical guild and such, so can we get an updated list of the goods in our treasury?

Male Half-Elf Invulnerable Rager 2/Crossblooded Envenomed+Draconic Sorcerer 1/ Trapper Ranger 1/Rage-Vivisectionist 2/Dragon Disciple 1

Kae needs to borrow some horses for hunting, so he asks raz, shae, isani, and galen, then uses the spare horses.

Galen should be willing to lend a horse, and use a Mount that he can conjure, right?

Also, weapons. Knives would be nice, and bows. Already borrowing shae's.

Plz halp so we don't starve.

Also casties, AM BARBARIAN wants to pick his land, so you guys want dibs on the island?