
Ka'etil Malas'rae's page

1,015 posts. Alias of waiph.

I'm running a homebrew game but I'm not really sure where to to to get information regarding the Intellectual Property rules about what we post, who it belongs to, and what we can do with it after it's been put up on the message boards.

I'm looking for where in the information about where the rules are, what the rule is, what i can do with my Homebrew stuff If i use it on the boards, and if things like PM's follow the same rules

Any information about those policies would be really appreciated

In there W & V rules you make a DC 10 con check once you cross your wound threshold, or else you pass out. But it says nothing about the normal standardization rolls to not die.

What do you do for that,?

I am starting off a campaign, and wanted to start with a bang! So I'm attaching my party's ship with grindylow, and want to give one of them a class level.

My party is a 6-man 15 point buy with a 2hand fighter, Rogue, Druid, Cleric, Wizard, and Alchemist.

Grindylow are CR 1/2 but adding the stats and class make the hit more like a CR 2, but has 1hd. He's a Ranger, so there is an octopus pet with him. I'm thinking him, his pet and 2 grindylow make a CR3 encounter or should I add a third standard Grindylow?

The Grindylow have a Swift action trip, and the pet has grab, (only going to work on my alchemist cause he is the only small one) but there are 7 bodies on the party side cause the druid has a wolf that will be a big threat to my precious octogoblins.

I don't want them to roll this fight too easily but the class level is looking like a big boost in power (+3 attack, +2 damage) but only 3 more HP. I could give my ranger armor so they don't drop him too quick, but that's a lot of potential...

Welcome people! Discussion thread here. I'm going to be posting more information in the campaign page as I can get it written up, links to things and stuff, etc. I'll post here whenever i add anything significant.

You have managed to secure passage aboard a ship, Wyr’enshaad. This cargo vessel is headed north and currently the last of the supplies that will get the ship to the Central Kingdoms without further need for making port. As you approach the ship and ascent the gangplank, you see a small crew of Tengu come out of the hold and continue loading up supplies, crates of various size along with other crew-members. You do see a few familiar faces, some of the ambitious folks you met earlier in town before the brawl. You have little time before you are under way as you make ready to venture forth.

Welcome! This is the recruitment thread for my brand new home-brew setting!
This is YOUR chance to be a part of shaping the face of the world forever.
New cosmology with mysteries to be plumbed! Several Pantheons of deities and room for custom gods! Unique cultures to encounter and Lands to explore!

You stand at the precipice of the next Epoch of history. The Dragons have all but disappeared from the known world, humanoids rise and tame lands upon which their kind have never set foot. Lords seek to establish Dynasties, warring tribes, kingdoms and species crawl over each other for power and relics of the ancient past, ripe for claiming, to use to dominate their enemies.

Lines are being drawn across the lands and it is the Mythic heroes of this time that will be the Legends that shape the world for generations!

You are off to face your fate, whichever way the winds will you. You start aboard a ship but will make for shore soon enough. DUN DUN DUUUUUUN! You will have to survive the trials of a savage and untamed land before you can venture forth and take up the mantle of your destiny.

We are open for submissions.

Characters: 15 point-buy, All core materials, Featured Races from, most archetypes and PRC’s from APG, UM, UC.
—ARG material is available with approval, but have a contingency plan, and no to ACG at this point.
You have new gods. PM me if you are interested in the clergy or if you want some other Divine source of power. There are secrets and mysteries for you.
- And if you just want to be religious there will be a god for you, Don’t worry!

We’re going to be going Mythic, so think about your Destiny and tell me about it!
There is going to be Kingdom-building, and downtime rules, as well as Mass Combat, and potential for Naval Battle as well, depending on where the party goes.
I’m planning on using the Wounds and Vitality system as well as start things off with Armor as DR. If that turns out to suck, we could always change it, but I want to try it out.

The World!
The mainland is pretty much a low magic E6 setting. 4th level spells are nearly unheard of, Resurrection is solely the purview of the highest ranked Druids, the greatest Arch-mages are about 7th level.
Mythic creatures walk the lands, epic battles are fought, mere mortals taste divinity, and there is a whole multiverse to explore, not just one continent.

In my home game, I have a player interested in shadow caster Wizard Archetype, but he's going to have racial darkvision, an I'm not sure what to do...

He gets darkvision for his Race. He's not making the most optimized caster, but trading a feat for darkvision, which he already has, makes the archetype much less appealing as it takes two of his wiz bonus feats.

I'm considering giving him his bonus feat back. Does that seem to problematic, or fair enough

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There really isn't much to say yet, other than that this is a discussion thread for a campaign I'm starting to work on

I have a MoMS, and I'm not sure what to take as my Monk 2 bonus feat, Tiger Claws or Dragon Ferocity. I was going Ferocity but Claws might be insanely good...

Dragon makes attacks at 1d6+10 and additional attacks with 1d6+8
or Tiger Claws to full attack for 2d6+18

I dipped unarmed fighter and took Tiger Style and Power Attack at Lv1 and Tiger Pounce at Lv2 with my Monk 1 bonus feat so my Power Attack penalty goes to AC. So at Lv3 I get Dragon Style and Monk 2 bonus feat I can either take Dragon Ferocity or Tiger Claws. The other comes at 5th but level 3 and 4 will be defined by that feat.

Tiger Claw Numbers:

correct me if I'm wrong here.

Tiger Claws lets you roll damage twice on a single unarmed strike. and if you use PA then you can add .5 str on top of that. add Dragon Style for +.5 str on the first attack (claws is one attack) and you get
1d6+4+2[PA]+2[dragon] The iffy one is getting Dragon Style for both hands
for 2d6+18 on a hit.

You are all awakened before dawn by the thundering crash following a brilliant flash of lightning that illuminates the pre-dawn sky. The torrential downpour has passed but the dark clouds above are charged with electricity. You prepare yourselves to set out, having the option to wait for the dawn to break, as the full moon is completely blocked out, although those with Darkvision are not as limited. You have two viable exits away from the mountains, the Main Road or the Pass.

In the darkness Acolyte Costello is already up and preparing breakfast for the children rushes around the kitchen and collects some fruit and smoked meats for you.

What's the Plan? You can discuss and decide how to proceed, make checks for information, and I'll let you know if there are other skills i need from you.

When you hit with 2 unarmed strikes with Boar style, you deal 2d6 [hotly contested] damage. With Tiger Claws you use a full round action to deal damage twice. Do tiger classes trigger Boat style bleed?

So here's my idea for the builds.
Rolling stats by taking 6+2d6 seven times and drop the second to lowest. Check the bottom of the post page to see how to format a dice-roll. looks like this:
[dice=stat]2d6+6[/dice ] but without a space after dice.

This way everyone should have at least one low stat, but it's a little easier to get good ones, and you can talk here/tell me about what builds and rolls you want to use.

Gods in this setting are a little different that elsewhere, so we'll talk about deities if you want one, I'm still working on the pantheons (there are many)

you start in a smallish town, wether you grew up there, traveled there, are on laying-low, looking for adventure, looking for trouble, or just got lost.
You went to the church cause there's not much else to do this evening, perhaps you were bored, lonely, lookng for a drink, feeling in need of some spiritual fulfillment, but you end up in the tavern/church to play.

You may know another character, you may show up together or not. We're not going to be havingany fights in the tavern.

You all also know that the Priesthood of Gemidar are pretty tough and not people anyone here wants to tangle with, so nothing is going to get too out of hand.

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The rain pounds down upon you as the twilight begins to darken. You hurry towards the doors, to the sounds of people clamoring within the 'church' you walk toward. Double-doors open easily on well-oiled hinges and allow you entrance to the Church of Gemidar, god of Alchemy. Before you stretches a wide entryway to the gathering hall, dust hanging in the air above and clinging to the 'pews' and tables in the large space.

A man stands to the side, by a staircase, and receives the weapons of the worshiper entering before you, as is custom. You too give your weapons to the man, who hands them to a boy that takes them to a holding area, like a coat-check.
Down the spiral stairway you go as the sounds of 'worshipers' grow louder. You open the door at the bottom of the stairs and join the flock.

A riotous good time is had by these churchgoers, for Gemidar brought the men of the Central Kingdoms both Medicine and Alcohol, and his worship services are more parties held in the taverns that act as his churches. While business is not as good as it once was, and the Great Hall upstairs has fallen into disuse, this chapel serves well enough. Crowded and intimate, peoples of all walks gather here and all that is asked is that a good time be had by all, and of course that they pay for their drinks.

You catch the eye of Tevissa, one of the head Priestesses, as she carries a tray of libation and sustenance to the table. She welcomes you, saying "Come on in, and take a seat," gesturing to the round tables scattered about or the bar-stools at the alter. "One of the Brothers or Sisters shall be with yea shortly, hon." She then makes her way through the crowd which parts before her, even the drunkest know not to get in her way.

Welcome! Check the discussion board for character-Gen rules and ask questions there. Introduce yourself and mess around here in character so we can get to know you. You can post with different Characters, if you want to get a feel for a couple before you decide, just make sure to note which one you are using!

Please describe your appearance as you enter and lemme know what you do, go to a table, the bar, look the place over or anything else you can think of. Please do not s%!% on anything or bleat like a goat, tho.

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Looking for some confirmation as to how these feats work with a Quiggong monk. They're still pretty cool to have, but do you need to sink some pre-recs in for them to work at all?

Step-up and strike wrote:

When using the Step Up or Following Step feats to follow an adjacent foe, you may also make a single melee attack against that foe at your highest base attack bonus. This attack counts as one of your attacks of opportunity for the round. Using this feat does not count toward the number of actions you can usually take each round.

Normal: You can usually only take one standard action and one 5-foot step each round.


What can you do if you don't have Step Up or Following Steps? Can you still take the 5' via step-up, or can you move 10?

Improved Vital strike would still triple your damage-dice (1 ki as a free action for an extra 4d8) w/o Vital strike makes sense.

Acrobatic Steps at 4th gives you a straight 15 ft of movement since it is designed to stack with nimble-steps?

Improved Ki throw: will it work if you don't have Ki-throw?

Snatch Arrows, without Deflect Arrows feat?

Penetrating Strike (and greater) w/o Weapon Focus? nothing gets a benefit?

Looking at Quiggong Monk, as it's noted in a lot of Monk builds, so i wanted to see how some of the Feat tricks worked?

Have you ever tried describing how hits work based on a characters AC? 8 think it makes for coo descriptions to have some hits totally Wiff, and others be caught just barey by thick hide.

I wanted to ask how people figure that out and what rues they use?

I think having where the attack roll falls sounds cool.

Roll under 10 and you wiff completely.
Then is Dex and Dodge Bonuses so with a +5 for a dex mod with dodge bonuses added, rolling a 10 to 14 means the target dodged the attack.

After that I add Protection. The character wouldn't have evaded but the force-field knocked the attack off course

Next characters block with their shield bonus or parry and if the roll is higher than Dex+Dodge+(and Monk AC and stuff)+Deflection+Shield, then you hit the armor. After penetrating armor AC you have to get past natural armor.

Only then does a sword draw blood.

What do you think? And where should Sacred/Profane bonuses or Luck or other bonuses fall? Or bracers of armor/mage armor, and a Shied Spell?

Would it have a cool effect in game you think, rather than just getting a hit or miss?

When sitting at the table, if a Character has Crane Wing, The GM can simply tell the player what monster is attacking them with what attacks, one at a time in order, and tell them if it hits before rolling damage.

But in a PBP on the forums, GM's often roll all the baddies attcks all at onwce for the sake of time. So how should Playwrs pick what potential hit to block?

1. Pick an attack in advance, but what if that enemy doesn't attack?
2. Let the GM choose?
3. Pick what you likely would have blocked?
(2 and 3 have issues in that payers loosing contro of their character in 2, but 3 is open to abuse)

Has anyone found a better way? How have folks run it in the past?

This is my Arctic Druid profile for a RoW game, and I'm trying to pick a trait...

I took Vagabond for my hobo druid, and I was thinking i'd be our K(geography/local/nature) and Survival guy. Those seem important based on the guide.

I just dunno what do pick. He's in his 90's (cause long lifespan) so there's room for integrating story. I'm hoping for mechanical advice and I'll pick a story that sounds good.

I appreciate input

I have a Charmer, (infernal sorcerer) who tries to charm while he's totally unobserved right now, but is there a feat that allows a Buff-check or something that would let me cast a Charm Person or something without alerting those around me that I'm doing so?

I'd guess slight of hand or bluff versus Sense Motive to see that I'm hiding a spell, then allowing Spellcraft to ID the spell as normal?

Holy VIndicator requires a Bab of +5 and has three levels without casting advancement.
The Cleric gets 9th Level spells at 17, so going straight Cleric10/Holy VIndicator10 you get CL 17 and a 9th level spell at 20th, but it delays access until after level 7 when the Cleric gets BaB 5 at Lv 7.

Is it worth it to dip 2 levels in a Full BAB class to get quicker access at Level 6, CLeric4/"Martial"2/Holy Vindicator(x)? Paladin is a natural choice adding Cha to saves if you go LG, but impossible if you want to go Neutral and Versatile Channeler so you can toss negative AND positive energy.

Or is it better to go CLeric 7 before taking Vindicator Levels to maintain spellcasting and Channel Progression?

Hi, Dhaavan is my Skulls and Shackles PBP Infernal Sorcerer, we're level 2 right now, and i was looking for some suggestions on what to do with him.

When I made this guy, I had no idea how beautifully useful Diplomacy is for part 1 of this module. Diplomacy of +11 at level 1 has made us so many friends!

I intend to make him into a binder, possibly taking some levels in Diabolist for the imp companion, but that's not for a while. He summons pretty well already so it's really what else to do with him.

While he charms with a DC 17 already, his compulsions are 14+spell level. I was looking for a way to get the Fey Bloodline Arcana, +2 to compulsions, but i don't know if there's a way to do that.

So far I'm thinking I may eventually take Spell Focus and GSF (Enchantment), Heighten Spell may help boost Charm Person till I get Charm monster, but I'm not 100% sure where else to focus. beyond becoming the party Crafter.

So do the Forum-ites have any thoughts?

Sup! So I have a friend who has never played a table-top game before, but is interested in checking it out. Yay, new blood!

She's not really up for getting a group together, but we were talking about running a sort of one-on one game. I'm more of 3player+GM or more sort of guys, so i'm a little out of my element, and wanted some advice from other GMs.

-I'm a little strapped for cash, but are thee any economical APs that may be simple and easy to start with? I was thinking of doing a sort of Ad-hoc game, introducing things as they come up, and wing-ing it to start with so i can keep things super flexable, but a simple easy AP could be good too.

-DMPCs, give her a Party to play with, or try to make a solo adventure? Seems like having a strong solo character like a druid, or summoner or something would not be great for a new player as those are more complicated classes

-what am i forgetting? there's gotta be some important thing im totally forgetting to ask about...

Making a Barbarian for ROTL, I became enamored with the setting weapons (He uses a the Bladed scarf and Starknives, not the most optimal, maybe but i like 'em, and I'm sure he'll want to get an Earthbreaker soon as he sees one).

Anyway, the "thunder and fang" style looks fun.

A Shoanti Ranger working up to T&F at level third looks kinda cool, and i was trying to figure out how exactly it works
Earthbreaker: 2h weapon
Klar: shield

1. Do you need the feat before you can hold the Earthbreaker and Klar?

2. When you can't full attack, do you just 2H the Earthbreaker like normal (you do with normal double-weapons, but a 2H & Shield)

3. Or do you always strike with both of them, (cause you can't with normal double weapons, but)? I think it'd be weird, but i ask anyway, just in case.

4. Also, How do Two Weapon Defense (+1 shield bonus to AC) and Shield Focus (and GreaterSF) (Increase the AC granted by a shield by 1) interact when you have a Klar?
I'd guess that normally you get the Shield Focus bonuses with the Klar, and when you use it as a weapon and loose it by attacking you get the TWD bonus instead, but with T&F you keep the shield bonus when you attack, so you you get the TWD which gives a bonus for using a double-weapon as well, or not.

A GREAT plot, imho is having a kabal of wizards get together perform some serious prep-work and such to cast a powerful spell. Now, there are powerful spells that are tough to cast, but a single caster can perform them if they have the spell slots. I am talking about casting above your level, like a bunch of 1st or 2nd level wizards pooling their power, doing some chanting, and then busting out some third level spell, like animate dead, or to spy on someone (clairvoyance), or preserve the body of their fallen leader (gentle repose)

So you get a bunch of them together and they do their chants and then boom, fireball in a crowded square! it's pretty devastating at first level, non? i decent plot-hook.

The issue is how to determine how many casters are needed to step up how many levels. I'm thinking some kind of geometric progression, or something based on levels, so it takes:
2 or 3 casters with first level spells to emulate a 2nd level.
3/4 casters with 2nd level slots to do 3rd level spells, adn 2 or 3 with only first level spells to replace a 2nd level caster.
It takes 9 or 10 wizards with 8th level slots to cast a 9th level spell, so the higher level the spell the harder for lesser casters to emulate, and the more steps, the more casters you need.

it's hard, but doable...

whatcha think?

Eldritch heritage lets you get bloodline powers, and I've seen mentioned going abyssal for it with a barb to get ImpEH and get the str bonus, but it doesn't max out till lv 19 for the +6, but if you took greater, you get it at 17, which in nice, but you get the useless Added Summonings power. now wrap focus is a feat, +1 to attack rolls, but if you get the last _2 from Abyssal Strenght at 19 anyway there is no point.

So going Orc Bloodline is better cause you get Power of Giants, (Large +6str, +4con, +4 nar armor. sweet buff for 17 minutes per day) whic is pretty sweet for a feat. IMHO that makes it worth it more worthwhile at the end of the day. 4 feats for A huge buff, +6str, and the +3 for survival, Which has been a useful skill for my barbs a few times.

The question is about Touch of Rage, +2 moral to attack and damage for a turn. I know the Will save bonus doesn't stack, it's either the Rage bonus, or the Bloodline power bonus.

You get the Str bonus for Rage, AND the +2 attack and Damage for the power if you use it for a +4, right?
Would you need to use it before you Rage, or Moment of Clarity to activate it during rage, or can you just activate it on the fly while raging, cause it isn't really a spell?

So First Post here on the boards.
I working on building a world and home-brew campaign with some friends,(and i just like making things) and need some advice on a few things that I've tried to look up, but my search-foo is not strong. at all.
So I had a thought of a Summoner that is basically not particularly viable till 8th level, but i thought he would be fun to play around with, so why not have him be a big villian of his arc, or at least a tough encounter?

He's a Mounted charger, uses a lance, and his eidolon as a mount. The idea is that Eidolon pounces at things, (can use lunge for reaching, right?)and summoner hits em with his lance as he rides around the field. Overrun and charge through let him slide past tanks to squishy targets, possibly striking the tank with a triple damage lance strike (toss another d10 there for vital strike if he goes that route)

The pounce works as such, correct me if i'm wrong, but we go:
bite, claw, claw.
If both claws hit, apply rend damage.
If bite hits, attempt grapple. If success, make Rake attacks. (against penalized AC for Grapple)

Next turn, charge at next target, same story. Then there's the summoner tossing Lance pricks at +13 plus his enhancement to his weapon dealing 3 or 4d10+15(+enhancement) while sweeping past creatures in the way.

At least that is what i think he'll do. It may be good to have some kind boost to the Overrun CMB if i can get it somewhere, and He could forsake casting and burn a feat to get Rhino Hide to further boost his charges.

Thing is, i totally don't know how to equip an NPC correctly for an encounter, and i don't know what AC and attack items would be reasonable to give him. he's also a summoner, and it seems there are a lot of pitfalls that people moss when they build these buggers, so is he good for a 9?

Items: +? Elven Chain: or greater, light armor with a +7 to ac for 6150
+? Lance
Exotic Military Saddle
Other AC items
Human Summoner 9
Init +3
AC 10+2dex+6(+enhancment) armor+2shield(eidolon)
HP 9(d8+2)
Fort+5(7) Ref+5(7) Will+5(7)

Speed 30
Melee: Lance +11(+enhance) 1d8+5(+enh)
Special Abilities
--Summon Monster V (4/day)
--Bond Senses
--Shield Ally
--Makers Call
Spells Known
0- --

str 20, dex 14, con 14, int 10, wis 8, cha 13
BAB +6
Feats: Proficiency(Lance), Mounted Combat, Ride-by-Attack, Spirited Charge, Power Attack, Lunge/Vital Strike
Skills: 9 (all in ride?) Ride: +14 (+16)

AC: 20 10+6armor+4nat+1dex-1size
HP 7(d10+3)
Fort+8 Ref+7 Will+2 (+6 v enchant)

Speed 40
Melee: Bite: +13 1d8+7, (2)Claw/Rake: 1d6+7, Rend dmg: 1d6+10
Grab: +19 overrun: +17
Evolutions: 1pt: Claw, pounce, mount, 2pt: rend, rake, grab(bite), 4pt: large

str 25, dex 15, con 17, int 7, wis 10, cha 11
BAB +7
Feats: Power Attack, Imp Overrun, Charge Through, Lunge
Skills: 28 -

I don't really know what spells to give him, i'm thinking like shield/mage armor to drop on the eidolon, have him know black tentacles, heroism/rage, maybe fly, magic fang(to give all eidolon's attacks a +1), Displacement, wall of fire/ice, stoneskin for 3rd levels
2nd, thinking Haste, Barkskin, Bulls Strength, (Restore Eidolon)
1st have mage-armor, maybe shield, dunno what else...