![]() I've played a couple of games of Fiasco with my face-to-face group a few years ago. From what I remember, characters are created together once we've selected the setting. And we have a pool of good dice and bad dice that we draw from to determine the outcomes of each scene? I'm certainly interested! ![]()
![]() Aerin Aurora wrote:
I like the sound of your character so far, although the war was 23 years ago, I think your bio makes a reference to 10 years passing... "The Lucky Halfling" wrote:
That could indeed be plausible, sounds interesting! The Pale King wrote: Are the Tiri Kitor the only Elves in the region? The Tiri Kitor are the most significant elven tribe in the Elsir Vale. They inhabit the Marth Forest and the Witchwood. Other, minor tribes may exist in the Westdeep or the Thornwastes to the west. More civilised elves could also have immigrated to the towns and cities from further afield. ![]()
![]() Teiidae wrote:
Unfortunately I don't own the source material for those races or classes, so am hesitant to allow them. From what I've read online, I'm not sure if either would work in this campaign. The Jotun certainly wouldn't, the Taninim may, but again I'm hesitant, especially with the size increases past medium at higher levels.![]()
![]() With the immediate threat dealt with by Valghaz's mighty first strike, Arya springs from the row boat and climbs up the slippery, wet ropes with practiced ease.
![]() Did anyone ever watch Grimm on NBC? Similar hidden world theme and it was actually set around Portland, Oregon!
Looking into stats a vampire witch makes trying to get a decent ability score array nearly impossible, since vampires use charisma to determine HP, and Cha is generally one of a witch's dump stat. But I just withdrew a vigilante submission from another recruitment thread and I'm thinking my idea for her could be repurposed here with a little rewriting. I think this would be a much better campaign for the character I had in mind as well. Just want to give a heads up that the character will be Lawful Evil. Both the vampire template and serial archetype I plan on using require an evil alignment so if that's going to be a problem let me know. But my character will have a strict code of conduct to follow and is going to be very focused on honour and the idea that she can make society a better place, even while unrepentantly enjoying her dark powers. ![]()
![]() I'm withdrawing my submission. Sorry for the late notice but I've been accepted into another AP that I really wanted to play and have recruitment ending for another one next week.
![]() I ended up going with Halfling as a bonus language, I think that makes the most sense for Arya to pick up.
Arya's Stats: Arya Semkhehay
Combat Gear:
Sneak Attack:
Sea Legs:
![]() GM alientude wrote: The Telvanta Dance Academy teaches many forms of dance, but specializes in ballet. Only a select few highly talented individuals are accepted each year into their ballet program, and the cost is prodigious. Those that graduate from the Academy are highly sought-after performers. And my character threw it all away! I can see how her father would get angry enough to disown her for dropping out of such a prestigious school! Crisischild: It sounds like Arya and Elaina would get on well! I hope they get a chance to meet each other! ![]()
![]() Here is my character submission! It took a little longer than I though but I've wanted to play this character for a long time and this setting really brought her to life. With that in mind I'm sorry if it's resulted in quite a lengthy submission. Please let me know if there is anything in her backstory that doesn't fit in with the lore you had in mind. -----------
10 Minute Background:
1) Write five things about your character's concept and background - five things that you think are the most essential parts of your character. -Arya’s family moved to Siren’s Bay from Cseza when she was very young. -Growing up, she always wanted to be a dancer. -She dropped out of the Telvanta Dance Academy because she couldn’t handle the rules; she has a rebellious, chaotic spirit. -Arya makes her living as a sailor, because she wants to see more of the world. -The tattoos covering her body are a record of her life story so far. 2) List two goals for the character that you, as a player, think would be cool to see accomplished in-game. -It would be a dream come true for Arya to captain her own ship, with no one to tell her what to do and nothing holding her back from travelling wherever the wind takes her. -Arya wants to find the treasure hoard of the fearsome pirate Captain Mitabu Shikaba. 3) List two secrets about your character. One is a secret the character knows, one is a secret that involves her but that she is not actually aware of yet. -When she was a child, Arya snuck into the Meravanchi’s private garden and overheard Zebula make a deal with Mayor Lidu. She slipped away unseen and has never told anybody a word of what she heard. -Arya is unaware that the buried treasure she believes her map leads to was actually retrieved long ago, by Captain Shikaba himself and it now lies deep within the dungeons of the pirate’s lair. 4) Describe three people that are tied to the character through blood, romance, or honor. Two of them are friendly to the character, one is hostile. All can do something useful for you, if you can get the situations to line up. -Arya’s father, Namere “Nate” Semkhehay is a wealthy merchant. Nate disowned her when she dropped out of the dance academy to become a sailor. -Arya is currently involved in a romantic relationship with, Sikta “Ray” Huxley, a member of the tattooist guild who practices her trade in the Sails district. -Amella Venkalie saved Arya from drowning when she fell overboard in a storm, Arya feels indebted to the down-on-her-luck captain. 5) Describe three memories that your character has. They don't have to be elaborate, but they should provide some context and flavor. -Arya has many memories of being bullied while growing up, this was usually for the fact that her family came from Cseza. -On the night her father threw her out of home, Nate had just found out that Arya was failing her schooling. Arya confessed she hated the strict rules and constant bullying she received at the academy and wanted to become a sailor. After a long shouting match Arya found herself standing on the curb, alone and in tears. It was three years ago now but it’s a memory that is hard to forget. -Arya remembers the pain and rush of adrenaline she felt while getting her first tattoo. It is a small flower, hidden away somewhere she could hide it from her family. She snuck out to get it when she was 14.
---------- History:
Born of Human parents in Cseza, Arya Semkhehay belongs to a well-to-do middle class family. Arya's parents travelled to Siren's Bay very early on in her life. They didn’t agree with the political climate in the Empire and wanted a new life for their children in the free city-state. At first the family had a rough start in their new home town. Not long after they arrived in the city-state, Arya’s mother, Lyssa, died in childbirth. Her father, Nate, attempted to establish himself as a jeweler, but did not do well. Eventually, Nate joined the more profitable merchant business and accumulated a substantial fortune. Arya has two older brothers. Djehi and Ismar, however she was always closest with her younger brother, Bobecc. This was especially the case once her father remarried and she received two new half-sisters, Kiandra and Maria. In her early life, Arya was easy prey for bullies, and anyone out to make themselves look tough. This was all thanks to her Csezan heritage. The other children would call her names, and make fun of her family, especially before her father managed to find success in the merchant business. On more than one occasion Arya was left bloody and bruised by some older bullies. After one particularly rough beating, Arya found herself in the arms of a kind stranger, who took her in and cleaned her wounds. The man was an old sailor, and while he nursed her back to health he told her of all the places he had traveled to and the people who lived there. This chance encounter inspired a wanderlust within her. The sailor also told her tales of the fearsome pirate captain Mitabu Shikaba, known on the high seas as “the Shark Lord”. Before she left the man pulled an old map from out his boot and gave it to her, he told her that it was a map to the pirate’s buried treasure, but neither he nor anyone she has shown it to since can decipher the clues scrawled on the parchment. As an adolescent, Arya started to stand out for a different reason. She was quite an attractive young girl, and some even started to see the fact that she was Csezan as something of a draw, especially rebellious young men looking to annoy their more patriotic parents. Arya paid little attention to the boys chasing after her though. Arya was an adrenaline junkie, and she and her friends would take turns daring one another to take risks and complete challenges around town. Racing through the markets, climbing up ships rigging, or performing other dangerous tasks to chase the high.
When she dropped out of school, her family disowned her, and she found herself out on the street. She ended up living in the sails district, where she met Sikta “Ray” Huxley. Arya quickly fell deeply in love with Sikta, the first person in her life who Arya felt she could tell anything to. Soon, Arya moved in with her lover in the sails district and started looking for work as a sailor to help support their life together.
---------- Personality and Motives:
Arya is independent and free-spirited. She has an easy going and carefree approach to most situations although she can be unpredictable and hot-headed at times. She still respects people’s personal liberties and values their company, making a trustworthy and honest friend. She has little regard for law, order, or social standards and does not respond well to authority but would never betray a family member, comrade, or friend. She believes it is immoral to attack an unarmed foe or to ever harm an innocent creature. She has inherited a great wanderlust from growing up around the sailors around Siren’s Bay, and used to dream of taking a ship to faraway lands, especially in times where she saw it as a way to escape her bullies, although she still feels Siren’s Bay is her home. Arya is still looking for a true calling in her life. She feels like there's more to explore in the world than what she’s seen of it and longs for a life where she can be truly free and happy.
---------- Appearance and Mannerisms:
Arya is 17 years old, stands 5' 11" tall and weighs roughly 127 lbs. Arya’s thick, auburn hair is short and wavy in the front, and longer in the back where several thick dreadlocks are double braided and tied back under an old bandana. Her hair is decorated with numerous beads, bones and old coins that she has tied into it. She has a strong, angular face, high cheekbones and thick eyebrows. Her almond-shaped eyes are a bright blue-green, like two coastal lagoons, contrasting vibrantly against her warm-brown complexion. She has the thin, graceful build of a dancer, although she has put on some more muscle in her arms and shoulders since leaving the academy. She has a tattoo of a small anchor on her cheek, just below the outer corner of her right eye, a reminder of her first time at sea. Among a large sleeve tattoo, the constellation Usherine sprawls across her right forearm, roughly resembling the shape of a great whirlpool. In an ancient society, this constellation was seen as the representation of the goddess of the ocean, which is how it received the name still used today. Arya has quite a plain wardrobe. Her favourite shirt, once quite a fanciful blouse is now little more than a dirty scrap of fabric, grime and muck. Both sleeves are missing and there's two gaping holes where they once were which reach almost all the way down to her waist. Her dusty brown pants aren't in much better condition. She wears a small scarf around her neck and has it wrapped around her face in a way that covers the chin. It's ragged and stained, but it smells of the sea and she liked to keep it close.
Arya spends most of her free time relaxing in a hammock strung between a tree and the back wall of Sikta’s tattoo parlour, a drink in her hand and usually a fresh-picked fruit of some kind in the other. She daydreams a lot, or watches “Ray” work on her clients. When she’s feeling in the mood for something more entertaining, she likes to head over to the Smiling Shipwright Tavern in the Azure district. The walls of the tavern are littered with nautical memorabilia,and it is often packed full of sailors. Arya can often be found drinking at the bar, playing dice in the corner or even up dancing on one of the tables, on a good night.
---------- Character Concept:
Arya is a chaotic good rogue, using the unchained rules and following the pirate archetype. She will focus on using her rapier in battle, utilizing combat maneuvers and flanking to try and deal out sneak attack damage whenever possible. Outside of combat she will rely on good diplomacy or the ability to bluff to handle most situations, although she will also be able to sneak around and make use of her acrobatics and climbing abilities if the needs arise. ----------- ![]()
![]() I agree that it can make roleplaying a very deep and interesting experience but I think there is a difference between roleplaying the tensions between an elf and a dwarf, or an Andoran and Chelaxian, and the tensions that could arise when playing in a setting much more heavily based in reality. It's a lot harder to separate what is directed at the character and what is directed at the player when you're in a real world setting dealing with real historical prejudices. ![]()
![]() JonGarrett wrote: The only thing to be aware of is that I'm unpleasantly familiar with the time period, and it won't be made nice and shiny. Sexism and racism will happen, Native children will be stolen, and occasionally a hideous creature of madness will rise from the sea to devour the sanity of all. I have to admit I cringed at the thought of a 1920s setting for these reasons. Gritty realism is one thing but sexism and racism aren't particularly fun role playing themes. ![]()
![]() Here is my complete submission. Stats are in the alias. I have used the standard Vigilante template but with DMs permission, I would prefer her to use the Serial Killer archetype. This requires her vigilante identity to be any evil alignment (I would choose LE), but her primary alignment would remain LN. Aside from that, at third level, all that would change would be swapping out her Unshakable ability for Thwart Pursuit. History:
Hundreds of years ago, night hags wandered the dark places and preyed upon mortals while they were most vulnerable. Preferring to kill their prey slowly, haunting their dreams night after night, these hags trapped the tormented souls of their victims within dark gems so they might be sold in the infernal markets of the outer planes. These days stories of night hags are just that, stories. The kind that Korvia Rashemi has told to many ill-behaved children to scare them back in line, lest they be visited by a night hag in their sleep. Stories like that don't tend to work on grown-ups though. If an adult breaks the law, it generally falls on the city guard to deal out justice. All too often in Westcrown though, these criminals go unpunished. That is until one night, when the stories Korvia told started to come true. ---------- Background:
Korvia Rashemi's parents met on the bustling city streets of Rodan, almost a year before she was born. Her mother, Lucia, was ethnically chelaxian and worked as a serving girl at a run-down old tavern. Her father, Zavar, was an aishmayer keleshite musician in a travelling troupe. After a whirlwind romance, the couple soon found themselves with a daughter to raise. When she was two years old, her parents abandoned their old life, breaking off from their obligations to their masters and running away to Westcrown. In their new home town, Zavar took up a job working on the docks while Lucia stayed home to raise Korvia, and her twin sisters, Mana and Mali. The family grew up in the slums of Despair's Altar and Korvia spent her youth helping out the other young mothers with their children. When she was eight years old she was kidnapped by two thieves while out buying bread. When she told them that the two copper pieces she had in the bag around her neck were all that her family had for the week they did not believe her and thought they could make more money by holding her to ransom. Her father met with the thieves that evening and begged them to return his oldest daughter but they would not listen. As he couldn't afford the price on her head, Zavar became desperate and a struggle broke out as he tried to save Korvia from the men. He managed to knock one of the kidnappers down but another one jumped at him and drove his dagger into Zavar's back and Korvia's father let out a scream that haunts her to this day.
Korvia awoke three days later on the floor of her family's room. She had stumbled her way home in a daze and collapsed into a fever. After that night, life returned to normal for Korvia for a while. When she was twelve she started to learn the healer’s craft, making poultices and elixirs and treating those in her community who needed it. The brutal killings of the thieves was never tied to her, and although some may have suspected that she was behind it, none ever spoke of it. Korvia's teacher in the healing arts was an old chelaxian noble, Siro Leroung. Although his house had long ago fallen from grace when the people of Cheliax rose up against their corrupt masters, Siro was proud of his ancient dynasty.
---------- Personality and Motives:
There are many layers to Korvia Rashemi's personality, but perhaps most important is that she's caring and focused. Of course she's also orderly, and cooperative as any stereotypical chelaxian. But in smaller doses than usual, and these traits are often spoiled by some bad habits of being proud, arrogant and ocasionally quick to anger as well. Her caring nature though, this is what she's loved for. There are many times when friends count on this when they're in need of support. She has a strong motivation to help her community, especially young mothers, the sick and the old. Nobody's perfect of course and Korvia has plenty of less favorable traits as well. Her narcissistic nature and strict moral code tend to get in the way, both personally and for others. Fortunately, most of the time her caring side is there to soften the blows. Other times, the Night Hag emerges to seek vengeance and inflict swift justice. ---------- Appearance and Mannerisms:
Korvia Rashemi wouldn't stand out in a crowd. In fact, most days she doesn't. On the streets of Westcrown, in old Cheliax, she blends right in with the other ethnically Chelaxian, although her darker complexion occasionally has her mistaken for Taldane. Her black curls are pulled back into a ponytail, revealing a thin, friendly face. Korvia didn't inherit her father's golden eyes like her sisters. Her dark brown eyes are set deep in their sockets and watch warmly over the children playing in the slums of her home. The children she has kept safe for so long. Freckles are spread delicately around her nose and cheekbones and leave the faint impression of child-like innocence. There's something about her, perhaps it's her goodwill or perhaps it's simply her unfortunate past, nonetheless, people tend to ignore her, even while commending her for her good deeds. When The Night Hag emerges, few that see it could as easily forget. Standing at 5-1/2 feet tall and weighing 150 lbs, the creatures thick dark hair falls over its chalky white face in matted curls.
---------- Character Concept:
The Night Hag is a stalker vigilante. The idea behind her is that she has become over-protective of the less fortunate in society and is frustrated by what she sees as the corrupt city guard not dealing with the lawlessness in society. When things get too much for Korvia to bare the Night Hag emerges and seeks vengeance on those who have sone wrong. She'll be focused on perfecting her ranged attacks, using a bow to strike from shadows. While Korvia is in control she will spend her time healing the party and members of the community, creating medicines with craft alchemy and practising her profession as a midwife. ----------- ![]()
![]() Following WarforgedMan's lead: The Crunch:
Tove Hellstrom
Traits: Pioneer, Deadeye Bowman, Devotee of the Green
Skills: Craft (bows) +6, Diplomacy +6, Heal +7, Knowledge (geography) +7, Knowledge (nature) +7, Knowledge (religion) +6 Combat Gear:
Full info on Tove's profile
Prepared Spells:
The Fluff:
Appearance Tove Hellstrom is a proud ulfen woman. She stands tall at 6'2 and weighs a little over 165 lbs. Her long, wavy hair falls in two fiery, red plaits down to the small of her back. Her fair skin is tanned, freckled and scarred from years of hard living and her piercing green eyes tell a tale of hardship and loss. Tove wears a simple set of leather armor, a little roughed up from years of wear-and-tear. Erastil's holy symbol, a bow formed from antlers, with an arrow notched and pointed to the earth, has been burned into the hide breastplate, over her heart. Personality
Tove will always stand up for what she believes is right. Background
Early on one cold morning, the yeoman and his family were still sleeping in their beds when a freak fire engulfed the farmstead. Fearing that they would bear the blame for the tragedy, Tove's parents quickly took their daughter, and saddled two horses from the stables. Together, Tove and her parents rode out into the early morning mist. They began their journey south, towards the stolen lands. Her parents were pioneers and had established an orchard on the banks of the Sellen river before falling on hard times and turning down the road that ended in their servitude. However, the way to their old property was lost to time. Over a decade of new growth had long overgrown the trails and the way had faded from memory. The Hellstrom family became lost in the wilderness and had to turn to their determination and faith to survive. One day, a couple of weeks before she turned sixteen, Tove was gathering berries down by the stream that ran behind the family's small cabin in the woods. She dropped everything when she heard her mother scream and she ran back to the cabin only to find it empty. Her parents had vanished and were nowhere to be seen. Nine years later, Tove is finally turning life around. She has spent the years since her parents disappeared devoted to serving the god Erastil, trying to distract herself from her loss by focusing on helping other families like her own. By doing so, she hopes to provide the safety and happiness that she once had to all, and end the suffering and hardships of frontier life by bringing community, law and order to the stolen lands.
The Noble Steed: Ros, Light Riding Horse
![]() I've been thinking a lot about this issue with what to do with any bandits we come across. Tove is fairly stubborn and headstrong when it comes to the word of the law and following orders but her main drive is to help others and what she wants more than anything is to make the lives of those living on the fringe of society a little easier. I suppose that if the bandits are repentant and actually want to be helped then Tove would be happy to have them come and join any civilised society, as long as they swore to turn away from their lawless past. But if they are unrepentant then they are really just a source of misery for the kind of people that she is actually interested in helping and in that case she would have to follow the orders set out in the charter and escort them promptly to the gallows. ![]()
![]() I have finished with the crunch of my submission, a vigilante who goes by the name The Night Hag. I am still working on crafting her backstory and weaving it into the lore here though.
![]() It can always be a good idea to start with a larger party in case someone has to drop out. Although I'm sure there is enough interest here that they could be replaced quickly if that did happen. There are so many good applicants, I can't wait to see who makes the cut! Here is a link to my submission's profile. If I've missed anything out please let me know! ![]()
![]() Set 1:
3d6 ⇒ (3, 5, 2) = 10 =14 3d6 ⇒ (3, 4, 2) = 9 =13 3d6 ⇒ (3, 4, 2) = 9 =13 3d6 ⇒ (1, 6, 2) = 9 =15 3d6 ⇒ (1, 4, 2) = 7 =15 Set 2:
3d6 ⇒ (2, 3, 1) = 6 =11 3d6 ⇒ (3, 2, 4) = 9 =13 3d6 ⇒ (6, 1, 3) = 10 =15 3d6 ⇒ (1, 4, 5) = 10 =17 3d6 ⇒ (2, 6, 4) = 12 =16 Set 3:
3d6 ⇒ (5, 3, 4) = 12 =15 3d6 ⇒ (1, 2, 3) = 6 =12 3d6 ⇒ (1, 1, 2) = 4 = 11 3d6 ⇒ (6, 2, 4) = 12 =16 3d6 ⇒ (5, 5, 1) = 11 =12 Rerolls:
1d6 ⇒ 3 1d6 ⇒ 5 1d6 ⇒ 2 1d6 ⇒ 3 1d6 ⇒ 6 1d6 ⇒ 3 1d6 ⇒ 2 1d6 ⇒ 5 1d6 ⇒ 2 I think that's right. I'll work on a submission using Set 2: 18,17,16,15,13,11. I've been wanting to try out a vigilante ever since picking up Ultimate Intrigue so I might have a go rolling one of them. I'm assuming they would lose some of their abilities due to them being (Su) but it could still be fun. ![]()
![]() Quick trait question, would the castle be old enough to make Relic Hunter worth while?
Stats: Female Human Archeologist Bard 3 NG Medium Humanoid Init: +6, Perception: +9 Languages: Common, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Aklo ================================================= DEFENSE ================================================= AC 14, Touch 12, Flat-footed 12 HP 19 Fort: +1, Ref: +5, Will: +5 ================================================= OFFENSE ================================================= Speed: 30 ft. (6 Squares) Melee Masterwork shortsword +2 (1d6-1/19-20/x2) Ranged Masterwork Pistol +5 (1d8/x4) ================================================= STATISTICS ================================================= Str 8, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 16, Wis 14, Cha 17 Base Atk: +2, CMB: +1, CMD 13 Proficiency: Simple weapons, longsword, rapier, sap, shortsword, shortbow, whip, light armor and shields (except tower shields). Feats: Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Firearms), Gunsmithing, Improved Initiative
Skills: Acrobatics +5*, Appraise +8, Craft (alchemy) +7, Diplomacy +7, Disable Device +10*, Escape Artist +7*, Knowledge (arcana) +8,Knowledge (dungeoneering) +8,Knowledge (geography) +8, Knowledge (history) +9, Knowledge (nature) +8, Knowledge (planes) +8,Knowledge (religion) +8, Linguistics +7, Perception +9, Profession (librarian) +7, Sleight of Hand +6*, Spellcraft +8, Stealth +7*, Use Magic Device +7 *Check Penalty of -3 while carrying backpack. Combat Gear:
![]() Here is my submission. Isidora is a human archeologist bard, which means sacrificing the bardic performance ability but gaining access to some rogue abilities like uncanny dodge and trap sense as well as bonuses to disable device and perception checks. Since you mentioned you were using the emerging guns rules I'm thinking she will carry a pistol, so she'll be able to pack a punch as well as solve some puzzles. I'm hoping to have full stats posted soon. Background:
What was your profession before becoming an adventurer? Isidora was employed as a librarian at the Kitharodian Academy in Oppara. It was here that she first read about the Eye of Amrion and the wizard's great treasure hoard, beginning a four year obsession that has led her here at last to the gates of the abandoned castle. Why are you personally invested in finding Amrions Treasure? Isidora is hungry for knowledge and the idea that she could be the one to unlock the mystery of what the Eye's true purpose is has driven her far from home on this great quest. What do you despise? Isidora believes that great knowledge should be shared, and hopes that whatever treasures are uncovered in the Caster's Castle will find their way into the museums and libraries of Golarian. She dislikes most treasure hunters who are just in it for the money, but moreover she despises those who would purchase found treasures only to add them to their own private hoards.
"This is incredible! Just a moment, I have to sketch this!" "Do you think the great stories of our triumph here will include this part?" "I think I've read about something like this..."
Rumor: "By all accounts it is said that Amrion amassed a great collection of ancient scrolls and tomes during his long life. From what I've read it could be enough to fill the shelves at the Founder's Archive in Magnimar twice over." |