PFS # 2-24 Web of Corruption Final Boss Fight

GM Discussion


I'm running this scenario in 2 week and I'm wanting some perspective on how to run the final encounter.

Dorianna is an enchantment built bard whose tactics section implies the following: She drinks an invisability potion before the PC's enter.
During combay she attempts to turn the PC's on each other - avoiding melee. If she is reduced to 50% HP she attempts to flee.

There is often arguements over rules during the use interpretive Compulsion based spells. How do you think she should interact with the PC's for each teir.

1-2: Her abilities include Enthrall, Hypnotic Pattern, Suggestion, Cause Fear, Charm Person, Lesser Confusion, Sleep, Daze and Lullaby.

3-4: Her abilities include Bard Fascinate, Deep Slumber, Enthrall, Hold Person, Hypnotic Pattern, Suggestion, Cause fear, Charm Person, Hideous Laughter, Lesser Confusion, Sleep, daze and lullaby.

6-7: Her abilities include Bard Dirge of Doom, Bard Distraction, Bard Fascinate, Dominate Person, Confusion, Deep Slumber, Slow, Eagles Splendor, Enthrall, Hold Person, Hypnotic Pattern, Suggestion, Cause Fear, Charm Person, Hideous Laughter, Lesser confusion, sleep, daze, lullaby


Just so everyone knows. Here are my thoughts

1-2: Invisible, she remains hidden and begins to sing to the PC's as they enter the room as a suprise round, this is her casting ENTHRALL on the entire party. Assuming a few PC's fail their Will save, she can use the second round to end Enthrall which disposes of the failed Will save PC's for 1d3 addtional rounds.

For Round 2, still invisible, she casts suggestion on an aware PC. Assuming the Save is failed, she suggests that the only way to break the trance that they are in is to cause their allies harm.

For Round 3, she casts sleep on any troublesome PC and moves adjacent to them in an attempt to finish them off next turn.

For Round 4, she attempts to Coup De Gras the Sleeping PC. Relying on her Suggestion'd defending to guard her escape.

3-4: Similar to 1-2, but she first Entralls then casts Deep Slumber on turn two in order to reduce the number of aware PC's. Turn 3 is then used to cast Suggestion. Turn 4, assuming that most of the party is predisposed can either be used to cast addtional sleep spells, coup de gras a party member or recast a failed spell.

6-7: Same as 3-4 but instead of Suggestion, Dominate person is used to ensure having a body guard during the fight.

The Exchange 5/5 RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

Christopher, how is she able to maintain invisibility when she's attacking each round? As soon as she forces the PCs to make a saving throw, her invisibility drops.


I was under the impression that Invisability only came down when someone performed a directly harmful action.

Reading it again it does mention that spells that target foes directly or in an area count as an attack to break the illusion....


I'm in need of alternate suggestions.

Grand Lodge 5/5

*Just ran this the other day*

On the high tier, she has Greater invisibility, so she CAN stay invisible while casting.

If you dont get to do that, I suggest you use the spells starting with characters you know (or she would be able to figure out) are the most directly threatening and have a decent chance of failing the will save.

In situations like this, my 'target' list, unless someone has done something to make themselves a higher priority, is something like:
1) characters who have 'friends'. Mount, Animal Companion, Eidolon. If you can deal with the 'master', many times, the 'friend' will help them rather than attack the bad guy.
2) big melee guys. Low Will saves generally, can cause lots of problems by smacking you hard, or grappling.
3)Anyone else. In this particular case, that should probably be 'anyone else between you and the door.'

I played on the midtier, and one of the players had a wolf mount. I cast Suggestion on the Cavalier to convince him that, since they had just cornered the Spider, he should go get reinforcements from the Pathfinder Lodge. That gets rid of him and the mount for the duration of the combat.

Hideous Laughter on the Barbarian, worked for one round. :/

Failed a Charm Person on the Summoner, who was in the middle of casting Enlarge Person on his eidolon. Didnt work. Eidolon crit. :/

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