HP: 91/91 |FH: 1|AC: 32_ T: 29_ FF: 24|Perc: +27, Init: +6 | Fort: +15|Ref: +13|Will: +15|CMB: +11, CMD: 36, Speed 30 ft.
![]() I'm going to have intermittent posting issues for the the indeterminate future. I'd like to stay in the game and will do my best to keep up because I'm really going to need an outlet. But at time I may have issues posting. But I understand if you would prefer to have a clean break. the long ugly version: My dad got out of the hospital today after brain surgery a week ago. The hospital thinks that it's A-OK to send him home even though he can't even get out a chair without help, and his lucidity comes and goes. My mother has mobility issues as well, so I'm going to be taking care of both of them. We'll have a caregiver part of the time four days a week. We got the pathology back, and it's glioblastoma. Aggressive brain cancer. The overall survival average is 12-18 months. My dad is 83, also has a heart condition and doesn't think it's worth extending his life if those months are sick on chemo. So I may be a mess for a while, and I ask you to be tolerant and bot me when I can't make it to the boards.
HP: 91/91 |FH: 1|AC: 32_ T: 29_ FF: 24|Perc: +27, Init: +6 | Fort: +15|Ref: +13|Will: +15|CMB: +11, CMD: 36, Speed 30 ft.
![]() Nope, Bob does less, but his damage heals the party. Given time, Bob can chare the fast healing among party members to heal with no resources expended. He brings FH 2 to the table, one from him and one from Sprout. Then he's also got other abilities when we need it faster. Like channeling to everybody and rearranging it to those that need it. ![]()
HP: 91/91 |FH: 1|AC: 32_ T: 29_ FF: 24|Perc: +27, Init: +6 | Fort: +15|Ref: +13|Will: +15|CMB: +11, CMD: 36, Speed 30 ft.
![]() ::Come on Alexandra, let's get away from here and take a walk.:: He'll lead her out of town and away from people. :We can talk about this if you like, or just keep quiet.:: He's going to try and keep track of her state of mind and look for potential issues before they happen. sense motive: 1d20 + 21 ⇒ (14) + 21 = 35 ![]()
HP: 91/91 |FH: 1|AC: 32_ T: 29_ FF: 24|Perc: +27, Init: +6 | Fort: +15|Ref: +13|Will: +15|CMB: +11, CMD: 36, Speed 30 ft.
![]() Sprout will leap down from his shoulder to the edge to the trapdoor. Bob will use his psionic abilities to tap into Sprout's blindsense and relay the locations telepathically to people. Manifesting Sense Link, spending the 4 extra points to connect to multiple senses. ![]()
HP: 91/91 |FH: 1|AC: 32_ T: 29_ FF: 24|Perc: +27, Init: +6 | Fort: +15|Ref: +13|Will: +15|CMB: +11, CMD: 36, Speed 30 ft.
![]() Bob will finally shuffle in and head down the stairs. His detect thoughts is not suppressed. perception: 1d20 + 27 ⇒ (3) + 27 = 30 ::Let me check the trapdoor.:: Clairvoyant sense thtough his third eye underneath the trapdoor. ![]()
HP: 91/91 |FH: 1|AC: 32_ T: 29_ FF: 24|Perc: +27, Init: +6 | Fort: +15|Ref: +13|Will: +15|CMB: +11, CMD: 36, Speed 30 ft.
![]() With this done, Bob will begin wandering through the city, letting his senses open. He thinks that the person who might have done this may be from the town and frightened. If he's lucky, they will get close enough to read thoughts, but he's also using the rest of his senses. perceptions: 1d20 + 27 ⇒ (8) + 27 = 35 ![]()
HP: 91/91 |FH: 1|AC: 32_ T: 29_ FF: 24|Perc: +27, Init: +6 | Fort: +15|Ref: +13|Will: +15|CMB: +11, CMD: 36, Speed 30 ft.
![]() As Bob arrives, he listens for thoughts to find people who may be unable to make noise. Constant ability that I usually suppress When he finds them, he'll send a tendril through to heal them before they move things off of them. healing hex lets me do a cure moderate 1/day/person. His tendrils have 15' reach to squirm though holes to get to people. Meanwhile, Sprout jumps off of his shoulder and begins worming his itty-bitty form into crevices looking for people. Sprout is diminutive, about 8 inches tall. With blindsight, he can crawl through little space looking for people. ![]()
HP: 91/91 |FH: 1|AC: 32_ T: 29_ FF: 24|Perc: +27, Init: +6 | Fort: +15|Ref: +13|Will: +15|CMB: +11, CMD: 36, Speed 30 ft.
![]() Bob immediately gets up.
HP: 91/91 |FH: 1|AC: 32_ T: 29_ FF: 24|Perc: +27, Init: +6 | Fort: +15|Ref: +13|Will: +15|CMB: +11, CMD: 36, Speed 30 ft.
![]() ::You may have heard about earlier, where we rescued several citizens who had been petrified by the basilisk. Those people are now back with their families. We subdued most of the basilisks and are planning on setting up a farm to be able to provide cures for others.:: ![]()
HP: 91/91 |FH: 1|AC: 32_ T: 29_ FF: 24|Perc: +27, Init: +6 | Fort: +15|Ref: +13|Will: +15|CMB: +11, CMD: 36, Speed 30 ft.
![]() Caves
HP: 91/91 |FH: 1|AC: 32_ T: 29_ FF: 24|Perc: +27, Init: +6 | Fort: +15|Ref: +13|Will: +15|CMB: +11, CMD: 36, Speed 30 ft.
![]() Bob will go, as he is weird without being a fiend or undead. It helps get people accustomed to the strange. Plus, while he's not social powerhouse, he has enough skill to avoid immediate offense. ![]()
HP: 91/91 |FH: 1|AC: 32_ T: 29_ FF: 24|Perc: +27, Init: +6 | Fort: +15|Ref: +13|Will: +15|CMB: +11, CMD: 36, Speed 30 ft.
![]() :: I can make one of them relatively safe, But I can't do anything about the poison breath in the long term. I suggest that we restrain it in the cave until we're sure that there are no other victims. Somebody will need to guard it. :: If there are no objections, I'll finish off all of them except the one permanently magically blinded. ::In the meantime, we can lead these fine folks back to town. We can collect our accolades.:: ![]()
HP: 91/91 |FH: 1|AC: 32_ T: 29_ FF: 24|Perc: +27, Init: +6 | Fort: +15|Ref: +13|Will: +15|CMB: +11, CMD: 36, Speed 30 ft.
![]() ::Ah, we have surplus. Good for experimentation. But first let's deal with the statues around here.:: Bob will carefully draw enough blood to deal with the statues. heal: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (11) + 15 = 26 After that he'll try to see if he can extract the glands that provide the breath weapon. By neutralizing this, then this makes it much easier to keep the blinded one in captivity. With healing magic, the stabilize cantrip, and stunning fist, that should keep the patient steady while I work. Kn:arcana: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (18) + 10 = 28
After that, it's declawing.
Finally, pulling the biggest fangs.
HP: 91/91 |FH: 1|AC: 32_ T: 29_ FF: 24|Perc: +27, Init: +6 | Fort: +15|Ref: +13|Will: +15|CMB: +11, CMD: 36, Speed 30 ft.
![]() Round 3
Bob will touch it with a tendril, redirecting it's life force to Dom. Steal health (touch attack): 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (18) + 12 = 30 14 damage to it, 14 healing to Dom. Round 4
As it continues attacking, he will continue top top up Dom at it's expense. Steal health (touch attack): 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (13) + 12 = 25 14 damage to it, 14 healing to Dom. ![]()
HP: 91/91 |FH: 1|AC: 32_ T: 29_ FF: 24|Perc: +27, Init: +6 | Fort: +15|Ref: +13|Will: +15|CMB: +11, CMD: 36, Speed 30 ft.
![]() GM Wolf wrote:
Bob stays at 30' away from those that had already come forward. ![]()
HP: 91/91 |FH: 1|AC: 32_ T: 29_ FF: 24|Perc: +27, Init: +6 | Fort: +15|Ref: +13|Will: +15|CMB: +11, CMD: 36, Speed 30 ft.
![]() Bob will bound up near Amadea and Domayoku, appreciating their speed and form. Save for breath: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (8) + 15 = 23
He'll ready to cast stabilize on the first one to go down who is potentially saveable. ::If we get a couple unconscious ones, then I could try to perform surgery to remove their eyes and their breath glands. Potentially we could keep one alive over time to ensure that we fix everybody.:: ![]()
HP: 91/91 |FH: 1|AC: 32_ T: 29_ FF: 24|Perc: +27, Init: +6 | Fort: +15|Ref: +13|Will: +15|CMB: +11, CMD: 36, Speed 30 ft.
![]() perception: 1d20 + 27 ⇒ (19) + 27 = 46 ::Only one needs to be taken alive. The blood is only potent as a cure for an hour. I'm going to attempt to blind the first one.:: and he casts blindness on the first figure. DC 23 fort save to avoid permanent blindness. ![]()
HP: 91/91 |FH: 1|AC: 32_ T: 29_ FF: 24|Perc: +27, Init: +6 | Fort: +15|Ref: +13|Will: +15|CMB: +11, CMD: 36, Speed 30 ft.
![]() Bob will approach cautiously. Hell be trying to keep his gaze to the ground. Sprout is on his shoulder with his fronds out feeling for movement Sprout has blindsight As they approach the statues, Bob will check their ears and noses to confirm that they are petrified people. Sculptors won't make the holes very deep. ![]()
HP: 91/91 |FH: 1|AC: 32_ T: 29_ FF: 24|Perc: +27, Init: +6 | Fort: +15|Ref: +13|Will: +15|CMB: +11, CMD: 36, Speed 30 ft.
![]() Bob will join in on the hunt, calling up to Vayuvata for a lift as they head out. Of course joining the group into a collective to be able to heal people. On the way, he'll say ::I have a spell to see through the undergrowth. I might be able to find it from farther than it's gaze can harm me.:: ![]()
HP: 91/91 |FH: 1|AC: 32_ T: 29_ FF: 24|Perc: +27, Init: +6 | Fort: +15|Ref: +13|Will: +15|CMB: +11, CMD: 36, Speed 30 ft.
![]() Bob will tell the group of the information he's collected about the basilisk's attacks and previous victims. ::Let's find this sucker. Just remember the words of the wise man with the deep voice, No Disintegrations!":: ![]()
HP: 91/91 |FH: 1|AC: 32_ T: 29_ FF: 24|Perc: +27, Init: +6 | Fort: +15|Ref: +13|Will: +15|CMB: +11, CMD: 36, Speed 30 ft.
![]() As they take a pause to consider their next move, Bob will sit back and tune his psychic senses to what the people are talking about. Ears of the city, gathering information. Round 1: Amadea: 1d20 + 27 ⇒ (3) + 27 = 30
HP: 91/91 |FH: 1|AC: 32_ T: 29_ FF: 24|Perc: +27, Init: +6 | Fort: +15|Ref: +13|Will: +15|CMB: +11, CMD: 36, Speed 30 ft.
![]() To Amadea
To Norma and the room
::Lady Amadea channels her emotions into both fighting and magic. She has the talent of using giant-sized weapons. Lady Ekaterina also channels emotional magic, and she uses weapons of mechanics and alchemy that are quite astonishing. They actually use little explosions to hurl bits of metal.:: ::Then again, I'm sure that there have been a lot of claims under this roof. We're eager to prove our mettle while making the area safer. Have there been any reports of threats recently?:: ![]()
HP: 91/91 |FH: 1|AC: 32_ T: 29_ FF: 24|Perc: +27, Init: +6 | Fort: +15|Ref: +13|Will: +15|CMB: +11, CMD: 36, Speed 30 ft.
![]() GM Wolf wrote: Bob you do see that the business of the adventuring guild pause after you enter into the building. Once you communicate with them, many of the obvious adventurer's draw their weapons. Though with a wave from a half elven lass, those weapons are stowed and business continues. She smiles and replies, ::A person would normally go up to the counter and interact with one of the clerks. Though you are extraordinary. You wish to join the guild? What are you exactly and may I touch you?":: She continues to give you 5 feet of space unless you accept to be touched. They continue to broadcast to the room, in order to prevent people from getting too twitchy. ::Norma, I presume? You may touch me.:: Bob will let her step up. ::My name is ϪӝѬʓʢϞԬ₺ᴥᵹ₾, but since that's such a fuss to pronounce, people usually call me just Bob. I'm a plant creature whose race originally came from beyond the stars. But I'm much more down to earth than my kin. Literally... I'm a shaman who speaks to the spirits of the earth.:: ![]()
HP: 91/91 |FH: 1|AC: 32_ T: 29_ FF: 24|Perc: +27, Init: +6 | Fort: +15|Ref: +13|Will: +15|CMB: +11, CMD: 36, Speed 30 ft.
![]() ::After that, I expect that they know that you are more than just a frail little flower. Interesting.:: There is a wry amusement in his voice.
HP: 91/91 |FH: 1|AC: 32_ T: 29_ FF: 24|Perc: +27, Init: +6 | Fort: +15|Ref: +13|Will: +15|CMB: +11, CMD: 36, Speed 30 ft.
![]() ::Sleep is associated with having a nervous system. Neither Sprout nor I need to go unconscious. We'll keep watch through the night.:: OVer the next couple of days I will prepare ears of the city several times to monitor the rumors about us and how they change. I'll check out the military and guard using Clairvoyant sense through my third eye. ![]()
HP: 91/91 |FH: 1|AC: 32_ T: 29_ FF: 24|Perc: +27, Init: +6 | Fort: +15|Ref: +13|Will: +15|CMB: +11, CMD: 36, Speed 30 ft.
![]() I'm not much of a traveller, so I spread my vacation time out in three-day weekends. When I add in the holiday schedules, I haven't worked more than two 5-day weeks in a row for about a decade. ![]()
HP: 91/91 |FH: 1|AC: 32_ T: 29_ FF: 24|Perc: +27, Init: +6 | Fort: +15|Ref: +13|Will: +15|CMB: +11, CMD: 36, Speed 30 ft.
![]() Bob agrees, ::It seems a much cleaner establishment as well. Though they may have an issue with my presence. I suspect it might be time to start advocating for myself. Though if you think it unwise, I'll let you smooth things over.:: ![]()
HP: 91/91 |FH: 1|AC: 32_ T: 29_ FF: 24|Perc: +27, Init: +6 | Fort: +15|Ref: +13|Will: +15|CMB: +11, CMD: 36, Speed 30 ft.
![]() Waiting outside, Bob kept still as he waits for Ekaterina and the others to finish their business. He found it interesting the way people stared at him. He wondered if any would try to talk to him. ![]()
HP: 91/91 |FH: 1|AC: 32_ T: 29_ FF: 24|Perc: +27, Init: +6 | Fort: +15|Ref: +13|Will: +15|CMB: +11, CMD: 36, Speed 30 ft.
![]() GM Wolf wrote: The summoning stone sounds like a pretty cool device. It actually could be cool for the party to have them as well. I'd use the Senate Aid Badge as the base item. The don't list a price for the master badges, but I'd say double the base price. So 3,000 for each person that wants a master badge and 1,500 for each associated badge (i.e. for cohorts you want to track but not send messages to). 10 messages per day (plus responding to other's messages for free) should be enough for most purposes. ![]()
HP: 91/91 |FH: 1|AC: 32_ T: 29_ FF: 24|Perc: +27, Init: +6 | Fort: +15|Ref: +13|Will: +15|CMB: +11, CMD: 36, Speed 30 ft.
![]() Bob will generally attach mounts and cohorts to his collective automatically up to his limit of 10. Unless they didn't want to join. But my range is still only 520 feet, so it might be a bit of a small range to hunt. I'd rather be close enough to the town to support. ![]()
HP: 91/91 |FH: 1|AC: 32_ T: 29_ FF: 24|Perc: +27, Init: +6 | Fort: +15|Ref: +13|Will: +15|CMB: +11, CMD: 36, Speed 30 ft.
![]() Bob will offer Ekaterina a tendril to hold on to. Internally he notes that this is a very different result now that he no longer has any sexual interest. When they set up camp, Bob will let everybody know, ::I'm looking for Dom. He may be in trouble, so hopefully I can find him.:: He'll them start scouting with his clairvoyant sense from his third eye. This includes hearing as well as sight, so if I hear any rumors, I'll let people know. ![]()
HP: 91/91 |FH: 1|AC: 32_ T: 29_ FF: 24|Perc: +27, Init: +6 | Fort: +15|Ref: +13|Will: +15|CMB: +11, CMD: 36, Speed 30 ft.
![]() Bob, Sprout and Vayuvata are also ready early. Then again, they aren't among the poor unfortunate souls that need to go unconscious for hours at a time. ::Mornin':: they offer cheerfully.