Enga Keckvia

Joseph Davis's page

RPG Superstar 7 Season Star Voter. Organized Play Member. 322 posts (331 including aliases). 4 reviews. No lists. 3 wishlists. 4 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.


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Silver Crusade

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Very pumped for a Starfinder board game!

Silver Crusade

I'd like to request the following subscriptions be removed from my account

-Pathfinder Lost Omens
-Pathfinder Adventure Path

I understand that will also cause me to lose my starfinder society modules, but I have to pare down my subscriptions for a bit.

Silver Crusade

As an aside, associated with my post, I had a lot of fun doing this mech, but I also see two issues:

I could not do this a TON, like if I were going to do a mech heavy campaign, this would get tedious very quickly without tools like a worksheet to help with the building and a coherent mech sheet.

There needs to be more options, which I'm assuming the final book will have. I just felt like none of the auxiliary systems or enhancements really "fit" thematically with what I was going for, so I just settled on stuff that would work.

Silver Crusade

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I made a mech using the rules, will post the full work through (I'm sure there's a ton of errors, especially when the half point values are considered)(Also, sorry for the poor formatting, forums and all)

Here's my practice Mech, a tier 2 mech I intend to insert as an encounter in my Aeon Throne game, the Azlanti Pacification Frame.

Azlanti Pacification Frame:
Huge Quadruped Skirmisher Mecha
HP: 37 SP: 9 Speed: 70ft (ground)
EAC: 17 KAC: 20 Fort: +5 Ref: +5
Strength Mod: +4
Power Core: Eternal Aeon Core MK 1 –
PP Gain Rate: 1 Maximum PP: 9 Initial PP: 4
Special: Once per round, an operator can spend an unused spell slot to grant the mech a number of power points equal to half the spell slot’s level, rounded down.

Weapon Range Damage Location Capacity Critical Special
Plasma Rifle 100ft. 2d6+2 E&F Torso 10 Wound Line
Swordwhip Melee 1d8+6 S/1d8+6 S&F Arm - - / burn Whip Mode

Auxiliary Systems: Ammo Reserve (+2 reloads for all weapons), Plow Plating (ignore difficult terrain, +2 for bull rush [2pp] )
Enhancements: Enhanced Shields, Reinforced Frame

Silver Crusade

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Phaedre wrote:
Thrawn82 wrote:
Joseph Davis wrote:

I just got a customer service notification and got so excited!

Then saw it was for my 2 Subscriber bonus Starfinder society scenarios...

Significantly less excited lol!

Back to refreshing

Got the same. you're killin me ~smalls~ paizo!
Which SFS Scenarios? 3-3 and 3-4? Because my July subscriptions did ship last week (I'm one of the lucky ones!) but I still haven't gotten the PFS and SFS scenarios.

Yeah, 3-3 & 3-4

Silver Crusade

I just got a customer service notification and got so excited!

Then saw it was for my 2 Subscriber bonus Starfinder society scenarios...

Significantly less excited lol!

Back to refreshing

Silver Crusade

Joan H. wrote:

Shipping Update:

Hi folks, thanks so much for your patience this month. I wanted to drop in for a correction and an update on shipping. Street date for our July subscriptions is actually Thursday, July 30, which aligns with the start of GenCon. I'm so sorry for the confusion! Additionally, shipping is taking longer than estimated, and the Warehouse Team has let us know that most folks should expect their shipping confirmation on Friday, July 31.

I know this is really disappointing news for some, so I wanted to take some time to break down two major factors contributing to this delay.

1. July is a massive month for subscriptions. Most of our subscription lines have a product releasing, which means orders take longer to build.

2. The warehouse team is taking extra pandemic precautions. As the only team that can't work remotely, Paizo is making sure to put their health and safety first. All of the team are working spread out in the warehouse and limiting interactions, which means that everything just takes a little longer. Those seconds and minutes add up for a big month like July.

Finally, I wanted to address some speculative comments with a blanket statement. We're always doing our best to look out for our customers, and thinking of how we can minimize impact to you all as much as possible when an issue or delay arises. It's not in our nature to "take it easy" while books are sitting unshipped and messages are waiting to be answered. Thanks again for your patience and understanding. If you have a concern with your order beyond the shipping delay, please open a new thread and we'll get to you as quickly as possible.

Thanks for the update! While the wait can suck, the transparency and updates really does help!

Stay safe!

Silver Crusade

Pending since the 9th here, would be more nervous, but with everyone else having a similar wait period I am content to ride it out a little longer...

Though it wouldn't hurt if it shipped either ;)

Silver Crusade

Still holding out hope my order ships by end of day, would love to have apg before tonight’s game in case we level, and new options n such ;)

Not expecting mind you, just hoping!

Silver Crusade

I will continue to refresh my email in anticipation for my shipment. I am so pumped for both my PF2 AND Starfinder stuff this month!

Silver Crusade

Gaulin wrote:
Not that I'm expecting anything, but if anyone gets their order shipped over the weekend let us know!

<Scruffy Voice> Seconded.

Silver Crusade

There’s only about an hour left until the office/warehouse closes down for the weekend right?

<sweats profusely> Gonna have to wait through the weekend aren’t I?


Silver Crusade

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<refreshes email constantly>

Silver Crusade

I sent a customer service email with you as the subject, as I'm having a hard time finding your address. If that doesn't reach you, I'm spending some more time looking for your address directly.

Silver Crusade

I haven't received my scenarios since October last year, unsure how many there may have been, or how often they go out, but haven't gotten them in a while :/

Silver Crusade

Gonna chime in here too, I've only received mine once. I didn't realize I was supposed to be getting them monthly, thought society scenarios (I'm on SF currently) were quarterly or something.

According to my email records, October was the last time I received my Advantage bonus scenarios.

Silver Crusade

RicoTheBold wrote:
JesterOC wrote:
Sara Marie wrote:
They'll be printing more of the bulk labels tomorrow afternoon/evening for some overtime shipping on the weekend. When the labels are printed those orders are being processed for shipping and the PDFs will be added where applicable.

So if I did not get a notice from last night's bulk print job, is is safe to say I won't get my PDF this weekend?

That was posted yesterday, which would make the extra label batch is this afternoon/evening, so it sounds like you still have a chance.

<crossing fingers intensifies>

Silver Crusade

Really hoping for some sort of recommendations for something along the lines of "We have a main ship and 2 fighters", could just split the pool of points, but some suggestions from the design team would be amazing (even if it's not in this book, maybe something for the future?)

Silver Crusade

Darth Game Master wrote:
Not that I can see. I don't think anything changed in the setting, I think the rules just shifted the focus to silver pieces since they're more common.

I know some have, longsword for example changed from 15 gold to 1 gold, while dagger just dropped from 2g to 2s, but the aldori dueling sword remains 20g. If it is staying that price, cool, just wondering!

Silver Crusade

Luis Loza wrote:

One thing I'm hoping to hear is what people think about the Glossary and Index (Glossdex!) at the back of the book.

One of the challenges with setting content in first edition was just how much of it was a slurry of proper nouns. If you didn't know the setting already or didn't know where to look, you would read a name without any further context, which could make it hard to get the overall picture of things going on.

With the Lost Omens line, we're hoping to make things a bit easier to comprehend. Unlike the Glossdex in the Core Rulebook or Bestiary, the Glossdex in LOWG is designed to provide a bit further context to things within the book. There are lots of proper nouns that we don't have space to explain in the text proper, so where we could, we bring them up in the Glossdex! We're hoping that the Glossdex makes the books a little more standalone, or at least standalone enough that you can use them for campaigns without worrying about having to reference a dozen other pieces of material.

I'd love to hear peoples' thoughts on how successful the Glossdexes are so we can tweak them to serve readers better going forward.

I like the way it's laid out, either giving solid info or a good link to a page where to find the info!

Silver Crusade

Side question here; with the costs of gear changing so much from 1e to 2e, is the Aldori Dueling Sword (pg. 28)supposed to be 20g? That was the price in 1e, and I wanted to make sure with how the currency changes have occurred if that was still the actual price.

Silver Crusade


My order has been stuck in limbo for like 3 days between UPS and USPS, somewhere in North Houston. USPS says they received the notification of it arriving with them soon, but haven't actually received it yet, and UPS said I need to contact the sender. I know my neighbor is probably in the same bundle of shipments (potentially any other people in my local area). So now I'm reaching out to you as this is the next step after contacting UPS and USPS. Is there anything that can be done?

Silver Crusade

Can I post here too, because my order apparently isn’t discounting the core book or bestiary.

Silver Crusade

Diego Valdez wrote:

Hello Joseph,

The subscription automatically cancels the preorder since it is going to generate a subscription copy.

So I don’t need to worry about the one that’s still in my sidecart?

Silver Crusade

I had previously pre-ordered the Lost Omens World Guide, but just recently subscribed to the setting subscription, and wanted to see how I could remove the previously pre-ordered book from my sidecart?

Silver Crusade

I need to cancel my Starfinder Adventure Path subscription after this current shipment, I need a little time to prep for PF2, and getting blitzed with 4 AP books and 3 hardback books is going to destroy me lol. Need all the time I can to prep. :D

Will probably pick up again later, but gotta cut where I can!

Silver Crusade

Caledonia wrote:
Erik Mona wrote:
Caledonia wrote:
Will this order include the PDF version or is that only if you get it through the PF Subscription?

You do not get a PDF with the print edition preorder. They must be purchased separately.

Thanks for the quick reply. Now to wait for the Tax Return :)

Side note, if we have the subscription, will we get the pdf with the book through that? (and I'm sorry if someone's already asked this and it's been answered.)

Silver Crusade

Bumping for interest! I love the one file per chapter option!

Silver Crusade

I love the idea behind the shorter format, would love to see more of it (along with longer ones too.)

I'm not sure if it's feasible, but I'd also love to see like a "player's guide" for the SF Ap's, even if it's just a two page spread in the first book separated from any material that could be spoilery, that a GM could photocopy or print for their players!

Silver Crusade

No, thank you! Y'all have a great day, and good luck getting the rest of this all sorted out!

Silver Crusade

I got a payment issue notification, but the issue should be resolved now. I don't know if I 'need' to let y'all know, but I figured it wouldn't hurt to post about it. Thanks!

Silver Crusade

Sara Marie wrote:
Joseph Davis wrote:
Sara, I didn't have a payment decline, but if mine has been pending since the 12th, is it still okay, or should I contact customer service about it? I just want to make sure I'm doing what I can. Thank you!

Everything looks good for your Playtest order, its payment has been settled and is on track to arrive to you near the release date of August 2nd.

Your subscription order is pending, our warehouse is shipping out packages and we estimate to be wrapped up shipping July subscriptions around August 2nd.

Alrighty, thanks! I just wanted to make sure. Keep up the boffo work :D

Silver Crusade

Franz Lunzer wrote:

You probably should make your own thread with the Order number presented.

It is hard for the CS-Team to keep track of things if they aren't in their own thread.

Ty for the advice, I'll keep it in mind for the future, I've never had this issue before, so I wasn't sure lol. :D

Sara Marie wrote:
I gave it a nudge and it should be shipping soon.

Thanks! I got the notification. Y'all are fantastic! Sorry to bother ya! :D

Silver Crusade

I just wanted to check in, my order hasn't shipped yet, and I didn't get some kind of payment failure notification, so I just wanted to check in and make sure everything was okay.

Thanks y'all!

Silver Crusade

Can I remove the Player Companion and Pathfinder Campaign Setting lines from my active subscriptions please? Thank you!

Silver Crusade

I'm having issues adding a payment method to my account, is there someone in Customer Service that could help me? Thanks, Joe

Silver Crusade

Vic Wertz wrote:

You can preorder print editions from paizo.com between March 20 and May 1.

Mr. Wertz, quick question (and if It's already been asked/answered I'm sorry, there's a lot of posts to dig through): Will pre-orders on Paizo benefit from the Pathfinder Advantage if we're a subscriber?

Silver Crusade

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I was also thinking the Mastermind Investigator (Advanced Class Guide) would be super fun for this one.

Silver Crusade

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I'm gonna go out on a limb and say I'd love a ton of these, like just a bunch of starship floor plan flip maps, tons lol.

Silver Crusade

Hello, Last week I received an email informing me there was an issue with my payment method, this has been resolved with a changing of payment method, but there hasn't been any notification that the change has taken place, I just wanted to make sure everything was okay on the payment end now.

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Is there going to be a Player's Guide

Silver Crusade

Sounds really interesting, and as a side note, when are we getting another AP?

Silver Crusade

(cries in Cayden)

As a side note, I like UnArcaneElection's idea, but I also wonder if instead of an escaped Rovagug that maybe it's some fragment of it's personality, that gained its own sentience.

Silver Crusade

Joseph Davis wrote:
My order is saying the Starfinder core is packaged with it, but it doesn't seem to reflect the starfinder stuff being in the price, is it just an error?

Nevermind, just realized the Starfinder stuff says Canceled on the July one :/ My bad lol

Silver Crusade

My order is saying the Starfinder core is packaged with it, but it doesn't seem to reflect the starfinder stuff being in the price, is it just an error?

Silver Crusade

2 people marked this as FAQ candidate. 1 person marked this as a favorite.

The Rostland Bravo gives you Aldori Dueling Sword proficiency, but there is no clause in it allowing Aldori Dueling Sword to function with Swashbuckler's Finesse 'without' an outside aid (Either aldori Dueling Mastery or Slashing Grace) so the archetype doesn't fully work as is.

Was this intentional, or should there be some additional clause?

Silver Crusade

Tangentially related, as it's not stated, but I'm assuming manifesting the phantom blade is a 1 minute thing, similar to summoning the spirit? There's an ability that makes it a swift action, so I just wanted to make sure.

Silver Crusade

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atheral wrote:
I don't suppose there is any new word on an Audible release for this? I quite enjoyed the first outing for these characters in the web stories, and want to check this one out, but sadly Audio books are really the only way I can get through a novel recently.

Also something I want! I played a Warpriest of Brigh in our Iron Gods game, and a war-wizard of Iomadae in our Wrath of the Righteous game. This book appeals to both of my interests!

Silver Crusade

Diego Valdez wrote:

Hello Joseph,

Both items have been cancelled from your sidecart.

Many thanks! I still want everything else, just realized I couldn't handle/didn't NEED those two :D Plan on getting them later though, if I can!