Enga Keckvia

Joseph Davis's page

RPG Superstar 7 Season Star Voter. Organized Play Member. 322 posts (331 including aliases). 4 reviews. No lists. 3 wishlists. 4 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.

Silver Crusade

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Very pumped for a Starfinder board game!

Silver Crusade

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I made a mech using the rules, will post the full work through (I'm sure there's a ton of errors, especially when the half point values are considered)(Also, sorry for the poor formatting, forums and all)

Here's my practice Mech, a tier 2 mech I intend to insert as an encounter in my Aeon Throne game, the Azlanti Pacification Frame.

Azlanti Pacification Frame:
Huge Quadruped Skirmisher Mecha
HP: 37 SP: 9 Speed: 70ft (ground)
EAC: 17 KAC: 20 Fort: +5 Ref: +5
Strength Mod: +4
Power Core: Eternal Aeon Core MK 1 –
PP Gain Rate: 1 Maximum PP: 9 Initial PP: 4
Special: Once per round, an operator can spend an unused spell slot to grant the mech a number of power points equal to half the spell slot’s level, rounded down.

Weapon Range Damage Location Capacity Critical Special
Plasma Rifle 100ft. 2d6+2 E&F Torso 10 Wound Line
Swordwhip Melee 1d8+6 S/1d8+6 S&F Arm - - / burn Whip Mode

Auxiliary Systems: Ammo Reserve (+2 reloads for all weapons), Plow Plating (ignore difficult terrain, +2 for bull rush [2pp] )
Enhancements: Enhanced Shields, Reinforced Frame

Silver Crusade

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Phaedre wrote:
Thrawn82 wrote:
Joseph Davis wrote:

I just got a customer service notification and got so excited!

Then saw it was for my 2 Subscriber bonus Starfinder society scenarios...

Significantly less excited lol!

Back to refreshing

Got the same. you're killin me ~smalls~ paizo!
Which SFS Scenarios? 3-3 and 3-4? Because my July subscriptions did ship last week (I'm one of the lucky ones!) but I still haven't gotten the PFS and SFS scenarios.

Yeah, 3-3 & 3-4

Silver Crusade

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<refreshes email constantly>

Silver Crusade

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I was also thinking the Mastermind Investigator (Advanced Class Guide) would be super fun for this one.

Silver Crusade

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I'm gonna go out on a limb and say I'd love a ton of these, like just a bunch of starship floor plan flip maps, tons lol.

Silver Crusade

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Is there going to be a Player's Guide

Silver Crusade

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The Rostland Bravo gives you Aldori Dueling Sword proficiency, but there is no clause in it allowing Aldori Dueling Sword to function with Swashbuckler's Finesse 'without' an outside aid (Either aldori Dueling Mastery or Slashing Grace) so the archetype doesn't fully work as is.

Was this intentional, or should there be some additional clause?

Silver Crusade

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atheral wrote:
I don't suppose there is any new word on an Audible release for this? I quite enjoyed the first outing for these characters in the web stories, and want to check this one out, but sadly Audio books are really the only way I can get through a novel recently.

Also something I want! I played a Warpriest of Brigh in our Iron Gods game, and a war-wizard of Iomadae in our Wrath of the Righteous game. This book appeals to both of my interests!

Silver Crusade

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James Jacobs wrote:

Adam's comment should not be taken lightly. We do see a fairly vocal call for content focusing beyond the Inner Sea, be it Tian Xia or Arcadia or the other planets or the other planes... but too often, that's all that it seems to be. When we DO publish books about this content, they often don't make as big a splash as those voices would have suggested they should.

If you DO want to see us do more stuff like this... you ABSOLUTELY need to let us know. Not just by making wish-list requests here, but MUCH MORE IMPORTANTLY in the reviews of products. Management doesn't have the time to scour every thread on these boards, and while the rest of us downstairs do keep an eye on things, being able to point to Distant Shores or Dragon Empires Gazetteer or Jade Regent having lots of good reviews is a lot more important for getting the perception that something was well liked. And something that's well-liked and thus well-reviewed has a MUCH better chance of us expanding on it, even if sales weren't outstanding but "merely good."

Time to go write some reviews!

Silver Crusade

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James Jacobs wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:

Thanks for taking the time out, as usual, James.

That said, I do think that paizo in general should explain villain motivations more- I too was wondering what nualias problem was back in rotrl, and there are a few other question marks in other aps. I think you do an amazing job, mind, but the things that are lost to page/character count are sometimes really important for characterization/explanation.

It's a damned if we do, damned if we don't choice, frankly. What's potentially super important to one GM is meaningless to another, and so as the writers and developers we try to do our best.

I'd also point out, there's a lot of time they do, they mention deep detailed stories of the villains of the piece, and provide more information than the pc's could ever possibly know. That normally should be enough to generate head-space for said villain.

Silver Crusade

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I also wouldn't say she's dumb. Broken, obsessed, zealous yes, and while I don't count her as 'genius', I'd say her obsession and such blinds her good logic and common sense.

Silver Crusade

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kikidmonkey wrote:

awaken and breath of life are learned only by divine casters (at least from my research)

*COUNTER EDIT!* My argument isnt about Power, but of Efficiency, I have no problems playing weak(er) characters for coolness factor, but in this case, there is an better way to do it, that has the added benefit of not getting slapped by your DM.

*EDIT 2: The Re-editoring* I am, of course, assuming we are using a FIGHTER for these arguments, and not some other class, that may get more out of it.

A Chirugeon Alchemist can learn Breath of Life, though they're not really divine or arcane.

Silver Crusade

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I will point out a similar situation, that may have already been mentioned (not going to read 500+ posts) that Divine Source gives you spell like abilities of your chosen domain spells. As they are spell-like abilities you ignore components ("A spell-like ability has no verbal, somatic, or material component, nor does it require a focus.") so if you choose the right domains you CAN get spells like Wish, Miracle, and True Resurrection as free SLA's.

Also, there are reasons for non-mages to get stuff from Archmage, just not enough to GO archmage, for example; Crafting Mastery, Elemental Bond, Enhance Magic Item, Familiar Link (need eldritch heritage, but you get the idea), Sensory Link, Telekinetic Master, Enduring Armor, Eldritch Flight, Eldritch Reciprocation, Sanctum and Star Walker.

Granted, some of those are less useful, but one stands out for me; Enduring Armor generates a force effect armor (thus adding to the ac vs. incorporeal enemies, but no other touch attacks,)but with Mythic Paragon at 10th tier, your armor bonus from Enduring Armor is 15, which is higher than +5 full plate can be (barring external modifiers like feats or traits.)

Silver Crusade

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My Wizard in Wrath of the Righteous is going Evangelist. Honestly it's a pretty amazing choice for him. I can deal with having the spell progression of a Sorcerer for a slightly bigger hit die, some pretty awesome deific boons obtained earlier than with just the feat, better skills/skill points, a slight enhancement to the save spread, and a bump to attack bonus. (I'm following Iomadae btw.)

I'd probably still do the prestige class even if we weren't in a mythic game, it hurts to slow down progression, but getting a lot of cool buffs and abilities, while losing one level of previous class progression in most cases is pretty amazing.

It's like you're taking one level in another class for some random benefit, then going back to your previous class and gaining extra benefits for doing it.

Silver Crusade

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Jiggy wrote:
I wanted his mom to be Amiri. :(

I can see a massive amount of sexual tension between Oloch and Amiri in fan works lol.

Silver Crusade

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F. Wesley Schneider wrote:
You can tell he's a Gorumite from that flail! :D

If by flail, you mean that wicked looking psuedo-holy symbol flail? Seriously, it looks like a sword driven into some rocks! Also, seemingly effective flail!

Seriously, I teared up though, great story, love this Iconic. He's one I was super excited to find out more about.

Silver Crusade

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I also agree with LG, it was that "universal laws" part that made me go "yeah, this guy upholds the LAW, but the law that helps people, not stupid, insignificant or corrupt laws.

Also, yeah, love him, great Iconic! Amiri is still my fave, but Quinn is a super close second! Very happy that he's a good guy too, I've been happy with all the Iconics stories that I've read.

Silver Crusade

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Mark Moreland wrote:
I think you'll find a few bits of Aldori love in here.

You have no idea how ridiculously excited for this book I am... I'm seriously refreshing my email every few minutes waiting for the "your subscription has shipped" email, so I can download :D

Silver Crusade

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Sean K Reynolds wrote:
Evil Midnight Lurker wrote:
In-universe, I suppose there's nothing stopping Asmodean Hellknights or even signifer clerics from calling themselves paladins.
Exactamundo. :)

In my Jade Regent game, we had a cavalier who called himself a Paladin of Cayden Cailean, the Cleric/Bard of Cayden heartily endorsed him too!

Silver Crusade

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Seriously hoping this one is Mythic, cuz you know, it feels appropriate.

Silver Crusade Star Voter Season 7

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Yeah, I'll wait until the top 32 are announced to share my item publicly with friends on fb.

Silver Crusade

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Not gonna lie, I think a fighter can get a good benefit from amazing initiative, he can now move AND do a full round action, any and all fighters can make a benefit from it

EDIT: Also, Charge then make a vital strike afterwards as well. Lots of cool options.

Silver Crusade

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Just to throw this out there, I honestly prefer Reincarnate to Raise Dead. In our Council of Thieves game, we actually used it as our raise of choice, except for the Tiefling who didn't want to lose his racial ability. Some of us used spells later on to change race back, I didn't. It's only 1000g, and it's for the most part the same, except for the possible race change. (which can end up beneficial if your lucky.)

In actual relation to the topic, how about using the Diamond as a focus instead of material component, especially if it's a lure for the soul.

Silver Crusade

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Some of my favorite:

Forewarning: I love to multiclass, and while I understand this removes some power, I believe this can create an interesting character with a variety of skills and talents to pull from that can be useful.

The Dwarven Rogue/Alchemist/Fighter/Shadowdancer (the "beardless dwarf" concept Talon referred to earlier...) I used a modified repeating crossbow, when UC came out, I screamed in delight over Explosive Missle :)

I also made a Human Paladin (hospitaler)/Lore Oracle/Holy Vindicator. At 17th level (made him for a run of witchwar legacy) I had an AC of 53 (63 if smiting) Also, I had a ton of healing and some other fun goodies. I dipped 1 level into Oracle to get the "Sidestep" revelation, which lets me use my Charisma mod instead of Dexterity mod for AC and Reflex saves. Also to the Noble Scion feat, for Scion of War. I net a 30 Charisma by lvl 17, and a reflex and fortitude of 30.

The one I'm heavily working on now is a Bladebound/Kensai Magus. It's for PFS, and at first opportunity I'm getting the "Agile" weapon quality on my Aldori Dueling Blade, and I can focus whatever money I get on enhancing my attributes through items. (hopefully...)

Full Name





Witch 1







Special Abilities

skilled, bonus feat, +2 to ability score (intelligence)


Chaotic Neutral


Great Old Ones (unwitting)


a minuscule unnamed village




medicine man, mercenary

Strength 10
Dexterity 14
Constitution 12
Intelligence 18
Wisdom 12
Charisma 11

About Bad Man

Hp:7 AC:12

For:+0(2) Ref:+0(2) Will:+2(3)

Speed: 30 ft.



BA:+0 CMB:+0 CMD:12


- Eschew Materials
- Reach Spell

- Earning Your Freedom (+1 to Fortitude)
- Focused Mind (+2 to concentration checks)

Starting spells stored by the Familiar(3+4, pg. 67 APG):
DC:14+ spell level
0 (cantrips)- all
1st circle - burning hands,enlarge person,ray of enfeeblement,hypnotism,mage armor,reduce person,sleep

Spells per Day:
cantrips prepared: 3
1st circle: 1+1

Hexes(DC = 10 + 1/2 the witch’s level +Int)
- Slumber

Typically memorised spell/cantrips:
cantrips: detect magic,read magic,light
1st circle: hypnotism,sleep

Spellcraft 1(5)+3
Knowledge(Planes) 1(5)+3
Knowledge(Arcana) 1(5)+3
Intimidate 1(1)+3
Fly 1(3)+3
Survival 1(2)
Perception 1(2)

Familiar: Viper (pg.133, Bestiary)

Starting Equipament (180gp):
- Dagger (2gp), Light Crossbow (35gp),Crossbow Bolts(20-2gp),quarterstaff,backpack(2gp),Furs(12gp), Belt Pouch (1gp),10xTrail Rations(5gp),Flint and Steel (1gp),2xRope, hemp-50 ft.(2gp),Peasant’s outfit (1sp),Hot weather outfit (8gp), Light Horse (75gp),Riding Saddle (10 gp),Saddlebags (4gp), 2xIron spike (1sp)
