
Joseph Bonkers's page

235 posts. Alias of Gobo Horde.


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Hail, mighty GM Mioki :)
You mentioned being unfamiliar with the Mythic so I figured I would share my 2 coppers for your consideration.
I would have 3 suggestions that should quite greatly help to reduce how much/easily Mythic can warp gameplay.
#1: Ban Mythic Vital Strike. If you just tacked it onto a regular ol’ Fighter it would be pretty strong. However if you design a character to utilize it effectively it gets obscene very quickly.
From the GM’s side it creates disparity between the characters that can make it difficult to design encounters around. The hp needed to not get one-shotted by that one character often means everyone else deals trivial damage. bosses are also not so fun when they get one-shotted :’(

#22: Put a limit of max 1 extra attack or spell per round from Mythic sources.
Imagine the Mythic Vital Strike from above, you use Fleet Charge and Amazing Initiative, then your regular attack to dash 30ft, and land 3 Vital Strikes on a target. In one turn :,(
Doubling your action economy is badass enough ;)

#333: Be wary of some of the raw numbers increases that some of the abilities can give you. They can be rather obscene, even at low Mythic Tiers.
An example of a not so obvious one, the set of Display Universal Path abilities. They may look boring but some clever uses of them can easily derail a game. Display of Charisma can grant you a whopping +20 to your Bluff, Diplomacy or Intimidate checks before you roll. (Say, I rolled a 43 on my Bluff check to seduce the dragon, anyone?)
Or Display of Dexterity on a Stealth roll while using the Stealth Synergy Teamwork Feat with an ability that lets you share Teamwork Feats. Basically that’s +20 to everyone’s Stealth roll... :’D
I heard of someone who had a Dwarf with the Breadth of Experience Feat and Display of Intelligence Ability. He could make any Knowledge check untrained with a +22 bonus, basically he knew everything important about anything :P

I am not suggesting you ban these, just be wary of some of the raw stat boosters in Mythic and how they can mess with some of the non-combat elements or create shenanigans. ^_^

As for me, I might add in a application to the pool. :D
I don’t have much time so I will have to see if I can get it finished reasonably quickly. The core of his mechanics would be a Dwarf with the Steel Soul Racial Feat, and he is a bit of a magic denier :D He would be very resistant to magic, but not so much to other things.
I would probably have to make him a Barbarian so that he could at least deal some damage :p
It would be fun scoffing at the obvious tricks of those foolish “Wizards” and trying to rationalize basically everything away with absurd “explanations.” XD

4d6 - 4 ⇒ (6, 4, 6, 4) - 4 = 16
4d6 - 1 ⇒ (1, 2, 3, 1) - 1 = 6
4d6 - 1 ⇒ (6, 1, 4, 2) - 1 = 12
4d6 - 2 ⇒ (2, 5, 6, 4) - 2 = 15
4d6 - 2 ⇒ (5, 4, 4, 2) - 2 = 13
4d6 - 2 ⇒ (2, 4, 4, 4) - 2 = 12
a 19pb with middlish stats and a 6. ^-^

Hia :)

3d6 + 6 - 3 ⇒ (3, 6, 5) + 6 - 3 = 17
3d6 + 6 - 5 ⇒ (5, 5, 5) + 6 - 5 = 16
3d6 + 6 - 4 ⇒ (6, 4, 4) + 6 - 4 = 16
3d6 + 6 - 1 ⇒ (1, 1, 6) + 6 - 1 = 13
3d6 + 6 - 1 ⇒ (5, 1, 2) + 6 - 1 = 13
3d6 + 6 - 2 ⇒ (2, 3, 5) + 6 - 2 = 14

17, 16, 16, 14, 13, 13. Decent :) Hes good all around, no low stats.

So since you are allowing SoP, I think I might take advantage of that :)
The basic idea I have is to create the blind swordsman Trope. For one side of the gestalt he will be a fighter with a focus on a sword, and have (otherwise less useful) feats such as Quickdraw and Blind-Fight. He will generally get around by using his sheathed sword as a walking stick. As for being blind, well mechanically all it would take is that you close your eyes and never open them again >_>...
However, he does have extraordinary senses.
As an Incanter, the SoP Sphere, Divination has a category called Sense; "As a standard action, you may grant yourself paranormal senses for 1 hour/level."
and the Blindfolded Oracle talent; "You may spend a spell point to grant yourself Blindsense 30 ft. You must close your eyes to use this ability. For the purpose of this ability, opening and closing your eyes is a free action you may take once per round. You may spend an additional spell point to upgrade this ability to Blindsight."
So during combat, or those times I really neeeed to see something, I can heighten my senses for a few hours by spending a SP.
For comparison, I will have about 3+Wis mod Spell Points, and those could be spent on other things as well.
As he gets more powerful, his abilities with his senses will also grow broader, gaining the ability to see ghosts, precognition, or maybe scent.

Aside from that, He will also have some abilities from the Warp sphere, as he moves super fast, War Sphere, as he gains combat focused bard buffs for his allies, maybe some Healing Sphere, and maybe Telekinesis Sphere as a way of subtly influencing the unseen environment around him. :) Depending on how many talents I have available.

Once I have a more concrete idea of what I am going, I will let you know the specifics of the different pieces of the SoP system I am using :)

Does a Blind Swordsman work?

Human Whitesmith/Gunsmoke
HP 16/16, AC 17, T 13, FF 14, Fort 3, Ref 3, Will 5, Perception +8, Sense Motive +3
SP: 4/4, Arm: Pepperbox, MF: 1-2, Ammo: Metal Cartridge 3/4
Craft. Arm Maintenance +6, DD +7, Heal +11, K: Engineering +4, Perception +8), Profession: Gunsmith +9, Sleight of Hand +10, Spellcraft +4

I'm glad to say that it appears I was wrong about the Paizo forums, they seem to be working smoothly now :)

Also, I realized that I forgot to spend my last Talent, so if it is alright with you I will take the War Sphere, the Personal Conflict drawback and the Totemic Presence Talent.
At the moment, this allows me to Transform my Arm (again) into a Totem that grants everyone around me +2 damage for 1 round.
The War Sphere does not really jive well with Josephs backstory but I think it will grant him more room to grow as he levels.

As for Ozy, well someone will just have to multiclass into Summoner to bring him back >:)
Just think! He would then become your personal slave, and no one would ever abuse that situation!
No Synthesists please :(

Human Whitesmith/Gunsmoke
HP 16/16, AC 17, T 13, FF 14, Fort 3, Ref 3, Will 5, Perception +8, Sense Motive +3
SP: 4/4, Arm: Pepperbox, MF: 1-2, Ammo: Metal Cartridge 3/4
Craft. Arm Maintenance +6, DD +7, Heal +11, K: Engineering +4, Perception +8), Profession: Gunsmith +9, Sleight of Hand +10, Spellcraft +4

Joseph raises a metal hand, I cant see squat in the dark. Just letting you know He seems to be a little unnerved by the thought.
Instead, I can keep an eye on our friend here easy enough but someone else should be out watching our surroundings during my shift.
Joseph then seems to get an idea, turning to Kharzess, he reshapes his arm once more, this time into a set of handcuffs and clasps one onto her arm (the other end is merged into his arm, and firmly attached to his shoulder).
There. She ain't going anywhere without me at least knowing about it. I'll rest first, then take the last watch with the dawn. I got the best chances of being able to see then.

He then busies himself with setting up camp for himself and the others, he attempts to find a small alcove, or some rocks, or at least a depression in the ground with which he can shelter the horses even a little bit. He also aims to have the horses surround their camp, creating a wall of meat and potential cover if it comes to such a confrontation. Then he uses the extra weapons and shovels in an unusual way, fastening them together with some of the extra metal into a bit of a framework around the actual campsite itself. Then he throws a tarp around it to create a makeshift tent to keep out the wind.

While he was working, Joseph had ample opportunity to talk to some of the other members of his odd group and he struck up casual conversation with them.
Hia. How are you? Me, I'm from Torch. I'm a smith down there an we forge all sorts of things from metal. And you, I'm pretty sure you are an android. I've seen one come through Torch before and some of the old Masters talk about your type.
He thinks a moment more, And I'm pretty sure you run on logic?

Edit: I guess the cuffs would happen after camp was set up.

Human Whitesmith/Gunsmoke
HP 16/16, AC 17, T 13, FF 14, Fort 3, Ref 3, Will 5, Perception +8, Sense Motive +3
SP: 4/4, Arm: Pepperbox, MF: 1-2, Ammo: Metal Cartridge 3/4
Craft. Arm Maintenance +6, DD +7, Heal +11, K: Engineering +4, Perception +8), Profession: Gunsmith +9, Sleight of Hand +10, Spellcraft +4

To me it seems like the boards are getting worse and worse :( the periods of downtime are getting longer and more frequent.
It seems I can barely get 1 post in somewhere before it goes down again for 6+ hours.
And sadly I don't have a phone that can post to Paizo as that seems to be a workaround :(

Human Whitesmith/Gunsmoke
HP 16/16, AC 17, T 13, FF 14, Fort 3, Ref 3, Will 5, Perception +8, Sense Motive +3
SP: 4/4, Arm: Pepperbox, MF: 1-2, Ammo: Metal Cartridge 3/4
Craft. Arm Maintenance +6, DD +7, Heal +11, K: Engineering +4, Perception +8), Profession: Gunsmith +9, Sleight of Hand +10, Spellcraft +4

Joseph busies himself with dealing with the loot and distributing it evenly among the horses and prepping them for the journey.
Think we will hafta leave the wheelbarrows behind. No real way ta take them with us.
An you dont mind much if I take these iron rods for myself, do ya?
Joseph didn't expect too much resistance on the matter, chances were that the raw iron was one of the least valuable of the resourses there, buuut... It was the fuel that his arm ran off of.

Once the group started bickering, even to the point of raising arms, Joseph tried to intervine
Woa woa woa! Hey! Why don't we just box her in? Have 1 person on each side of her riding horses and have 2 horses right in front so she cant go nowhere. Then have the rest of the group circle round the herd freely. That way you can easily react to any danger.
An, ummm. I'll probably be one of the flankers. Cant ride very well so being stuck in the center suits me jus' fine.
Oh! And I can create more restraints! Keep the Missus and the herd together.

And with that, Joseph reshapes his arm into a pair of extra-large crimpers, and then begins to bend the iron rods into the shape of a gigantic set of chains. He even transforms into a set of sheet metal cutters and starts to strip a wheelbarrow down and uses the metal to make fastenings for the horses.

Dangnabit Paizo! You are down so much I cant post ANYTHING! >:(
Second day later, see if I cant get this thing up...

Human Whitesmith/Gunsmoke
HP 16/16, AC 17, T 13, FF 14, Fort 3, Ref 3, Will 5, Perception +8, Sense Motive +3
SP: 4/4, Arm: Pepperbox, MF: 1-2, Ammo: Metal Cartridge 3/4
Craft. Arm Maintenance +6, DD +7, Heal +11, K: Engineering +4, Perception +8), Profession: Gunsmith +9, Sleight of Hand +10, Spellcraft +4

Looks like we got a Metal Eidolon, 3 androids, a 1/4-android, a Changeling, and Johnny Mash, a Half Elf "Normal Guy" (Who I haven't seen post yet?)
We got quite the interesting bunch of characters ^_^

Thanks for the descriptions btw, its helps :)

Human Whitesmith/Gunsmoke
HP 16/16, AC 17, T 13, FF 14, Fort 3, Ref 3, Will 5, Perception +8, Sense Motive +3
SP: 4/4, Arm: Pepperbox, MF: 1-2, Ammo: Metal Cartridge 3/4
Craft. Arm Maintenance +6, DD +7, Heal +11, K: Engineering +4, Perception +8), Profession: Gunsmith +9, Sleight of Hand +10, Spellcraft +4

Sure. Joseph offers up. But I doubt the knowledge would do you much good. Ya'see I designed and built this thing myself. Had an accident when I was younger an lost my arm for it. At first, I just made a basic prosthesis but over the years I redesigned and modified it in my spare time. Got pretty good at it too. He adds as an afterthought.
Then he looks shrewdly up at Alexandr The real question is how do you run it? Battery pack is too bulky, and an Wand-Energy runs out too quickly. And expensive.
He extends his right hand and shakes with it. (His left is still shaped like a gun)

Slightly embarrassed by all the sudden attention, but enjoying it anyways, Joseph turns to Verra Hia. Ya, well the trick is how to make it versatile enough. Its easy to make something transform into 2 or 3 shapes, but the real trick is designing something versatile enough to transform into many parts, and even then its often too bulky to be functional.
Ya'see I figured out an Iron alloy that is normally quite malleable, almost putty like, but when you run a magic current through it, it becomes rigid, like Iron. This allows me to morph it into just about any shape I need! But it does have its drawbacks... It runs off of a constant stream of my lifeforce and that's draining. Took me years to be able to produce a constant enough flow to run the darn thing.
The other problem is that it is functionally useless in anyone else's hands as a result.

He then continues to excitedly "talk shop" with the others about the different firearms and components inside them, or different alloys used to make them, and comparing his imitation gun with Erissa's real one. At some point in the conversation he adds in an Oh, by the way, Im Joseph! and You heard of BonkerTech? Ya that's the stuff we make.

A bit later, he looks uncomfortable for a minute, as if deciding on whether he should say something or not.
After a moment he seems to have made up his mind and blurts out (indicating in the direction of Ozymandias) That... Thing. I've worked with machines all my life, and that... Aint human. Don't even think its alive in the normal sense. What is it?
Glancing back at Alex and Erissa, You too. There's something... Metalic about you two. Implants? Is that it?
Joseph seems to be asking tentatively, almost as if he is afraid to pry or overstep his kindness by asking.

Human Whitesmith/Gunsmoke
HP 16/16, AC 17, T 13, FF 14, Fort 3, Ref 3, Will 5, Perception +8, Sense Motive +3
SP: 4/4, Arm: Pepperbox, MF: 1-2, Ammo: Metal Cartridge 3/4
Craft. Arm Maintenance +6, DD +7, Heal +11, K: Engineering +4, Perception +8), Profession: Gunsmith +9, Sleight of Hand +10, Spellcraft +4

So we have 2 androids and an Eidolon. What do they look like?
Are the Androids cleverly disguised and human-like or are they obviously robotic in appearance?
What about the Eidolon, is it metallic and robot-shaped or is it more humanoid in appearance?
What do they sound like? Are there voices a synthesized screech, a sing-songy melody or do they immatate a gruff male voice?

I want to know how Joseph would percieve these 3.

Human Whitesmith/Gunsmoke
HP 16/16, AC 17, T 13, FF 14, Fort 3, Ref 3, Will 5, Perception +8, Sense Motive +3
SP: 4/4, Arm: Pepperbox, MF: 1-2, Ammo: Metal Cartridge 3/4
Craft. Arm Maintenance +6, DD +7, Heal +11, K: Engineering +4, Perception +8), Profession: Gunsmith +9, Sleight of Hand +10, Spellcraft +4

Josephs ears perk up at the sound of the word "Gunsmith" and he moves a little closer towards the two androids before speaking up.
Did I hear tell you saying something about being a gunsmith? I'd love the chance to swap ideas with another of the same profession! Joseph eyes Erissa's rifle, the reason for him being here now forgotten. Here, let me see :P Joseph screws up his face in concentration, his tongue sticking out.
Spending a SP to transform my arm, the doing a craft check to imitate Erissa's design
Craft: Arm: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (18) + 6 = 24
right before your very eyes you watch as Joseph manipulates his artifical left arm by twisting bits and pulling others, the forearm elongating into a rifle barrel, a block extending from the elbow to create a magazine case (which autofills as you watch) and designs snake their way up and down the barrel until there is an almost complete replica of your pepperbox attached to Josephs left elbow...

I see. So thats how you designed the firing mechanism. I'll have to remember that for the future. Course I couldn't see the inner workings of the firearm, so thats mostly generic, but waddya think?
Joseph raises the pepperbox to eye level (its hard to raise it to eye-level when you have nothing below the elbow, unless... the upper arm shortens and reshapes itself accordingly! >:D ) and takes a pot shot at a nearby wall (Erissa would immedeately reconize it makes a different sound).

First I Shape the Weapon then I Enhance it, free-action reloading, finally I fire a Metal Cartridge shot at a nearby wall.
Btw I suck at accents and such. I will try, but I will also probably give up and default to a very Canadianized version of English :p

Human Whitesmith/Gunsmoke
HP 16/16, AC 17, T 13, FF 14, Fort 3, Ref 3, Will 5, Perception +8, Sense Motive +3
SP: 4/4, Arm: Pepperbox, MF: 1-2, Ammo: Metal Cartridge 3/4
Craft. Arm Maintenance +6, DD +7, Heal +11, K: Engineering +4, Perception +8), Profession: Gunsmith +9, Sleight of Hand +10, Spellcraft +4

What path led me here? Torch -> escorting gun shipment to (???) -> jobs complete, go exploring? -> rumor of stolen shipment -> travel to excavation site near Last Stop following rumor -> see target and others gathered -> Kharzess caught.

Joseph is pissed, well more like annoyed as it seems the self evident crease lines on his boyish face rarely form in those particular spots.
Hey! Lemme talk to her a moment, only take a sec. Say sis, are you seriously telling me you dumped my shipment of BonkerTech into the SEA?!? Then you tell me that the reason you did was because you thought that destroying the already finished and paid for merchandise would somehow prevent me from making more???
Honey... Honey I just started reforging a new set the next morning...
You know, if you ever get out of jail you might want to think about finding a new boss. Yours... runs on a low wattage.

Joseph walks away a bit, chuckling to himself at the stupidity. Then he turns around and asks the two androids; Oi! Ummmm.... You Drat... forgot their names again... I just needed to stop her, so my jobs done. What do you plan on doing with her?
He then looks around at the rest of the group.

Human Whitesmith/Gunsmoke
HP 16/16, AC 17, T 13, FF 14, Fort 3, Ref 3, Will 5, Perception +8, Sense Motive +3
SP: 4/4, Arm: Pepperbox, MF: 1-2, Ammo: Metal Cartridge 3/4
Craft. Arm Maintenance +6, DD +7, Heal +11, K: Engineering +4, Perception +8), Profession: Gunsmith +9, Sleight of Hand +10, Spellcraft +4

So what the heck is up with Paizo lately? It seems to be going down more often then it is up :p
Its proving to be very annoying!

That aside Joseph is much more of a easygoing, free spirit who can be a bit naive. He would be right pissed that the shipment of guns (some of which he personally made!) were disposed of in such an unsightly manner.
He would definitely want to haul her off to the Sheriff and whatnot but he wouldn't have necessarily thought much about what happens afterward.
He also has a hard time holding grudges :)

Human Whitesmith/Gunsmoke
HP 16/16, AC 17, T 13, FF 14, Fort 3, Ref 3, Will 5, Perception +8, Sense Motive +3
SP: 4/4, Arm: Pepperbox, MF: 1-2, Ammo: Metal Cartridge 3/4
Craft. Arm Maintenance +6, DD +7, Heal +11, K: Engineering +4, Perception +8), Profession: Gunsmith +9, Sleight of Hand +10, Spellcraft +4

Dot. Will come back to this shortly :)

Storyteller Shadows wrote:


5. Gobo Horde: (Joseph Bonkers; Human Armorist/Gunsmoke Mystic) (Casting Tradition/Sphere breakdown)

Sweet! Sounds good :)

I will clean up the Submissions doc and remove a lot of the now-useless information but I will not delete the other applicants in case someone drops. Then I will see about adapting it for... Other purposes >:)

Good luck Nina~Nitro! I was looking forward to seeing your Kaval in action but it was not meant to be...

I'll add those to Submissions as well but that will happen probably tomorrow. My WiFi is down until probably Sunday (yay free Tims WiFi!) and today is just a really busy day :p

1. Concept - Two sentences. Joseph is a Gunsmith with a very unique trait; he lost his arm in an accident and has crafted a replacement arm for himself that can transform into just about anything. The arm is HIGHLY customizable and Joseph is constantly tinkering with it.
Edit: think energetic, inquisitive teen out to explore the world for himself.
2. The Character Area of Origin. Joseph is from Torch. He is a Gunsmith there.
3. Drawbacks vs. Traits.
•Traits: Blighted Physology (Campaign), Caretaker (Faith),
Favorite Shape (Magic), Natural Shifter (Racial), Skymetal Smith (Campaign)
•Drawback: Lyin' Eyes
•Note: I took the Extra Drawbacks feat.

Edit: Also, I have never seen the movie, I might have to do some homework :)

Hi! Gobo Horde/Alex here :)
SO every time I tried to write something about his backstory I kept using "Joseph" instead of "Alex". In my mind his name is Joseph and its stuck, so why fight it? :(
So name change! My character is now called Joseph Bonkers! (I initially didnt want the cartoonish last name but oh well, cant fight it :P)

That said, I got a large and decent chunk of backstory and the vast majority of my crunch done, so I think I am ready to go :)
In the next bit, I might do continuous bits of tweaking, aside from that, here is my Metal-Armed Submission :)

@Reolus Noakes. I removed you :)

Chromantic Durgon <3 wrote:
...who just makes magic go bonkers...

Hello? Did someone call me? Oh, your welcome! For SCIENCE!!!!

I am, although my character is still largely incomplete.

A rather quick peek and it seems you have these current characters.
Cindy Lu, Half-Orc Mystic, Con based full caster with hexes.
Aerin Starsong, Elven Magus, Dex based fighter/Int caster.
Issa Al'Sadri, Human Cleric, high Wis/Cha, Sun/Animal Domains, full caster with a large focus on Channeling.
Cormick Egerton, Human Bard, high Cha, many/strong skills especially social skills. (Just Dropped)
Just so I can understand the current party a bit and not step on too many toes, I can see why you were hoping for a face character and I see that you are caster heavy.

I will have to think a bit on what I would want to create :)
One idea is a bard, another is a greedy dwarf... I dunno.

So I could do 1d4 damage with a small heavy shield once per round, or,
I could do 1d10 damage on the first round and then spend a round resetting my weapon.

You know, since this is a goblin game I am going to have to go with the second, more silly option :)
But man my feat wishlist is long :(
Tower Shield Bashing and Imp Shield Bash for starters.
Shield focus into Mobile Bulwark Style.
Agile Maneuvers...
And the Siegebreaker archetype replaces your bonus feats. Hmmmm...

Honestly? I figure that the first chance we get to command our own ship (I assume that happens) we should name ourselves the PiRats! Tiny Terrors of the Seas!

@RealLifeCorn. I like that idea :) maybe I should build up a Siegebreaker fighter who wears heavy armor and a tower shield and aims to bull rush people off the side of the ship >:)
GM Bone Man, would you be willing to allow me to shield slam and bull rush with a tower shield?

Either that or some sort of high perception, Wis based class and sit up in the crows nest on lookout duty. Gobos are perceptive little buggers!

Zayne Iwatani wrote:

"Races: Core or Featured, but with a preference for non-monstrous."


The first character can easily be changed to be a regular human and still work as intended so I will be doing that.

The second character is a human with the Transformation feat which grants it the ability to transform into a second form and back at will (and the shapechanger subtype). It is not really any different then a druid being able to change into an animal form for 12 hours a day at 6th level and choosing to stay in that form for most of the time. Hes still a human :)

about the second one, I am realizing that it is an almost purely defensive class. It gives Monk bonus AC, Evasion, Bonus move speed, Trapsense, Uncanny Dodge, Will Save rerolls, and 2 1d4 secondary natural attacks (so -5 1d4/1d4 :P).
Seems pretty good to pair up with a casting class :)

Well I don't have much time left but I do have 2 ideas that I need to choose between.
The first one is reviving an old character I have, an Elan Psion Nomad. (3 links)
He has the Fast Step feat so that he can teleport as a move action, and he generally always teleports instead of walking normally. Aside from that, he is a full fledged wizard :P
He will be gestalted with rogue most likely as that will grant him a very wide group of skills as well as social rogue talents. And sneak attack :P
What I envision of him is that of a merchant. He will have lots of craft and profession skills (with a high Int) geared around selling goods as well as a high appraise skill (and Skill Focus: Appraise) with a deeper specialization on gems and jewlery. He would be a part of a few Trades Guilds and the Wizards Guild.
He is a hyperactive youth full of wanderlust and always looking out for the next adventure, blinking in and out of existence and making his way through the world through his trade profession.

Just 2 points about him that I have to mull over. I could build him up as an Incanter instead of a Psion for a very similar effect however the Incanter has to pay a SP to teleport as a move action :( Would you allow me to use the Fast Step feat for an Incanter if I also take the Quick Teleport talent?
The second part is that I can easily combine sneak attack and a spell cast (such as Hammer) into a single, devastating attack with a single feat. Now normally sneak attacks are harder to set up and so a bit more rare but I could quite easily teleport into a flanking position and pull it off more reliably then expected.
It does have tradeoffs tho. Here are most of them
+Large damage. Something like 1d4 (weapon) + 3d6 (Sneak Attack) + 3d8 (Hammer)/Or 5d6 (SoP Destructive Blast)
-Low accuracy (mid BAB, low strength no/few modifiers) with the entire thing fizzling on a miss. Costs resources (5 PP or 1 SP). I have to teleport into melee range to do so, and usually on the "wrong" side of the fight. To get a flanking bonus I have to often teleport into very dangerous positions. Casting the spell provokes an AoO which can cause the whole thing to fizzle too.

Basically its a High damage, Low accuracy and very risky attack I could do that, if successful, would deal way over the benchmark (about 35~ damage?) and I could technically use often buuuuuttt I probably wont :P too risky.


My second idea is to make use of the Transformation feat to take on an unusual appearance :)
I would use the Orb Transformation to take on the appearance of a floating helmet with no body or arms. His class would be the Hekatonkheires which grants him a few immaterial tentacles made of force and Telekinesis that he uses to interact with the world.
Since he has no body and no limbs he has to rely extensively on the Telekinesis sphere to interact with the world. He is also pretty much a being of pure reliance on magic instead of mundane means and, not surprisingly, an avid member of the Wizards Guild :)
I would also give him the Acetic Control advanced talent to further play up the fact that he is simply a floating head, with no need to eat, drink or breathe (no lungs) >:D
However, he wouldn't have most of the equipment slots for magic items, and that might be a limiting factor. I think I will just have to deal with that as it comes.

Its an unusual idea, but I kinda like it :)

SoP can be real weird :/
*Transformation lets you become a psudo-something straight from lvl 1. Things like a Construct, medium-sized squirrel, angel, or a bodyless, floating head :P
+Imp transformation lets you turn into things like a 4-armed creep or have 2 heads :P (there is even an entire line of feats dedicated to it!)
*Divination Sphere, if focused on, can grant you freakishly powerful eyes. Like touchsense and blindsense, and for really long periods of time :P
*at 10th lvl you can have 10 hour, 1000ft Truesight!
*Whitesmiths can have constructs crawling over their body >:)
*Blasters have a freaking cannon for an arm XD Or you could graft a battleaxe/rifle into one hand and never be disarmed >_>
*Personal favorite, Affixing a target permanently in space XD

Anyways, those are a couple of the weird things you can do with SoP, but it really is a fun system to use :)

Thunderbeard wrote:
Basically, I'm looking at "Wizard turned muscle-for-hire" and trying to find an appropriate thematic gestalt for the "muscle for hire" part.

Pity I didn't get here sooner, I would have suggested you look at the Shifter and Armorist as your second class. And it looks like you chose Shifter :)

Note that if you take the Lingering Transformation Talent then you only have to spend 1 move action every 4 rounds to maintain a transformation so you can take 3 full-round actions inbetween each casting if you need :)
Whats more thematic then a Wizard who shapeshifts into a giant animal or quasi-angel and then fights like that?
As long as you diversify your talents from the Incanter into more areas then just Alteration and you should be good to go. It also gives you 3/4 BAB and you can use enhancement magic to cover the rest.

The Armorist is also perfect for this idea since it is basically a "Fighter who uses Magic to supplement his fighting." You also get cool tricks like summoning your gear from thin air and pretty good enhancements on a few pieces of equipment.
Armorist also has full BAB, Martial Weapon Proficiency and medium-heavy armor, and essentially fighter feat equivalencies every even level.
The Whitesmith is one of my favorites :) You get permanent Enhancements on your equipment (in exchange for about 3/4 of your abilities) and very much fits the idea of "Wizard who Enchants his equipment then fights with it."
The Blaster gets an Arm Cannon, and can blast with it XD Its basically the ranged version.

Rednal wrote:
Iron Chef Sparky wrote:
A rich person can live 'below' their status... is it possible to live ABOVE your status? Or do I need to pick a spot in town for Sparky that houses people no greater than Impoverished? I wasn't planning on having him 'live large' but I figured as he is a trained cook, butcher, and baker that he'd be regularly employed and fit the standard for someone with his skillset - so Lower Class?
It's possible to live above your status by spending more money, but this generally isn't advised, since a lot of people will know you can't truly afford it. As you adventure, however, you will almost certainly be able to move up permanently.
Aristocracy wrote:
Aristocrats surround themselves with henchmen, and are personally responsible for the well-being of possibly hundreds of other lesser folk further down the social ladder, ranging from Upper Class merchants to Lower Class fruit-pickers that work their farms and vineyards. A portion of the Aristocrat’s wealth and living expenses goes directly to the noble family who granted their title. Failure to provide this tithe to their liege lord may result in the stripping of family title and quite possibly death.

You could quite easily live and work in the employ of someone of significantly greater standing then yourself. It shouldn't be uncommon for someone from even a really low standing to work on a "Lords" manor, doing some small, menial job. That said, We all have TEN THOUSAND gold each and we are hardly impoverished, even if people treat us as such.

Rednal wrote:

(Basically, there's no situation in which your caster level should be higher than could normally be available for use with your attacks and class abilities... even if we basically have to patch a limit on top.)

Your magic grows in strength the more you use it. If your current number of spell points is half your total spell points or less, you gain a temporary +1 bonus to your caster level. If your current number of spell points is 0, the temporary bonus to your caster level becomes +2.

How do Casting Traditions such as these play into it? For my idea I am thinking of an Incanter with a lot of spell points and a very "thrifty" mentality to them, spending them easily and freely. As such the more magic he uses the more he gets infused with that same magic.

Nitro~Nina wrote:
Aaah you responded while I was away, sorry. Hmm... that's actually very close... I've honestly been staying away from Spheres because it's not on the PFSRD and I didn't think it was anywhere else on the internet in this kinda form. Now I am conflicted. It does seem, however, that the Runesmith doesn't focus so much on enhancing the physical form with the runes, and instead acts more as an object-based caster. My guy is very much about using the tattoos to modify himself and others as he modifies the writings, though mechanically what he does is much more varied than that sounds (striker, buffer, debuffer etc). What would you suggest would fit the campaign better?

You could look at the Enhancement Sphere with the Natural Enhancement and Mass Enhancement talents and the Marking Enhancements Drawback to give you a sense of "inscribing a mark on someone to give them power."

Another idea is to look at the Whitesmith and talk to GM Rednal and see if he would allow the Personal Refinement ability to affect only Personal, Natural Enhancements instead of equipment. (I have no idea how powerful this would be, just an idea to throw out there ^_^)

Mass Enhancement, Natural Enhancement, Marking Enhancements, Personal Refinement:

Mass Enhancement: When bestowing an enhancement, you may spend an additional spell point to enhance an additional target per 2 caster levels (minimum: 1 additional). All targets must be within range and must receive the same enhancement (thus, if using the Deadly Weapon talent, you could only target weapons with this ability).
Natural Enhancement: You may enhance a creature with enhancements that normally only apply to weapons or armor. If it applies to weapons, it applies to one of the creature’s natural weapons, as well as its unarmed strikes; if it applies to armor, it applies to any natural armor bonus that the creature possesses (creatures without natural armor are considered to have a natural armor bonus of +0).
Marking Enhancements: A mark appears on any creature or object you enhance. This mark always appears on a body part or portion of the object where it is easily visible. The mark can be easily removed; it can be rubbed away as a Standard action (which requires a touch attack and provokes an attack of opportunity if the creature is not willing), or fades away after being exposed to water or another solvent for one minute. Once the mark has been removed, the enhancement ends prematurely.
Personal Refinement: Whenever a whitesmith enhances a piece of equipment she is holding or wearing, she does not need to concentrate to maintain the enhancement so long as the item is on her person.

Aaaaaaaaannnnd... Scratch all that :) It seems your going cryptic instead ^_^

Nerdzul wrote:
I'm still trying however to figure out a way to give him a decent armor class while shapeshifted without having to wait for a +3 armor enchantment (wild), anyone got a suggestion? So far the best I can manage is 17 using the Armored Aegis effect from the protection list, a bit low though for someone whose damage role is mostly a melee one.

Try this;

Enhancement Sphere, Natural Enhancement, Deep Enhancement. Add Greater Enhancement if you have the spare talent. +2-3 Enhancement bonus to your NA for 50 minutes for 1 SP, so should stack with pretty much everything. And you can share it with others! (You can also take drawbacks to offset the talent cost, as applicable)

Welp, those are my thoughts so far :) I wrote them as I read through the thread (so I wouldn't forget them :P) and as such some of them are outdated. Decided to leave them up there anyways, Enjoy!

Sylvanus, TFK wrote:
Since my last idea was vetoed I've done a lot of research looking for a fun idea and I think I may have just come up with a good one. What would you say to a Half-Giant Brawler with a specialization on power over speed.

Well since I am creating a Human UMonk with an emphasis on blazing speed it should be pretty interesting if we both get in :)

Also, I cant seem to access your sheet :(

Ya. Readjusting my line of thinking to take that into consideration and I realize my ideas were getting further away from what was intended.
At one point I was trying to create a construct with vastly superior weaponry and at another point I realized I could permanently transform into a Gelatinous Cube and go around as a sentient, talking, magical jello, but that was all becoming very "out there."

So new direction that I am going is to create a blindingly fast UMonk :)
So he will have things like Wind/Lightning Stance, Dodge/Mobility/Spring Attack, Abundant Steps and Dimentional Agility, ect.

However I ran into an unclarified chunk. That is using an AoMF with the Speed enchantment on my fists, because Fast Fists :P
My assumption is that you only get 1 extra attack from this but after reading it and realizing that I have 2 unarmed attacks its starting to really sound like I get 1 extra attack per weapon (fist).
Ditto the question if I have 2 weapons with the Speed enchant on each.

My assumption is that I get 1 extra fist attack and thats it, am I correct?

Is anyone planning on using divinations? I found a neat little thing I could do but it utterly screws over divinations.

Basically it turns the character into a "Dark Spot" where divinations cant touch, and its a rather wide spot...
To start, you have the Detect Scrying talent from the Divination Sphere. This gives you a 30ft aura that blocks all scrying unless they beat a DC 23 MS check. Then add in the Expansive Vision talent and you can boost that up to long range (400ft+40ft/lvl) or about 1000ft if you put enough talents into it.
Then all you have to do is pump in 4 to 6 SP per day into it and you have a 2000ft blot of blocked divinations that follows you around :)

Sure it is a large investment (and I would have to be an Armorist/Incanter multiclass because of his CL) but it could be fun :)
However I probably just cant fit it in and still have a "good" build :( so I'll most likely nix it. That said, I found out that 1000ft True Sight and Touchsight for 6 SP lasting 12 hours is a thing. I will not be using that...

Well now this sounds interesting and I always enjoy creating high level characters :)
Recently I have been getting a kick out of the Whitesmith from SoP and I really like the idea of seeing what happens if I dial one of them up to 12.
Or go Incanter with a focus on mass Telekinesis and levitate a small army of goblins helplessly into the air for my allies to pick off at their leasure ^_^
Of just Affix them up there and forget about them >:)
Maybe go for divination and get myself some realllly good eyes.

Anyways, I am going to have to see what comes online at this level and what tickles my fancy but most likely it will be SoP.

Hi :) I have a 3pp idea I would like to shoot your way.
The idea is to create a Whitesmith from Spheres of Power.
The basic idea is to create a construct-like blacksmith, someone who is very intune with the metal.
The Armorist is a Full BAB character kind of like a fighter but with the ability to enhance his own equipment.
The Whitesmith allows the enhancements on his own equipment to stay indefinitely, but only his own.
Animate Object would allow him to do a few fun things with his weapon and armor, but mostly make them more interesting.
Transformation would give him some construct like qualities (but he would still be a human) such as slam attacks, a natural armor and a metallic appearance. (I might nix this idea and have him just be a normal human)

The basic idea around him is that of a blacksmith who worked in one of the forges around the Torch and when that went out, well he was out of a job. So he decides to investigate. He is young and either a)heavily influenced by the forces surrounding the Torch that he has even begun to take on significant metallic properties as his body is beginning to undergo a transformation into something metallic as a result of the constant magic he uses on himself.
Or b) a young blacksmiths apprentice with a metal arm who is keen on proving his skills in the world. His metal arm is imbued with enhancement magic to the point that it is almost indistinguishable from a real one in function (still looks like its made of metal) but is as great a boon in working a forge as it is in a fight. (using a Grafted construct as a replacement arm)

At lvl 2 he would gain power attack, at lvl 4 he would gain proficiency with a firearm of some sort and at lvl 5 he would gain the ability to graft that firearm directly into his arm (if we ever get that far ^_^). His main role in combat would be that of a front line tank and damage dealer (think fighter or barbarian), either using his slam attacks kind of like a 2-claw fighter or by wielding an enhanced sword. I could also turn him into a gun wielder... Undecided.

That is if you will allow SoP 3pp :)
If not, I will have to think of something different.

Alright, after a good nights rest I can now do more to finish Zaun off :)
Zaun is an unusual character. He feels like an inexperienced kid with all the toys :P He has 2 +4 weapons, a +4 set of armor, a +4 ranged backup weapon, and a second set of +4 armor, just in case something ever happens to the first one... He also has his arms enhanced incase he ever gets 'disarmed' (ha!).
Yet dispite this, the only feat he has is Power Attack and 3 skill points (2 of which are heal and Craft Weapons)
So basic man with all the toys :P

As for what Zaun can do, he is a durable front liner with decent melee damage (either 1d2+12 unarmed up to 1d10+12 bastard sword, with a 17-20 threat range) and the ability to buff allies substantially a few times per day. I have 8 SP and can spend 1 to have the effect last an hour, and 1 to affect 3-4 targets.
I could enhance your weapons/armor with +3 enhancements, however my casting is slow, or enhance people to give them +3 NA and a transformation boon (increased size, Spell Resistance, DR 3, ect).
I can also animate objects and do fun things with that :)
*Including animating wands to cast themselves >:)

Animate Object wrote:

Magic Item

The object is some description of magic item. It may activate itself as if it were holding or wearing itself. Magic weapons may apply their enchantments to one of their natural attacks (for example, an animated +1 Dragon-Bane longsword would have a +1 Dragon-Bane slam attack).

Also I like how we got Zaknador, Zaun and Zulan. What are those odds?

Edit; long day -_- I had intended on sending this at breakfast, but its only after supper that I finally get it posted -_-

Heres what I got so far, I still need to do skills and equipment but the crunch should be done enough to get an idea. I ran out of time right now but I will be getting more backstory and whatnot after a few hours :)

Fluff wise, he would have gotten himself captured by the Drow a time ago, and for a time. Then a family member would have paid a small fortune to get him back and the Drow agreed. What Drow did not say however, is that they had already tortured him, and so they sent him back as a quadriplegic.
Back home (in a blacksmiths shop) there was nothing for him to do, but with great effort, and very slowly (he had lots of time) he begun to learn Enhancement magic. His first great achievement was when he was able to make a dolls hand clutch a doorknob and open it for himself, without the help of anyone else. Then over time he had a set of prosthetic limbs created for him (again, blacksmiths forge) and he then practiced moving around with those until he could do so almost effortlessly. Finally he had gained his mobility back and with it his freedom, even if he could no longer feel anything, and even if he had started becoming more and more like the metal he relied on, at least he could move!
And thats the start of it anyways :P

Zaun, the Metal Man:
Zaun the Metal Man
Armorist (Whitesmith) 5
LN Medium Humanoid (Human, Shapechanger) Initiative +2 Senses, Perception 11

AC 25, Touch 12, Flat Footed 23 (+2 dex, +4 armor, +4 armor enhancement, +5 natural armor, -2 ACP)
hp 29/29 (5d10-5) (46/46 Armor)
Fort +3 Ref +3 Will +4
Special Defenses Construct Armor (46/46)
Immune bleed, and you do not need to eat, drink, breathe, or sleep
Speed 20ft
Melee Razor Arms +11/+11 (1d2+12 17-20/x2)
Mwk (+3, Keen) Longsword +11 (1d8+12 17-20/x2)
Mwk (+3, Keen) Bastard Sword +11 (1d10+12 17-20/x2)
Modifiers +5/+0 BAB, +5/+5 Str, +3/+3 Enhancement, -2/+4 Power Attack

Transform into the form of a Construct as a full-round action gaining a head, two arms, two legs, 20 ft. move speed, 2 slam attacks (primary, 1d6 Medium), and +5 natural armor. Your natural attacks are treated as silver and cold iron. This is an indefinite polymorph effect until you spend a full-round action to transform back.

Enhance Creature
Grant a creature +3 to 1 saving throw.
1 SP: Effect lasts for 50 minutes.
Apply 1 Alteration Talent to the target.

Enhance Equipment
Grant a piece of equipment (or a natural attack/armor) +3 Enhancement bonus (+4 for your own equipment).
1 SP: Effect lasts for 50 minutes.
1 SP: Enhance +2 objects.

Access Extradimentional Space
Take/Replace an object from your Extradimentional Space as a 1-round action.
1 SP: Access storage as a move action.

MSB: +5 MSD: +16 Concentration: +8
Normal CL: +2
Enhanced CL: +5
Current Magical Effects

Ascetic Control (30 days), Transformation

Str 20, Dex 14, Con 9, Int 12, Wis 17, Cha 12
BAB +5 CMB +10 CMD +22

Feats Power Attack (bonus), Complex Animations, Extra Magic Talent (Ascetic Control), Mutagenic Enhancements, Transformation
Talents Enhancement Sphere, Alteration Sphere (bonus), Animate Object, Ascetic Control, Construct Transformation, Deep Enhancement, Greater Enhancement, Mass Enhancement, Natural Enhancement, Powerful Limbs, Size Change, Staunch Resistance
Tricks Combat Feat (Power Attack), Extradimensional Storage

Skills 3/lvl
Intimidate +11 (1 Rank, +3 CS, +2 trait, +5 Cha)
K: Local +6 (1 Rank, +3 CS, +2 Int)
K: Nobility +6 (1 Rank, +3 CS, +2 Int)
Lore: Weather +6 (1 Rank, +3 CS, +2 Int)
Spellcraft +6 (1 Rank, +3 CS, +2 Int)
Survival +0 (1 Rank, -1 Wis)

Languages Common, Terran

Other Gear
Mwk Longsword 265gp, 4lb
Mwk Bastard Sword 285gp, 6lb
Mwk Chain Shirt 250gp, 25lb


Extradimentional Storage
Mwk Chain Shirt 250gp, 25lb

SP (8/8)

Special Abilities
Armor Training When you are wearing armor, reduce the armor check penalty by 1 (to a minimum of 0) and increases the maximum Dexterity bonus allowed by 1.
Bonus Feats humans get +1 feat, Incanters get +1 magical feat.
Casting use your Wis to determine your spells and class abilities. Gain 2 bonus Talents.
Combat Feat gain Power Attack as a bonus feat.
Complex Animations your Constructs gain +1 creation points.
Exceptional Enhancement you may spend a spell point when enhancing an object to repair the broken condition. You may enhance an additional object whenever yuo use an enhancement effect that solely enhances objects. This ability stacks with the Mass Enhancement talent.
Extra Magic Talent gain +1 Magic Talent (Asetic Control).
Extradimensional Storage You gain the Extradimensional Storage Warp sphere talent, and you may use your armorist level as your caster level for this ability. This is a permanent extradimensional space that may hold up to 50 pounds of non-living material. You can create a portal to this extradimensional space within arm’s reach at will. Placing an object in this space or calling an object from this space requires a full round action, but may be done as a move action by spending a spell point. Living things and attended objects cannot be placed in your extradimensional storage.
FCB gain Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Bastard Sword).
Mutagenic Enhancements whenever you enhance a creature, you may also give them a trait of your choice, just as if you had used shapeshift on them. Doing so makes the enhancement into a polymorph effect. A creature may only be under the effects of one enhancement modified in this way.
Personal Refinement whenever you enhance a piece of equipment you are holding or wearing, you do not need to concentrate to maintain the enhancement so long as the item is on your person. Whenever you use enhance equipment on a piece of equipment you are holding or wearing you grant it an additional +1 enhancement bonus.
Power Attack you may take a -2 penalty to attack to gain +4 damage. This is increased by 50% for 2-handed weapons and reduced by 50% for light weapons.
Spell Pool gain a Spell pool that you can spend to augment your spells equal to your Class level + your Wis mod (+1 Casting Tradition) (8).
Talents gain 2 talents from Class Levels, +2 Bonus, +2 from Alteration Drawbacks, + from Enhancement Drawbacks, +2 from Feats (8).
The Mystic Crucible gain the Enhancement sphere as a bonus magic talent, treating your Class level as your CS. You may spend up to +2 of the enhancement bonuses from Enhance Equipment on special qualities.
Transformation as a full-round action, you may assume the form of a medium construct per the shapeshift ability of the Alteration sphere as a supernatural ability. The same construct is mimicked and the appearance of that construct is retained each time. This transformation lasts until you choose to revert to your original form as a full-round action. You gain all the abilities granted by this form (movement modes, natural attacks, special abilities, etc.) but but do not gain any additional traits. Treat your HD as your caster level for the purposes of this effect and this is a polymorph effect. You gain the Shapechanger subtype. This feat counts as possessing the Alteration sphere and the chosen form-granting talent for the purpose of meeting feat prerequisites.

Alteration Sphere
You may grant the form of a construct with your shapeshift. The form has a head, two arms, two legs, and a 20 ft. move speed. The target gains 2 slam attacks (primary, 1d6 Medium, 1d4 Small, treated as Cold Iron and Silver), and +5 natural.
•Construct Plating: The target gains DR 3/adamantine.
•Spell Resistance: The target gains 15 spell resistance. This trait costs an additional spell point.
Powerful Limbs
•Powerful Arms: Choose one pair of limbs the target possesses capable of wielding a weapon. With these limbs, you may wield weapons of one size larger without penalty. This does not stack with other effects that allow you to wield larger weapons without penalty, such as powerful build. Additionally, the target increases its overhead lifting capacity by 50%.
•Powerful Claws: Choose one natural attack the target possesses (or pair of natural attacks if granted in pairs such as claws, talons, pincers, etc.). The selected attack or attacks deals damage as if it were one size larger. This size increase stacks with other effects that increase actual and effective size, such as the Size Change Alteration sphere talent or the Encompassing Light talent of the Light sphere.
•Powerful Legs: The target is always considered to have a running start when making Acrobatics checks to jump and treat its move speed as if it were 15ft higher when determining the bonus or penalty to jump checks from movement speed. Additionally, the target’s carrying capacity is increased by 50%.
Size Change
•Increased Size: Increase a creatures size by 1 catagory (max huge). Adjust ability scores according to the chart here.
•Decreased Size: Decrease a creatures size by 1 catagory (min diminutive). Adjust ability scores according to the chart here.

Enhancement Sphere
Animate Object You may spend a spell point to enhance an object, bestowing movement and a semblance of life. The object obeys your command and understands your language, but as it is not intelligent, it can only obey simple commands such as ‘move’, ‘fight’, ‘guard’, ‘stop’, etc.
If you animate an enemy’s weapon, the weapon cannot move and attack while it is being held, but the wielder must pass a DC 15 Reflex save (DC 10+1/2 CL+Wis) each round they hold the item or lose their action fighting their weapon for control. If you animate an enemy’s armor or clothing, the enemy becomes entangled and must pass a DC 15 Reflex save each round or also be staggered that round.
Animated objects are constructs, and gain Hit Dice according to their size.
Ascetic Control By spending 10 minutes and a spell point, you no longer bleed, and do not need to eat, drink, breathe, or sleep for one month.
Deep Enhancement your Enhancements last 10 minutes per caster level (50 minutes).
Greater Enhancement When using the Enhance Equipment enhancement, increase the enhancement bonus granted by 1.
Mass Enhancement you may spend an additional spell point to enhance 2 additional targets. All targets must be within range and must receive the same enhancement.
Natural Enhancement You may enhance a creature with enhancements that normally only apply to weapons or armor. If it applies to weapons, it applies to one of the creature’s natural weapons, as well as its unarmed strikes; if it applies to armor, it applies to any natural armor bonus that the creature possesses.
Staunch Resistance You may enhance creatures, granting them a +3 bonus to one saving throw.

Encumbrance 0lb
Light 43lb, Medium 86lb, Heavy 130lb

Casting Tradition:

Zaun is entirely dependent on his magic to get around. Having no arms or legs, and therefore no physical ability to interact with the world around him without it has left his body with a deep sensation of dependency on his Enchantment magic empowering his metal limbs. This dependency has had a significant reverse effect on Zaun himself as he desperately (and unconsciously) tries to become more and more like the metal he relies on. Cold, durable, repairable, immune to pain. This mindset has caused Zaun's magic to take on significant metallic properties and every effect he creates with his magic also creates a metallic sheen or covering over everything it effects, indeed Zaun himself has undergone such an extreme and complete transformation that there is very little organic left of him, the machine having nearly completely replaced flesh. While this has the positive effect of every creature he empowers around him taking on the properties of metal and resonating with him to increase the metals potency, it is more difficult and time consuming to actually channel the magic when you cannot feel your fingers move and have to carefully watch to make sure you are casting your magic correctly.

Bonus Spell Points
Gain +1, +1 per 6 levels bonus Spell Points.
Extended Casting
Your magic takes longer to use than normal. When using an ability gained from a sphere or talent, increase the casting time to 1 full-round action.
Somatic Casting
You must gesture to cast spells—you must have at least 1 hand unoccupied. When using magic, you cannot wear armor heavier than light without incurring a chance of arcane spell failure.
Draw Magic
You gain a +1 bonus to your caster level whenever at least 3 creatures under the effects of your sphere abilities are within 30 ft. of you. This bonus increases to +2 if there are at least 6 such creatures within 30 ft.
Beast Soul
You cannot bestow the Blank Form.
Unnatural Transformation
Creatures under the effect of your shapeshift bear obvious indicators of their metal origins (Metallic sheen on their skin, metal outcroppings, ragged edges, ect). Your shapeshift never grants a bonus to Disguise checks due to the obviously unnatural nature of the transformation. When struck by a silver weapon a creature under the effect of your shapeshift must make a Will save with a DC equal to the damage dealt or have the shapeshift end immediately.
Enhancement Dependency
Your body has become dependent on enhancement magic. You suffer a -2 penalty to Fortitude saves as long as you are not under the effects of an enhancement.
Obvious Enhancements
Your enhancements are incredibly obvious to anyone paying attention due to the metallic nature and coloration of your enhancements. Any creature within 30 ft. knows that the creature or object is enhanced, and is considered to have automatically succeeded on a Spellcraft check to determine its effects.

Equipment Enhancements:

Left Arm
Tiny Animated Construct with +3 Keen Slashing Attack (1d2/17-20)
65/65 1d10+60hp, Hardness 16, AC 23,
Str 6, Dex 14, Con -, Int -, Wis 1, Cha 1
---Construction Points (+2)---
•Graft (-1)
•Immobile (+2)
•Metal (-2)
•Slashing Attack (-1)
Enhance Natural Attack +3 Keen
Enhance Natural Armor +3, Impervious

Right Arm
Tiny Animated Construct with +3 Keen Slashing Attack (1d2/17-20)
65/65 1d10+60hp, Hardness 16, AC 23,
Str 6, Dex 14, Con -, Int -, Wis 1, Cha 1
---Construction Points (+2)---
•Graft (-1)
•Immobile (+2)
•Metal (-2)
•Slashing Attack (-1)
Enhance Natural Attack ++3 Keen
Enhance Natural Armor +3, Impervious

Left Leg
Tiny Animated Construct with +3 Keen Slashing Attack (1d2/17-20)
65/65 1d10+60hp, Hardness 16, AC 23,
Str 6, Dex 14, Con -, Int -, Wis 1, Cha 1
---Construction Points (+2)---
•Graft (-1)
•Immobile (+2)
•Metal (-2)
•Slashing Attack (-1)
Enhance Natural Attack +3 Keen
Enhance Natural Armor +3, Impervious

Right Leg
Tiny Animated Construct with +3 Keen Slashing Attack (1d2/17-20)
65/65 1d10+60hp, Hardness 16, AC 23,
Str 6, Dex 14, Con -, Int -, Wis 1, Cha 1
---Construction Points (+2)---
•Graft (-1)
•Immobile (+2)
•Metal (-2)
•Slashing Attack (-1)
Enhance Natural Attack +# Keen
Enhance Natural Armor +3, Impervious

Medium Animated Construct () with +0 Slam Attack (1d6)
46/46 3d10+30hp, Hardness 10, AC 25,
Str 14, Dex 10, Con —, Int —, Wis 1, Cha 1
---Construction Points (+2)---
•Armor (-1)
•Durable (-1)
•Immobile (+2)
•Metal (-2)
Enhance Natural Attack +3, Defending
Enhance Natural Armor +4

You know... I could just animate a rock to go and walk infront of us... I would imagine him to be durable enough to jam up any trap we might walk into...
Hurmmm. Wonder what would happen if I tried to animate the trap itself and then ask nicely for it to let us pass?...

As is, Zaun is shaping up to be a Very durable little character, he could just walk through most of them. His saves arn't stellar but he really is going to be harder to take down then I first anticipated >_>

I am going to need at least 1 more day to finish my character, Zaun the Metal Man, so hopefully I have enough time to do so :)
He is a Human Whitesmith with animated arms and a metal sheen covering his skin. He is a strong fighter and frontliner who can also support his allies, buffing their weapons and defences.

Hey Edward, you got me curious... What the heck is a "Bloody-Knuckled Rowdy"?

I meant go through the city into the underdark. I figured since it is a Drow city, it must have connections below.

Well I have had this idea for a really neat sounding character for a while now and this might be a good place to make him come alive :)
The basic idea is that of a Whitesmith quadriplegic who animates his prosthetic limbs to help him get around.
The basic gist is this: Amputated limb -> wears fake arm -> casts Animate Object on the fake arm, granting it the Graft ability -> uses Personal Refinement to maintain the effect.
End effect is that I have a fully functioning arm made out of metal that lasts indefinitely. (It also has a tiny sized slam attack if I want to go that route for my combat style)

After all that then I will be doing other things to give him a metal focus, things like taking the Transformation feat to transform him into a pseudo-construct, the Ascetic Control talent to eliminate those fleshy needs, and other things like gearing my Casting Tradition around metal themes (Obvious Enhancements granting a steel-like sheen to creatures, same for Unnatural Transformations. Enhancement Dependency alse seems very thematic).
Now I am unsure if I am going to stay a pure Whitesmith or if I want to multiclass into Incanter for extra Talents :/

Graft and Pedsonal Refinement:

Graft wrote:

The object can serve as a replacement limb for a creature two size categories larger than it. While attached to a creature, the object ceases to act as a creature of its own. Instead, the creature benefiting from the graft ignores any penalties due to missing that limb, and gains one of the object’s natural attacks. If the object possesses any Special Attacks modifying that natural attack, the beneficiary of the graft gains it as well, using their size in place of that of the object.

An object with graft may be attached to a creature with a DC 20 Heal check.

Whenever a whitesmith enhances a piece of equipment she is holding or wearing, she does not need to concentrate to maintain the enhancement so long as the item is on her person.

Fluff wise, he would have gotten himself captured by the Drow a time ago, and for a time. Then a family member would have paid a small fortune to get him back and the Drow agreed. What Drow did not say however, is that they had already tortured him, and so they sent him back as a quadriplegic.
Back home (in a blacksmiths shop) there was nothing for him to do, but with great effort, and very slowly (he had lots of time) he begun to learn Enhancement magic. His first great achievement was when he was able to make a dolls hand clutch a doorknob and open it for himself, without the help of anyone else. Then over time he had a set of prosthetic limbs created for him (again, blacksmiths forge) and he then practiced moving around with those until he could do so almost effortlessly. Finally he had gained his mobility back and with it his freedom, even if he could no longer feel anything, and even if he had started becoming more and more like the metal he relied on, at least he could move!
And thats the start of it anyways :P


3d8 ⇒ (2, 6, 7) = 15
3d8 ⇒ (3, 1, 8) = 12
3d8 ⇒ (2, 6, 1) = 9
3d8 ⇒ (7, 1, 6) = 14
3d8 ⇒ (3, 2, 7) = 12
3d8 ⇒ (8, 6, 5) = 19

19, 15, 14, 12, 12, 9

A question for the setting: you did say it was sandboxy but are you expecting us to go into the Underdark for/against the Drow or are we going to be doing things any surface dweller might do? I was thinking of using the Drow as a kind of feared background hook, or at least someone to have a grudge against but I dont want to me shootinf myself in the foot :p

Color me intrigued :)
I will have a lot of reading to do for this but my first thought is to create a sort of monk swordsman with a temple sword and the wind stance feat. That one comes online at lvl 7.
Speaking of, as for starting level I would vote somewhere in the 7-9 level, or 10-12. Both ranges would create a different kind of atmosphere for the game.

Another idea, I might jack the hercules idea and build a barbarian :)

So I found out something exceptionally OP that a Whitesmith could do :p
At level 1, a Whitesmith could take the Enchantment Sphere, Greater Enchantment and Energy Weapon talents.
Thanks to Personal Refinement, a Whitesmith does not need to concentrate to maintain an enhancement effect on his weapons and armor.
So.... A Whitesmith first casts Enhance Equipment on his weapon then his armor, granting them each a +2 enhancement bonus. He then casts Energy Weapon to grant his sword the Flaming property, then Frost, corrosive and shock properties. And since he doesn't need to concentrate on any of these they are more-or-less permanent :P

A +2 Corrosive/Flaming/Frost/Shock longsword and a +2 hide shirt at lvl 1 \^__^/
now I am not going to do quite that much cheese :P

Tenro wrote:

oh, crap. Spheres of Power and Gestalt. I might have to enter this if i can find the time. Thinking Armorist (Soaring Blade) and Incanter.

My question is: If i have two weapons of Speed and I make a full attack, do i get 1 extra attack or 2? I haven't been able to find an actual answer, and I could see either answer being appropriate (as each have pros and cons).

Awwww dang. Here I am building up an Armorist/Incanter myself :(

I am trying to figure out if I want to build up a Whitesmith master enchanter or a Blaster with a really cool gun :)
I am currently and heavily leaning towards the whitesmith and making my own special blend of warforged ^_^
Armorist and Incanter make a great pair.

Looks neat! I also had the idea of creating a Sundering Fist or grappler supreme but I will let someone else take that mantle :)


4d6 - 2 ⇒ (4, 4, 2, 5) - 2 = 13
4d6 - 1 + 4 - 4 ⇒ (5, 4, 6, 1) - 1 + 4 - 4 = 15
4d6 - 2 + 4 + 6 - 4 ⇒ (6, 1, 5, 1) - 2 + 4 + 6 - 4 = 17
4d6 - 2 ⇒ (2, 2, 6, 2) - 2 = 10
4d6 - 1 + 5 - 4 ⇒ (4, 6, 5, 1) - 1 + 5 - 4 = 16
4d6 - 2 ⇒ (2, 4, 6, 2) - 2 = 12
Rerolls: 4d6 ⇒ (4, 4, 6, 5) = 19

35pb, and a very usable set of stats.

One thought is to create the Internet Goblins and base them around the Control the Mindless ability, then make him an Arcanist with the Consume Magic Items exploit, gestalted with an oracle with the wreaker curse :P
The Internet Goblins strikes again!
Na, as funny as that would seem, I'll think of something else :)

Control the Mindless:

You can gain control over mindless constructs and undead. Using this ability is a standard action, and requires you to make a Knowledge check against the target’s CMD. Use a Knowledge (arcana) check against a mindless construct, or a Knowledge (religion) check against a mindless undead. If your check equals or exceeds the creature’s CMD, you can give the creature an order that lasts up to 1 round. For every 5 by which you beat the DC, your control lasts 1 additional round. The creature’s creator or controller can’t regain control during this time unless it also uses this ability. If you expend one use of mythic power when attempting to use this ability, the duration of your control increases from rounds to an equal number of minutes.

DM Forgedawn wrote:
If it conflicts, avoid using it.

Thats the thing, it, at minimum, needs some tweaking to apply.

Does "Spend 1 MP to cast a spell" translate to "Spend 1 MP to cast a Sphere ability and empower it with all/some/zero Spell points?
Elsewise is the best an incanter can hope for is to take Mage Strike and melee people to death?
As is, the two just arnt compatable because they use different terminologies.

Looks interesting, I like how there are 2 Iron Fang recruitments starting up within 5 minutes of eachother ^_^
Anyways, heres a dot. Maybe some kind of shielded fighter.

Epic of Gilgamesh! Good manga, but I get the distinct impression that this one is not the epic you were talking about?

Also, how much will real life religions play into this game?

Hia, just checking back in, I am still unsure what I will go but I am thinking about it. (Just got another big recruitment finished up and now I will have a bit more time).

Hia :)
I am thinking of continuing my idea of a Glorious Evolutionite fighter (Cyber Soldier) using, and I dont know why I didnt think of this earlier, an Android as the base race if you dont create a new set of stats for them.
I have not thought about where I would take him beyond that, maybe ranged but thats my start :)

Question how common are firearms? And if that answer depends, then how common are firearms for an Evolutionite from Zaun?

I play top lane almost exclusively, and jungle when I cannot get it. I have a tendency to play 1 or 2 champs exclusively at a time and generally suck with the rest. Currently it is Mundo and Renek and Naut in the top with Fiddlesticks in the jungle.
I love Kled but I just cant seem to make him work for the life of me XD
I would like to learn Nid but she is both very technical to learn and squishy :(
I miss old poppy :,(

My name is The Tired Man (I get insomnia :P) and I am mid silver mostly because I dont play much ranked. I could probably get gold if I put the effort towards it.

Theme song... ohcrapcrapcrap... Uhhh, March of the Machines? ya. That sounds like a legitimate song name!
Honestly, I have no clue :) That will take me some time to figure out ^-^

Zin Z'arin wrote:
Those rolls are insane. 39 points. @GM, you can tell me to do 20pb instead, if you want. Wow.

Once I managed to get an 80pb ^_^

I re-rolled and got a 20pb :,(

The Taninim looks like a fun creature to play! I am thinking of using the SoP to create the Dragonest Dragon that ever lived :)
Destruction sphere for fireballs. Alteration for moar dragon abilities, Mind sphere to become a terrifying and dominating dragon >:)
Probably an Incanter, maybe a shifter.

2d6 + 6 ⇒ (3, 4) + 6 = 13
2d6 + 6 ⇒ (5, 4) + 6 = 15
2d6 + 6 ⇒ (2, 6) + 6 = 14
2d6 + 6 ⇒ (5, 3) + 6 = 14
2d6 + 6 ⇒ (3, 1) + 6 = 10
2d6 + 6 ⇒ (3, 3) + 6 = 12

15, 14, 14, 13, 12, 10. 22pb.
Not even one 16. Ouch

I would vote A then C. I probably wont play if it is B, it seems that I am a bit squeamish about fake worshiping a fake god :/ as such I tend to avoid the divine classes.

As for my idea, I am thinking of creating a monk trickster, give him weapon finesse, wind stance and panther style, and the mythic versions of the first 2. He would be bloody fast >:)
He would also have horrendous swift action economy D:

Looks interesting, to say the least. I can build up something good, sure, but I would obviously not be able to build up anything that could stand shoulder to shoulder with the likes of Eglian, using mythic templates and some very specific rules interpretations.
At minimum, anything we face that could remotely stand up to a 20th cl, full caster would not be even remotely fazed by anything I could create as a lvl 5 creature, even a min-maxed munchkiny one.
So I will be creating something else that punches within the middleweight class and go from there :)

@DM Forgedawn if your going to allow some of us to be mythic, then why not allow all of us to be mythic and avoid the template shenanigans? Keep the playing field even :)

As for me, I am not yet sure what to build :)
I have to think on it a bit more :)

Hmmm I do have this, maybe?


CL4P-TP General Purpose Robots, more commonly known as Claptraps are built and manufactured by Hyperion as manual labour work robots. Due to little maintenance, constant abuse and a hazardous environment Claptraps have developed all sorts of personality quirks and Eccentric personas. Programed to be helpful most Claptraps will generally seek to aid those around them with almost constant cheery atitudes and be as annoyingly helpful as possible. This consideration rarely goes both ways as most other races on the planet see them as little more than scrap metal to be kicked and abused if not outright eaten. Claptraps have a special animosity towards the roaming bandits as they often use them for target practice or dismantle/destroy them in some other humorous fashion.
Alignment: Claptraps are generally lawful neutral as they dutifully follow their programming with little care for anything else though some can take a moral stance. Occasionally a Claptrap will go "Rogue" completely abandoning their programming and have a very radical shift in alignment. These rogue Claptraps will often attempt to join the nearest bandit camp or risk being dismantled by those who see them as 'faulty.' Attempting to align with the bandits is hazardous and rarely successful as they are often seen as just another target to shoot.

Classes: Most Claptraps tend to be manual labourers and never rise above the status of commoner but of those that do rise from the dregs often become paladins or rangers, helping out those around them and healing those that they can. Rogues, fighters and gunslingers are also seen as they take up whatever means of weaponry they have available to them. There are a few rare CL4P-TPs that take up alchemy, creating different oils and lubricants and lobbing grenades at those deemed a threat, or wizardry, creating technological effects so powerful as to be called spellcraft. Of the Claptraps that go rogue, they often take up the mantle of an inquisitor, rogue, anti-paladin or even assassin as a way of enforcing their own ideals on the world. There is even a CL4P-TP Ninja out there...
You will probably never see a Claptrap Cavalier.

Standard Racial Traits

Ability Score Racial Traits: CL4P-TPs are small and weak but their circuitry allows for quick processing and reactions. They gain +2 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence, and –2 Strength.
Type: CL4P-TPs are humanoids with the robotic subtype.
Size: CL4P-TPs are Small creatures and thus gain a +1 size bonus to their AC, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, a –1 penalty to their CMB and CMD, and a +4 size bonus on Stealth checks.
Base Speed: CL4P-TPs are fast for their size, and have a base speed of 30 feet.
Languages: CL4P-TPs begin play speaking Common. CL4P-TPs with high Intelligence scores can choose any languages they want (except secret languages, such as Druidic). See the Linguistics skill page for more information about these languages.

Defence racial Traits
Blind Panic: Whenever a CL4P-TP is reduced to half its hit points or fewer and has no conscious ally within 30 feet, it gains a +2 racial bonus on melee attack rolls and to Armor Class.
Constructed: For the purposes of effects targeting creatures by type (such as a ranger's favored enemy and bane weapons), CL4P-TPs count as both humanoids and constructs. CL4P-TPs gain a +4 racial bonus on all saving throws against mind-affecting effects, paralysis, poison, and stun effects, are not subject to fatigue or exhaustion, and are immune to disease and sleep effects. CL4P-TPs can never gain morale bonuses, and are immune to all emotion-based effects except fear effects.

Feat and Skill Racial Traits
Eccentric: CL4P-TPs have been known to have any of a number of bizare personality quirks. Choose one Perform skill. Gain +2 racial bonus to that skill.
Emotionless: CL4P-TPs have problems processing emotions properly, and thus take a –4 penalty on Sense Motive checks.
Wheeled: Jumping is quite difficult when you only have 1 wheel and no legs! CL4P-TPs take a -4 penalty to all acrobatics checks made to jump and do not have a feet slot.
Master Tinker: CL4P-TPs have a natural affinity with robotics and machinery. They gain a +1 bonus on Disable Device and Knowledge (engineering) checks and are also treated as proficient with any weapon they have personally crafted.

Senses Racial Traits
Darkvision: CL4P-TPs see perfectly in the dark up to 60 feet.

Favoured Class Options
Alchemist: Add one extract formula from the alchemist formula list to the character's formula book. This formula must be at least one level below the highest formula level the alchemist can create.
Bard: Add 1 to the CL4P-TPs total number of bardic performance rounds a day.
Gunslinger: Add +1/3 on critical hit confirmation rolls made with firearms (maximum bonus of +5). This bonus does not stack with Critical Focus.
Paladin: Add +1/2 hp to the paladin's lay on hands ability (whether using it to heal or harm).
Ranger: Add +1 hit point to the ranger's animal companion. If the CL4P-TP ever replaces his animal companion, the new animal companion gains these bonus hit points.
Rogue: The rogue gains +1/6 of a new rogue talent.
Wizard: Add one spell from the wizard spell list to the wizard's spellbook. This spell must be at least one level below the highest spell level the wizard can cast.


Race Points: CL4P-TP
Constructed: 2rp
Emotionless: -1rp
Small: 0rp
Normal movement: 0rp
Standard Abilities: 0rp (+2 dex, +2 int, -2 str)
Linguist: 1rp
Cornered Fury: 4rp
Eccentric: 1rp
Master Tinker: 2rp
Darkvision: 2rp
Penalty to Jump: -1rp
Total: 10rp

What do you think? I purposefully made them about the strength of the core races as they arnt meant to be super powerful, instead just a small robot, about as strong as the average human.
The constructed type was taken from the Android monster listing and seems more powerful than half-construct while being cheaper but gets a lot closer to the feel I was looking for. If needed you can up the race points associated with it. I also slightly modified it so that they can be afraid, as that happens a lot in the game :) Some other ideas you might like is to give it natural armour/improved to represent its metal shell or deathless spirit further setting it apart as a construct.
Also note that while it is a *robot*, it still needs to eat oil, enter sleep cycles and feed oxygen into it motors. It also bleeds oil and its sofisticated design acts more like an organic body then a piece of machinery.

The CL4P-TP series was one of the last created by the Dahl Corporation and the series was known for its tendencies to malfunction or otherwise become exceedingly eccentric. Programed to serve and repair they were created to be maintainence bots or to do other manual labour and this they do well and with cheery attitudes.
A CL4P-TP stands just over 2 feet high with a slim build supported by a single wheel, and have two spindly arms ending in a pair of surprisingly dextrous pincers. At the top-center of the chassis lies a single lens that acts as their eye to the world and their front pannel hinges open to reveal a compartment used to store whatever odds and ends they collect.
While they are always ready to help out with a cheery attitude or to offer advice, they tend to come off as annoying more than anything else and due to their extensive memory banks they can be known for being know-it-alls. Often in attempts to cheer others up or simply to while away the time a few have been known to take to singing or dancing, further cementing their annoying image yet dispite these outbursts of "personality" they are usually content with remaining in the background supporting and fixing out of the spotlight.

4d6 + 1d6 - 3 ⇒ (2, 1, 2, 2) + (6) - 3 = 10
4d6 - 3 ⇒ (5, 6, 4, 3) - 3 = 15
4d6 + 2d6 - 4 ⇒ (5, 1, 1, 5) + (2, 6) - 4 = 16
4d6 + 1d6 - 3 ⇒ (2, 5, 4, 1) + (5) - 3 = 14
4d6 + 2d6 - 5 ⇒ (1, 3, 1, 4) + (3, 4) - 5 = 11
4d6 - 3 ⇒ (4, 5, 6, 3) - 3 = 15
16, 15, 15, 14, 11, 10
28pb, but very spread out. Hmmmmmmm.... I think I am going to take a risk and reroll that.
4d6 - 4 ⇒ (5, 5, 5, 4) - 4 = 15
4d6 + 2d6 - 5 ⇒ (1, 1, 3, 4) + (5, 4) - 5 = 13
4d6 + 1d6 - 3 ⇒ (4, 2, 1, 5) + (5) - 3 = 14
4d6 + 1d6 - 5 ⇒ (1, 6, 4, 5) + (6) - 5 = 17
4d6 - 2 ⇒ (4, 6, 6, 2) - 2 = 16
4d6 - 3 ⇒ (3, 5, 4, 5) - 3 = 14
17, 16, 15, 14, 14, 13
43pb, that is significantly better :)

17, 16, 15, 14, 14, 13

Same here. I have never played Savage Rifts before, does it use pathfinder rules or a different set?

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