Hellwasp Host

Jobbie Duke's page

33 posts. Alias of Heathansson.


och s&~~e!

FuelDrop wrote:

now, i'd just like to ask something of you guys:

at what point would you consider the system so broken that you'd be willing to do your duty as layed down by the declaration of independence and overthrow your existing government.

i do genuinely like this about america. they have a failsafe inbuilt incase their government becomes so corrupt that it no longer serves the people.

The local Magistrate invokes prima nupti on my wedding night.

He's getting his head staved in with a horseman's flail.

The 8th Dwarf wrote:
Moorluck wrote:
Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
The 8th Dwarf wrote:

My mum gave us lads a choice of imported beers as part of our Christmas presents. I chose Mythos because of the name and I had drunk the others before.

I put it in the beer fridge and was saving it for after Christmas.... Nice warm evening sitting on the back veranda, my aunt asks me if I want something to drink, I say one of my Mythos beers would be great.....both my father and brother-inlaw say "oh, bugger... " "we drank them we thought that they were leftovers from Christmas....."


You drink it, you replace it, and then I kill you!!


Dad made me a few whiskey sours to make it up to me.... The urge for axe rampage subsided.

The statement and the avatar don't Jive, Clive.....;)

Och, man up lad!

Angus McDuff wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Angus McDuff wrote:
Will you ever make peace with your inner dwarf?
I have no inner dwarf. Question makes no sense.
Weird. You must be one of those poor souls cursed with an inner elf. Sure you don't need a beer?

He had an inner dwarf.

When he swallowed it, it had a "small" weapon handy and cut its way out. "Muscular action" closed the wound, though.

Angus McDuff wrote:
Anybody got some beer?

awa in bile yer heidd!!!

stop that! weer conversatin!

Och s$+!e thah!

Hiyyae cullin divyint? awa in bile yih heidd!

awa' en bile yer heid!

Och yi wee daisy! Koom giye one i' th' Jules!

Dill Dotee Baggins wrote:
Jobbie Duke wrote:
Dill Dotee Baggins wrote:
Spanky the Leprechaun wrote:
Hey thur lil' fella. Aintchu a cute thing.
Awa an bile yer heid! You gah a fyes lugga hinn looying razzer blets!
If'n Ah stick sumthin' in yer mouf, will ya' stop that jibberin'?

Och! Um yuir hookilbeerah.

Twin Agate Dragons wrote:
Moorluck wrote:
Twin Agate Dragons wrote:
Moorluck wrote:
I think I scared the girls away TAD. So you got any plans for the Holidays?
Spending Christmas with the family of my brother in law (sisters husband). The upside is that I'll get to see my nephew/godson.
Nephews are always great. I miss when mine were small enough to still be fun. Before they became teens and royal pains in the *.
I can't wait till he's intelligent enough to have a real conversation with him.

Och! hie aht, in.

Moorluck wrote:
flash_cxxi wrote:
Moorluck wrote:
flash_cxxi wrote:
lynora wrote:
PsychoSteve wrote:
Dear God, please tell me Solnes is a woman. I just thought about it. :/
lol. Yeah, Solnes is a woman. Me too for that matter. :)
Me three for that matter... no... wait...
....until the operation is done? ;)
Well people keep telling me I already have the boobs... :/

Och! in pyewtum hie enn?

Dill Dotee Baggins wrote:
Spanky the Leprechaun wrote:
Hey thur lil' fella. Aintchu a cute thing.

Awa an bile yer heid! You gah a fyes lugga hinn looying razzer blets!

Och s!$@e!
allist tha shoo toop aboot dwairfs wi sco-ish ocsince!

Och! Hiyya mine a fuitnye harse, yuwui bastairt!

Sir Groklok Cobblerpuncher III wrote:

Surely no one is suggesting that half-orcs were not intelligent and beautiful before this week?

That would be unfortunate.

Och! Ye hae a fash lie a dug lickin pesh orfa jaggy nettle!

och s*!*e!



Och th' s%@@e yuih seh!

Tae helliya huil lootiya balstats!!!

Stigwold Mæch'Hæmmær wrote:
Jobbie Duke wrote:

"Ye bin nippin' at me rum, Duke?"

<Stig looks around for a drink.>

"SCHNORKSCHNORK!!! Room? Achae ya giyame a moog!"

He wakes up...
"Hyooo air yuih!?!"



Stigwold Mæch'Hæmmær wrote:
Jobbie Duke wrote:
scnok schnok....zzzzzzzzzzzzz!!!
Who the feck is this clown - he's really here?

schok schnok schnuuuk! zzzzzzzzz!

scnok schnok....zzzzzzzzzzzzz!!!

Awa' an bile yer heid!

Mammy Mæch'Hæmmær wrote:
Erik Mona wrote:

Ha ha ha ha! I knew this would happen.

You gnomes have a glong gway to go.

"Noo thes striplin fellah gabs a bree wit. Aw ye feckin' gnomes hae ur a puckl'a lettahs 'e swap aroond. We Khazak hae coolchah."

Sunna tha wah cah gri tuih ochyer gret narsty tairlt!

Ochayyer Stoonfast ista clannae coal moonchiz!

Hah pizzloon yuih bastalt! Ya kinnae magga magic taild uppir utair boongol.

Uch S%@$e, Staggeh...his in oouklah thin yuih war bairn ute. Gach! Hie fie yahinnae stlancher sulff hiyyer oon baird.

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