Judge Trabe

Jingo Strax's page

2 posts. Organized Play character for DrParty06.

Dark Archive

This order shipped as 2 packages. I received one of the packages containing 1 x Pathfinder Flip-Mat: Asylum, but I did not receive the second package containing 1 x GameMastery Map Pack: Tournament Print Edition
1 x Pathfinder Flip-Mat: Docks

Bluerise Maps

Please post the information below at your convenience.

Chronicle Information

Player Name:
Character Name:
Character Number:
Slotted Faction:
Day Job Roll:

Bluerise Maps

Gameplay thread for Outpost III run of SFS 2-09: Bluerise Breakout. Feel free to dot and delete to add your character to the campaign.

Bluerise Maps

Looking to run PFS2 quests starting with #1 The Sandstone Secret and proceeding from there based on player interest. If interested, post which quests you'd be interested in playing. I'd anticipate ~2 weeks gameplay for most give or take.

Bluerise Maps

Thread for running of PFS2E quests.

Bluerise Maps

Out of character discussion for PbP Gameday VIII SFS #1-33 Data Breach.

Bluerise Maps

Gameplay thread for PbP Gameday VIII SFS #1-33 Data Breach.

Dark Archive 4/5 5/55/5 ****

I'm looking for confirmation that a couple of resistance effects will or won't stack.

Fighting Off Corruption (Ghoul) Player Boon:
"When you take negative energy damage, you reduce the damage taken by 1 point per damage die."

Bonekeep I Chronicle:
Nexus Crystal - "Whenever the bearer takes damage from negative energy, such as channel energy or an inflict spell, she takes 10 less points of damage. This reduction is applied after any saving throw is made."

I'm inclined to think they do stack, since they aren't "Resist" effects, but could also see an argument for they don't.

Bluerise Maps

Roll20 maps link

Bluerise Maps

Discussion open. Please let me know what your preferences for pre-gen are from choice of:

Eramay - Half-Elf Cavalier (Constable)
Falth - Tiefling Archer Inquisitor
Rataji - Human Enchanter Wizard
Shohiraj - Human Unchained Rogue
Thestil - Doppelganger Mesmerist (Tactician)
Zurnzal - Half-Orc Brawler/Assassin

Character sheets available in Campaign Info. Let me know if you have any issues viewing them.

Dark Archive

Male Mostly Human GM

Roll20 link to follow.

Dark Archive

Male Mostly Human GM


Through Maelstrom Rift Full Table.

Dark Archive

Recruiting 6 to play 7-98 Serpent's Ire for PbP Gameday. The scenario uses level 8 Aspis Consortium pre-gens. I'll send them to the first 6 to commit. I will be using Roll20 for maps. Play will start as soon as 6 are signed up and require regular posting. Note I will be a little bit slow posting until October 9th, but will dramatically increase pace after that as we need to finish by November 25th.

Dark Archive

Venture-Captain Eliza Petulengro


Dark Archive

Male Mostly Human GM


Dark Archive

Male Mostly Human GM

Gameplay thread.

Dark Archive

Male Mostly Human GM

Discussion open. Roll20 tutorial to follow.

Dark Archive

Male Mostly Human GM

Roll20 Link has nothing there but a start screen that you can use to test the tools.

Dark Archive

Recruitment for the 4-star exclusive Serpent's Rise for PbP Gameday IV.

Years of political maneuvering, espionage, smuggling, and diplomacy have set the stage for the Aspis Consortium’s most ambitious attack on their Inner Sea rivals: the Pathfinder Society. All that remains are several key preparations that only an elite team of Aspis agents can arrange, and once the fireworks begin, these same agents must strike quickly and mercilessly to secure objectives—some shared and some connected to deeper plots—and escape without the Society being any the wiser.

In this adventure the players portray agents of the Aspis Consortium using 7th-level pregenerated characters. The events in this story also connect to and expand upon those in "Siege of Serpents"

Game will run September 19th, 2015 to November 3rd, 2015. Maps will be in Roll20. Please sign-up below.


Dark Archive

Recruitment for tier 7-8 (or whatever works out) for 6-97 Siege of Serpents for PbP Gameday IV. I will be using Roll20 for maps and rolling initiatives. Posting will be done on Paizo boards at a minimum daily, which is imperative for players due to the special nature of this scenario. Please sign-up below with potential character choice.


Dark Archive 4/5 5/55/5 ****

PF Mod: Risen from the Sands (Tier 2-4) Friday, 14 Nov, 7pm EST as part of AetherCon III. The game will be played using Roll20 and Google Hangout for voice.

The deserts of Osirion—land of pharaohs and ancient tombs—hide not just untold wonders, but also unspeakable dangers. When the vast sand dunes part to reveal the ancient pyramid of the legendary Pharaoh of Sphinxes, glory seekers from across many nations race toward it, each fighting to be the first to claim its wonders. But the storied pharaoh doesn't rest quietly within this monument, and his tomb was designed to slaughter any who would dare trespass.

A band of bold adventurers are the first to arrive, and stand poised to claim what’s risen from the sands—but they're unaware of the doom that lurks inside. With daring on their side and strange, rarely seen powers at their disposal, the heroes may be the only force capable of containing the force of evil within and defeating its curse!

Sign-ups here.