Giant Frog

Jhar226's page

Organized Play Member. 98 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


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pad300 wrote:
Jhar226 wrote:

On a similar note for errors regarding spell levels;

Medium's Spirits Heretic (Hierophant) and Lich (Archmage) also list 5th and 6th level spells capable of being cast by them that they gain despite being unable to cast 5th and 6th level spells.

Lich grants magic jar (5th level) and create greater undead (6th level).

Heretic grants mass castigate (5th level) and overwhelming presence (6th level).

No, both those work as the archmage and heirophant lesser spirit powers which grant the medium mesmerist chart casting (ie up to 6th level spell slots at higher levels). The only thing that is being modified is the bonus spells known he lesser spirit power grants...

My bad, I missed those.

Dark Archive

On a similar note for errors regarding spell levels;

Medium's Spirits Heretic (Hierophant) and Lich (Archmage) also list 5th and 6th level spells capable of being cast by them that they gain despite being unable to cast 5th and 6th level spells.

Lich grants magic jar (5th level) and create greater undead (6th level).

Heretic grants mass castigate (5th level) and overwhelming presence (6th level).

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Medium is listed as having 5th and 6th level spells in Occult Origins, Blood of Shadows, and Arcane Anthology sourcebooks.

Did someone forget they're only up to 4th level spells? Or is there a way they get them naturally? utation

Dark Archive

Hello! I wanted to post on here to see if I could garner interest for a system I've been working on for the past couple years, and wanted to share it so people could see it, give feedback, and potentially get any opinions on content (or maybe suggestions for new things to add to the game).

The system is a d10 keep based system; and is focused on grittier combat, a robust amount of customization, and a horror-themed fantasy setting (though home games which don't use the Core setting can be anything really). It's relatively simple once you get the core mechanics down, and has a wide breadth of options available including various Species to play as, 15 individual classes (with archetypes adding more options), equipment customization for more specialized gear, and so on.

If you have any questions or comments, let me know! I'm eager to see if people are interested, and what people think. I'm always changing the game, and willing to alter things if they seem unfair/unbalanced, or to discuss things which should be added. So if you have comments or suggestions, lay them on me!

The link to the SRD

Dark Archive

Now available! Next supplement after this one will be released Winter 2019, keep an eye out for it!

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2 people marked this as a favorite.

So, I remember a lot of people I knew complaining that Pathfinder 1e had a problem of feat bloat, and the fact that new players would have choice paralysis when making characters due to the sheer amount of different things they needed to add to their characters (usually at later levels).

With archetypes, multiclassing, half-breeds, and prestige classes (not including general, metamagic, class, race, etc. feats) becoming feats, is this going to give Pathfinder 2e feat bloat worse than Pathfinder 1e at an earlier date?

Even if a majority of feats are worth taking, that's a lot of feats still.

(Also, not too impressed that everything related to character choice as listed above that let people make unique characters - especially archetypes - are all being boiled down to feats.)

Dark Archive

Rick Kunz wrote:
Now Available!

Thanks, Rick!

Dark Archive

Now featuring The Fade Tabletop 2nd Edition! Folks, I hope you're ready. Expect at least 2 books per year for this system from the official source (Black Flame Studios) plus any additional supplementary books from 3rd Party Publishers!

Dark Archive

Thanks, Rick!

Dark Archive

QUARTS now has an SRD! Updated semi-regularly.

Dark Archive

Rysky wrote:

Oooo, looks fun though :3

I should be able to download The Abomination in a bit when I get home.

The Tainted Berserker is now available in this book!

Dark Archive

Chris Lambertz wrote:
Now available!

Thanks, Chris!

Dark Archive

With the advent of demigod enemies, will there be enemies who are higher than CR 30, or is CR 30 the limit?

Dark Archive

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Here4daFreeSwag wrote:
Jhar226 wrote:
Here4daFreeSwag wrote:
Good to see some free abominably stuff. ;)
Free for all of those who want to play a part undead without being a pretty vampire poser!
Heh, so nary a sparkling, glittering hide to be had? ;)

Indeed, only rotting flesh here!

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Here4daFreeSwag wrote:
Good to see some free abominably stuff. ;)

Free for all of those who want to play a part undead without being a pretty vampire poser!

Dark Archive

Rysky wrote:

Okay, I read it over.

** spoiler omitted **

It's an old race I built forever ago, I probably should have added more racial abilities. It was made back around the time that I was making races for my own games and just didn't really have any particular ideas for it.

As for the reach increases, it's based off an undead character from an anime I watched a while ago, I can't remember the name, only that they were pale and their arms stretched out often for melee attacks.

Dark Archive

Rysky wrote:

Oooo, looks fun though :3

I should be able to download The Abomination in a bit when I get home.

Please, do tell me what you think when you get the chance!

Dark Archive

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Tainted Berserker
The tainted berserker is an archetype of the barbarian classes available to the abomination race.

Rage of Undeath (Ex)
Tainted berserkers stray from typical barbaric rages in that when they enter such a rage it is part of a primal instinct to kill due to their undead blood. The tainted berserker gains a +4 morale bonus to strength as usual, however instead of gaining a bonus to constitution they gain a +5 ft. bonus to their reach. They do not gain a bonus to their will save or the penalty to their AC.
This ability changes Rage.

Measured Response (Ex)
A tainted berserker gains a bonus on fortitude saving throws against poison, disease, and effects that may inflict the following; nauseated, sickened, fatigued, and exhausted). This bonus is equal to the bonus gained from trap sense. This bonus starts at +1 at 3rd level, and increases by +1 at every 3 levels thereafter (6th, 9th, 12th, 15th, 18th).
This ability replaces Trap Sense.

Greater Rage of Undeath (Ex)
The bonus to strength gained from rage increases to +6, and their bonus to reach increases to +10 ft.
This ability changes Greater Rage.

Mighty Rage of Undeath (Ex)
The bonus to strength gained from rage increases to +8, and their bonus to reach increases to +15 ft.
This ability changes Mighty Rage.

Edit: Oh, right. Forgot to mention this is unfinished and hasn't been play-tested. Be warned!

Dark Archive

Rysky wrote:

Ooo neat!

(Sorry i didn't notice your reply earlier >_<)

That's okay! I've finished up the "Tainted Rager" archetype for the Abomination Barbarians, wish to see what they can do?

Dark Archive

Rysky wrote:
Ooo, this wouldn't be like the Gheden template from 3.5 would it?

Just checked up on the Gheden, and it is indeed similar (though not based upon it entirely, this was what I thought was an original creation ;p I guess there truly is nothing original under the sun! But that's okay.)

Gheden (+4 STR, -2 DEX, -2 all mental stats) has stats which are similar to the Abomination (+4 STR, +2 CON, -4 INT). Their special qualities are what's a bit different.

Abominations get all of the standard Half-Undead traits (as seen here.)

They can take an alternate racial trait that reduces their strength bonus to +2, their intelligence penalty to -2, and they get common as a language. This is just in case GMs find +4 Str and +2 Con to be too powerful.

Their racial feats are also pretty good, granting them a combat style to be used with a slashing weapon that either inflicts bleed, 1 physical ability damage, or -5 to their speed. They can also take the "elongated arm" racial feat tree to increase their reach (up to +10 ft. reach on the first attack, and +5 ft. reach on the rest on a full-attack. This stacks with Lunge.)

With my next book I hope to be adding additional content for all previous Pathfinder books released, and thus it'll include archetypes for the Abomination, Satori, and Neun as well as archetypes for all of the classes I've made in the past.

Dark Archive

Rysky wrote:
Ooo, this wouldn't be like the Gheden template from 3.5 would it?

I don't know what that is, but it might be similar! What is that exactly?

Dark Archive

Liz Courts wrote:
Now available—and FREE!

Thanks Liz!

Dark Archive

Tacticslion wrote:
"The rules work where they work, and don't where they don't. Apply accordingly."

All I can think of after hearing that is of head-on. Apply directly to the forehead.

Dark Archive

thejeff wrote:
Jhar226 wrote:
thejeff wrote:
Jhar226 wrote:

Is this a serious issue that people have? I mean...really. This is the first time I've ever heard of seeing the sun being a problem.

Look outside. Assuming it is daytime and you have a window in your house with no trees blocking it, you can see the sun. Pathfinder works no differently. The only check you have to make is lifting your head.

No. It's not actually a real issue.

It's a reductio ad absurdum example of a real issue. Which is itself fairly easy to handwave around.
It is a problem if you want to use Perception to spot things more than a short distance away.

"Reductio ad absurdum"

The only absurd thing is the point of the thread's point. If this is to show the rules don't work, you're picking a really poor point to argue. Because of course you can see the sun. And before you continue to argue the rules, let me ask you. What GM has made this an actual problem? Not some rules lawyer seeking to prove "Pathfinder is broken! I have proof!", an actual GM.

Have you read the rest of the thread, where we talk about more practical problems?

As I said, it's easy to handwave, but it does mean you're handwaving any cases where someone might or might not notice something more than a couple hundred feet away.

I've read enough of the thread. It's an absurd conclusion to come to however.

If there's something that's big (even Huge sized) flying high in the sky, I'd say people would probably notice it just like they notice planes in the sky. Handwaving a ridiculous issue like this doesn't cause any problems in game other than the problems created by the people who think this is an issue.

Dark Archive

thejeff wrote:
Jhar226 wrote:

Is this a serious issue that people have? I mean...really. This is the first time I've ever heard of seeing the sun being a problem.

Look outside. Assuming it is daytime and you have a window in your house with no trees blocking it, you can see the sun. Pathfinder works no differently. The only check you have to make is lifting your head.

No. It's not actually a real issue.

It's a reductio ad absurdum example of a real issue. Which is itself fairly easy to handwave around.
It is a problem if you want to use Perception to spot things more than a short distance away.

"Reductio ad absurdum"

The only absurd thing is the point of the thread's point. If this is to show the rules don't work, you're picking a really poor point to argue. Because of course you can see the sun. And before you continue to argue the rules, let me ask you. What GM has made this an actual problem? Not some rules lawyer seeking to prove "Pathfinder is broken! I have proof!", an actual GM.

Dark Archive

Is this a serious issue that people have? I mean...really. This is the first time I've ever heard of seeing the sun being a problem.

Look outside. Assuming it is daytime and you have a window in your house with no trees blocking it, you can see the sun. Pathfinder works no differently. The only check you have to make is lifting your head.

Dark Archive

Scott_UAT wrote:
Jhar226 wrote:
I saw the Imprinted Arm was added O.o Didn't recognize that until just now. The other classes I made were The Tactician (getting a better cover image soon), and the three classes in Classes of the Soul

Could you give us some insight into what is in classes of the soul?

Edit: Tactician, Seishin Senshi, Seishin Suringa, and Seishin Mahoutsukai are all also listed in there.

Classes of the Soul is 3 classes based upon using pools similar to an Arcane Pool and when those pools of energy are exhausted, they are able to sacrifice their HP. The Seishin Senshi is a warrior based character, a Seishin Suringa fires blasts of force energy using their pool of energy/HP pool, and the Seishin Mahoutsukai uses their pool of energy/HP to enhance their arcane spells.

Dark Archive

I saw the Imprinted Arm was added O.o Didn't recognize that until just now. The other classes I made were The Tactician (getting a better cover image soon), and the three classes in Classes of the Soul

Dark Archive

Oceanshieldwolf wrote:

Have you considered offering a free Preview PDF?

Essentially I know nothing of the game mechanics/system other than being d20, and the theme/flavor is only very slightly hinted at.

Have a look at other system or even Campaign Setting product descriptions to get an idea of how they relay this kind of information.

The preview PDF for you and others to glance over: .pdf

Dark Archive

Oceanshieldwolf wrote:

Have you considered offering a free Preview PDF?

Essentially I know nothing of the game mechanics/system other than being d20, and the theme/flavor is only very slightly hinted at.

Have a look at other system or even Campaign Setting product descriptions to get an idea of how they relay this kind of information.

I'll certainly consider that, I'm currently making the Advanced Guide (the follow up to this book. 36 more races, some more alt rules, and all that. But I'll get that done soon in order to help promote both books (Core and Advanced). Would you like to know anything specific? I can give you some information to help you understand some of the system, and learn some of the content/flavor?

Dark Archive

Now available on the Paizo store! If anyone has questions, please post them here!

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Some dank stuff that's free! :D

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New Imprints for the Imprinted Arm!

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The product description has been updated to make the classes easier to understand (hopefully)

Dark Archive

Skype is usually the best method since I'm always on it. Jeremy.h226

Dark Archive

Deadmanwalking wrote:
But so far, we lack any definitively asexual non-Evil people in Golarion...which would've made including an Evil one somewhat problematic.

Iconic Ninja. Not evil.

Dark Archive

Eliandra Giltessan wrote:
Jhar226 wrote:

So, this is obviously a very heated/touchy subject for some, but I'll do my best in treading lightly as to not explode on something.

I saw some posts about a certain Adventure Path NPC being a (potentially) bad representation for asexuals, and that being part of the discussion. I mean, not to be rude but should it matter what their sexual preferences are? I mean, regardless of their sexual preferences a villain is a villain. So long as the sexual preference isn't the basis for their villainy, everything should be fine, right?

I don't own the AP yet, so forgive me if I'm wrong about certain aspects of it.

I'm spoilering this because it's a pretty big spoiler for Hell's Rebels, but really, the fact that the details of someone's sexual orientation are a plot point is pretty much sufficient to say that it would not be ideal representation.

** spoiler omitted **

That said, the Hell's Rebels players guide indicates that Barzillai Thrune had never had a lover, which in and of itself was not thrilling. Another stereotype of aces is that we aren't really human or lack human emotion. So seeing a sadistic murderer as the first asexual character would not really be the kind of character we would want to see either.

So, yes, someone can be asexual and a villain. Someone can be asexual and sadistic or asexual and <fulfilling of all other stereotypes>. But the problem is that the first instance of a minority group has to stand in for all members of that group until there are more representations. And it's better if that first case does not serve to confirm some of the major negative stereotypes about a group.

Uh-huh...well, I guess it's good that it was clarified that he wasn't asexual.

Going to drop off from the conversation from here on. Almost wrote a big 'ol thing, but I'd rather not accidentally kindle a flame war or look like a bigot. I'll resort to watching the thread for now.

Dark Archive

So, this is obviously a very heated/touchy subject for some, but I'll do my best in treading lightly as to not explode on something.

I saw some posts about a certain Adventure Path NPC being a (potentially) bad representation for asexuals, and that being part of the discussion. I mean, not to be rude but should it matter what their sexual preferences are? I mean, regardless of their sexual preferences a villain is a villain. So long as the sexual preference isn't the basis for their villainy, everything should be fine, right?

I don't own the AP yet, so forgive me if I'm wrong about certain aspects of it.

Dark Archive

I have quite a few pieces of custom content on this page. I'm looking for some suggestions on changes or potentially new content to be added.

I have more content planned to be added:

  • Breath Weapon-focused Wizard. 1-4th level caster, medium BAB, d8 hit dice.
  • Pashal (Orcs with ties to the genies.)
  • I'viek (Humanoids who have crystals embedded into their skin. Inclined to arcane magic, and detest violence)
  • Kharitar (Humanoids with gracefully beautiful bodies, but horrifying bug-like mandibles. They must feed on a sentient human at least once a week.

Also, it's 5:40 AM here...might be a bit (very) sleepy

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.
SACplayin wrote:

Hello fine folks at Black flame studios, I was hoping I could get more elaboration about your product.

I liked the flavor of the imprinted arm, but over all it seemed unfinished. I'm very curious about how these awesome classes function and what makes them unique.

Thank you for taking a look and have a good day.

The message I was writing on my phone got butchered just as I hit send, so I'm going to try to be brief. I'll explain anything else needed once I'm on a computer.

Seishin Senshi is a full BAB class which gains special talents every odd level that uses their inner pool, which when exhausted, they can instead deal temporary con damage to use an ability again.

Seishin Suringa are ranged characters using their spirit pool in order as their ammunition for their spirit gun. Like the Seishin Senshi, they gain special techniques which morph their spirit gun.

The Seishin Mahoutsukai casts spells, and alters their spells using Spell Altercations, changing the shape of the spell, or even extending the durations.

I'll post more once on a computer.

Dark Archive

Volvogg wrote:
Full BAB, d12 Hit Dice, no armor proficiency, they attack with their Imprinted Arm which functions as an unarmed strike (which scales with levels).
I am assuming that they gain a bonus to Natural Armor?

It depends on the Imprint. The class itself doesn't give a flat natural armor bonus, however some of the Imprints (namely Celestial) have defensive abilities.

Dark Archive

137ben wrote:

I feel like I'd need quite a bit more information before purchasing.

Is this a general guide to a new demiplane/plane?
What classes get archetypes?
Could you describe the plane a bit more in the product description?
Could you give like one sentence descriptions of each of the races? A made up word no one has ever heard before isn't very informative.
Page count?

Purple Duck Games seems to have answered most of what was asked (thanks man). Below is the short description of the two races, as well as some features they get. (And sorry for the poor descriptions on my products, I'll try to make more informative ones for the future)

Kendari, also known as Corruption Beasts to non-natives of the Plane of Corruptions,
are the ruling race of the Plane of Corruption. They worship their Godking, their
creator and the ruler of the plane.

Kendari have tan skin, Dark hair, and either red or blue eyes. They have +2 Strength, +2 Intelligence, and -2 Charisma.

An abnormal creature composed of their innards in their true
form, however they are able to magically alter themselves to come together into a
humanoid form. The beyonder chooses what their humanoid appearance is, however
they do not choose the sex of their humanoid form.

Beyonders have +2 Intelligence and +2 Charisma.

Dark Archive

Volvogg wrote:

I am assuming that the chassis with which the class is built upon is full BAB? Mind giving us a little bit more? I am on the fence and I am not sure if I should pick this up or not. Possibly even some hints/spoilers on what abilities they get.


Full BAB, d12 Hit Dice, no armor proficiency, they attack with their Imprinted Arm which functions as an unarmed strike (which scales with levels).

The basic one that I've used is the Demonic Imprint, so here's some samples from that Imprint. There are a few other Imprints however.

Vicious Blow: A number of times per day equal to your Constitution modifier as a full round action you may deliver a single attack against an adjacent enemy. If the attack roll is successful and is no more than one size category larger than you make a second attack roll against any enemy within 20 FT. If the attack roll is successful, deal normal damage to the target and half damage to the second target. Even if the second attack is not successful, the first target is flung back to the nearest square adjacent to the second target.

Designated Malice: At 5th level the Imprinted Arm may designate a single target. Upon designation, the Imprinted Arm gains a +2 to Attack against this target, and once this target is slain, the ability ends. This increases by +1 for every 5 levels thereafter. This ability can be used a number of times per day equal to half their Class Level.

Powered Uppercut: At 17th level as a full round action, the Imprinted Arm may make a single attack at his highest BAB. If the Imprinted Arm hits, deal double his amount of damage dice to the enemy. This stacks with other feats and abilities that increase damage dice.

Dark Archive

Milo v3 wrote:
Jhar226 wrote:
I have no clue, so I wouldn't know whether you could or not.
He's a videogame character who get's various powers from his demonic artificial arm which allows him to drain life from enemies, shape his arm into a massive claw, and gives him immense strength.

Sounds pretty much like this class. It should fill your needs.

Dark Archive

Milo v3 wrote:
Question.... Can you make Ragna the Bloodedge with this class?

I have no clue, so I wouldn't know whether you could or not.

Dark Archive

Malwing wrote:
Seconded. The description isn't exactly cutting it for me either. I have no clue what the product is.
GarnathFrostmantle wrote:
maybe liz could poke them with a stick (email) to see if she can get them to respond to that post.

The update must not have gone through, but this is what was meant to be the updated description here:

"Born with powers bestowed by their heritages, the Imprinted Arm utilizes their extraordinary power to plow through enemies. The Imprinted Arm is tough and soaks damage due to its inability to use armor effectively, and their main ability of course is the arm and the energy radiating from it, allowing it to deal massive amounts of damage."

Dark Archive

isdestroyer wrote:

Blood Mage (Wizard)

Blood magic is one of the oldest forms of magic, and is considered taboo in most civilized lands. It is a path fraught with peril, but offers great power.
Class Skills: Craft (Int), Fly (Dex), Heal (Wis), Knowledge (all) (Int), Linguistics (Int), Profession (Wis), and Spellcraft (Int).
Blood Sacrifice (Su): Instead of normal material components, a blood mage uses his blood, or the blood of another sentient creature, as the material component for spell casting.
At 1st level, as part of the casting of the spell, the blood mage may inflict an amount of bleed damage equal to the level of spell he is trying to cast as a substitute for the material component cost (if any) of the spell (minimum 1). Valuable components cost 1 additional point of bleed per 100 gp in worth.
In addition, when preparing spells for the day, the blood mage may gain additional spell slots of levels he can cast by sacrificing an amount of Hit Points, and treating his Intelligence score as being higher by the amount sacrificed for the purpose of determining extra spell slots. These Hit Points may not be healed by any means until these extra spells are cast, or until the blood mage next prepares spells for the day.
At 3rd level, as a swift action, the blood mage may inflict an amount of Constitution damage to increase his caster level by the amount sacrificed for one round per level.
At 5th level, the blood mage may use his blood sacrifice ability to craft magical items.
At 7th level, as a free action, the blood mage may spontaneously apply any metamagic feat he possesses to a single spell he has prepared, by inflicting an amount of Constitution damage equal to the adjusted level of the spell, without taking up a higher level spell slot. If this would normally increase the spells’ level to a level higher than he can cast, the blood mage must make a caster level check against a DC equal to 10 + double the spell’s adjusted level in order to cast the spell.
At 11th level, as a standard action, the blood mage may regain 1 spent spell slot for every 3 caster levels (max 5) by sacrificing a number of Hit Points equal to double the spell slots level (minimum 1). He may immediately fill that slot with a spell of an appropriate level. These Hit Points may not be healed by any means until these extra spells are cast, or until the blood mage next prepares spells for the day.
At 13th level, once per day as a reaction, the blood mage may cast any one spell in his spellbook with a casting time of less than a full round, even if the spell was not prepared beforehand. This inflicts an amount of bleed damage equal to twice the level of the spell. This damage can only be inflicted on you.
At 17th level, as a move action, the blood mage may inflict 1 point of bleed damage per caster level, to gain spell resistance equal to the bleed damage + 10, for 1 round per level.
At 20th level, the blood mage has learned to store his spells in his blood. He gains the ability to cast his spells spontaneously, as the sorcerer does. He must still prepare his spells as normal, but he may cast any spell prepared as many times as he has slots of that spell’s level. However, he no longer needs to study his spellbook to prepare his spells.
Unless otherwise specified, the blood mage may use his Blood Sacrifice abilities on an adjacent sentient creature instead of himself. If the creature is unwilling, it must be rendered helpless before performing the Blood Sacrifice. Whether a creature is willing or unwilling, using this ability on a sentient creature other than you is considered an evil act.
Any Constitution sacrificed with this ability may not be healed by any means (including, wish, limited wish, or miracle) except natural healing. If the blood mage is immune to Constitution damage, or does not have blood, he cannot use blood sacrifice on himself, he must use another sentient creature to gain its effects. If the blood mage suffers bleed damage from another source, he may use that for this ability (though the damage must be greater than, or equal to, the cost of the effect used). Temporary Hit Points may not be used for this ability. This ability replaces Arcane Bond and Arcane School.
Toughness: Blood mages gain the Toughness feat. This ability replaces Scribe Scroll.
Cruornomica: A blood mage writes his spellbook and scrolls in blood instead of ink. They function in every way as normal spellbooks and scrolls, except that he must use his blood sacrifice ability to pay any associated material and gold piece costs when scribing scrolls, or copying spells from another wizard’s spellbook or scrolls into his own.

The sacrificing HP for spell slots should probably have a limit. Say, up to your unmodified intelligence modifier number of spells. I can just see a Blood Mage Wizard doing this to bring himself down to unconsciousness only for his Cleric buddy to heal him up.

17th level ability should have a limit, again for the reason listed by Amanuensis because let's say my theoretical blood mage has 18 Con. He should, on average, have 148 HP. He can decide to take 100 bleed damage to give himself 110 Spell Resistance, then have the Cleric who is obviously a bro in all of this heal you up once again. You now have 110 SR. Not even Cthulhu would want to deal with that. Perhaps the limit should be up to your levels in Blood Mage (maximum of SR 30, which even then is high).

Edit: Did not see the "per caster level" for the 17th level ability. Disregard that.

Other than that, looks pretty neat to me.

Dark Archive

I just put an update for the PDF + page out, hopefully the new description (once live) will help!

Dark Archive

Liz Courts wrote:
Now available—and it's FREE!

Thanks Liz!

Dark Archive

Hey, I've been checking the products every now and again, sorry if the description needs work. I'll be sure to get right on that!

It is indeed a class with an arm they are born with and bound to that allows them to deal unarmed strike damage, as well as perform other sorts of abilities depending on their choice of Imprint (Demonic, Angelic, Titanic, and Draconic).

If there's anything else I can offer, feel free to let me know I'm rarely not online. ;P

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Dear Customer Service Representative,

I placed my order the first day that I noticed I could start this subscription with the Pathfinder Society Guide since I already owned the rest of the line. That was on October 17th 2020. Since then, this book has yet to be shipped. My local game store has several copies on hand right now. I have emailed you twice regarding this order inquiring on the status of this product. I would like, at a minimum, the digital copy be made available immediately. It would be great if the physical copy would be shipped sooner rather than later and if there is an availability issue, allow me to simply purchase it from my local game store and still get the digital copy for free. I'd be happy to provide any proof of purchase that may be required to accommodate this.

The main reason this is so important to me is because I am the only one in the area trying to promote 2E. All of the local Venture Officers refuse to run 2E claiming that they don't know the system and/or want to complete all of the 1E scenarios first. This is fine. I don't want to force anyone to play a game they don't want to play. I also understand that this book is not required to run 2E Society games. But I'm sure between the faction descriptions and backgrounds as well as the faction items, this book will go a long way in helping me create interest in this entire system. Help me, help you.




Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I am glad to see that a count has now been generated for tracking table credits so GMs can officially earn glyphs. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem like it is counting everything. Is this a glitch or is the tracking of table credits limited to certain games and/or games ran after a certain date. I've run over 20 games now (I think 23 but will have to check) and currently the system is only showing 10. Please let me know if there is something I need to do to fix this or if there is a restriction on what qualifies as table credit.


Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I was hoping to get an official ruling on this. I have discussed this with many people on Facebook and it seems we are all conflicted.

Light Step - You aren't bothered by tricky footing. When you Stride or Step, you can ignore difficult terrain.

Tumble Through - (single action) (Move) You Stride up to your speed. During this movement, you can try to move through the space of one enemy. Attempt an Acrobatics check against the enemy's Reflex DC as soon as you try to enter its space. You can Tumble Through using Climb, Fly, Swim, or another action instead of Stride in the appropriate environment.

If you have the Rogue feat Light Step, and you are on the ground performing a stride instead of another action during an attempt to Tumble Through, does it apply when performing a Tumble Through or other action who's subordinate action is a Stride or Step? Or is it like the Quickened condition that limits you to specific actions and not actions or activities with that action as a subordinate action?

Thank you in advance

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

In the description of the affliction Mummy Rot, it states that the damage from mummy rot can't be healed until the curse is removed.

Does this mean that after you fail the initial save from the mummy rot affliction, does succeeding the next save not remove the curse and disease (leaving you at stage 1) or are you then recovered from the affliction (going to stage 0). I know making the save will not heal any of the damage you recieved from being at stage 2 and that the damage caused by the affliction can not be healed while you still have Stage 1 or 2.

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Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

My question on the Alchemist ability Quick Alchemy comes from the stream that was posted right after Gencon. In the CRB this action is listed as a single action but on the Alchemist character sheet from the Character Sheet Pack it is shown to be a free action.

Some of the inconsistencies between these two sources were highlighted in that stream where it was stated that the character sheets were correct and the errors were discovered after the CRB went to print. Unfortunately, the semi recently released errata to the CRB did not mention this as a correction. So I would like to know, which is correct? Is Quick Alchemy supposed to be a free action (like the character sheet shows) or a single action (as shown in the CRB)? This matters heavily due to a lot of the Alchemist's feats relying on the use of Quick Alchemy.

Thanks in advance

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

In the item description it states that it creates a screen of thick opaque smoke granting the concealed condition to and from those inside.

Opaque means non transparent which to me implies you can't see threw it.

My questions are...
1. Can you see someone through it if you're not adjacent to them?

2. Does concealment stop precision damage without a feat or other ability to negate the condition?


Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I did some searching and could not find any post about this so far so if there is please point me in the right direction. I have ran and reported 13 games to include 4 quests and 9 scenarios. When I check my "Records" the games show up on my characters but there is no GM credit count that I can find. I would have assumed that it would be next to the 1E GM table credit count bu it is not. If it is somewhere else, please let me know. If it doesn't exist, please let me know when it will be updated to exist. My personal goal is to reach 30 table credits before GenCon 2020 so I can provide my tables I play at with 2 hero points (1 for each of the 2 lowest level players).



Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I was not able to locate the guide for the new season. One of my GM's at Gencon said that it was posted on the website but not available as a PDF but I am not able to locate it. Please help.

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I've always seen the Paladin class as the Divine Enforcer if you will. The Knight who went out and enforced the laws and righted wrongs in the name of his God. The biggest downfall to this idea is the fact that a Paladin always had to be Lawful Good. So does that mean that only Lawful Good deities (or one step away) can have an Enforcer running around the world.

In the latest Errata they introduced the idea that a Paladin could be of other Alignments but they still restricted it to Lawful. I would like to see this taken one step further. Lets open the class up to all alignments and Deities. This way each Deity is on an "equal playing field" in the world.

Mechanically some things would have to change. I get that. My proposal to this is one of two options.

Option 1: Build upon what has been introduced in Errata 1.6. Give an ability tied to each and every Alignment. This can be done either by allowing the player to choose between the ability of the Law vs Chaos or the Good vs Evil side. This would reduce the number of possible powers to choose from to 5 (Law, Chaos, Good, Evil, and Neutral). Or you can create 9 different abilities that correspond to the strict alignment the character chooses. This would be more work for the developers and give the player less options even though 9 is more than 5. The ability to choose the option you want with the alignment or deity you want would be reduced I think.

Option 2: Create a Deity Specific power that is granted to all Paladins on that Deity. This power should be similar to the martial powers introduced in Errata 1.6 but be designed to follow one or more of the aspects of the Deity it belongs too. Of course this could also be done by listing Martial Powers for every Domain that way if a Cleric takes Paladin Dedication or a Paladin takes Cleric Dedication, their Deity and Domain are already selected and they gain both the Spell casting powers and martial power of that selection.

I would love to see what other people think about this idea. And if you do like one of these options (even though I guess there are technically 4 options there) please let me know which one. I'm hoping this post will help the developers progress in what appears to be a fluid concept with this class.

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Both of these refer to a DC that is made up by the GM. Since both of these are key to how an encounter will play out, I feel the DC should be listed in the monsters stat block. This will make it more consistent and easier to run. Also, if you succeed at a Recall Knowledge check, how much information are you supposed to get. This was something that came up in several playtest games that I have been a part of so far.

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I know this is probably just me but I feel that a Cleric of Torag should have access to the Protection spell since Torag is all about protection. Giving them access to the Alarm spell (which is already available to them) is a waste.

I haven't taken a look at all of the spells various deities grant but I would suspect that this is not the only example of something that doesn't align well.

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

The RAW on this states...

Once per day as an immediate action when the rogue is hit, the rogue can create a single shadow duplicate of herself, as per mirror image. The GM randomly determines whether the attack hit the rogue or the shadow duplicate. The shadow duplicate lasts for a number of rounds equal to the rogue’s level, or until the shadow duplicate is dispelled or destroyed. This ability does not stack with the mirror image spell. The caster level for this ability is equal to the rogue’s level. A rogue can use this ability one additional time per day for every 5 rogue levels she has.

To me this is a little confusing. At first I assumed that you get only one image from each use of this ability. It states that the rogue gains a single shadow duplicate as per mirror image. But then it continues to say the duration of the ability is rounds per level which is less than mirror image. It also then states the caster level of this ability is equal to the rogue's level. Since the only thing that is effected by the caster level for the spell mirror image is the number of images and duration of the spell, why is this mentioned if both of these items are already outlined above. The only thing I can think of it that you get more than one image. But then why does it say a single shadow duplicate. It's so confusing. Please help me understand. Thanks

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Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Sorry if this has been answered already but I was unable to find it here.

According to the Core rule book on page 564, "Ethereal creatures (such as ghosts from the Pathfinder RPG Bestiary) are invisible. Since ethereal creatures are not materially present, Perception checks, scent, Blind-Fight, and blindsight don't help locate them. Incorporeal creatures are often invisible. Scent, Blind-Fight, and blindsight don't help creatures find or attack invisible, incorporeal creatures, but Perception checks can help."

However, pages 144-145 of the Bestiary is the entry for a ghost which doesn't mention anything about it being ethereal or invisible. None of the other incorporeal creatures mention invisibility either. On page 312 of the Bestiary, it has a brief description of the subtype Incorporeal which also doesn't mention invisibility. It only mentions how to damage it. So I looked at page 301 of the Bestiary where it describes the ability Incorporeal and again there is no mention of it being, or having the ability to become, invisible.

So I guess my real question is, is the Core rule book wrong, or was there just an oversight when printing the Bestiary? If neither of these are the case, please help me understand what is going on with this. I am trying to become a better GM and understanding in-depth rulings like this will go a long way I think.


Silver Crusade

I am trying to create my character in Herolab but I think it is bugging out. I can't seem to use the Monstrous Mount feat to select a Griffon that has all of its natural attacks. It ports in as only having a bite attack. According to the Griffon Stat block in the bestiary, it is supposed to have a bite, 2 claws/talons, and 2 Rakes. I do not see in the description of the Mount class feat or the Monstrous Mount feat anything saying that you lose any of the natural attacks. Is Herolab truly glitching out, or am I missing something.
