Jhar226 |
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So, I remember a lot of people I knew complaining that Pathfinder 1e had a problem of feat bloat, and the fact that new players would have choice paralysis when making characters due to the sheer amount of different things they needed to add to their characters (usually at later levels).
With archetypes, multiclassing, half-breeds, and prestige classes (not including general, metamagic, class, race, etc. feats) becoming feats, is this going to give Pathfinder 2e feat bloat worse than Pathfinder 1e at an earlier date?
Even if a majority of feats are worth taking, that's a lot of feats still.
(Also, not too impressed that everything related to character choice as listed above that let people make unique characters - especially archetypes - are all being boiled down to feats.)