Giant Frog

Jhar226's page

Organized Play Member. 98 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.

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So, I remember a lot of people I knew complaining that Pathfinder 1e had a problem of feat bloat, and the fact that new players would have choice paralysis when making characters due to the sheer amount of different things they needed to add to their characters (usually at later levels).

With archetypes, multiclassing, half-breeds, and prestige classes (not including general, metamagic, class, race, etc. feats) becoming feats, is this going to give Pathfinder 2e feat bloat worse than Pathfinder 1e at an earlier date?

Even if a majority of feats are worth taking, that's a lot of feats still.

(Also, not too impressed that everything related to character choice as listed above that let people make unique characters - especially archetypes - are all being boiled down to feats.)

Dark Archive

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Here4daFreeSwag wrote:
Jhar226 wrote:
Here4daFreeSwag wrote:
Good to see some free abominably stuff. ;)
Free for all of those who want to play a part undead without being a pretty vampire poser!
Heh, so nary a sparkling, glittering hide to be had? ;)

Indeed, only rotting flesh here!

Dark Archive

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Here4daFreeSwag wrote:
Good to see some free abominably stuff. ;)

Free for all of those who want to play a part undead without being a pretty vampire poser!

Dark Archive

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Tainted Berserker
The tainted berserker is an archetype of the barbarian classes available to the abomination race.

Rage of Undeath (Ex)
Tainted berserkers stray from typical barbaric rages in that when they enter such a rage it is part of a primal instinct to kill due to their undead blood. The tainted berserker gains a +4 morale bonus to strength as usual, however instead of gaining a bonus to constitution they gain a +5 ft. bonus to their reach. They do not gain a bonus to their will save or the penalty to their AC.
This ability changes Rage.

Measured Response (Ex)
A tainted berserker gains a bonus on fortitude saving throws against poison, disease, and effects that may inflict the following; nauseated, sickened, fatigued, and exhausted). This bonus is equal to the bonus gained from trap sense. This bonus starts at +1 at 3rd level, and increases by +1 at every 3 levels thereafter (6th, 9th, 12th, 15th, 18th).
This ability replaces Trap Sense.

Greater Rage of Undeath (Ex)
The bonus to strength gained from rage increases to +6, and their bonus to reach increases to +10 ft.
This ability changes Greater Rage.

Mighty Rage of Undeath (Ex)
The bonus to strength gained from rage increases to +8, and their bonus to reach increases to +15 ft.
This ability changes Mighty Rage.

Edit: Oh, right. Forgot to mention this is unfinished and hasn't been play-tested. Be warned!

Dark Archive

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SACplayin wrote:

Hello fine folks at Black flame studios, I was hoping I could get more elaboration about your product.

I liked the flavor of the imprinted arm, but over all it seemed unfinished. I'm very curious about how these awesome classes function and what makes them unique.

Thank you for taking a look and have a good day.

The message I was writing on my phone got butchered just as I hit send, so I'm going to try to be brief. I'll explain anything else needed once I'm on a computer.

Seishin Senshi is a full BAB class which gains special talents every odd level that uses their inner pool, which when exhausted, they can instead deal temporary con damage to use an ability again.

Seishin Suringa are ranged characters using their spirit pool in order as their ammunition for their spirit gun. Like the Seishin Senshi, they gain special techniques which morph their spirit gun.

The Seishin Mahoutsukai casts spells, and alters their spells using Spell Altercations, changing the shape of the spell, or even extending the durations.

I'll post more once on a computer.