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Organized Play Member. 3,134 posts (19,601 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 3 Organized Play characters. 21 aliases.
DM Jelani's Carrion Crown Giantslayer, The Expendables GM Red Ruin's Savage Tide Strange Aeons Too? The Walking Dead of Golarion, by GM Fiendish Council of Thieves: Liberators of Westcrown (inactive) Dawn of Legends (A Legacy of Failure) (inactive) Dawn of Legends playtest scenarios (inactive) Ictoo's Jade Regent (inactive) Iron Gods AP with GM Mustache (inactive) Jamzilla's Shattered Star (inactive) JCServant's Council of Thieves (inactive) JZ's Carrion Crown - (Wake of the Watcher) (inactive) JZ's Carrion Crown - COMPLETE! (inactive) JZ's Reign of Winter (The Frozen Stars) (inactive) Monsters save the world (inactive) Motteditor's Ironfang Invasion PBP (inactive) PbP Gameday VI: Hmm's Starfinder #1-00: Claim to Salvation (inactive) Rise of the Runelords - Pathfinder Society (inactive) The Road to Minkai: Dragoncat's Jade Regent (Party 2) (inactive) Strange Aeons Prequel too! (inactive) [AP] The Shackled City Adventure Path by GM Rutseg (inactive) [PbP Gameday VI] GM Ladile and the Pathfinder Society Present: Reaping What We Sow (inactive)