Demon Hunter

JOHNB83's page

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I think I'm down to one of three. Dwarf magus, halfling barbarian, or half orc witch. Which would you guys bring to the table?

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Oh yeah one of my favortite aps so far. Diffently diffrent but a blast.

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Basicly I'm playaing a barbarian, and I have decided to forget ac and aim for high dr, and static miss chances. Looking for ideas to help me do this. I have thought of thing like fortifcation to armour to avoid pesky sneak attacks and crits, and mirror image, blur effects to armour or items for flat miss chances. Any other suggestions?

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I just read thru the ranged toolbox and saw the juggler archtype. Was wondering if there was a way to use bombs effective with this. Think of the jester from gauntlet video game.

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Rynjin wrote:

It is ALREADY BALANCED. Trying to balance it further just UNBALANCES it.

That is what happens when you try to fix what isn't broken.

Like I stated before I'm trying to allow acceses to it to my players as it is something they want, but I personally have decided that I dont feel it is completly balanced.

So if my new prerequites are to stiff by all means help me tweak them, but dont tell me to leave it as is because as is I'll just have to tell them no. Thats not the direction I wanna go.

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Claxon wrote:

If he knows of her allegiance to an evil enemy and doesn't stop associating with her, then he isn't a paladin anymore. He's willingly associating with evil. Has he bothered to use detect evil on her at all? If he suggest the paladin does because he doesn't want to know it hints at the fact that he realizes that she might be evil. And is further reason to lose his power.

Associates: While she may adventure with good or neutral allies, a paladin avoids working with evil characters or with anyone who consistently offends her moral code. Under exceptional circumstances, a paladin can ally with evil associates, but only to defeat what she believes to be a greater evil. A paladin should seek an atonement spell periodically during such an unusual alliance, and should end the alliance immediately should she feel it is doing more harm than good. A paladin may accept only henchmen, followers, or cohorts who are lawful good.
However, before proceeding you should discuss out of play with the player about what will happen if he continues to associate with evil.

Lol she is an antipaladin of Asmodeous no detection needed. I'm not looking to make him fall cause that would spoil the fun for both of us.

I have kicked the idea of the head to head fight at her lords demand, but seemed very expected. I was hoping for an out of the box Idea for their little tell. I have also considered her telling her lord that she wont fight the paladin then he slays her, so that he has even more reason to hate bbeg and the guilt of her life on his hands.

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Hé knows of her allegence to bbeg and that hasnt deter him yet

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Thomas Long 175 wrote:
Spook205 wrote:
DrDeth wrote:

DM sez: "You see a beautiful scantily clad woman chained to the dungeon wall"
DM means: "More succubus!"

There's a reason the heroes of yore tended to be celibate knights.

Far too much peril.

Can't I have just a little bit of peril?

No! It is too perilous.

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D&d another classic the beholder !

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Like I said thanks to everyone for their advice. I'm not sure whom newly gm is, but can assure it isn't my gm as I have metioned some of these issues to him in person. Btw I wonder if its to late to change my real name to seto83 lol.

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So musket master works with the double hackbutt ?

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Paladin should be more pious then any cleric, braver then any fighter, an more honor bound then any monk that's the standard I hold them to.

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I for one am currently playing and dhampir undeadlord celric in a jade reagent ap. It hasnt proving to be an issue yaet in fact he has been a blast to rp.