Irbis's page
63 posts (70 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 4 aliases.
For a line that is intended to carry mechanical weight, your favorite quote is far too vague to be of any use. Therefore, it seems more reasonable to assume it has no mechanical effects, but is merely descriptive.
And as the developers do not seem to see a need for clarification, with the majority interpreting it as a simile, it probably is not meant as "Natural Exceptions apply".
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Jim.DiGriz wrote: And here I thought this thread was going to be about some of the posts we see on this forum. No. That would be Abyssal grammar!
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475: Apparently, last night, you married a Kuthite, and according to your pain, you even consumated it.
476: Did you not see those exoticaly dressed humans and their blue golem, discussing in a bizarre language (fortunatly, I had this tranlation charm avaible) how this town would be a perfect battle field for the next "Adventure Path"? This certainly cannot be a good omen.
Alex G St-Amand wrote: 135.) The whole planet is a single town.
161: The town literarily goes on and on and on and on... forever...
162: Pharasma decided this to be my afterlife.
163: It is the only place were I get my treatment.
164: This town is destined to play an important role in the near future.
165: I could not contact my people since that idiot misteleported me. And how should I swim out of this landbound town.
166: The Aboleth have taken captive...
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You finally reached the Starstone. Before you lies an immense ikosahedron, each side incribed with strange glyphs.
As you get closer, the Starstone rises high into the air, then suddendly drops down before Jaman, the upper surface marked with a single line. Jaman starts to scream in pain, withers crumbles to dust...
The ikosahedron rises again, landing before Thimolisk. This time, a circle accompied with a curved symbol is to be seen, as Thimoliskk starts to glow with power...
The original case: Yes, especially with the wizard is not good at all, and dishonourful. Fall!
On the question on evil laws:
I would assume that in such a dilemma, Good should trump law- his powers are directed against evil, not chaos-, and the paladin would probably set the religious law of his religion above the evil secular law.
Axolotl wrote: Wouldn't that penalize their mental stats? No, it does not, it is really nothing but the Giant template but smaller instead of bigger. It's actually a Dwarrf/Pigmy template.
My bow has been broken by that Orc, the string of my crossbow is wet, and I've lost my sling.
Because I have no arms!
I am not allowed to take weapons here.
Why should you be limited to the limits of real humans? Most "action" protagonists of myth and legend were superhumans! Herakles, Gilgamesh, Dietrich von Bern, etc- they could perform their deeds not because of training, but because they were a lot stronger and tougher than any mere mortal.
44. If you travel into the sun. you do not die because of heat, radiation or tidal forces, but because you get an overload of "positive energy" (which does not mean cancer).
45. Vitalism (for an example see above).
46. A falchion is a two-handed scimitar, not an one-handed hacking blade.

Gignere wrote: stringburka wrote: Monk speed is enhancement - does not stack with Haste (or expeditious retreat or anything like that). It does however stack with speed increases from changing base form, so you might want to look into shapechanging (unless that ruins the concept of being (hu)man). It probably does not here is the rules on polymorph.
While under the effects of a polymorph spell, you lose all extraordinary and supernatural abilities that depend on your original form (such as keen senses, scent, and darkvision), as well as any natural attacks and movement types possessed by your original form. You also lose any class features that depend upon form, but those that allow you to add features (such as sorcerers that can grow claws) still function. While most of these should be obvious, the GM is the final arbiter of what abilities depend on form and are lost when a new form is assumed. Your new form might restore a number of these abilities if they are possessed by the new form.
You lose movement type and extraordinary abilities based on form. Since the enhanced speed probably comes from martial arts training, losing your form will definitely screw up a martial artist. Considering that polymorphing modifies your physical stats, one could assume that relative fitness is not changed: A preternaturally trained human would transform into a preternaturally trained cheetah, whereas a weak wizard always stays a weak specimen regardless of current species.
For Iron Man (and other power armor genii), I think Dreamscarred's Aegis (Unlimited Possibilities) might be an even better fit than the Synthesist- it is a intelligence based martial class with an costumisable "astral" armor and some craft boni. Unfortunatly, I have only be able to ind playtests and no noverview for the final class until now (you can already build them with PcGen).
39. You can die of old age even if you don't age anymore.
40. Every member of a species (besides the ageless ones) ages the same way, with the changes happening in a specific year.
37. Not only are there species unreasonaly similar to a planet with other natural laws, but there are indeed species from said planet, and to top that of, from across the entire evolutionary history of that planet.
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I think it is also very important to remember that alignments are not about intelligence or sanity: Both the fiendishly clever mastermind controlling the entire city with his thugs and the bullies mindlessly performing the crimes fall under Lawful Evil. Both the berserker who is in "KILL!KILL!KILL!KILL!" mode all the time and the twisted trickster who manipulates entire nations into war or his amusement are cases of Chaotic Evil.
Generic ad hominem (nanum, orcem, et cetera) for world views you dislike: You're Rovagug!
i.e. reductio ad Rovagugem.
"Even the Daemones are too good for you!"
"May you learn about your afterlife!"
"Aroden promised you a great fate!" (as it is moot now)
"You're too ugly even for Lamashtu!"
"I am truly favored by the gods. The gods I never asked for their favor." (i.e. Lamashtu, Zon-Kuthon...)
"Abbadon cannot be worse!"
The main point against´the paladin is his Code of Conduct, which many see as "The Paladin must FALL!! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!", as well as the stereotype of "Paladins are all strict fanatical bigots!".

Demon (CE)
Riots, Group violence, Escalation
Chaos, Evil, Destruction
The origin of what is only known as Lynch is unknown, shrouded in myths and rage. While its power is that of the rulers of the Abyss, Lynch is -or maybe more fittingly, are - not a single being but a hivemind, of inconsistent size. It revels in mobs and riots, violence gone out of control. Particularly enjoyed are revolts that started good, but over time turned into terror rivalling, if not exceeding, what they set out to replace in the first place, and peaceful events abused and twisted into massacre.
Its domain, the Ruins of Strife, appears as a land utterly destroyed by a never ending civil war between endless factions and mobs forming from the slightest of provocations. And somewhere in it Lynch can be found, forever bloodthirsty and deepening the hate between everyone.
While gods of community and order, like Iomedae and Abadar, are strongly opposed to this fiendish riot, the greatest enemies of Lynch are probably Cayden Cailean, Milani, and other gods who represent the fight against repression, for countless rebels for the better have joined the mobs of Lynch.
This archfiend would either have the swarm subtype or represented by several, or even hordes of individually rather weak enemies (similar to NPC enemies). Or might even change between this according to its needs.

Necromancer wrote: When catfolk were announced, I worried that the artwork would look too animal to be taken seriously as a humanoid. Thankfully, Carolina Eade's work Bestiary 3 soared above my expectations and gave me exactly what I wanted: more humanoid than an anthropomorphic cat, while not just another human with fuzzy ears and tail. The artwork splits the two extremes and gives us one of the best representations of cat-people I've seen so far.
The fact that catfolk lack ratfolk's (insert animal) empathy ability, should indicate that they're not as "close to the beast" as some would suggest. Ratfolk, however, are basically anthropomorphic rats that can understand and manipulate their less evolved kin. The ratfolk artwork in the Advanced Race Guide was perfect.
Numerian wrote: The artist who drew the Bestiary 3 catfolk is amazing, have you seen her other work? wish there were more such art in Pathfinder There is: her deviantart Pathfinder section.
It might actually be a speciality for the ratfolk, and just because another species has a power does not mean that superficially similar creature has to have an analoguous power or is else less bestial.
And I do not like this stupid creature in Bestiary 3 at all. It is just ugly. I prefer the animal side a lot to a human side, and do not like "humanoid with just bestial traits". As sad above, ARG is a lot better, but still too human.
I prefere anthropomorphic feline quite a lot to those ailuromorphic humans (or "ailuromorphic") some people here want to have! Absolutely opposed to make everything centered on humans! In fact, I think the ARG catfolk is still too human. If animal-headed human is "bad", then "sightly animalistic human" is the [i]wrong[i] way, make the rest of the body closer to the animal then just fur and legs! But I take the position of the bestial side, including the ARG catfolk, and are extremly strongly opposed to those humans with tails and triangular ears (and maybe fur) some people here are proposing!
And this goes beyond this example, applying further to other bizarre human traits. Why are so many traits of sexual dimorphism in humans simply kept for nonhumans, even actually those without function like less hair for females? And why should they have any semblance to human ideals of beauty?
PS: "My" "Catfolk".
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...and, on that matter, Half-Orcs gain a bonus on intimidate... the TRUE infamous horrible rapist pillaging massmurdering Orcs do not (and have a charisma penalty on top of that)... apparently, orcs are not easy to identify as such!
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Over the course of history, there are many proofs for a group of otherwordly and powerful beings involved in many events throughout the Great Beyond, refering to themselves with the word "Paizo" .
What are their motives? Where do they come from? What are they?
What is their apparent relationshp to the Pathfinder Society? Is it a source for information and events to export to the Paizo home reality, for sale as a game? Are the Decemviri just marionettes? Or even members of Paizo themselves?
And what role do they play in the death of Aroden? Did they kill him? Kidnap him? Why? Is there a connection to the large blue golem reported to have left the sanctum of the Last Azlanti when he seemed to have died?
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Maybe the question is not that much "Why is a Wakazashi exotic?", but more precisely "Why is a exotic weapon called Wakizashi?" ?
Probably because everyone inside the same size category from Orcs to Dwarves to Elves to Troglodytes wear the same armours.
CommandoDude wrote: Also, instead of giving the knowledge skills a flat bonus, give them as class skills. A bonus to those checks is the same as no bonus at all if you don't have it as a class skill. (You can't make knowledge checks unless you have it as a class skill). Whether you can use knowledge skills has absolutely nothing to do with class skills- a class skill only means you get a bonus of 3 if you train them. Knowledge skills however cannot be used untrained (except if the DC does not exceed 10 or you can research it). So untrained usage might be allowed in addition to the bonus, so everyone can use the role boni, but characters who already have it as a class skill would still be better.
Lords of Law
The original.
For the skills, consider the Sage bloodline. a wildblooded variant of the Arcane, which replaces Charisma with Intelligence.
i would definitly add the Tieflings descended from Demons, the Pitborn, as a race for melee antipaladins. +2 to Strength and Charisma against -2 to Intelligence and the connection to the Abyss would fit very good. Same probably goes for the Div-descendant Spitespawn (minor NE, but penalty to Wisdom instead of Intelligence).
They can be found in The Bastards of Erebus (first book of Council of Thieves) or as a table at d20srd on their entry in "Monsters as PCs". and than there is of course Blood of Fiends.
But in the case of the Improved Save Feats, which I assumed to be the base of this, you do not reroll a failed roll, or take the better of two, but you have to announce it "before the results are revealed" and "must take the second roll, even if it is worse." So you did not actually reroll, but rolled once, just with the meaningless difference that there was a roll before that was totally ignored.
I think I can develope this into a addition that we have to differenciate about several types of rerolls:
- Use before revealing, take the second result- which does nothing.
- Roll twice, take better/choose result.
- Roll again after failing (or revelation).
- Get an additional save later (like the Dual Mind Advanced Mutagen)
A "reroll" that has to be used without any knowledge of the roll, and is not influenced by the previous roll? Assuming we are taking about the Improved Save Feats and I do not misunderstand the terminology, they are completely useless TRAPS. It does not make a difference whether you roll once or roll again before you know the result an take the second result, as you actually only did one roll. The only difference is that the latter takes a bit more time and costs you a feat.
So +4, obviously, or an real reroll, i.e. you decide which result you take or at least you can decide to use it based on its actual result.

Adding new weapons into the game also has another effect: sometimes, we are talking about the same weapon by another name . For example, Naginata is in principle nothing else then Japanese for Glaive. In other cases, some particular models are picked from sn existing weapon with an broader definition although specific stats are not necessary, like the Gladius.
Another bizarre categorisation would be the so called "Roman Scissor" (or in the entry called Scizore, which probably is the modern Italian form), a very, very obscure weapon only known from a few depictions of a gladiator type apparently called Scissor (Carver). We do not even now what its historical name is (the term was invented by a modern historician). But it is martial (and piercing, even though it is a cutting weapon even in the game's description). Same goes for the Rhomphaia, a weapon noted to require a lot of training. I cannot even understand this even uunder the angle of "we decide it which weapon seems more cool so we make it more powerful but restricted".
And of course a Falchion is not a heavy onehanded chopping weapon, but a twohanded slicing weapon (and the Kruki is chopping, too).
A simple solution could be to restrict some weapons according to the region the game is set in, without making some arbitrary weapons "exotic". If some weapon is not used and sold (or very rare) in a region (but of course, there are no rules anymore for the interaction of weapon and armour type that was the dominating factor here, i.e. slicing versus lightly/unarmored, heavy and solid piercing versus heavy, etc.), but different regions have other weapons. And you do not necessarily need a new weapon for every region: in the end, a European sabre, an Oriental sabre, a Chinese Dao and a Southasian Talwar are more or less the equivalent of each other.
Ravennus, on the scythe: The weapon is not described as the farming tool, but in the modified form known as the War Scythe, where the blade was flattened and repositioned so the blade extended forward, curved downwards. It was an extremely effective weapon, and like almost all pole arms, heavily utilised by peasants. (Again an example of arbitrary classification and the stupidity of the Commoner I would rather use the type hitdie for "normal" people than that, as live in such world should be tougher then 21th century first world cities, how would something like this even survive to adulthood? Sorry, off-topic, I know.)
Besides synergy and it might be only because Vivisectionist could not be taken into account when the Master Chemist was written, there is also the fact that it fits the reasoning given for Bomb Thrower: If the love for violence makes him better with explosives, he could as well improve his capability to eviscerate!(which would be how I would rule)
How does the Extra Bombs feat play into this, which is given to Alchemists in PFS as a replacement of Brew Potion?
My conclusion and solution: Prestige Archetypes!
Another possible interpretation of neutral would to me be a moral system that is incapable to be fitting into normal categories, like the Proteans (in regards to Good vs. Evil) or the Aeons (which are completely enigmatic), or the Übermensch of Nietzsche.
Da-Leks Do Not Climb Staiirs! Da-Leks Le-Vel The Whole Buil-Ding!
And My Sight Is No Lon-Ger Im-Paired!
And then there are the colorful castebased Daleks created in Victory of the Daleks, who are said to be even more powerful then the Time War daleks, so they would be epic, I think.
The Cult of Scaro would probably be Advanced (or at least Sec would be) with aditional HD and abilities, including the Emergency Time Shift.
Telkhines: An ancient species of demons in Greek mythology who were associated with the sea, with the heads of dogs and flippers. They were great artisans and sorcerers- they even created the sickle/harpe Kronos castrated Uranos with, along with the trident of Poseidon-, but were eventually annihilated or cast into Tartaros by Zeus because they used their magic for evil.
Adapting, they might have been an early civilisation contemporous with the Aboleth and other primordial races, but something they did caused the gods to curse them, which resulted in their power being reduced into vestigality (or, msybe those airbreathing idiots are just too ignorant to know it... pleading on Deep Sea of Golarion!).
Mechanically, they would be powerful aquatic (amphibic?) Aberrations (to keep in line with aboleth, Elder Things, etc.) with high int and many spell like abilities (or even spellcasting). They might gain some special abiities regarding crafting.
He could level into Barbarian or Fighter and never come back as soon as he gains his next level. "He learned that prevention is better then healing and decided to take up the sword."

Humphrey Boggard wrote: Bladerock wrote: Humphrey Boggard wrote:
Aaaand this is why I love Cavaliers. An Order of the Cockatrice Cav would use that evil weapon all day and all night while bragging to the innocent victim he saved (or didn't, whatever) about how awesome he is:
"Did you see that?! I mean did you seeeee that?! I rocked the **** out of that monster. Never saw it coming. Oh yeah. OH YEAH!"
Heck, an Order of the Shield, Order of the Star or even Order of the Sword cavalier gets to slay the monster AND keep the weapon to do whatever with it later.
Hrm... Why are we still playing paladins? Cavaliers can easily fit the same concepts, the penalties for messing up are a lot less harsh and they are not as subject to being screwed by the GM. Yeah, Order of the Cockatrice the edicts say the Cav has to be a selfish bastard. If he violates those edicts he loses his challenge ability for 24 hours. So it would be more like:
"Did you see that?! I mean did you seeeee that?! I rocked the **** out of that monster. Never saw it coming. Oh yeah. OH YEAH! Also, I'm gonna have to charge you for that. This ain't free, you know." A day is certainly much less than "until a specific spell is cast on you, and possibly you have to perform some task before that happens" , especially as the cavalier still has powers remaining (Tactician, Banner, Mount...), while a Paladin loses everything. And you hae several options which code to follow (though you should avoid changing it later on).
Back to the original question, I think the Paladin should in any case use the sword. Even if it is an evil act (which I fail to see it as), he would fall for the "better" evil, instead of letting the innocent die and possibly die himself, so he still could get atonement more easily.
But if I was to decide, I would not consider this evil.
Thrall of Orcus wrote: Perhaps we're even talking about some kind of super-massive Sphere of Annihilation? Of course, I don't know how that could tie-in with Aroden. As has been said by Cthulhudrew with far more background, "so, maybe Aroden just touched a Sphere of Anihilation" was the ovious conclusion.
OR the SoA in the Eye of Abendego is a result of Aroden's death. Or maybe even his corpse.
What happens to worshippers of Rovagug? I doubt Pharasma should send them into his/its prison.
There is already a Loremaster as an Wizard Archetype. the Scroll Scholar from UM, and Magus could e considered Eldritch Knight as a ase Class.
As far as I see, while Dwarves, Halflings and Gnomes got additional racial weapons after the CRB, there are only the original weapon (Curved Blade and Double Axe) for Elves and Orcs. So maybe, these can be expanded with eisting weapons? Or, if this seems overpowered, can choose one to replace the normal weapon.
-Falcata; mostly because that's what a falchion really is.
-Tetsubo (or "Greatmace"); I think it fits.
--Nine Section Whip (for Chainfighter)
Not sure for the elves. I do not why, but maybe Shotel/Sica? Might indeed need new weapons.
So what weapons should/could/might be racial weapons for whom? Or is that a bad idea (please don't lynch me in this case)?
And what about the Ore/Mineral Dragons (Metallic hybrids)?
Golden/Silver: Electrum (naturally occuring gold/silver alloy)
Gold/Copper: Aurocuprite (Cu3Au)
Silver/Copper: Kutinaite (Cu14Ag6As7)
Brass/Copper: Danbait (CuZn2)
Brass/Bronze: Kesterite (Cu(Fe,Zn)SnS)
Copper/Bronze: Kuramite (Cu2SnS4)
Silver/Bronze: Hocarite (Ag2FeSnS4)
Silver/Brass: Pirquasite (Ag2ZnSnS4)
Gold/Bronze: Orichalcum (second most precious material in Atlantis, "mountain bronze/copper")
Could not find anything for Gold/Brass
Wizard (probably Spell Scholar); either Elf (I can live for Centuries!) or Tiefling (partly fiendish monster, mwahaha!). Might go into Loremaster (if not already scroll scholar).
Alternatively, Alchemist, MAgus, or Sage Sorcerer
High Con and Str, enormous Int, lowered Wis and Cha.
(I am an aspiring absent-minded professor.)
I would invest heavily into Knowledges, particular Arcana, Planes, Dungeneering, Nature and History
The gods... Many interesting ones, especially those that are ...not reallly... intended for PCs (like Abraxas, Dagon, Haagenti, the Major Mythos Monsters), though as I am very nmuch not religious (and considering that "freeroaming soul exploring the multiverse forever" sounds like the best afterlife for me), I would probably be not-worshipper.
Do we keep our metagame knowledge, by the way?
Golarion has two dragon gods: Apsu (Waybringer, the Exiled Wyrm, Maker of All), the god of (metallic) dragons, Glory, Leadership and Peace, and according to the dragons one of the creator gods (LG; Artifice, Good, Earth, Law, Travel).
His enemy is his son Dahak the Destroyer(Sorrowbringer, the Endless Destruction, the False Wyrm), god of evil dragons, destruction and treachery, who created the original metallic dragons as prey for his entertainment (CE; Chaos, Destruction, Evil, Scalykind, Trickery).
In the background there also is Tiamat, the other creator deity, who when the original fight between the above saved Dahak and corrupted wounded metallic dragons into the first chromatic Dragons.

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DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote: Goblins aren't nearly as stupid and cruel as they seem. In their villages they discuss art and philosophy and love books, but they are paid by an enormous purple golems to act like special-school drop outs in front of humanoids.
I think this is my favorite so far...
Pharasma knows what happened to Aroden but refuses to reveal it. Obviously she murdered him.
And she is not actually the nemesis of undeath, but the most important source of undead. Being animated though Pharasma is in fact far worse then by Urgathoa. Oh, and she is a drow vampire.
All gods are nothing but personae of Nethys.
There are no vampires or werewolfs or "aliens" in Ustalav. It is all just a cover up for blasphemous magical experiments.
Desna is not one of the good gods, but rather a spy for some powees from the Dark Tapestry.
Shelyn is a perverse sadomasochist. "Zun-Kuthon", however, is nothing but a meat (or whatever the gods are composed of) puppet controlled by her so she can still pretend to be good and nice. The true Dou-Bral has no controll over his body since Shelyn decided to turn against her family.
We are all controlled by horrible beings from beyond. To them, our entire existence is nothing but a game, and everything is just for entertainment, including death.
Biological immortal means that there is no increase in mortality rate with increased age (which actually means that not individuals are immortal, but populations or larger are). So "does not die from age, but can still be killed" is how immortality is used in our world's sciences.
So how could other classes gain immortality? (Archetype ideas)
Paladin: "Eternal Guard", will fight on as long as evil has not been finally defeated.
Antipaladin: Already has the undead Knight of the Sepulcher. Maybe Slasher-themed?
Barbarian or Fighter: I DO NOT FEAR DEATH! DEATH FEARS ME! Maybe a type who is so tough he can eventually recover from everything?
Cleric: Can be ressurrected easier, as her patron decided that this servant is more useful in the mission than in death, finally allowing them to ressurect themselves in a short interval after death? `Gift for their loyal services?
Witch: Pact for immortality
You shall move to Ustalav! (or the World Wound. Or to Ustalav which then joins the WW)
Meet a Devourer/Daemon!
You are worse than the fiends! (All of them! Combined!)
Aspiring Balor!
Zon-Kuthon holds you in awe!
PS: May you fall into the Pit of Gormuz!
And we need more regional curses!