
Irbis's page

63 posts (70 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 4 aliases.

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Jim.DiGriz wrote:
And here I thought this thread was going to be about some of the posts we see on this forum.

No. That would be Abyssal grammar!

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475: Apparently, last night, you married a Kuthite, and according to your pain, you even consumated it.
476: Did you not see those exoticaly dressed humans and their blue golem, discussing in a bizarre language (fortunatly, I had this tranlation charm avaible) how this town would be a perfect battle field for the next "Adventure Path"? This certainly cannot be a good omen.

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You finally reached the Starstone. Before you lies an immense ikosahedron, each side incribed with strange glyphs.
As you get closer, the Starstone rises high into the air, then suddendly drops down before Jaman, the upper surface marked with a single line. Jaman starts to scream in pain, withers crumbles to dust...
The ikosahedron rises again, landing before Thimolisk. This time, a circle accompied with a curved symbol is to be seen, as Thimoliskk starts to glow with power...

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I think it is also very important to remember that alignments are not about intelligence or sanity: Both the fiendishly clever mastermind controlling the entire city with his thugs and the bullies mindlessly performing the crimes fall under Lawful Evil. Both the berserker who is in "KILL!KILL!KILL!KILL!" mode all the time and the twisted trickster who manipulates entire nations into war or his amusement are cases of Chaotic Evil.

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MagiMaster wrote:

Ideas for destroying all demons:

- Make a deal with Pharasma to send evil souls elsewhere
- Kill all the leaders (there don't have to be infinitely many leaders) and then start a civil war
- Destroy the plane itself (maybe by ramming another plane in to it, or creating an expanding antilife field [assuming that works on demons])

It's a long term goal.


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...and, on that matter, Half-Orcs gain a bonus on intimidate... the TRUE infamous horrible rapist pillaging massmurdering Orcs do not (and have a charisma penalty on top of that)... apparently, orcs are not easy to identify as such!

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Over the course of history, there are many proofs for a group of otherwordly and powerful beings involved in many events throughout the Great Beyond, refering to themselves with the word "Paizo" .
What are their motives? Where do they come from? What are they?
What is their apparent relationshp to the Pathfinder Society? Is it a source for information and events to export to the Paizo home reality, for sale as a game? Are the Decemviri just marionettes? Or even members of Paizo themselves?
And what role do they play in the death of Aroden? Did they kill him? Kidnap him? Why? Is there a connection to the large blue golem reported to have left the sanctum of the Last Azlanti when he seemed to have died?

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For Qlippoth!

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A succubus? Why do all these mortals want to join them? From us you will get more for the price. Follow Abraxas, and you will gain all knowledge and power you can dream of, or more. And certainly, this is better by far than a few copulations.
Abraxas gives you far more for the same price!

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DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote:

Goblins aren't nearly as stupid and cruel as they seem. In their villages they discuss art and philosophy and love books, but they are paid by an enormous purple golems to act like special-school drop outs in front of humanoids.

I think this is my favorite so far...

Pharasma knows what happened to Aroden but refuses to reveal it. Obviously she murdered him.

And she is not actually the nemesis of undeath, but the most important source of undead. Being animated though Pharasma is in fact far worse then by Urgathoa. Oh, and she is a drow vampire.

All gods are nothing but personae of Nethys.

There are no vampires or werewolfs or "aliens" in Ustalav. It is all just a cover up for blasphemous magical experiments.

Desna is not one of the good gods, but rather a spy for some powees from the Dark Tapestry.

Shelyn is a perverse sadomasochist. "Zun-Kuthon", however, is nothing but a meat (or whatever the gods are composed of) puppet controlled by her so she can still pretend to be good and nice. The true Dou-Bral has no controll over his body since Shelyn decided to turn against her family.

We are all controlled by horrible beings from beyond. To them, our entire existence is nothing but a game, and everything is just for entertainment, including death.

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For Iron Man: Dreamscarred has the Aegis (Psionics Expanded- Unlimited Possibilities), who effectively fights in an ectoplasmatic power armor. The Aegis is an intelligence based martial class, you can select a varity of boni for your armour (including strength, con, flight, a ranged attack etc), Knowledge (Engineering), Fly and UMC are Class Skills and you even get some boni on chosen craft skills.
I think it could be relatively useful, though it has some important differences (can be dismissed, can very easily reconfigure it, including the armor type, exists only when used and runs on power points.)
There is no SRD to be found about it, but you can find beta versions and sample views and they are avaible in the development version of Pcgen.
Hope this is helpful.

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Aroden was murdered by the rulers of Paizo. This is why they know what happened but will not tell us.
(Which of course could be said about deceased fictional character and its author.)

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Chosen of Iomedae wrote:

You were strong in life, always vailiant and just. You will find your way to the halls of our Lady Iomedae and sit at teh table of our fathers. Should we meet again on this side of the line than we'll raise a mug and lift our swords once more.

That sounds more like Cayden Cailean or Valhalla to me.

"O Brother, as so many, you have fought for the just and the right, and have fallen for your, our, the cause of Iomedae. But Justice will honour you and everyone who dies serving the greater good of Iomedae, the Inheritor.
For everyone who falls for the cause of justice and valor, we who remain have to fight harder to honour them, for even with death, not all is lost. The righteous shall return. And even when great Aroden, the Last Atzlanti, died, did Iomedae despair and give up? No! She, the Inheritor, took up his sword to fight on!
You may have died, Brother, but I will get you back to our world. And even should I fail- the judgement shall hit those villains even harder! And this shall be my vow: I will bring the Justice of Iomedae down on this Cult, and I shall not rest till we are united again, either fighting them or having died trying!
Hail Iomedae the Inheritor!"

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For Galt:"(Cursed One) for (Revolutionaíry Dictator Title)!"

You spawn of Rovagug!
You son/daughter/whatever of Lamashtu!

I will tell the Inevitables (or Hounds of Tindalos)!

Pazuz ...er...

For the villains: "I should have called myself adventurer!"

More of those innuendos:
Twosided Wand/Rod of Nethys!
I would also love to be Iomedae's 'sword'...
Key of Sire Adabar!
And Asmodeus puts his pen into the inkpot!