
Idris Runasdottir's page

Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 28 posts (34 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 5 Organized Play characters.

Shadow Lodge 1/5

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PMSchulz wrote:
There is no Knowledge (Uptight A**holes) skill.

Yes there is, it's just called Knowledge (Nobility).

According to my husband and one VC, I am allowed to use my Prehensile Hair to flirt with Paracountess Zarta Dralneen.

Shadow Lodge 1/5

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This is pinned at the top of our local group's FB page, and has been told to our regulars. Not because it has been an issue, but rather in the hopes of prevention. We'd rather people know what to do and never use it, than vice verse.

"Sexual harassment, physical or verbal abuse, and other untoward conduct between players or characters will not be tolerated in Pathfinder Society. If you feel that someone is acting inappropriately and you feel uncomfortable, ask your GM to step in. If s/he is unwilling to get involved, or does not help to resolve the situation, contact the Venture-Lieutenant [contact info]. Or, if you are more comfortable speaking to a woman, come to me [I'm married to the VL]. Character on character violence is strictly forbidden in Society play."

That being said, we tend to play in private homes (mostly for lack of access to public venues) where things can be a bit more lax. If there are minors around, even if they're 17, I am stricter about policing behaviours and language.

Shadow Lodge 1/5

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One of my players is GM'ing for her first time tonight, and the poor thing has one of THOSE players. She's already had to tell him, "No, you can't have white phosphorous."

Shadow Lodge 1/5

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Auke Teeninga wrote:

It sounds liek the start of a joke:

Your Eidolon is so stupid...

...when you say "Charge" he goes looking for a power socket!

(Who can do better? Best one will get a boon!)

Your Eidolon is so stupid...

when you say "Flee!" he sits down to scratch.

Shadow Lodge 1/5

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thejeff wrote:
Unknown Ediology wrote:
So, how have other GMs managed to get their players to go investigate the gnome? How do you pique their curiosity?
We just went over and talked to him. Of course, I was playing a gnome, so that might have helped.

Ugh, my GM at PaizoCon kept crying out in the most annoying voice, "FREE THE GNOME!" He was wearing one of the awesome goblin hats, and I told him (both IC/OOC) that I was going to tear his ears off if he wasn't quiet while the adults talked. It was tempting to set him free just to shut him up, but luckily our sense motives were good.

Shadow Lodge 1/5

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Strike 1: Metagaming
Strike 2: Violation of the Don't be a Jerk rule
Strike 3: Picking on a new player

Report them. Now. Do not pass go, do not collect 200 gold. This is something for which I would kick players from my table. What's worse is, is that they are GM's. If this is how they act when playing... *Shakes head*

Shadow Lodge 1/5

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If you ever find yourself on Vancouver Island, you are welcome! (Unless I get enough experience under my belt and the insane desire to volunteer for PaizoCon next year).

Shadow Lodge

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Grolick wrote:
sliverofjade wrote:
Grolick wrote:
NoStrings wrote:
Grolick wrote:
zylphryx wrote:
MisterSlanky wrote:
We know Mike responds well to beer, specifically craft beer. He also likes precious moments figurines and anything with the Seahawks logo on it. Only one of the above statements is true.
It's the figurines, isn't it?
Funny, I thought it was New York Mets logos he liked.
I thought it was the Winnipeg Jets that he liked. At least I heard he used to like them before they moved. ;)
Then you might think he like Calgary Flames as well....
Sure it's not the Toronto Maple Leafs?
Why would it be the Maple Leafs?

The Maple Leafs are like whales, they get confused when surrounded by ice. ;P