
Idris Runasdottir's page

Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 28 posts (34 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 5 Organized Play characters.

Shadow Lodge 1/5

Last night was my first time running PFS and second time ever as a GM. I chose Icebound Outpost as it was in my husband's library, and seemed easy enough to cut my teeth on for a low-tier table.

But then they managed to talk themselves out of combat. Multiple times. Ridiculously high rolls vs. laughably low rolls. And a rastafarian halfling bard.

they took the Aspis badges off of the three lookouts to lend credibility to their ruse.

As this is a notoriously high-combat scenario, and their goal is to wipe out the Aspis base, I had them succeed in some parts and fail in others. For example, they succeeded against the scrollmaster, but not her bodyguard.

How do you handle situations like this? It worked really well, and quite ingeniously, but am interested in how others handle players who find creative solutions to combat.