Male Qlippoth-spawn Tiefling Sorcerer 2 (HP 16/16; AC 9 / T 9 / FF 9; F +3, R -1, W +6; perception +10)
Horliths eyes bulge. Black bile seeps from his wounds. His slimy tongue lolls to the side. "Mee jeez ku, loca Planeet..." He gasps. He topples to the side. He tries to catch himself with a withered claw, but it snaps audibly and he sprawls on the floor. His tail twitches one last time. Very quietly he whispers a single word. "Rosebud."
Male Qlippoth-spawn Tiefling Sorcerer 2 (HP 16/16; AC 9 / T 9 / FF 9; F +3, R -1, W +6; perception +10)
I goofed. I really meant Horlith to avoid an attack of opportunity that round. That's why I said "Then Horlith moves to BD10, around the pillar to which he is currently adjacent so as to avoid provoking an attack of opportunity." But I did say BD10, when I meant BD11, so the step from BD11 to BD10 did provoke an attack. Still, it's a good way for Horlith to go. This was going to be his last scenario, as he's been superseded by my wayang sorcerer with toppling magic missiles.
Male Qlippoth-spawn Tiefling Sorcerer 2 (HP 16/16; AC 9 / T 9 / FF 9; F +3, R -1, W +6; perception +10)
After being healed, Horlith shoots Inoklar again! Magic Missile 3: 2d4 + 2 ⇒ (4, 3) + 2 = 9 I believe there are two shots left after that. Then Horlith moves to BD10, around the pillar to which he is currently adjacent so as to avoid provoking an attack of opportunity.
Male Qlippoth-spawn Tiefling Sorcerer 2 (HP 16/16; AC 9 / T 9 / FF 9; F +3, R -1, W +6; perception +10)
Then Horlith, as part of his action, after shooting the magic missile, will move to BB9, by following a route along the wall in the 9 row. "The vile barbarian is over here, cowering behind that next pillar," he says, gesturing with his withered hand toward the next pillar to the south (this map is seriously turned around!), just before he comes within the reach of her bloody horsechopper. Peppin can move to AZ9 and attack Inoklar from cover without provoking an attack of opportunity.
Male Qlippoth-spawn Tiefling Sorcerer 2 (HP 16/16; AC 9 / T 9 / FF 9; F +3, R -1, W +6; perception +10)
Derek, Horlith made the DC of the spot check to see Inoklar, but he is not on the map. Also, I said Horlith was going to move to provide a flank unless Inoklar moved so far that Peppin could not possibly reach her to attack her this round. However, that part of the intentions is not in the list. Are those oversights, or did you mean to imply that Inoklar is indeed too far away for Peppin to attack? In either event, Horlith will shout out where Inoklar is hiding-e.g., "The vile barbarian is cowering behind the throne."
Male Qlippoth-spawn Tiefling Sorcerer 2 (HP 16/16; AC 9 / T 9 / FF 9; F +3, R -1, W +6; perception +10)
"Got him!" Horlith again shoots at Inoklar, then moves to provoke an attack of opportunity and set up a flank for Peppin (unless Inoklar moved so far that Peppin cannot possibly reach him to attack this round, in which case Horlith stays put). Magic Missile 3: 2d4 + 2 ⇒ (2, 2) + 2 = 6
Male Qlippoth-spawn Tiefling Sorcerer 2 (HP 16/16; AC 9 / T 9 / FF 9; F +3, R -1, W +6; perception +10)
Guys, I am going to be away this weekend. I have to go to Florida to visit my mom. She's really ill and only has about 6 weeks left, according to her doctors. I'm going to be out of the loop from this evening through late Monday night. I don't want to hold up the game, so here is what Horlith does, assuming he's awake: The infernal healing active on Horlith went into effect in round 7 of the flush. It's last round of effect will therefore be round 16. Horlith has 4 charges on his wand of magic missile 3 left. He will trigger the wand each round, sending 2 missiles toward Inoklar. He will continue to stay by Inoklar to provide a flank with his maw. If Inoklar goes down, Horlith has one flask of acid left. He will 5' step to somewhere that pulling it out does not provoke an attack of opportunity, look for Versevosh, and use it on him. Horlith's Perception check is +10 (+12 in dim illumination) to find Versevosh. Horlith's ranged touch attack to use the acid is +0. If Inoklar and/or Versevosh provoke an attack of opportunity from Horlith, his maw attack is +0 to hit does 1d6 damage.
Male Qlippoth-spawn Tiefling Sorcerer 2 (HP 16/16; AC 9 / T 9 / FF 9; F +3, R -1, W +6; perception +10)
"Doctor, please wait to heal until I have moved. I may need it." Horlith shoots two magic missiles from his wand at Inoklar. Magic Missile 3: 2d4 + 2 ⇒ (1, 3) + 2 = 6 Horlith then slithers to BD11, intentionally provoking an attack of opportunity from Inoklar, to set up a diagonal flank for Peppin if Peppin moves to BD13.
Male Qlippoth-spawn Tiefling Sorcerer 2 (HP 16/16; AC 9 / T 9 / FF 9; F +3, R -1, W +6; perception +10)
Apparently, he does. He took an AOO on Joadric when he moved out of his threat range. Furthermore, his pog is 5' away from Peppin's pog on the current map, but he did not move away from Peppin after attacking him last round.
Male Qlippoth-spawn Tiefling Sorcerer 2 (HP 16/16; AC 9 / T 9 / FF 9; F +3, R -1, W +6; perception +10)
Oh, good point. Maybe go full defense? If Dr. Remulac lets off a healing burst this round, Horlith can shoot a magic missile next round, then move to draw an AOO from Inoklar so Peppin can move in next round.
Male Qlippoth-spawn Tiefling Sorcerer 2 (HP 16/16; AC 9 / T 9 / FF 9; F +3, R -1, W +6; perception +10)
Horlith looks for Versevosh. Perception: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (6) + 12 = 18 Then he rerolls, using my "Year of the Phoenix" t-shirt. Perception: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (6) + 12 = 18 Not seeing Versevosh, Horlith turns to Ekkie: "E chu ta, Inoklar! Ekkie is with us now and is the new leader of the goblins, aren't you, Ekkie?" Horlith pauses. "If you aren't with us, you are with them, and you will have to die." Horlith slithers 5' to AY12. He then reaches into his bandolier and pulls out a flask of acid, provoking an attack of opportunity from Ekkie. If she takes it, he fires his wand of magic missiles 3 at her. Magic Missile 3: 2d4 + 2 ⇒ (4, 1) + 2 = 7 If she doesn't take it, he hurls the flask at Inoklar. Ranged touch: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (13) + 0 = 13 Damage: 1d6 ⇒ 6 acid
Male Qlippoth-spawn Tiefling Sorcerer 2 (HP 16/16; AC 9 / T 9 / FF 9; F +3, R -1, W +6; perception +10)
To be clear, I am suggesting that: (1) Peppin double move to be even with Horlith;
We're still two rounds from Dr. Remulac showing up, and we've potentially got some sleepy-eyed goblins following him shortly thereafter.
Male Qlippoth-spawn Tiefling Sorcerer 2 (HP 16/16; AC 9 / T 9 / FF 9; F +3, R -1, W +6; perception +10)
On Horlith's turn he shouts, "Joadric, use your necklace when you return!!" Then he glances about for the greeneyed goblin. Perception:1d20 + 12 ⇒ (7) + 12 = 19 Spotting him, Horlith sends two more magic missiles streaking toward his hiding spot. Magic Missile 3:2d4 + 2 ⇒ (1, 1) + 2 = 4 "Little halfling, make your way over here if you can," Horlith calls, gesturing with his wand toward the entrance to the audience chamber. "Things are about to get hot!" [ooc]Horlith and Joadric will heal 1 point from infernal healing this round, and Joadric should have healed one point last round.[ooc]
Male Qlippoth-spawn Tiefling Sorcerer 2 (HP 16/16; AC 9 / T 9 / FF 9; F +3, R -1, W +6; perception +10)
I was simultaneously expressing my astonishment that I have used so many charges, which are quite expensive and irreplaceable, and my relief that I have 5 shots left that can help keep this battle from becoming a TPK. Horlith's spells do not affect Versevosh, because he has too many hit dice and apparently had a brooch of shielding or had a shield extract going. Unfortunately, shield lasts too long to hope that it has dropped and brooches have too many charges to hope that it is expended. I assume Inoklar, as Versevosh's boss, similarly has too many hit dice to be affected by daze and sleep. Shots from my wand of magic missile 1 are not going to bring anyone down very quickly. However, five shots from the wand of magic missile 3 may just turn the tide, if we survive long enough for Horlith to get them off. Since, then, however, I had another idea that may prove much more effective. That will have to wait another round, though!
Male Qlippoth-spawn Tiefling Sorcerer 2 (HP 16/16; AC 9 / T 9 / FF 9; F +3, R -1, W +6; perception +10)
"Yavoo! Ya-voo! Ya-fraking-voo, and chowbasa!" Translation from Abyssal: "Hail! Hail! Hail, and welcome!" There is, unfortunately, no way to say thank you in Abyssal (aka Huttese), see
Oh, I just looked on the comments on the FAQ for the Kickstarter project. Someone posted that customer service says it will come out when the Emerald Spire comes out, in June 2014. Boo! Here's a link: sandbox-mmo/posts/471199?ref=activity
Folks, it's a Chronicle sheet, not a computer program. And it's currently showing as available in June 2014 now that the "My Pledge Drives" page is active. That's more than a year after the announced date. For a chronicle sheet. I suppose there's some explanation about tying it into the computer game, but it's a chronicle sheet for the Pathfinder Society. It should not take all that long to prepare, certainly not another 13 months! I'm really hoping that June 2014 is an error and they meant June 2013. I'm seriously disappointed.
Male Qlippoth-spawn Tiefling Sorcerer 2 (HP 16/16; AC 9 / T 9 / FF 9; F +3, R -1, W +6; perception +10)
Horlith places the wand of infernal healing back in its spring-loaded wrist sheath as a move action, pops out the wand of magic missiles 3 as a swift action, and sends 2 magic missiles streaming toward the monster. Magic Missile 3:2d4 + 2 ⇒ (2, 2) + 2 = 6 "Nee choo, Bocha-charkee!!" Translation from Abyssal: "Die, Meat-mouth!"
Male Qlippoth-spawn Tiefling Sorcerer 2 (HP 16/16; AC 9 / T 9 / FF 9; F +3, R -1, W +6; perception +10)
That's fine with me. Peppin can speak to Inoklar during that time. Can you let me know whether Horlith perceives anything in addition to that which has already been discussed with his DC 27 Perception check once he arrives? We are coming up on the time when the little goblins will awake. Is it safe to assume that Dr. Remulac and the dog are still back there with them and will serve as a speed bump if they wake up? I hate to be setting us up to knifed in the back in a few rounds.
Male Qlippoth-spawn Tiefling Sorcerer 2 (HP 16/16; AC 9 / T 9 / FF 9; F +3, R -1, W +6; perception +10)
Casting infernal healing is a full-round action, even from a wand. At best Horlith can move 5' to be closer to Joadric when the spell goes off. Horlith peers into the room as he enters.
Shoot, I just looked at the map. I didn't realize that Horlith was not to the room yet. Horlith slithers forward, to AQ8 and beings casting infernal healing on Joadric from the wand.
Male Qlippoth-spawn Tiefling Sorcerer 2 (HP 16/16; AC 9 / T 9 / FF 9; F +3, R -1, W +6; perception +10)
Horlith heals 1 point from infernal healing, so is no longer hindered. He then double moves, following the rest of the party. He will continue to double move until he catches up to Joadric. He will then cast infernal healing on Joadric. I'm probably giving you multiple rounds of actions, but that is intentional, as I will be out of the loop until Saturday morning some time.
Male Qlippoth-spawn Tiefling Sorcerer 2 (HP 16/16; AC 9 / T 9 / FF 9; F +3, R -1, W +6; perception +10)
Assuming that Dr. Remulac oders the dog to guard the sleeping goblins, Horlith follows Peppin Squek, fast slithering (double move plus his sprint power, which increases his speed to 40) across the caltrop-ridden bridge to AB22. If, however, the goblins are unguarded, knowing that they will wake in approximately 18 or 19 rounds, Horlith remains behind to guard them. In such case, his fast slither across the caltrop-ridden bridge ends at AA27. Horlith will spend his guard time gently searching the four sleeping goblins. He throws any non-masterwork weapons he finds into the pit. He pull out a cloak and puts any alchemists' fire and masterwork items he finds onto it. The plan is to jettison those items into the pit if something wakes the goblins.
Male Qlippoth-spawn Tiefling Sorcerer 2 (HP 16/16; AC 9 / T 9 / FF 9; F +3, R -1, W +6; perception +10)
Horlith says to Dr. Remulac, "Can you order the dog to guard the sleeping goblins? That should be enough to keep Ekkie or anyone else from waking them up prematurely. Once we finish off their leader, Ekkie may want to take over this gang and will need some back up."
Male Qlippoth-spawn Tiefling Sorcerer 2 (HP 16/16; AC 9 / T 9 / FF 9; F +3, R -1, W +6; perception +10)
Mitch, Peppin can't just 5' to hit Versevosh becasue the goblin moved. I presume he withdrew. It looks like Peppin has to move 50' to be able to hit Versevosh, and even then there would be cover. Horlith shouts to Ekkie, "Ekkie, who or what is an 'Inoklar'?"
Male Qlippoth-spawn Tiefling Sorcerer 2 (HP 16/16; AC 9 / T 9 / FF 9; F +3, R -1, W +6; perception +10)
Horlith breaks off casting sleep (losing the spell). As a swift action he pops the wand of magic missiles 3 into his hand. As a standard action he sends two missiles streaking toward Versevosh. Magic Missile 3:2d4 + 2 ⇒ (4, 4) + 2 = 10 Then he slithers forward to Z31.
Male Qlippoth-spawn Tiefling Sorcerer 2 (HP 16/16; AC 9 / T 9 / FF 9; F +3, R -1, W +6; perception +10)
Actually, I really did want to do another sleep in case Versovosh decides to try to wake the henchmen and/or dog, or in case a splash does it for him. Horlith gets 6 a day, and I've cast two, so he has the spells left. I also might get lucky and be able to sleep Versovosh himself depending on his HD.
Male Qlippoth-spawn Tiefling Sorcerer 2 (HP 16/16; AC 9 / T 9 / FF 9; F +3, R -1, W +6; perception +10)
Horlith casts sleep, targeting the goblins on the far side of the bridge (he should be able to get them all in the 10' burst). He then commences casting sleep again. If Dr. Remulac doesn't announce an action for the second round, could he please move to Z35 or 36 and channel positive energy for 2d6 to help out Joadric and Peppin? If so he heals 2d6 ⇒ (3, 3) = 6.
Male Qlippoth-spawn Tiefling Sorcerer 2 (HP 16/16; AC 9 / T 9 / FF 9; F +3, R -1, W +6; perception +10)
I'll be out of touch most of the day tomorrow. In case you need intentions for round three before I can check in again, Horlith will cast sleep where he can catch the most goblins (including Versevosh's dog) without catching PCs or Ekkie. His DC is 17, but all the goblins (except Versevosh) and the dog take a -4 penalty from the lullaby. Once the spell is cast, Horlith will begin casting it again.
Male Qlippoth-spawn Tiefling Sorcerer 2 (HP 16/16; AC 9 / T 9 / FF 9; F +3, R -1, W +6; perception +10)
GM Derek wrote: No healing after last fight? - I don't see where the party healed up after the last fight with the alchemist. Correct me if I'm wrong. Unfortunately, I think you are correct. I searched the posts and don't see any post-fight healing other than Horlith casting infernal healing on the dog, which is accounted for.
Male Qlippoth-spawn Tiefling Sorcerer 2 (HP 16/16; AC 9 / T 9 / FF 9; F +3, R -1, W +6; perception +10)
Dr. Remulac wrote: The Doctor moves to W37. He readies an action to order the dog to attack any goblin other than Ekkie who does not succumb to Horlith's ministrations. Chris, no one is going to succumb the the spell. It's setting up some later sleep attempts. The goblin alchemist in the last room did not succumb to sleep, so I doubt the boss mob in this room will, either.
Male Qlippoth-spawn Tiefling Sorcerer 2 (HP 16/16; AC 9 / T 9 / FF 9; F +3, R -1, W +6; perception +10)
Horlith chuckles softly to himself, "Chuba winkee ateba. You sleep now," he thinks to himself. He then casts [i]lullaby (centered on the goblin at AA26, which should get them all in a 10' burst). Lullably is a mind-affecting enchantment. I think the DC is 17: Base 10;
Anyone who fails takes a -5 on perception checks and a -4 on Will saves vs. sleep effects.
Male Qlippoth-spawn Tiefling Sorcerer 2 (HP 16/16; AC 9 / T 9 / FF 9; F +3, R -1, W +6; perception +10)
"It is time for our revenge. If we kill this Versevosh, perhaps we can convince the others to stand down. Like the alchemist, he probably is immune to my best spells. I will use my wands to try to draw them out." Horlith pops out his wand of magic missiles 3, slithers back quietly to X36 and shoots two missiles at the dog-riding goblin. Magic Missile 3:2d4 + 2 ⇒ (1, 1) + 2 = 4