Ghostly Guard

Himo Naïlo's page

69 posts. Alias of ‘Eκάτη.


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Any updates on the game?

Thanx again .)

I beg to differ with you .)

Advanced Player's Guide pg. 44 wrote:
Wasting: Your body is slowly rotting away.

It seems to me that the word "rotting" means much more than just "sick and not getting enough sun". Just put "rotting person" words in Google search, click on the picture and see what it shows you (and it's better not to eat anything at this time).

I must say that there is literally a lich curse that does exactly what I described in the backstory - you spontaneously became almost undead, but not to the end. I would take it, BUT there is a problem here. The Undying in Eberron are undead filled with positive energy (and that's the beauty of them), and the curse of the lich turns you towards negative energy, alas.

So. Will we be able to represent my character as a "zombie elf" in appearance? .)

> Looks like you have thought about this a great deal.

Yep, that's how it was. The concept of this oracle elf appeared many months ago when I was thinking about interesting for me characters in different settings.

> However, I'll craft adventure scenes where you might shine.

Thanks! I appreciate this!

Greetings! I present to you Himo Naïlo, NG elven oracle of life, who has accumulated too much of this very life .)


Himo is an Aereni elf who has diligently studied the history of his people and, like any decent elf, worships the Undying Court. Perhaps this immersion in the culture of his people and fervent faith, or the fact that from birth he conducted a lot of Irian's energy through his body, all this led to the unexpected: the process of turning into the Undying started in him spontaneously, without any rituals (and permissions).

It is obvious to Himo that he has not yet earned such a transformation, and besides, it stopped somewhere in the middle. He already looks like he's Undying, but he hasn't actually become one yet.

On the one hand, it is certainly a sign of his great destiny. On the other hand, becoming Undying still needs to be earned.

Thus, Himo collected a minimum of belongings, imitating the heroes of antiquity, and left Aerenal, to gain fame in the wilder and more dangerous places of Eberron.


Mechanically, it is the oracle of life, aimed at knowledge and healing. His curse, wasting, says that his body looks decomposed (and gives penalties to all social skills except intimidation)... Just what you need for such an elf.

His archetype, Ancient Lorekeeper, by the way, gives a half-level bonus for any knowledge checks related to elves, and Breadth of Experience feat gives + 2 to all knowledge checks and the ability to do these checks even without ranks. In general, he is a great expert in everything related to elves .)

I have always loved the idea of an Undying Court and "good undead", imbued with the energy of a positive energy plane, and I will be happy to play as an elf who embodies this idea and image. I am very interested in the reaction of the NPCs and the world in general to such an elf who looks like the undead but behaves completely differently from what would be expected of him...

Charsheet is ready, in the character's profile.

I think we should finish it. EltonJ, please mark this game as inactive so that it does not take up space. Thank you in advance. And thank you for GMing, it was a curious idea and I sincerely liked my character.

Here too

(that would be fine)

Himo passes the space coffee poured into instant-recyclable-non-plastic-cups to all his comrades. It seems... when did he just have time to order it? Oh, I have wonderful news. I think we're on the trail of a Claw. I have coordinates, passwords and the mood to do them a dirty trick. And yes Dreams, ideally make money on it too.

Time to retire. Himo puts away his blaster and does his best to blend in with the crowd.

If the cops are close enough and I see that the cultists will be captured, then I will offer to retreat. If not, now I will definitely finish them off.

Perhaps we want to join your ranks!

Well, give us the coordinates and password!

Gods, what an idiot he is. And where is your contact or your base? I'll take it there myself if you can't handle it.

What for?

That's nice. That's nice... Himo responds thoughtfully to these words.

If yes.

Himo directs his hand at the bandit who did not hide behind cover. Stay right there. He smiles and puts his index finger to his temple and slightly closes his eyes. Daze, DC14 will

Pulsecaster Pistol (Double Tap): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (3) + 7 = 101d3 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6 vs EAC; nonlethal

Himo shoots, dramatically misses and runs over the nearest shelter +4 AC for cover please .)

Ahahah, it's amazing ))))

A close-up shot of Himo's face. His eyebrows rise in surprise, but only for a second - after all, he knows perfectly well that his ancestors are leading him. A shot of a hand reaching for a gun. The frame of the whole figure: Himo, slightly bent, all flexible long-armed and long-legged, shoots from the hip.

Pulsecaster Pistol (Double Tap): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 141d3 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4 vs EAC; nonlethal

I feel a little lost, I think I need a push forward .)

Damn smart. I think it's worth looking for ends on computers.

Himo gathers everyone at a table. Guys, good news. There is a "branch" of the Emerald Claw here. There are rumors, and not a few. And that means we can kick their ass, make money on it and be good guys. But the bad news is that I didn't investigate as well as Dreams danced, and I haven't found out where to look for them yet. Any ideas where to start?

Himo walks into a bar. As usual, conversations die down for a moment when a new face appears, but only for a moment. This is a port bar, and there are a lot of strange guests here. Himo orders himself and his friends a drink, sits for a while, and then outlines with an experienced look the necessary goals for the conversation. He takes a glass and goes to someone else's table... And no one knows that the "Experienced Look" came from the voice of one of his ancestors, the famous investigator and inquisitor of the Undying Court, who is now whispering in his mind and looking at the world through Himo's eyes...

Profession: Detective: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (14) + 11 = 25
I want to find out about the Emerald Claw and this planet. Why was this planet or this city the target of the terrorist attack? Maybe someone has heard something, someone will be able to give a clue and so on. Maybe there is a Claw cell here that coordinated the upcoming terrorist attack? Or was someone actively in conflict with the Claw? Etc.


There is always a bar and there is always someone who knows something about something that he shouldn't know about. Himo smiles thoughtfully, tossing a coin and catching it. Then, having made some decision, he will nod to the team saying let's take a look there for a while.

Have we rested? Can I assume that this is a new day and I can consult with the spirits of my ancestors anew? If yes, then I take the profession (detective) instead of mercenary ))

I'd rather solve the case. Emerald Claw is already illegal in most civilized places. Or anywhere at all, I'm not sure... We will not spoil their reputation in any way above how they have already ruined it for themselves.

A close-up shot of Himo's face. His almost formal tone is clearly not combined with a sly smile. If you have an idea and it can be profitable - state it.

Himo puts his hand on the shoulder of the indignant android and does not say anything to her. Everything is clear without words.

Thank you. It's honest money. Elf nods and goes to the bridge.

Charming. At least he's not an agent of the Emerald Claw.

Himo approaches the incredulous officer directly and begins to tell the whole story anew, in great detail. He makes a special emphasis on the fact that it makes no sense for him and his team to poison the cargo - they will simply become criminals wanted throughout the galaxy. Those who commit such crimes are just trying to cover their tracks. The same cannot be said about us, simple and honest merchants and carriers who communicate face to face with the authorities, openly and honestly...

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 27

Himo continues to stare at these people. The camera zooms in on his eyes, in which hidden anger begins to burn deep down. He does not like injustice, and doubly he does not like it when it is directed at him or his friends. I'm sorry, I'm getting a call. He will walk away for a while, pretending to be on the phone, and around the corner quickly conjures a mind-reading spell - so as not to attract attention by casting a spell. After removing the phone, he returns. Officers. So what's the question? We ourselves have sent you a report that part of the cargo has been poisoned.

Detect Thoughts from each officer, DC15 Will. I hope that my question will cause superficial thoughts about their motives - which I will be able to read.

Himo squints dangerously. He likes these official idiots less and less. He tries to understand their intentions...

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (18) + 11 = 29
Does it look like they're going to blame us for everything?

Hey guys! I'm back, I've dealt with most of the most vital things that have accumulated over the two weeks of my absence, and I'm going back to the games (by the way, the retreat was amazing!). As I expected, there are several hundred messages waiting for me on the forum, which I will read smoothly. The deadline for returning to absolutely all games is Saturday. I hug everyone! See you in gameplay thread .)

Hello everyone!

I'm going away for two weeks, and I'll be without internet at all. This is a yoga and meditation retreat with complete disconnection from the outside world. I will be in touch from May 15, I will start playing from about the 16th. I tried to reduce the number of games to a minimum (without starting to play new oneshots for some time), with such an eye that after returning I only needed to read a couple of hundred posts, and not around a thousand, as it could be with my usual 15+ games at the same time. So I think I'll switch back on quickly!

I can vouch for him, too. If it wasn't for him, we wouldn't have found out about the poisoning.

Himo approaches and pats the right container. This one.

Let's go. I'm not sure what is required of me right now. We will show them the whole cargo in general and the poisoned cargo in particular .)

No ranks in computers, sorry

The camera shows Himo's face in close-up, which expresses a lazy friendly. Of course, Officer. And now let's get down to business? The smile is polite and not even formal, but the eyes look wary.

Greetings to you. Himo makes a casual gesture, as if giving a military greeting, but only very lazy. We have a cargo here, part of which is poisoned by the Emerald Claw terrorists. We learned about this from a caring guy whose relatives live here. Come on, we'll show you and tell you everything.

In general, my line of thought is this: I'm going to tell the authorities everything as it is. We have a witness and there is a really poisoned cargo - but we didn't poison it. Maybe it's a little boring, but my character really sees no reason to somehow get out of this situation. No objections, team? ...And I will emphasize that Himo will make sure that the wererat does not run away from us if a witness is really needed.

Himo bounces slightly in his seat when landing hard, but does not comment on it in any way. It seems that his thoughts are occupied only by the Emerald Claw - an organization that he and others like him hate with all their soul.

I'm here, just wanted to leave room for other players to act.

I've been GMing all 6 books of Dead Suns AP and played 9 books of 3 APs (Aeon Throne, Signal of Screams, Devastation Ark) sequentially from level 1 to level 20 and didn't see that this was a problem for most of the characters. Only power armor lovers suffered a little. For everyone else, there was quite a lot of loot. Instead of an outdated gun, you will soon find a new one etc.

This is my gaming experience, it certainly may differ from yours )
And anyway, if they offer alternative rules to meet the needs of different players it will be great.

> How is everyone enjoying the campaign so far?

Yep )

> Yeah the murder market economy is one of Starfinder's weaker aspects.

On the contrary, I like this part of this system. Makes the value of the finds much higher. And also significantly increases the importance of awards from the mission customer - usually all major purchases are made with this money.

DR34-M12 wrote:
Himo, doesn't your court have like a quest of vengeance against them or something?"


Oh yeah. This is an abomination according to our concepts. And they themselves, and what they want to create. It's a pity that this carrion, this mold, this infection has existed for centuries... I think we will really contact the authorities and warn them.

Himo stands with his hands on his hips. Having an Emerald Claw among my enemies is not so bad, because I don't need such friends. He looks at the wererat. Do you know that you owe us a fare? When Seo-Yeon begins to read interloper's mind, Himo only smiles at the resourcefulness of another elf. And waits for the results.

I'll do it, thanks

Realizing that to deal with this on the spur of the moment will not work, Himo plunges into a more thorough search.

In the name of the Ancestors! The Emerald Claw! Himo takes off his mask, hangs it back on his forearm and begins to inspect the barrels.

Medicine: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (1) + 9 = 10

This is the third consecutive natural 1 in three different games I have in the last couple of hours. Bot God curses me for not spending enough time on PbP the last couple of weeks? )

> I'm really thrilled about the new book Starfinder Enhanced!

Same )

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (3) + 11 = 14 - lying?

Fine. And why did you warn us? What is the goal? Altruism?

Himo slaps Pax lightly on the shoulder and nods towards the doors, where he goes next. He also gives a hand signal to everyone else, as saying let's go and hurry up before wererat gets out of there.

I'll remind everyone. We need him alive. Himo says this, and then removes from his forearm a golden mask in the form of an elf's skull with shining gems and puts it on his face. Holy ancestors, guide my hand, for the hunt has begun. At these moments, in his dark suit, he always looks stylish but a little creepy.

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