Herkymr the Silly 688's page

No posts. Organized Play character for Herkymr the Silly.

So, may already have been answered but I can't find official clarification.

Are alchemical items considered magical?

This would mean you could detect them with detect magic and that you could only craft 1/day. I understood but need clarification, that alchemical items are not magical but imitate a magic effect with less chance of success (lower dc's)

Can someone clarify or provide a link clarifying this conundrum?

Looking for 1 to 2 additional players. We had a player bail on us by ghosting out so we are looking for 1 or 2 more people.
We currently have a ranger(guide) shaman barbarian and bard. a skill monkey or full caster would be a great addition but build what you want we can adapt.

here is the campaign page Explorations of the new

hop into the discussion link and feel free to talk with the players. I will leave recruitment open for a couple of days (probably monday or tuesday night)

Basic building. (I verify all final selections using herolab.)

Character creation:
20 point buy- level 3 start

approved 3pp only must give me a link

Most races ok.

No gunslinger but most other classes ok. If you have question on it then ask though I am good with most things

3500 gold start wealth

2 traits if they classify as a campaign trait please run it by me but probably ok

Things to consider
hp is max first then roll on forum for next 1's rerolled
no psionics or occult as I have no background in either of those.
Background skills are ok as long as tied firmly in the backstory --any skill can be background skill upon approval make an argument I can see for consideration..pm personally prefered.
I will try to post once a day and want the players to expect the same rate of posting for them. I work 10 hrs with mon and thur off so those days may be a bit quicker/heavier on posting from my end and I will never require a post on sunday.


head here for official recruitment
official recruitment link

I posted as an interest check and am now posting as an official recruitment.

I will be choosing players saturday or sunday ( I live in Utah usa) and game will start no later than 22nd of august (roughly 1 week from sat.) So please submit asap

The world of vast jungles and mangroves await. ALthough desert and plains do exist in smaller areas. The scimitar range is an almost impassable wall of stone that runs straight up. Those that wander from the trade routes find themselves amongst a variety of flora and fauna. Much of it is deadly in one way or another. Primitive tribes exist but mostly they have been sheltered from the outside and do not have a common language. Rain in the jungle is harsh and daily. The occasional acid rain is also known. Creatures of unknown origin and flavor have been rumored or seen.

Here is where you all decide what setup you want your party.

will follow the standard rules just in a homebuilt map series. I have the maps built (from gimp) and am pretty much ready to go. I have 2 players already if we have enough interest and would like 3 more.
If there is interest I will post the world map for cosideration.

The bestiary refers to building creatures from the basic monster creation rules rather than say using the adjustments for lycanthropy/were creatures. However, I can find no such set of rules. AM I missing something or are they not out yet?

Here is My name on forums
Game Master Herkymr the Silly

Herkymr the Silly's Untitled Campaign (Inactive)
currently my recruitment thread is marked to the above campaign.
I thought I had attached it to this campaign which is where it needs to be.

Mangroves of the Desert
Game Master Herkymr the Silly

Not sure what happened that I even have an untitled campaign unless it happened when I started gming way back when.

HOW do i fix the recruitment thread to direct to the proper campaign?

We are seeking 1-3 active players to add into our active campaign. Recently we lost 2 due to life complications.

Our campaign is fairly laid back in style. We ask that you post atleast once a day when possible. Those that cannot but still actively and constructively contribute to the group we are willing to work with on a trial basis first.

Feel free to look over and read discussion and game play to get a feel for us. Also feel free to message any questions about style game etc. to me or if about my dm style etc welcome to send it to my players with or without me knowing.

Our party consists of
a monk {unchained}
a ranger
a ninja
and a cleric of sorts.

Basic setting:

The lands are barren of their once luscious greenery and varied other ecosystems. The culprits are chaos storms--large random magic surges ravaging the lands like tornadoes. The deserts have spread as the storms continue to force the land to change. Purveyors of the magic arts have drawn together in hopes of discovering the cause of the storms.

Civilization has shrunk to the edges of the desert for the most part. Mangrove trees have been cultivated to stop the advent of the desert into the remaining waters. Druidic magic strengthens the trees and purifies the water so that life can be maintained. They also provide refuge for many of the creatures that have survived the changes.

The dragons have all but disappeared and the giants are ranging out once more leaving destruction and terror in their wake. Rumors of a cabal of wizards controlling the ravaging bands have begun to circulate among the rabble in the cities.

Sages and others of ancient lore whisper of a group tasked with keeping the ancients in line with nature and magic. Absence of these guardians could correspond with the giants raiding and the notable absence of the dragons.

Character Creation:

20 point buy. No score lower than 8 after racial adjustments.

All standard races
all uncommon and featured races (except Dhampir ----possibly negotiable , no drow or drow noble)

Build background for you character prior to his adventuring era by doing the following:

1)take 1 level in that class
2)build character exactly as you would a “class” character.
3)Max hit points for the npc class
4)You must pick at least one craft or profession skill

Below are the character creation guidelines

Using this as a starting point...tell me about your characters background before adventuring
then tie it in with how and why you became the “class” you are now.

+1 Skill point per level to be used in craft or profession from npc class

+1 skill point in any one knowledge skill which you must pick at first level and then may not be changed

Please submit them in herolab files to my email or if not using herolab send them atleast in a pdf.

I also would like you to post your character here by making an alias.

Put story in spoiler and background in another.

I would like the following in your story

1.) Name of Mentor
2.)Name of a group you belong to and one you oppose.(make them up
atleast in name]
3.)a friend
4.)an enemy
5.] a specific goal

I will tie these in {most likely some where )

150 GP

one magic item (may include weapon/armor/etc) not to exceded 1000 gp BUT IT MUST BE TIED IN SECURELY with your background or I reserve the right to screw with it however I see fit. …..muwahahahahhahaha

We will start in one of the biggest cities in the area. Most likely you will be in this area for first level or so.

UNLESS you tie your stories together some way....you will not know each other.

It is good for you to read up on mangroves and deserts although this is not a requirment.

Also I use herolab and realmworks programs. If you have them cool that cuts down on my time. If you dont have them, dont stress it we will find other options to get the data to you as needed.

our campaign

This is a homebrew campaign.

We have
2 rangers
a ninja
a cleric
a monk

playing currently. We are adaptable enough as a group to be bale to add whatever you feel like making into our group -- thus you DO NOT NEED to fill any specific roll in the party just chose what you think would be fun

We use realm works for most of or maps and such. IF you do not have your own copy I have a players license I would negotiate letting you use or have.

If you have hero lab that is a help to me however IT IS NOT NOT NOT a requirement

See rest of requisites for creation at the following link:
Character guidlines

Feel free t o read over game and discussion to get a better feel for us as a group.

To submit interest, DO NOT make a stat crunch YET

do a rough background crunch of your toon.
Players and I will pick the person we feel is the best fit for our game.

If there is more than one that would fit, we may add another but would add no more than 2 additional people

thanks and good writing

In Order to be considered. YOU MUST HAVE A PLAYERS VERSION OF REALMWORKS SOFTWARE. We do all our visual aids there as well as use it to track and reveal other information. THIS IS A MUST!!

HeroLab would also be advised as it makes all things easier for DM and Players but is preferred NOT required.

Realm Works ---Required


Herolab Preferred

Also the
official thread for this recruitment AND THE ONE ON WHICH TO POST. IS


This thread will have all the creation guidelines and so forth.

I will leave recruitment open til end of month or until we invite and have invite accepted.

Feel Free and EVEN encouraged to talk in recruitment thread with players in game currently.

Also feel free to peruse our discussion and gameplay threads

Recruitment is currently on hold. I have invited several RL friends to join and space will be opened according to whom of those friends joins.

Feel free to build and submit characters. If a spot opens I will look first at those that are submited then open recruitment for all.

Character Creation:

20 point buy. No score lower than 8 after racial adjustments.

All standard races
all uncommon and featured races (except Dahmpir ----possibly negotiable , no drow or drow noble)

Build background for you character prior to his adventuring era by doing the following:
1)pick an Npc Class
2)take 1 level in that class
3)build character exactly as you would a “class” character.
4)Max hit points for the npc class
5)You must pick atleast one craft or profession skill

Currently this is waiting for some answers from RL friends before I open it to other subnissions.
You are all welcome to submit however and if spots open I will look over submitted and then and invite...or will open this to general invite at that point.

Below is the character creation guidlines

Using this as a starting point...tell me about your characters background before adventuring
then tie it in with how and why you became the “class” you are now.

+1 Skill point per level to be used in craft or profession from npc class

+1 skill point in any one knowledge skill which you must pick at first level and then may not be changed

150 GP

one magic item (may include weapon/armor/etc) not to exceded 1000 gp BUT IT MUST BE TIED IN SECURELY with your background or I reserve the right to screw with it however I see fit. …..muwahahahahhahaha

We will start in one of the biggest cities in the area. Most likely you will be in this area for first level or so.

UNLESS you tie your stories together some way....you will not know each other.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Character Creation:

20 point buy. No score lower than 8 after racial adjustments.

All standard races
all uncommon and featured races (except Dahmpir ----possibly negotiable , no drow or drow noble)

Build background for you character prior to his adventuring era by doing the following:
1)pick an Npc Class
2)take 1 level in that class
3)build character exactly as you would a “class” character.
4)Max hit points for the npc class
5)You must pick atleast one craft or profession skill

Using this as a starting point...tell me about your characters background before adventuring
then tie it in with how and why you became the “class” you are now.

+1 Skill point per level to be used in craft or profession from npc class

+1 skill point in any one knowledge skill which you must pick at first level and then may not be changed

150 GP

one magic item (may include weapon/armor/etc) not to exceded 1000 gp BUT IT MUST BE TIED IN SECURELY with your background or I reserve the right to screw with it however I see fit. …..muwahahahahhahaha

We will start in one of the biggest cities in the area. Most likely you will be in this area for first level or so.

UNLESS you tie your stories together some way....you will not know each other.

This is a closed recruitment currently as I have invited several RL friends to join in, DEPENDING on their responses I may open this up for additional additions.

Experienced DM and Player wanting to invite 2-3 more people into a homebrew campaign.

Group is of various levels of experience. We will post minimum of once a week.

Character creation methods are in the campaign description.

Recruitment will go until Friday the 28th. I will have invited those who are joining by the following monday

Starting at level 4

Basic pathfinder rules with a few homebrew

world Explanation and more on the campaign page

To submit joining request look at campaign page and submit basic character idea. DO NOT NEED TO CRUNCH unless you are picked

use this for this campaign

As soon as I see if my current players are going to play I will post more information as to the world and the character creations methods. I will then probably take a few more peeps in.

Anything you want to ask me do so here or in PM's

Introduce yourself to the others. I like to know my players a bit and not just their characters.

I am going to run a pbp.

I am not an inexperienced DM. I have DM'd for many years now with many systems from shadow run to earthdawn to D&D 3.) & 3.5 and now pathfinder.I am flexible and work with my players to achieve what they and I want in a satisfying gameplay situation. I also am a writer and an avid reader myself thus have a understanding of story elements and story telling.
I also have played for years and am currentl playing 2 play by posts under the alias' Tamimay M'oskyto and Tobiaal Ald Kheled'Askech. I would encourage you to look at my playing as well.

I will post minimum of 1 a week sometimes more than that. I will require that those chosen to play commit to posting once a week.
Looking for between 4 and 8 players with 6 optimal.
I will be creating maps using Dundjnni program (just for your info)

Recruitment will be open until Sept 7th Pacific time. I will have those playing posted by Sept 14th

I do have a new kid coming in the end of Sept so expect a brief break (probably 1 week) during that adjustment period.


Character Creation:

  • Paizo pathfinder books are the only source material we will be using.
  • 20 point buy
  • base races-featured races-and uncommon races from hero lab all approved no advanced races creations allowed yet
  • All dice will be done on on line. This includes Hit dice.
  • First dice is maxed for hp all others rolled. Dice are fickle so I will not be doing re-rolls or adjustments, what you roll is what you get.
  • Starting gold will be 1200. No poisons unless preapproved,no magic items other than potions. Potions cost 25 gp more per level than listed price (level 1 potion would be 75 gp, level 2 would be 325 etc.
  • NO evil alignments

World Facts:

  • Society creates good or evil not race. Some races tend towards more evil societies but no race IS evil in and of itself. This refers to all races not classified as devil (or the like) or angel( or the like0
  • Civilization and settlements are few and far apart.
  • World was devastated by mage wars several centuries ago and is now just recovering. Magic is not so common and those who use it are treated with caution or mistrust.
  • There is only one God but different races worship and interpret this God in different ways.
  • Firearms are common place but their are no advanced firearms.
  • [b]This is a living world...meaning you may stomp somethings and others may stomp you. It is up to you to decide your best options.I will not intentionally kill a character or intentionally save one.

Liberty's Edge

Ok so here is an idea I had but need clarification on the rules.

Monk's flurry of blows states it is a fullround action using unarmed strikes or monk weapons

Throw anything says you can throw what ever you have this would include monk weapons

Quick draw says drawing a weapon is a free action


Rapid shot says when making a ranged attack as a full round action I may take one additional ranged shot with a penalty to all attacks

so as a monk if i were to have the following feats could i use flurry and rapid shot together

flurry of blows
throw anything
quick draw
point blank
rapid shot

Thus the following would occur with a human monk
monk- flurry of blows
Human - point blank
1st level quick draw
monk bonus - throw anything
2nd level monk bonus - any (doesn't apply to this situation)
3rd point blank
4th none
5th rapid shot

thus flurry of blows would be as follows if throwing monk weapons
+3/+3 normal -- rapid shot penalties +1/+1/+1 -- +point blank +2/+2/+2

Is this correct according to the rules?

Liberty's Edge

Potion/oils under magic items in the book states " Oils are similar to potions , except that oils are applied eternally rather than imbibed...It can duplicate the effect of a spell of up to 3rd level that has a casting time of less than 1 minute and effects one or more creatures.(core rules 1 pg 477)" So.. if we assume that oils and potions only differ in their means of delivery (imbibed/applied) then "Potions (oils?) are like spells cast upon the imbiber(target of the oil).... "The drinker of the potion is both the effective target and the caster of the effect(though the potion indicates caster level, the drinker still control the effect.) (core rule 1 pg.477)"

Then would the "drinker" or target of the oil if you will be the effective target?

If so can spells such as mirror image(core rules 1 pg. 314) with range personal be used as an oil?

IF so then the target would be whoever was "hit" by the oil if it were thrown?

Can oils be used as thrown weapons?

Would oils be considered splash weapons which "require no weapon proficiency so you don't take the -4 nonproficiency penalty? (core rules 1 pg 202)

How would splash be handled for oils of spells that are rays? example ray of frost (core rules 1 pg 330)

For those that produce cones? example color spray (core rules pg 256)

Most splash weapons (at least that I have seen) do a 1d6 damage on a direct hit. Would oils do that as well? Or maybe a 1d4 for being smaller (vials)?

If say a cure light wounds was used as an oil and thrown say against the party's paladin would he take damage from being hit before he was healed?

Would spells like produce flame (core 1 pg 326) burn for the length of their duration where the oil broke?

Am I missing anything else that I should have gotten?

Liberty's Edge

I have an idea for a character that could be fun. Instead of using potions use what most people over look...OILS. They work just like potions with one exception..they are applied externally. So I want to do a character that is all thrown weapons and use oils. so here are a couple of questions:

1.) Any suggestions on adjudicating uses of oils like mirror image when thrown against an opponent. The spell says personal but when reading under the potions part of the magic items it says that any spell of 3rd level or lower that can be cast on a creature or object can be made into a potion or oil. It also says that the whomever drinks the potion is considered the target...thus to whomever the oil was applied becomes the target?

2.) with spells like stone to mud how would others figure the "damage" caused by the oil? I was thinking that it would only effect a 5 foot square but possibly make it effect a deeper area over time.

3.) splash weapons do d6 on direct hit usually and then their effect with a collateral damage of 1 to each adjacent square. So would oils then be considered splash weapons and if so then how would something like a lightning bolt deliver splash damage?

4.) splash weapons take no proficiency and are ranged touch attacks unless targeted on a square intersection. would this still apply to oils or would it be fair to require a feat like throw anything?

5.) If the throw anything feat was used then on spells that can be made into oils but are normally a ray, would the feat allow the thrower of the oil to determine the direction of the "ray"? I was thinking that strategically it might make more sense to have to have the vial of oil hit a wall or something and thus direct the "splash ray>"

I have a few other questions as well but lets start here.
Please give specifics with the feed back I am trying to get an idea how some of this would play out according to game rules.