Herkymr the Silly |

Recruitment is currently on hold. I have invited several RL friends to join and space will be opened according to whom of those friends joins.
Feel free to build and submit characters. If a spot opens I will look first at those that are submited then open recruitment for all.
Character Creation:
20 point buy. No score lower than 8 after racial adjustments.
All standard races
all uncommon and featured races (except Dahmpir ----possibly negotiable , no drow or drow noble)
Build background for you character prior to his adventuring era by doing the following:
1)pick an Npc Class
2)take 1 level in that class
3)build character exactly as you would a “class” character.
4)Max hit points for the npc class
5)You must pick atleast one craft or profession skill
Currently this is waiting for some answers from RL friends before I open it to other subnissions.
You are all welcome to submit however and if spots open I will look over submitted and then and invite...or will open this to general invite at that point.
Below is the character creation guidlines
Using this as a starting point...tell me about your characters background before adventuring
then tie it in with how and why you became the “class” you are now.
+1 Skill point per level to be used in craft or profession from npc class
+1 skill point in any one knowledge skill which you must pick at first level and then may not be changed
150 GP
one magic item (may include weapon/armor/etc) not to exceded 1000 gp BUT IT MUST BE TIED IN SECURELY with your background or I reserve the right to screw with it however I see fit. …..muwahahahahhahaha
We will start in one of the biggest cities in the area. Most likely you will be in this area for first level or so.
UNLESS you tie your stories together some way....you will not know each other.

Herkymr the Silly |

Benbow Wiggleberry |

This looks quite interesting!
If this does become open I have a gnome gardener (expert) who will be taking 1 level in vivisectionist-internal alchemist before switching to Freebooters ranger for the rest of their career.
Alternatively if a divine is needed I have a very nice elf clouded vision life oracle. Perhaps a warrior who was killed and got better, well except for their eyes.

Herkymr the Silly |

for those unfamiliar with posting format look below under the {show} button beneath the post block
Please read the rest of the campaign description for this game
Target start date is one week from friday. thus we are looking at the 16th.
I need background in by wednesday so i can do some final preparation and character sheets no later than friday
Please submit them in herolab files to my email or if not using herolab send them atleast in a pdf.
I also would like you to post your character here by making an alias.
Put story in spoiler and background in another.
I would like the following in your story
1.) Name of Mentor
2.)Name of a group you belong to and one you oppose.(make them up atleast in name]
3.)a friend
4.)an enemy
I will tie these in {most likely some where )
5.] a specific goal

Jerram |

Ben here. Here's my profile with my stuff. I'll send over a Hero lab with it once I can get the stuff for it.
These are not spelled out in my background but they are there:
1. Mentor: Yeggrow
2. Group I belong to: Treho monks, Oppose: The Yellow Scorpians (Though Jerram doesn't know what their called yet, just the symbol with circles).
3. Sylva--if he could see her. Otherwise I built him kind of friendless. If someone is willing, I'd be willing to mix backgrounds after that point and be a friend. If so, Drow Sign Language might be a good something to have. Not necessary, but better than the chalk and chalkboard he carries.
4. He does not know, but the stranger (real name Lotham) had a girlfriend that's high in the Yellow Scorpians. She is a bitter enemy to Jerram. Her name is Nella.
5. To redeem himself and then return home. I expect this to take him till the end of the adventure. Because in his mind redemption by violence, even for the greater good, takes much longer. That is what makes it a punishment.
Also, Craft (Weapons) is his craft skill and Knowledge (Nature) is his Knowledge.

Shadara Windless |

So I don't listen very well and my background is a story. Let me know if you have questions or clarifications.
Also for clarification. I was not able to work on this all week as I was travelling and working crazy.
Shadara was born on the run, literally. The Baldeni Sect of Elves preferred to live in a remote area far south of Fifth Port. The area is near the base of a mountain range where desert, mangrove, and mountain range meet.
As with most all elves, the Baldeni were a fair folk with radiant golden hair, large almond and green eyes, and beautifully pale skin. They were prideful in the way they looked to the point of being vain. Their numbers were few but Baldeni Alchemical goods fetch high prices due to their well-deserved high reputation.
Unfortunately the coven tried everything to gain sole control over these goods but the Baldeni would not agree. They ended up sending a Large Mercenary force after them. Maldetrin was almost to term in her pregnancy when the mercenaries attacked. She was just placing a newly created Thunderstone on the shelf when the leader of the mercenaries, J'all Grock, stormed the tent from the side upsetting a shelving unit full of Smokesticks, Antitoxin, Alchemist's Fire, and Thunderstones. The force of the blast threw the Half Orc Mercenary 40 feet back into the river next to the camp.
Maldetrin opened her eyes to find that a crater had formed around her that was about 5 feet deep. She was lying on her back with the grove water running in and bringing with it the remnants of the alchemy that had been all around her. She also found that she was in labor and knew the baby was coming now. She was glad that the baby was coming as she was gravely injured and did not think that she would survive long. She remained quiet as the sounds of the raid faded. The little girl was born into the water of Alchemy. As she nursed, Maldetrin painted a mark on her forehead, Murmuring the words "May your true potential remain hidden from the world." Several other survivors had just located Maldetrin and were reaching for her when she spoke those words and died. The baby shuddered and began to change. Her hair turned a brilliant Silver white, her skin to a dark silver bordering on black, the blood mark on her forehead sank into the skin and became black, and her eyes began to almost glow as they turned red. One of the Men, Tarntani, picked her up determined to follow Maldetrin's advice and hide the baby from the world. As Tarntani turned to leave a single silver tear fell from the newborn’s eye and landed in the pool. Tarntani leapt out of the crater as the water started to froth, bubble and glow a brilliant silver. There was a loud explosion as if a Thunderstone was used. When they looked back into the crater Maldetrin was gone. Pressed into the mud as if it had been under her were a Composite Short bow and a Thunderstone. The bow had intricate scroll work that in spots matched the new mark on the baby’s forehead. At the bottom of the bow was a set of three prongs that looked like it might hold something but nothing was there. Tarntani carefully picked up the bow and Thunderstone careful not to drop the baby.
The survivors gathered and were told the story of the birth of the child, they all agreed that she should be named Shadara Windless, she should be taught the ways of the Baldeni Sect, not know the events that transpired at her birth, and be hidden from the world until she reached 116 years old. She would be trained to use the bow but not instructed as to the nature of the prongs or their use. The Thunderstone would be made into a necklace to be given on her 100th birthday.
The Baldeni Sect retreated further into the mountains and did not venture out to trade for 75 years. During that time they trained to make sure that they would not be followed again. Never again would they be open with who they were. Many of the younger Baldeni trained to be silent killers to be able to silence any who might be asking the wrong questions or be getting too close to the truth of the Baldeni people. Shadara learned and apprenticed with the trackers, Alchemists, and even the warriors. She was always the best at what she did. This concerned the council and under their direction Tarntani taught her ways to disguise her skills so as to not raise suspicion. The council relaxed as her skills seemed to be in the middle of the pack rather than leading.
One Baldeni girl, named Alyanda, about 10 years older saw thru the guise of mediocrity and could not handle the insult of this obviously better student getting all the concern from the council. To make matters worse Alyanda felt this outsider must not be Baldeni, and approached the council several times with her allegations. Each time she was summarily told that she needed to stop the line of questioning and then given very strenuous hard labor tasks to “take her mind off it”. The day that she turned 116 she left swearing to herself that she would find out the truth and kill the outsider who was only learning the secrets of the Baldeni so that she could report back to the Coven. Alyanda believed that Shadara would be the reason for the extermination of the Baldeni people.
On Shadara’s 116th birthday she was gifted the bow that she had practiced with growing up and was told that it had been a gift from her mother. When asked for more information about her mother, the council would turn away and discuss other matters. As she had reached the age of maturity she asked to be allowed to travel. She wanted to explore the world and see if it was as bad as Tarntani and the council made it out to be. She had seen other younglings leave with their families and come back ok. The council firmly declined her request. She did not listen however and disappeared in the night without anyone realizing she was gone until late the next day. As she traveled she observed other travelers from the trees and kept hearing the name of one city over and over. She decided to go there and traveled by night for almost two months before reaching the city of fifth Port.
She made a small camp just off the road that she used by day, and another further off the road that she would sleep in and listened to the sounds of the city and watched the people come in and out all day. She had been watching for nearly a week now working up the courage to enter the city and see what brought all these people each day.

Mang Fu Ha Saan |

I am Mang Fu Ha Saan, in your common tongue Fierce Tiger Descending the Mountain. I am a warrior of the (2.) Buxiu de Shamo shouhu zhe, keepers of the immortal desert. I was trained by (1.) Fennu de shenshi quan, Fist of the angry stone god. I have traveled from my home with (3.) Qiang Zhao, Strong Talon, to find (4.) those who dared to defile the balance of nature. (5.) I also seek the knowledge to take the form of even the most colossal beast lost many ages ago. (I.E. wild shaping to gargantuan and colossal animals.)
Character is pretty much done in Hero Lab. The Goliath druid archetype is not available to me in Hero Lab but it's not an issue. Also, while not relevant for the next couple levels as I can't use wild shape yet I will get that list of animal forms I would use on a regular basis.

Unk. |

Herkymr the Silly |

I am Mang Fu Ha Saan, in your common tongue Fierce Tiger Descending the Mountain. I am a warrior of the (2.) Buxiu de Shamo shouhu zhe, keepers of the immortal desert. I was trained by (1.) Fennu de shenshi quan, Fist of the angry stone god. I have traveled from my home with (3.) Qiang Zhao, Strong Talon, to find (4.) those who dared to defile the balance of nature. (5.) I also seek the knowledge to take the form of even the most colossal beast lost many ages ago. (I.E. wild shaping to gargantuan and colossal animals.)
Character is pretty much done in Hero Lab. The Goliath druid archetype is not available to me in Hero Lab but it's not an issue. Also, while not relevant for the next couple levels as I can't use wild shape yet I will get that list of animal forms I would use on a regular basis.
please send info i an email as well. that makes it in an easier format for me to use in other progrmas.

Herkymr the Silly |

kk also need everyone to post a profile here so I can add you to characters playing. easiest way is to copy your toon in a pdf and paste it in your new alias.
See bens if you needmore background.
Also once we get started ... talk should happen in discussion tab and game play in game play.
if you have an out of game comment please write it in discussion and then put in game play {ooc} discussion[/ooc] so I know where to check
Ben use spoilers for those that dont speak your language.
If as players you are speaking in a language other than common also put this in a spoiler like this

Shadara Windless |

there is only one piece left that I have not figured out yet. I am trying to figure out some specific powders but I cannot seem to find them in hero lab. I will get my stuff posted by Wednesday. CJ and I spent about 40 minutes on his character today. I am hoping that tomorrow he will be able to get thru gear, weapons, and armor.

Herkymr the Silly |

Herkymr the Silly wrote:The "bb code" output option in hero lab is really great for this.kk also need everyone to post a profile here so I can add you to characters playing. easiest way is to copy your toon in a pdf and paste it in your new alias.
See bens if you needmore background.
jeram : somehow I am having a hard time accepting people into the campaign atleast where they show as characters and players. What am i missing?

Jerram |

Jerram wrote:Herkymr the Silly wrote:The "bb code" output option in hero lab is really great for this.kk also need everyone to post a profile here so I can add you to characters playing. easiest way is to copy your toon in a pdf and paste it in your new alias.
See bens if you needmore background.
jeram : somehow I am having a hard time accepting people into the campaign atleast where they show as characters and players. What am i missing?
I knew I was missing something i had wanted ro reply to. That's what I get for posting while I'm trying to take care of kids.
They auto populate after your first post in Gameplay. I've added myself by posting and then deleting my post. It doesn't clog up Gameplay, but added me as a player and allowed me to track it in my campaigns.

Herkymr the Silly |

In Order to be considered. YOU MUST HAVE A PLAYERS VERSION OF REALMWORKS SOFTWARE. We do all our visual aids there as well as use it to track and reveal other information. THIS IS A MUST!!
HeroLab would also be advised as it makes all things easier for DM and Players but is preferred NOT required.
Also the
official thread for this recruitment AND THE ONE ON WHICH TO POST. IS
This thread will have all the creation guidelines and so forth.
I will leave recruitment open til end of month or until we invite and have invite accepted.
Feel Free and EVEN encouraged to talk in recruitment thread with players in game currently.
Also feel free to peruse our discussion and gameplay threads

Harakani |

Okay, so I'm intrigued by the basic premise: if the entire world is falling apart, then I think it could be interesting to play someone who would not normally fit in.
The Dhampir was marked as possibly negotiable? I'm interested in a Svetocher offspring of a Vampiric Voivode. His father's isolated mountain kingdom now all but destroyed by the storms, he was sent off to help save the world. I like the idea he's naive, but genuinely believes in his father: LN, as opposed to LE.
Mechanically he'd be an Aristocrat 1/Cleric 1. Not sure what the deities are, so possibly a concept cleric. Domains of Night and Undeath. Undeath lets him heal the living with channeled negative energy, so I think he's be a reasonable - if unusual - healer. I'd take a feat so I could channel without hurting the party.
As for an item... would a Bloody Skeletal Mount, barded in hose leather armour, be possible?
So, to answer the 5 questions...
1. His father, the Voivode Mihnea.
2. He belongs to a loose alliance of noble families known as the Order of the Black Wolf. He is opposed to the guerillas and assassins of the League of Light.
3. An old tutor, Jeshamin. Mihnea hired Jeshamin to ensure his son had a real education - but not an education in the real world. Jeshamin befriended the boy - but when the contract ended took her money and ran.
4. Robert, son of Math. Robert is a second generation vampire hunter. Imbued with divine power he killed two nobles of the Order of the Black Wolf before perishing. Somehow he returned as undead, and then against all understanding killed a third noble.
5. Milos desperately wants to see the storms driven away, the deserts banished, and the days when vampires could hunt their human cattle in peace restored. More personally he would like to disperse the predjudice it seems so many feel city dwellers towards his kind. Mundanely - there are few books in the mountains, and the recent events have dried the sparse supply to nothing. Milos would desperately love to borrow (or buy, if he can) some volumes of fiction.

Jerram |

Very interesting idea. You'd fit in well with the rest of us.
As far as access to the realm Works stuff and decisions on race etc., I can't speak for our gm, but I'm going to go out on a limb and assume that it'll be no problem. We should be able to hear for sure from the gm on Monday (he's camping now).

Harakani |

Okay - please find Milos Blackwolf
Turns out I could not take a channeling feat, as I don't get channel until level 2