Herkymr the Silly |

Character Creation
- All core races
- and the following
- -ratfolk
- -druergar
- -hobgoblin
- -fethchling
Class Options
- -Alchemist
- -Bard
- -Barbarian
- -Fighter
- -Gunslinger
- -Monk
- -Oracle
- -Ranger
- -Rogue
- -Sorcerer
roll 4d6's drop the lowest for each attribute --make sure the roles are visible here.
if 3 ones are rolled it becomes an automatic 18
Assign in order of how they were rolled...and you may switch any one stat with any one other stat.
You may only make a single trade.You must tell me what stats you are trading.

Been-jammin |

Okay, then I'll roll now.
4d6 - 2 ⇒ (5, 2, 3, 6) - 2 = 14
4d6 - 2 ⇒ (3, 5, 2, 4) - 2 = 12
4d6 - 1 ⇒ (3, 4, 5, 1) - 1 = 12 modified to 12
4d6 - 1 ⇒ (2, 5, 4, 1) - 1 = 11 modified to 12
4d6 - 3 ⇒ (6, 4, 3, 3) - 3 = 13
4d6 - 1 ⇒ (6, 4, 1, 3) - 1 = 13 modified to 16
Edit: Well that sucks . . .
3d6 ⇒ (3, 4, 6) = 13
Edit: That'll work. Let me figure out what class I'm gonna do, then I'll let you know about stat switch.

bignumbers |
So one big question I have about this is if non-magical crafting is such an important part of the game will we be house ruling the craft skills so it doesn't take eons to finish even simple items?
Also I know it's not on the list but could I play a witch? Specifically I want to play a scarred witch doctor, though not as an Orc.

Herkymr the Silly |

Also I know it's not on the list but could I play a witch? Specifically I want to play a scarred witch doctor, though not as an Orc.So one big question I have about this is if non-magical crafting is such an important part of the game will we be house ruling the craft skills so it doesn't take eons to finish even simple items?
Also I know it's not on the list but could I play a witch? Specifically I want to play a scarred witch doctor, though not as an Orc.
i considered the witch quite seriously before eliminating her from the choices. I love the witch doctor but dont see her as a valid part of this world for a variety of reasons. However I would listen to other opinions so if you can explain why then I might make and exception for you.
Especially since i forgot to post that no archetypes are going to be used.

Been-jammin |

I'm looking at doing a fetchling oracle of dark tapestry (mystery subject to change). I'll switch my wisdom (13) for my con (12).
For the spell points, I calculated that as a 4th level oracle with a charisma score of 18, I would have 19 spell points. Am I correct in how those are calculated?
Also, here's my HP.
3d8 ⇒ (7, 1, 6) = 14
Edit: do we get to re roll ones?

bignumbers |
With how you described the origin of magic the way I see it working is that magic use originates by innate sensitivity to magic (at least for the sorc). So by being a natural conduit for magical energy one could harness it. But what I see from the story of the setting on how magic originated is that there could very well be areas that for whatever reason magic has an element to it that is much more chaotic then the, mostly, orderly sense that magic has.
So what I see as happening is that a person naturally attuned to magical energy in a place that has that chaotic element strongly presenting itself to be driven a bit nuts by the exposure, and their magic use manifesting itself differently. Because let's be honest, witches be crazy.
Also did you see my question on crafting? Did you intend for the players to be using the crafting skills a lot?

Herkymr the Silly |

I'm looking at doing a fetchling oracle of dark tapestry (mystery subject to change). I'll switch my wisdom (13) for my con (12).
For the spell points, I calculated that as a 4th level oracle with a charisma score of 18, I would have 19 spell points. Am I correct in how those are calculated?
Also, here's my HP.
Edit: do we get to re roll ones?
max first 2 levels. no rerolls

Been-jammin |

Sorry about that, I thought that was what your message had said. Do my hit dice should be: 8, 8, 7, 1.
Also, do we all know each other before hand, or only as we choose? Is there anything specific we need to add into our background (ex. we were all chosen to explore the new world; we are party of a mercenary band; we all know a certain person in varying ways; etc.)?

bignumbers |
Dark Tapestry is an interesting Oracle mystery, how do you intend to play it?
I'm gonna be debuffing everything we come across with murderous command and hold person since I have a really high save DC on those spells. Also I will have undead to fight for me.
*I had a hilarious and somewhat disgusting idea earlier today as I was thinking about what I could do with my character. Since I am playing a necro I could easily go out into the wild, kill some wild game, raise it as a zombie and then have it follow me around as a mobile pantry where I can pull off bits of flesh and use purify food and drink on it.

Herkymr the Silly |

More Information about starting in the world.
You will be starting in the town of Ventron. It is one of the first towns to "surface" which is what the world calls coming back to the outsides.
It is about year SA 004 (Surface Arrival year 4)
There are only 6 widely known areas settled. Most are bigger but not necessarily richer than Venturon.
High concentration of Smiths here as the areas round about are rich with ores of all kinds. Wood is more scarce as the beasts of the surrounding forests tend to be predatory and agressive making harvesting of the trees more expensive thus lower desire to risk it.
Almost 100% human population
5 factions that appear to be ruled by the heads of guilds. [ Stone Merchants / Textile Merchants / Metal Merchants / Lumber Merchants / Food & Travel Merchants ]
Rumors of a 6th guild -- assassins guild
Fairly open to communication and trade with other "communities."

Herkymr the Silly |

Your group:
You have loosely formed an exploration group (why is up to each of you)
You need to come up with someway to be identified whether by a symbol a name or something else but it needs to be an means of separation/identification.
You will need to share with each other what you want known about your background. You do not have to let each member of the party know all of it or just a part. Feel free to role play to achieve this; it might make future interactions with in the group easier.
There are rumors of a cache of precat (pre-catastrophe) good that has been discovered on a map that supposedly survived. It claims that the cache is mostly medical in nature and located in some sort of a risen building in the middle of what used to be a great city.
There are also several requests sent out for groups to travel as caravan guards/ accompaniment to a couple of the smaller outcroppings of civilizations to trade various goods.
In the "forests" nearby several parties of lumbermen have disappeared. The only evidence of what occurred is a large 15-20 ft clawed imprint of 4 feet. A single survivor has made it back to the town but his ramblings are almost completely incomprehensible. He has bite marks that fester and ooze but resist all attempts to heal covering his upper body. Recently he has begun to grow hair in odd places on his body.
More information about the attack is wanted in order to help "cure" the man and prevent the future demise of excursions.

Inyl |

Pretending to be very focused on the sharpening of one of his shortswords, Inyl overheard a private conversation in which he learned of a map which supposedly survived the catastrophe detailing the location of a building, recently risen, filled with supplies. The real nugget though, was that the majority of the supplies were medicinal in nature. Inyl saw a future for himself in these words, knowing that he could make a killing with those meds...so to speak.
Inyl stood up from the table at which he sat in the corner of Ventron's only watering hole. He removed his hood letting his vibrant blue hair blaze loudly to catch the attention of the man who spoke. If that didn't work, the gruesome scars on his face certainly made him the most interesting thing in the room.
Capitalizing on his monopoly, he strode directly to where the man was seated and asked, feigning interest as well as he could Did you actually see the map?

Malgrim Ironhide |

Another man was seated in the corner from which Inyl had come. He was a beefy tall darkskinned hobgoblin with grey eyes and black hair that was braided together in one tail. He was quietly observing the patrons in the bar. Inyl sure knows how to draw attention to himself ... Will get us into trouble one day, he thought, while shifting his black helmet to another spot on the table in front of him.
Although Malgrim was interested in the details of the conversation, he stayed seated with one hand on Foelasher in case trouble did find them today.
Just as a heads-up. I usually do bold with quotes as spoken text, italics as thoughts and special things (telepathic speech, ...) with other markings decided upon when available

Herkymr the Silly |

I am Borsa and yes I did see "a" map. The fellow said it was real. I do have the means of contacting him for a small fee..of course. the middle aged half elf stated ...his only acknowledgement to the interruption of Inyl.
I have dibs as of being the first to be told of it by Borsa. assertively stated the cloaked human across from the half elf. I would consider an alliance of sorts as I am apt to need a party to obtain said items. continued the man in a dry almost harsh voice. And you can tell the Gobby over there he'll not need his helm yet today.
The human looks up with a sardonic grin and winks knowingly at Malgrim. The gnome he obviously takes into account with a mere glance of disdain before dismissing him.
Several other patrons have quieted their conversations in order to either dampen so the conversation may be completed quickly or to listen half halfheartedly to the conversation.
GENTLEMEN...and good others bellowed a very rotund and short dwarf...the tavern patron, Stonehed Amorson. I am pleased to present today a special spectacle although they may prefer the term performance. From the furthest reaches of ... well of where we can reach i guess... I now introduce the minstrels of Hife!!!!
At this procalamtion, a band of halflings come tumbling from the adjoining room carrying multiple instruments of mayhem or music and pleasantly take the center of the room. A swift and melodic set of rhythms soon numb most of the crowds attention.

Herkymr the Silly |

spoilers for info or actions or rolls you wish to remain "anonymous" from every one else. If you want others to know then add their names as well as GM to the spoiler.
smaller and bold is more like a whisper
bigger and bold is shouting or very loud

Yellen Faben |

Sitting on the bench near Inyl and Malgrim, a lanky man, nearly blending with the surrounding shadows, looks intently at the journal lying open in front of him. As the other patrons turn their attention to the dwarf, Yellen finally looks up, confused for a moment. He watches the dwarf finish his speech, then watches the troupe come in. He leans back, watching the drummer and drumming his fingers in time with the beat. His eyes begin to wander, and his fingers lose the beat, but continue drumming, oblivious that they are now on their own. His gaze finds Inyl standing with a human and half-elf nearby. He stops, mouth slightly open, eyebrows raising. What's happening here, he whispers to his companions, tilting his head in the direction of Inyl.

Malgrim Ironhide |

When the human grins and winks at Malgrim, the only reply he gets is a cold stare. He's not one for jokes, especially not against his race :)
After the man continues his conversation, Malgrim turns to Yellen and makes several gestures towards him.

Yellen Faben |

Yellen nods as he watches Malgrim. He looks over at the table where Inyl stands. He seems to think for a moment, then looks back face determined, Your right, if people can't feel protected here, this city will fall apart. He cuts off looking at the other table again. His hands seem to move of their own accord.
Suddenly he turns back. Perhaps we could go look after we help the lumberjack. His eyes are wide with the idea.
Just so you know, Yellen has not shared the fact that he is deaf--he likes to pretend that he's not. It is fairly obvious that there is something off, but he can lipread, so when he's paying attention, it seems like he can "hear" what you're saying.

Malgrim Ironhide |

"If the guy wants to wait that long. He'll probably find other people willing to help him and maybe more to his prefered tastes. And in the end, some of those medical supplies might help with the disease the lumberjack has.", Malgrim replied with a hushed voice.

Inyl |

Not losing focus, Inyand gnores the music. Dibs? Is this some kind of material plane law I'm unaware of? Last I checked, Borsa here has the connection, so I'll be addressing him, if you don't mind. Borsa, name your price. Inyl didn't like the idea of getting ripped off, but he'd never get anywhere if he never saw the map.
Roll perception to overhear Malgrim and Yellen's hushed conversation:

Khagra "viper" tongued |

Ah!!! Competition brings out the highest bidder. chuckles Borsa.
Tell ya what....I'm a business man and also a curious man..so..hmmm, hmm. If I get you the location of the map and help with some minor supplies for the expedition then I want 10% of whatever you bring back.Deal? Borsa looks from Inyl to the fellow across the table. There will most likely be enough for two parties or more to get rich bringing the cache back.And should something untowards occur on the way to or from the cache He winks conspiratorially at the half-elf well..I dont need to know

Inyl |

Fool, ten percent is nothing, and his friend is kidding himself if he thinks he can pull one over on me...better keep him close though, so as to keep an eye on him. We have a deal, Borsa. Now, my human friend, didn't catch your name; I'd be willing to let you come along with us to earn one fifth of the spoils--after the ten percent for Borsa, of course. He said as an aside to the half-elven businessman.

Bartlebi Featheringwalthamstone |

Bartlebi having heard Borsa comment on lack of concern pays close attention to the human with the nasty disposition and how he reacts to the comment. As well as his reaction to his own question.
Dice rolls
[i]Bad guy sense...TINGLING[/b]
sense motive: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (6) + 9 = 15
And as Bartlebi caught Malgrim's comment about the trustworthiness of the human to Yellen he makes a quick comment to them.
*sign language*

Malgrim Ironhide |

Deciding he had heard enough, Malgrim stood up from his table, put on his helmet and walked over to the table where the others were standing.
"I'm the one that makes certain nothing untowards occurs when we're out and about." he said while looking grimly, through the eye slits in his helmet, at the 2 men seated at the table.
He then turned towards Inyl,"and although I understand the necessities of reclaiming valuable precat medical supplies. There is the more pressing matter of the lumberjacks that had gone missing. There were already few people willing to brave the woods and that has lessened even more now." Malgrim then looks back at the cloaked human. "Besides, I'm quite certain our good friend here doesn't want to go looking for those supplies on his own."