Henry E. X. Splorer's page

23 posts. Alias of Turlin.

open discussion!

Im debating on running a Mutant & Masterminds campaign (3e rules) but before I put out an official invitation I wanted to gauge if anyone on here would even be interested. I've only just started playing and DM M&M myself but would like to spread this game. This would be a homebrew campaign by the way.

Im debating on running a Mutant & Masterminds campaign (3e rules) but before I put out an official invitation I wanted to gauge if anyone on here would even be interested. I've only just started playing and DM M&M myself but would like to spread this game. This would be a homebrew campaign by the way.

What is the stat build most GMs have there players make on this site?
20 point buy, 4d6-lowest roll, or something else?

I'm starting a campaign soon, and both of my players are planning to play gunslingers. The problem is I can't think of a good one off villian concept. If anyone is feeling generous, I would appreciate if y'all could help!

I got an idea for a PC who is pretty much a squire, but I'm having trouble finding a class that will work... At first I thought Caviler but even that really have anything.
By the way, when I say squire I mean a support guy, healing, equipment carrier, and of course, there to learn how to be an adventurer.
Does anyone have any suggestions?

I always wanted to make this character named Mr. Midnight. He's a mysterious fellow from another dimension, who works for the IDPA, Interdimensional Protection Agency! His job is to track down Interdimensional criminals and take them back to there own dimension, quickly and quietly. But I have now found the Portal Seeker archetype for Investigator, which fits to a T! I'm now turning to you, the fandom,to help me make his because I'm to lazy to! If you know of any Traits, spells, items, or anything else, please post it here and together we can make a NPC we all can use!

I'm working on a character, a Gnome by the name of Von Dazzle, who is supposed to be very Flashy and showboaty, but I sat down to make him and I got stuck before I even began. I want him to be a magic user who has the most useless ( but flashy ) spells. Should I go with a fey bloodline sorcerer, Illusionist Wizard, alchemist, or just fall back on the trusty old bard? Or is there a even better option? I guess the point is, how do I make the most useless annoying spell caster ever?

Right now i'm working on a campaign idea were each player would choose a, well... WANNABE VILLAIN! the characters would be bad guts that are bad at being bad! i was inspired by the app "Almost A Hero". I have a few ideas EX. Missy, a self proclaimed queen of darkness who believes the pinnacle of evil is littering, a goblin by the name Chiptooth, Czylxor the forgetful lich, and a couple more.

it hit me, to get fun ideas for characters both heroes and villains, i might look here! if you got any funny, dumb, stupid ideas, send them my way! it would be much obliged.

(The names of somethings are Homebrew)
I'm running a campaign that takes place on a city ship. The ship is owned by The Federation, but funded by The Sunflare Corporation. It was supposed to colonize a new planet but those plans we're scraped so now the ship is it's own place out in space.
Anyway it was invaded by space pirate and yadaa yadaa.

My main problem is that I want to map it out but I'm not really good at that kind of stuff...
I know want I want the basics to look like but corridors and rooms I'm having a problem with.

The ship has five decks, A-E, a part on the bottom called the Handle and a part on back called the Fin. The bridge is on deck B, and there are three city sections stretching from deck E to deck C. Most of the survivers are on deck D in some maintenance tunnels and one of the city sections (the one of the left side of the ship) has been completely destroyed.

If anyone knows some good programs, a map I could use or any advice I would very much appreciate it! Thanks!

I've just joined and was thinking of doing play by post... But I don't know how to exactly... But I know I want to start with something short and simple... Just to try it out ya know?

I live in an area were not many people are in to RPGs, so my group is pretty much what I got. I love deep diving into characters and making lots of NPCs, an lots of role-playing in general, but my players perfer fighting and don't really make personallys for there characters. How can I make it fun for them while keeping it fun for me?