Male human on stilts

Mr. Midnight's page

2 posts. Alias of Turlin.


I was thinking some weird futuristic weapon that would work like the lamp pole weapon but if you got something else...? Maybe dip into gunslinger for, well, firearms or get a combination of stuff to use odd exotic weapons? Also he would have to be high level...

I always wanted to make this character named Mr. Midnight. He's a mysterious fellow from another dimension, who works for the IDPA, Interdimensional Protection Agency! His job is to track down Interdimensional criminals and take them back to there own dimension, quickly and quietly. But I have now found the Portal Seeker archetype for Investigator, which fits to a T! I'm now turning to you, the fandom,to help me make his because I'm to lazy to! If you know of any Traits, spells, items, or anything else, please post it here and together we can make a NPC we all can use!