
HenryDane's page

RPG Superstar 9 Season Star Voter. **** Pathfinder Society GM. Starfinder Society GM. 11 posts (27 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 16 Organized Play characters.


Scarab Sages 3/5

Slot 1: Playing something in Sagamore
Slot 2: Vendor's hall and PREP
Slot 3: GM 7-98 Special: Serpent’s Ire

Slot 4:
GM 7-18 Faithless and Forgotten, part 3: The Infernal Inheritance
Slot 5: GM 7-18 Faithless and Forgotten, part 3: The Infernal Inheritance
Slot 6: GM Special: 8-00 The Cosmic Captive, levels 3-4

Slot 7: GM 7-18 Faithless and Forgotten, part 3: The Infernal Inheritance
Slot 8: GM 7-18 Faithless and Forgotten, part 3: The Infernal Inheritance
Slot 9: GM 7-99 Special: Through Maelstrom Rift

Slot 10:
GM 7-18 Faithless and Forgotten, part 3: The Infernal Inheritance

My third GenCon, second GMing for Paizo!!! Super excited to see everyone and get way to far into character >:)

Scarab Sages

I love that this brings in the planes to society play!!! As a huge fan of WotC's planar system, I love Galorian's hybrid space/planar dimension lore and I am incredibly excited to finally make that oread oracle i have been dreaming of :)

Scarab Sages Star Voter Season 9

Congratulations everyone! Solid items all around! Can't wait to see what you make next.

Scarab Sages Star Voter Season 9

They be trolling with the About page. Must be the RPG superstar domain is down and being updated!!!

Scarab Sages Star Voter Season 9

This is just cruel :(

Scarab Sages Star Voter Season 9

Thunderfrog wrote:
Crap, anxious again.

Right there with ya :)

Scarab Sages Star Voter Season 9

2 people marked this as a favorite.

The best compliment you could pay a designer I give to all of you: if I saw a massive hoard at the feet of an ancient red dragon (WITH caster levels and an army of half-dragon/half demon spawn) I would totally snatch your item first after casting expeditious retreat and hightailing it out of there :)

Scarab Sages

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I had the most fun I have had GMing anything in my entire life. Thanks guys!

Scarab Sages 3/5

Hey, new GM this year at GenCon and I have a quick question about maps. I am planning on drawing up a bunch, but I was wondering if we will be getting maps and minis provided for specials or do we print/bring our own?

Scarab Sages 3/5

Hey all! Just wondering if any interest still exists for a PFS grp in Dubuque? I am a pretty long term vet(10+ years) of GMing and want to start a 1-2 table event in the Dubuque area. I'll be talking to local gaming store Comic World to see if they'll be a store liaison.

Scarab Sages 3/5

If you have room, I have either a 1st level Oracle or a 2nd level Fighter I would love to join you with!