Danse Macabre

He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named's page

92 posts. Alias of Nerdtothe3rd.

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Ok so my group we roll for stats, my DM does not mind digital version so long as we provide proof of our roll and no editing done.


That was done a few minutes ago, with one of my fellow players confirming that I did not edit the numbers just cropped out the tabs.

With those stats, what would be best to play really. If you had those rolls what class would you pick and why?

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Ok so I love the flavor and feel of the Swashbuckler, Daring Champion, Learned Duelist, and even the Duelist PrC but I don't know if any of those really makes a character who is all that great when it comes down to being a sort of Jack Sparrow meets Zorro style character.

I want to build a character who is a devil with a blade, skilled and capable of doing a good deal of damage but also being able to be charming, stylish and not invest every player resource into being able to poke a fool with the pointy end of his sword.

Any ideas in general? I actually liked Learned Duelist, and I wish I could just merge Swashbuckler and Learned Duelist into one character class because they would be pretty effective. I know I could gestalt but really if I was in a gestalt game I couldn't take those two and be anywhere near as effective as anyone else. That is doubling down on one gimmick and really killing yourself overall.

I thought of maybe suggesting Learned Duelist as a Swashbuckler VMC build, it has five class features and could be sprinkled into the class effectively

After re-reading the Magic Item Compendium and after seeing the Gloves of Endless Javelins I decided I wanted to build a character who uses this exclusively.

Since my games are almost always gestalt I was thinking Warpriest//Ranger focusing on the thrown weapon aspect and using his javelin as his deity weapon. Kurgess has Javelin as a weapon.

Half-Giant is good because it increases Str and Wis, and gives your Javelin's a 1d8 instead of 1d6.

I am playing a character in a gestalt game soon. And because it is a Gestalt game I decided I wanted to have a bit of fun with it and take a character with some CR on one side.

Because we are using PR rules we are using the creatures CR adjustment rather then any RHD or LA from past books. So I decided on Stonechild, whos name is Basalt the Rocksteady.

Stonechild has a lot of perks
Least of which is immunity to Acid and Poison
+4 to Natural Armor
+8 to Str and Con, +2 Int, with a -2 to Cha
Blind-Fight is a bonus feat
Magic Stone 3/day.
All Simple and Martial Weapons; Light and Medium Armor and Shields (Not Tower shields)

Now the CR is 3 for Stonechild and our game is going to be a Level 5 game.

So CR 3/Class 2//Class 5 is how it will work out.

I was considering taking a bit of the Fist of The Forest which would make use of the high Con.
I was thinking taking Fighter on the CR side to give him the two bonus feats to help him take that class.

Alright so I saw in an older thread that someone mentioned that yes you get the 3/1 from PA but you don't gain anything more then your strength damage even to a two handed being wielded by both hands.

Why is this?
If my God's favored weapon is a Greatsword, or Greataxe and I flurry with it, why would I not add Str x1.5 to damage on top of the Power Attack damage.

Btw with flurry with Power Attack, at level one that makes it -2/-2 at level 1 right?

I need advice on how to play this character, well at least how to build it and keep it functioning.

The character is a Gestalt, he is going to be taking the classes Warpriest with Swashbuckler.

Now I know Warpriest is based off Wisdom, but my DM does allow me to use this


Dynamic Priest [General] (Legends of the Twins)

Your self-confidence and force of personality are the foundations of your faith.

Benefit: For the purpose of determining bonus divine spells per day and maximum divine spell level, your primary spellcasting ability is Charisma. If you have more than one divine spellcasting class, the bonus applies to only one of those classes. Your spell save DCs are not affected by this change.

Special: You may only take this feat as a 1st-level character. If you take this feat more than once, it applies to a different divine spellcasting class each time. You may take this feat even if you have no divine spellcasting classes yet.

So this makes everything based off Cha and Dex for damage and to hit.

Now I am willing to change Swashbuckler for perhaps Paladin, but Cavalier's Daring Champion does not give a lot of those nice flavor deeds.

I was going to use a Slashing Grace build, taking the weapon Falcata (Using AEG's Mercenaries book) to give it a total modifier of 18-20/x4 with the free Improved Critical or Keen he can bump that up to 15-20/x4 which seems to be a pretty good range of damage.

So I think my feats are pretty much occupied. We use flaws so my flaws are going.
Flaw 1: Dynamic Priest
Flaw 2: Exotic Weapon Prof: Falcata
Feat 1: Slashing Grace (Weapon Focus from Warpriest allows me to qualify for this.)
Feat 2: Power Attack
Feat 3: Furious Focus

I also thought of a Bard//Warpriest with Dynamic Priest to make the ultimate buffer.

Bard//Swashbuckler plays up the Rapier, but Bard//Pally can do really well in this department as well.

While I am still liking the idea of the doppelganger Investigator//Slayer I do admit that is it a little hard to account for the CR 3 adjust.

So I was thinking of a Killoren Paladin//Swashbuckler

The reason for this is it allows Smite damage from Paladin and Killoren's Aspect of Destroyer as well as level to damage for any piercing one handed or light item.
Slashing Grace would open this up to any slashing one handed or light weapon too.

So with all threes focus on Cha, the Divine Grace ability boosting the all good saves with a high Cha, and of course the free Improved Critical at level 5, might seem like a good idea right?

A Fey Paladin of the Forest style character.
While all the listed above help with combat, Aspect of Nature gives them boosts to Knowledge Nature equal to her Hit Dice, and Aspect of the Hunter gains a +2 racial bonus to Perception and Stealth, as well as a +2 to Initiative. However, you need to pick which aspect you will be using each day. So if its a day you don't except much fighting, Nature or Hunter is pretty good fall backs, but with the combo of Level Twice to damage via Paladin/Swash you dont feel as gimped on damage output.

Now I wanted to make a Investigator Slayer Gestalt character who is basically the jack of all trades style of character. Slayer brings the cunning and killing power, while Investigator brings the skill and a bit of magic like effects.

Now since this is gestalt I am allowed some fun with the CR adjustments.
I am picking up a character who is a Doppelganger CR3/Slayer 2//Investigator 5 for a ECL of 5
I choose Slayer for the short side due to the slightly later run on Talents.

Also we are going to buy off the CR later, much like the old LA buy off, but I was told this is more semi-official but what are the levels of CR buy off?

Also the Stat Adjust is +2 to all stats (Took the Stat block and used a 15 point buy to figure it out.)

So how to best make the jack of all trades, which is why I picked up the Doppelganger due to his Mimicry abilities.

Outsider (Native) (3 RP)
Medium Size (0 RP)
Normal Speed (0 RP)
Linguist (1 RP)
Specialized (1 RP)
[+2 Str, +2 Con, -2 Cha
Advanced Intelligence (4 RP) +2
Advanced Strength (12 RP) +6
Advanced Constitution (12 RP) +6
Static Bonus Feat (2 RP)[Blind Fight]
Natural Armor (2 Rp) +1
Improved Natural Armor (6 RP] +3
Elemental Immunity (4 RP) [Acid]
Poison Immunity (4 RP) [Custom]
Spell-Like Ability, Lesser (3 RP) [Magic Stone]
Total: 54

That is as close as I could get to the race.
In 3.5 it also had 2d8 RHD and 8+Int skills
Appraise (Int), Climb (Str), Craft (stoneworking)
(Int), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (history) (Int), Knowledge
(the planes) (Int), Perception (Wis),
and Survival (Wis) as Class Skills.

It also had all Simple and Martial Weapons as proficient weapons as well as Light and Medium armor with shields (except tower)

I was not sure how to point out the Weapon and Armor Proficiency so left them off.

That chart stops at 30 points with 1-5 being given +3 6-10 being given +2 and 10-15 a +1 for I guess level adjusting.

If it continued I would say that +5 for 1-5 for this race and so forth at 6-10 being +4 and 10-15 +3 16-20 being +2 above but honestly RHD kinda eat hard so maybe reduce these by RHD so at 1-5 it would be 2 RHd and +3 empty levels

But that is just a guess like I said the table stops.

If however it stays at +3, make two levels have the HD and 1 empty.

Ok so I wanted to Convert a character from 3.5 to Pathfinder.
It was a Stonechild gestalt character, classes would be changing into Pathfinder classes so they don't so much matter.

Now Stonechild has a ECL of 6 before it begins past his Monster Class Progression due to his +4 LA adjustment and 2 RHD.
However would I keep all that LA when I convert to Pathfinder?
I heard many people drop 1 or more LA.

Stonechild from D&D Tools
Now I know it is insanely strong and durable and gains blind-fight as a bonus feat, it does have 2 RHD and I am fine with some LA but I was curious if I kept it all.

Oh and side question. Stonechild is immune Acid and Poison, but mine had Troll Blooded (Again Gestalted for feats 1 from class and 1 level 1) which gave him Regen 1 with a weakness to Acid and Fire, but immunity to Acid was weird making him only weak to fire. Does that work? I mean I have heard a rumor it is suppose to kick off Regen completely.

But that is perhaps a little too much. Though I do like the Woodland Stride ability, the ability score boosts are far to much to consider for a PC.

From what I can see its CR is 2, but it possesses 3 Racial Hit Dice (d8 which is not bad) So it could not start before level 4 with class levels right?

I was considering doing a conversion of the Goliath from 3.5 but refluff and retool it. Change its mountain abilities for the woodland stride ability, and make it playable at level one. Reducing the Str boost from +12 to +4 should be something.

My game I would play this in is at level 5, so I could in theory place this race as it is but that +12 Str seems like it might be too much. I mean I know 3 RHD in exchange for the insane str boost is fair but well what do you all think?

Ok so the race generator at work again.
Monstrous Humanoid (3 RP)
Standard Ability Scores (+2 Str; +2 Wis; -2 Dex) (0 RP)
Large Size (7 RP)
Normal Speed (0 RP)
Multiarmed (8 RP)[4 Arms]
Quadruped (2 RP)
Total 20 RP

Is this to much for a race that the players might be fighting against, or even playing as?
I could think of a few ways this could be abused, and well it might be extremely difficult for them to fight a charging four armed lancer

Alright as you can probably tell from the title I need help and advice for a Lapith character I was inspired to make.

Here is the Lapith info from the SRD.

Now I wanted to make a Swashbuckler Cavalier style character and figured on a Gestalt build as the best and most likely to give me all the juicy flavor I want out this idea.

Now if we can manage to make it a single class build and still get the best portions possible I will consider it.

But I figured this is going to be very Feat extensive.
But here is a short list of things I want.
1. To count my centaur form as a mount (Possibly through Animal Soul or something like that.)
2. To use a Lance as a responsible one handed piercing weapon for Swashbuckler abilities.
3. To be able to switch from normal to centaur form and use things like the Rideby Attack feats within the build.
4. Still be capable in combat when not in the centaur form.

Ok so I wanted to make a Aasimer Warpriest Swashbuckler of Cayden Caylen.

But I want him not to have to wear loads of armor so I was thinking of Dipping 1 level of Monk (Master of Many Styles and Kata Master) to get Pummeling Style and extra Panache. But also take the Sacred Fist archetype to show off his brawling style of combat and have the Swashbuckler show off his sword skills.

This would grant Wis x2 (+2 Dodge bonus, +1 Deflection bonus) to AC Allow pretty good unarmed strike bonus dice, and of course using some nice rapier damage off Inspired Blade's archetype (MAD as hell I know, needing Int, Wis, and Cha)
One of my friends recommended Elan and making them ancient to get the +3 to Mental stats since they dont age physically he could keep all the physical stats.

So the race is Half-Giant
It is a Gestalt Build
Warpriest // Barbarian
Forgepriest and the Titan Mauler

Here is the ability scores we are given to use (All of the players get these scores)
Starting gold is 10,500 GP

What should I do for feats, items, ect.
Two Traits
I can pick up to 2 Drawbacks to gain a further 2 traits.

Any help would be good.

Ok so I have a player who wants to play a Half-Giant race (Dreamscarred Press) and while it is a good race +2 Str, +2 Wis, -2 Dex along with Powerful Build and Stomp 1/day He wanted to add something to the other Half.

Basically he wanted to add the Ogrekin or Half-Ogre Template which is a CR +1 and I added the link to the template and race above.

We are starting out at level 5, and this is a Gestalt game so I except higher power characters anyway. But what level should at least one side of his character be?
Half-Giant is playable race and doesn't seem to have a level adjust in PF so if he was just a Half-Giant I would say he can have Class X 5//Class X 5 with no problems but with the Template what would that be?

His reasoning is because Ogrekin has some flavor too it. His mother was a Half-Giant race (Not someone born from a human and giant) and was raped by his father whom he has sworn revenge against. This however does hit him with the races deformities and I will be the one rolling his 1d6 to determine the random deformity he gets.

He also suggested due to Ogrekin Template all NPCs begin with a Diplomacy of Unfriendly for common NPCS and Hostile for anyone with a reason to hate Ogres personally.

Measured Response (Combat)

You believe that a conservative but consistent response guarantees success.

Prerequisite(s): Base attack bonus +1, worshiper of a good deity.
Benefit(s): When you hit an opponent with a melee or ranged weapon attack, you may choose to deal average damage (rounded down), as if you had rolled exactly the average amount on the damage die or dice. You add your damage bonuses and penalties as normal.

^ ^ ^
It does not say when you get to choose to deal average damage. So in practice couldn't you choose this after you roll damage? So if you roll well then cool, but roll crap you can choose to deal the average damage.

The Gorro are based on the MK character of the same name, at least in part (The arms part) they are also inspired by the old Goliath style of characters.

The Gorro
Monstrous Humaniod (3)
Medium Size (0)
Advanced (4)(+2 Physical; +4 Wis, -2 Cha)
Standard Language (0)
Powerful Build (6)
Multi Arms (8)[Total of Four arms]
Jumper (2) [Always considered to have a running start on Acrobatic checks)
Climb (2)[Climb Speed of 20; +8 to Climb]
Static Bonus Feat (2)[Multiweapon Fighting]
*Sky-Prey (-3)
[Members of this race take a -2 penalty on attack rolls, a -2 to AC and Perception checks against flying creatures.]
*Reclusive (-4)
[Race takes a -4 Sense Motive and -2 Diplomacy check penalty when not dealing with other members of their race]
Slow (-1)
Total: 19

* Custom Trait

The Gorro live in the high mountains and the valleys that they surround. Because of their lives in the highlands they have to be touch and sturdy creatures with quick wits and quick reflexes to keep themselves clinging to their mountain homes. Their rivals are all things with wings, living on the high mountains from a young age the Gorro are taught to fear flying beasts as they can be plucked from the rock face with ease. Even older Gorro have to be weary of the winged beasts of the mountain while hunting the mountain goats or gathering the winged beast eggs for food.

Due to their reclusive nature the Gorro do not often interact with others before their first year of adulthood. When a Gorro reach adulthood (25) they are sent to climb down from their mountain homes to travel the world, sometimes to go to other Gorro villages and find a mate, sometimes to explore the world and learn what they can before returning home.

Is this a sound race? Is this too much, etc?

Ok so I was considering playing a Centaur character
But I am not sure what class would be best for this character idea. Cavalier seemed like a good idea if they count as their own mount but I am not sure about that. Anyone got ideas?

Does anyone one know the point system for the Half-Giant that was released by dreamscarred press? I would love to get a hold of that and find what the cost would be for Powerful Build would be really great to me. I was thinking 6-8 points.

They do count as Plants so
Traits: A plant creature possesses the following traits (unless otherwise noted in a creature's entry).

Low-light vision.
Immunity to all mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions, morale effects, patterns, and phantasms).
Immunity to paralysis, poison, polymorph, sleep effects, and stunning.
Proficient with its natural weapons only.
Not proficient with armor.
Plants breathe and eat, but do not sleep.

What classes, feats, gear, ect would be perfect for making the most optimized character?

Ok so I wanted to make a Kasatha who is going to start as a enemy, and then later join the group as my PC (We Round Robin the DM job around the table so DMPCs only last as long as you are DM.)

Kasatha as the class
Monk and Sacred Fist on one side and I was thinking perhaps Swashbuckler on the other side. This gives good HD d10, full bab, good reflex, and sword options as well as nice tricks via deeds.

Monk gives AC and a Bonus feat (Pummeling Style)
Sacred fist gives AC and of course Spells.

Now if I added a template
Say the Simple Template: Advanced
Or the Half-Celestial Template

How could this work.
I imagined it as CR 1/Monk 1/Sacred Fist 3//Swashbuckler 5 (For a level five build)

Is this correct?

Also what weapon to focus on? Light One-Handed Spinal Sword does 1d6 x3 and can add a DC +1 to when its poisoned and its their native weapon.

Or should I do Scimitar or Bastard Sword (Four Arms after all)

Well I was curious if I used the Advanced Template on a creature such as a small time bad guy who is gonna become a reoccurring creature, as a former rival of one of the players.

If I give him advanced template on top of his rolls, and so forth is it work having him reappear later?

Ok lets say I played him as a PC. He is a level 5 character (Gestalt Game) how many levels of his should be occupied by the Template? What if his RP is higher then 20? Does that add another level?

Would it be wise to take a Druid Class Dipping into Monk and Sacred Fist for the Wis to AC bonuses that will scale? I mean it loses 1 spell off level 8 and 2 spells off level 9 and you never get Wild Shape at will. But you do get it 8/per day which is still heck of a lot.

You also get Blessings, bonus feats, a handful of cleric casting.

Ok so the way me and my crew do this is Round Robin Campaign design. I will either select a module path or stand alone module and then after mine is done I will trade off with another and my DMPC becomes a regular PC so we all try to make our characters well balanced for falling back or leading the charge.

I am homebrewing a campaign currently though starting at level 5. Because its just me and two others we tend to Gestalt alot to add an increase in our power output (Again we normally do modules and some are ment to be with a few more people or expect the stock Mage, Cleric, Fighter, and Rogue party set up)

Well I was gonna run a Kasatha Monk 2(Kata Master of Many Styles)/Warpriest (Sacred Fist) 3//Barbarian (Serene Barbarian) 5

And focus solely on Unarmed Combat.

But my one friend wants to use Guns, advanced guns like revolvers and so forth, so I think he will be good with a ranged or semi ranged build but I want to be sure I am not overwhelming his character because of my four attacks (Four arms)

The other is likely going to play a Swashbuckler and something else. (She tends to favor healers or rogues).

My game starts with the two of them as bought bodyguards for a caravan of merchants crossing a very large desert where the Kasatha hold control over several of the Oasis' and must barter and trade with them to allow you to stop and rest there as well as buy supplies off them left by other travelers (A little different then the Kasatah from the book I know). Very honor bound and the guy leading the merchants is a bit of a mouthy jerk who might get them into trouble. This is also were the DMPC gets deployed, as a guide to the end of the desert at the very least.

But is this idea of an unarmed fighter throwing 4 attacks at level 5, too much? Now with 10500 I can buy a lot of gear, including a Agile (or Guided) Amulet of Mighty Fist. And a Corresponding Belt or Headband for most of my gold. But like I said I want him to be valid later on, but not too powerful right now.

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Weapon Versatility
If I took this feat on a Swashbuckler could I make another weapon count toward class features that require piercing weapon by just keeping your weapon as a piercing weapon?

Alright so I was curious. Could you trade away a feat for another feat if it was a bonus feat that you got from multiple sources? For example a Monk who goes Sacred Fist gains Improved Unarmed Strike twice, well that second time it rather pointless. Would you allow for them to retrain that feat even though its a bonus feat? Or could you even given RAW or RAI?

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This multi-armed creature is skilled at making attacks with multiple weapons.

Prerequisites: Dex 13, three or more hands.

Benefit: Penalties for fighting with multiple weapons are reduced by –2 with the primary hand and by –6 with off hands.

Normal: A creature without this feat takes a –6 penalty on attacks made with its primary hand and a –10 penalty on attacks made with all of its off hands. (It has one primary hand, and all the others are off hands.) See Two-Weapon Fighting.

Special: This feat replaces the Two-Weapon Fighting feat for creatures with more than two arms.

Now if used by a Kasatha a being with Multi-Arms (Four in this case) how many off-hand attacks can the Kasatha make each round?

I would say 4, but at a penalty of -4/-4/-4/-4 to the BAB.
If all are light weapons reduce this to all -2. Can we get a Dev to just make a quick comment on this?

Please FAQ

Alright so with that kind of title I better back it up eh?
Well this is a Gestalt game (Due to it being me and two others, dm included)
Serene Barbarian its a third party archetype, but doesn't seem too powerful on its own.
Kasatha Kata Master of Many Style Monk 2/ Sacred Fist 3//Serene Barbarian 5

Now I am not sure if Pummeling Style is good for this build, or what other style might be better.

Focusing solely on Unarmed Combat

I rolled pretty good so I will be starting at 20 Dex and Wis, and given that its strongly leaning toward Wisx2 to AC (But also their +1 bonuses later on), and the +2 Dodge Bonus from the Kasatha race.

So that is 27 AC at the beginning of the game (5 from Dex, 10 from Wis, 2 from Dodge) making my character insanely hard to hit. When in Serenity (+4 to Dex and Wis) adds 2 from Dex and 4 from Wis to my AC making me have 33 at level 1.

This also gives me Full BAB and pretty good saves, along with d12 HD.

Any suggestions?

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To use this deed, a swashbuckler cannot attack with a weapon in her other hand or use a shield other than a buckler.

Would an unarmed strike count as attacking with a WEAPON in her other hand, note it says OTHER hand not Off-Hand.

I ask because an Unarmed Swashbuckler might be cool.

Ok so I am going to be playing a Kasatha soon, now yes they are a RP 20 race, we are dropping Desert Strider (Explained via their long time away from the sands) to drop it to 19 so no level adjustment.

But... I am not sure what race to play.
I was considering Swashbuckler (Just because the flare of it)
Sacred Fist (C'mon he has four fists..)
Monk (Same reason as above)
Daring Champion Cav (Sneak Attack Damage)
Slayer (Kind of awesome four armed assassin.)

The Spinal Sword is nice, its a piercing or Slashing weapon and is considered light one-handed. So Finesse Works as well as Slashing Grace. (Granted it will not crit as often as the Rapier.. anyone know how to expand a critical threat range?)

Has anyone every played one before?

Sounds like fun and according to the ARG should start with just a 1 Level of Centaur race, probably use a buy off at level 3 to offset right?

Anyone want to play one? What class would do just amazing with a Centaur?

Has anyone every played one before?

Sounds like fun and according to the ARG should start with just a 1 Level of Centaur race, probably use a buy off at level 3 to offset right?

Anyone want to play one? What class would do just amazing with a Centaur?

Ok so one of my buddies wants to play a character like Erza, a requip specialist allowing him to change his armor, weapons, etc virtually at will.

I recall seeing something like this, but can anyone tell me where to find them as I totally am drawing a blank here.

Alright so I am playing a Drow Noble Swashbuckler at level 5.
My Ability Rolls are 14,15,18,14,15,18 (Before Stat mods)which I can put where ever I need then.

Now I am looking into playing the Inspired Blade Archetype and my GM has let me use Fencer's Grace after seeing the posts with it and agreeing its not OP or anything.
So I can take Fencer's Grace as my level 1, and thinking 3rd level feat should be Combat Reflexes, thinking Weapon Specialization (Rapier) for 4th bonus feat
But not sure what to put into my 5th level feat slot?

Should I use my starting 10,500 to buy a +1 Fortuitous or Answering Rapier?
Or maybe Add some enhancements onto a Padded/Quilted Armor (Lets me use my full Dex)

Allowed 2 Traits, as well as 2 drawbacks (So long as they make sense and will effect my play in some way. I was thinking Vain and Pride)

Alright so Drow Noble are a CR 1 without class levels. Now if a player wants to play a Drow Noble they suggest that they start at level 2, one level being an empty CR level. However, what if they want to take the Drow Noble but start at level 1. And they are gonna take the Young Template to reduce their CR -1.

Does this work?

Well here we are ladies and gents,

The race of this build is going to be a Drow Noble with the class being the Swashbuckler from ACG.

Now I am eager to try this character out, perhaps for a BBEG.

Level 5 character seems like a good starting ground.
Editor's Note
Lead Pathfinder designer Jason Bulmahn states that Drow Noble characters should be one level less than characters of standard races but this information was rolled into the CR of the creature, rather than being separate as it should have been. While messageboard posts are not considered official errata, GMs are encouraged to consider this when trying to determine how powerful Drow Noble characters might be.
^ Now this is interesting, it suggests a Drow Noble should be a level 4 character, losing 1 class level. Now if this was a caster class I might agree more, but having played a Drow Noble and seen others play one without the universe ending and them only doing slightly better then the rest of the party (Mostly due to just being more experienced clever players) I don't really need to follow this. So level 5 should suit us just fine.

Which feats would be best, I am thinking a Rapier or Short Sword focus, after all they seem to have a racial affinity for those. Perhaps the Hand Crossbow as a ranged alternative.

Alright so under Drow Noble is says
Drow nobles possess all of the racial traits listed for drow characters, plus the following:

+4 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence, +2 Wisdom, +2 Charisma, –2 Constitution. Noble drow are very agile, observant, and regal. These ability score modifiers replace the standard drow ability score modifiers.
Spell Resistance: Drow nobles have spell resistance equal to 11 + their character level.
Spell-Like Abilities: Drow nobles can cast dancing lights, deeper darkness, faerie fire, feather fall, and levitate each at will, and have detect magic as a constant spell-like ability. A drow noble can also cast divine favor, dispel magic, and suggestion once per day each. In some cases, a drow noble's spell-like abilities might vary, although the level of a particular spell-like ability does not. A drow noble's caster level for her spell-like abilities is equal to her character level.

Well now under Drow racial traits we have
Standard Racial Traits

Ability Score Racial Traits: Drow are nimble and manipulative. They gain +2 Dexterity, +2 Charisma, and –2 Constitution.
Type: Drow are humanoids with the elf subtype.
Size: Drow are Medium creatures and thus receive no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Base Speed: Drow have a base speed of 30 feet.
Weapon Familiarity: Drow are proficient with the hand crossbow, rapier, and shortsword.
Languages: Drow begin play speaking Elven and Undercommon. Drow with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following languages: Abyssal, Aklo, Aquan, Common, Draconic, Drow Sign Language, Gnome, or Goblin. See the Linguistics skill page for more information about these languages.

Defense Racial Traits

Immunities Drow are immune to magic sleep effects and gain a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against enchantment spells and effects.
Spell Resistance: Drow possess spell resistance (SR) equal to 6 plus their total number of class levels.

Feat and Skill Racial Traits

Keen Senses- Drow gain a +2 racial bonus on Perception checks.

Magical Racial Traits

Spell-Like Abilities (Su): Drow can cast dancing lights, darkness, and faerie fire, once each per day, using their total character level as caster level.

Offense Racial Traits

Poison Use: Drow are skilled in the use of poisons and never risk accidentally poisoning themselves.

Senses Racial Traits

Superior Darkvision: Drow have superior darkvision, allowing them to see perfectly in the dark up to 120 feet.

Weakness Racial Traits

Light Blindness: As deep underground dwellers naturally, drow suffer from light blindness. Abrupt exposure to any bright light blinds drow for 1 round. On subsequent rounds, they are dazzled as long as they remain in the affected area.

So do the Ability Scores Stack? Does its Spell Resistance stack? 6+Level and 11+ level?

Because a 17+Level Spell Resistance might be a bit rough.

Alright ladies and gents,

I was curious because I get curious from time to time. If you could cherry pick class features from not just the Monk but all of the Monk Archeypes (All Paizo ones at least) which features would you pick?

Lets build a monk out of this Cherry Picking. You can take any piece out of any monk archetype and place it into the spot of the original monk or keep a feature of the original monk if you would like.

For example adding in Slow Time from MoFW but also taking Punishing Kick from HGM.

Ok so on my day off coming up I wanted to make a Monk Homebrew for my own personal game that I might post here. But I am curious of these ideas

D10 Hit Dice

Flesh of Steel (Ex)
The monk has hardened his body through countless hours of endurance and hard training

When unarmored and unencumbered, the monk adds his Constitution bonus (if any) to his AC and his CMD.

This bonus to AC apply even against touch attacks or when the monk is flat-footed. He loses these bonuses when he is immobilized or helpless, when he wears any armor, when he carries a shield, or when he carries a medium or heavy load.

Combat Insight (Ex)
Through keen insight and careful training the monk has learned the art of combat allowing him to react before and more efficiently then others.

At 3rd level, when unarmored and unencumbered, the monk adds his Wisdom bonus (if any) to his AC and CMD.

This bonus to AC applies even against touch attack or when the monk is flat-footed. He loses these bonuses when he is immobilized of helpless, when he wears any armor, when he carries a shield, or when he carries a medium or heavy load.

Aura of Insight (Su)
At 4th level, the monk harnesses the natural ki of his body and enshrouds himself in a glowing aura ranging from a faint glow to a brilliant flame. The aura itself is counted as a weapon or armor of masterwork quality for the purposes of enhancement bonuses being applies.

The monk loses this ability if he wears any armor, when he carries a shield, or when he carries a medium or heavy load.

Overchannel (Su)
At 6th level, the monk may reduce their max hit points of the day by 1/3rd to increase their Ki pool by half their monk level until the end of the day. To regain their normal maximum hit points requires an 8 hour rest and reduces the ki pool back to its normal maximum. This ability stacks with Extra Ki for the purpose of determining the maximum of the Ki pool.

These are just some ideas

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Ok so far as I can tell all Four Archetypes do in fact stack with one another.

Now the question is, what can we do with this?
Monk of Four Winds
Ki Mystic

What can you make to accent these odd class choices.
How could you make a top notch monk with these classes (As they do not include many of the stock choices for worthwhile monk)

Alright so everyone basically says the Sacred Fist is an awesome class, especially with a 2 level dip of monk (I guess their AC bonus stack?)

But the Warpriest (Sacred Fist) does it lose the ability to wield the favored weapon of its deity?

I wanted to build a Sacred Fist who is great defensively as well as offensively. I know it can self buff but what spells are the best to choose for keeping on hand for Fervor abuse?

Alright so are these classes balanced at all? I know they have some very odd class features but they seem kind fun and look like they might be a tad bit of fun but they seem like they might be a little out of the normal range of classes.

Alright so while I like playing with my smaller group of friends I would really like to try out this PFS thing.

The issues I am having are that I can't seem to find the pre-generated characters (Unless that is what the New Card Game Characterthing is for)

Also I am not sure what Classes and Races are available without a specific 'Boon' and on top of that what in the blue blazes is a boon anyway?

I have a PFS number and so forth but I am lost beyond that point. I downloaded the Guide but doesn't seem to be helping much.

Ok so I had a few ideas and I wanted to know
Q1:Are these usable by a PC
Young Template
Advanced Template

Q2: Could you stack these together to reduce a creatures size down to small, but then allow you to offset most of those drawbacks.

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