![]() Skylancer4 wrote:
That is probably the best way to say it. ![]()
![]() While I am still liking the idea of the doppelganger Investigator//Slayer I do admit that is it a little hard to account for the CR 3 adjust. So I was thinking of a Killoren Paladin//Swashbuckler The reason for this is it allows Smite damage from Paladin and Killoren's Aspect of Destroyer as well as level to damage for any piercing one handed or light item.
So with all threes focus on Cha, the Divine Grace ability boosting the all good saves with a high Cha, and of course the free Improved Critical at level 5, might seem like a good idea right? A Fey Paladin of the Forest style character.
![]() NobodysHome wrote:
Because being 6 feats behind everyone else in a combat class that really does require feats to be useful. Things like Power Attack, Cleave, Furious Focus, etc things we tend to look over as Duh choices for the feats. When your fellow Melee Party mates are Charging and PAing and are just using their feats properly they are straight up going to make any damage you deal seem minimal at best. Your party is likely going to be getting annoyed when it takes you twice as long to kill an opponent as it is them. Your Spell-Like Abilities at level 11 are no where near as useful as a Wizard with the same spells. I mean Deeper Darkness is cool and all, and a Wizard with a wand has invested less and has the same effect. Lets be fair and see what each trades off. Drow with the Nobility Feat line is the same CR as the Party but comes in with 6 less feats. Where the Drow Noble starts as 1 level higher then the party and the same feat progression. What player wouldn't rather take a 1 level gimp rather in 11 levels of being gimped by no feats. Of course this is not counting a Fighter Drow Noble who can do this by 6th level, but even they will be gimped, just not nearly as hard. ![]()
![]() Quote:
Detect Thoughts as an at-will is also pretty nice. The ability to buy and use any wand as if I was a wizard with a completed Spellbook is also a pretty nice ability and allows for me to be quite flexible.Again with the buy off CR I keep seeing its something like every three levels you reduce the CR by 1 till it reaches Half the original CR so at Level 3 and 6 I would drop two CR for a eventual CR 1/Slayer 19//Investigator 20 If we used LA Buy off levels those appear at 9, 15, 18 and would be both classes at level 20 by level 20. I do agree and want the Assassination Talent when Slayer reaches level 10. Also the rest of the Party is taking at least a CR 1 Template so I think if we do the every three levels, after level 6 it should even out the Party CR to 1 above our class levels in general. Also I think a CR is dropped if I begin with NPC Wealth By level. ![]()
![]() Now I wanted to make a Investigator Slayer Gestalt character who is basically the jack of all trades style of character. Slayer brings the cunning and killing power, while Investigator brings the skill and a bit of magic like effects. Now since this is gestalt I am allowed some fun with the CR adjustments.
Also we are going to buy off the CR later, much like the old LA buy off, but I was told this is more semi-official but what are the levels of CR buy off? Also the Stat Adjust is +2 to all stats (Took the Stat block and used a 15 point buy to figure it out.) So how to best make the jack of all trades, which is why I picked up the Doppelganger due to his Mimicry abilities. ![]()
![]() Rynjin wrote:
That is a very well rounded race build, I may use it as a base for the character with a little alteration. I will point out even monsters must follow the ability adjustment progression of PCs so there is likely only a +1 adjustment from the 3 RHD and it has no gear save for the club and rock as weapons. So those are its base stats, given that it is a 8 foot tall giant ape most of its state as reasonable, the Str is just jacked really high, but compared to humans thats actually reasonable. A RL Chimp is dozens of times stronger then your average human. Even the strongest human on earth RL is far weaker then the average chimp or gorilla. ![]()
![]() Onyxlion wrote: Could you just play a Vanara? Then you'd have none of your questions above to worry about. Sasquatch does not have a tail nor do they have a thin coat of fur. I mean look at where they lived. ![]()
![]() Sasquatch
From what I can see its CR is 2, but it possesses 3 Racial Hit Dice (d8 which is not bad) So it could not start before level 4 with class levels right? I was considering doing a conversion of the Goliath from 3.5 but refluff and retool it. Change its mountain abilities for the woodland stride ability, and make it playable at level one. Reducing the Str boost from +12 to +4 should be something. My game I would play this in is at level 5, so I could in theory place this race as it is but that +12 Str seems like it might be too much. I mean I know 3 RHD in exchange for the insane str boost is fair but well what do you all think? ![]()
![]() So the race is Half-Giant
Here is the ability scores we are given to use (All of the players get these scores)
What should I do for feats, items, ect.
Any help would be good. ![]()
![]() Sacred Fist 1/Monk X with Guided Amulet of Mighty Fist actually is a very focused Wis character. Wis to AC twice (along with a +2 bonus up to a max of +10 by level 20) Wis to Attack and Damage, Wis to Ki Pool, etc. NOTE: I know the AC Twice is still under discussion but I am saying if you follow that logic it still works. ![]()
![]() But the argument could be made that of course it says When you hit, otherwise there is no possible chance to roll the damage roll. That is just showing it happens after a successful hit. But I mean it does not add a line like "Before rolling damage you may choose to deal average damage (rounded down)" or something of that type. It says you may choose, but it does not say when is my point. ![]()
![]() Measured Response (Combat) You believe that a conservative but consistent response guarantees success. Prerequisite(s): Base attack bonus +1, worshiper of a good deity.
^ ^ ^
![]() Chengar Qordath wrote:
Ah ok, doing my math wrong then. But adding Agile or Guided if allowed is a pretty nice option to reduce MAD as guided makes it Wis to Attack and Defense, Agile lets you do damage, Weapon Finesse would help with the hit. ![]()
![]() Lemmy wrote:
Sorry i meant to say Agile or Guided Amulet of Mighty Fists (you know the ones that allow Dex or Wis to damage?) ![]()
![]() AndIMustMask wrote: A +1 AoMF is only 6,000 GP Is that all that expensive? ![]()
![]() Also Ghoran BBEG is gonna be a pain in the backside to kill off. Just had the Bad Guy spawn a Seed and hide it away somewhere, have a thrall take the seed and plant it at a secret Garden etc. The party comes to fight him, he is a level down but they fight him and have a good battle and then kill him and he come sback in like 2-12 days. ![]()
![]() Kata Master Monk Archetype
At 1st level, a kata master gains the swashbuckler's panache class ability. At the start of each day, a kata master gains a number of panache points equal to her Charisma bonus (minimum 1). Her panache goes up or down throughout the day, but usually cannot go higher than his Charisma bonus (minimum 1). A kata master gains the swashbuckler's derring-do and opportune parry and riposte deeds. A kata master can use an unarmed strike or monk special weapon in place of a light or one-handed piercing melee weapon for granted swashbuckler class features and deeds.
Now granted could mean granted from the Panache Class feature or granted from Swashbuckler period. Making all of the Swashbuckler deeds applicable to the unarmed strike. ![]()
![]() slin2678 wrote:
True a full BAB class like Brawler. As I said. You get to treat your attacks like Two Weapon fighting, except you get a total of 3 off hands rather then the normal 1. (This is a special rule due to the special case). As far as Multiweapon, it replaces Two-Weapon Fighting, and it is mostly only useful to reduce the penalties of taking off hand attacks. -6/-10 is the normal for primary and off hand. Of course the Kasatha would be -6/-10/-10/-10 for all four attacks. With Multi weapon it becomes as listed above. Two weapon would make it -2/-2/-10/-10 for all four punches. ![]()
![]() I do believe so. Well true, but if you focus on something that crits easily, such as a Rapier, Kukri, scimitar. Take Improved Critical and you will be criting more often then not. Yes this would be at level 11 but at that point your attacking 8 times at a +6/+6/+6/+6/+1/+1/+/+1 and criting at 15-20. And that is not counting enchanted weapons. ![]()
![]() Ghoran
Low-light vision.
What classes, feats, gear, ect would be perfect for making the most optimized character? ![]()
![]() slin2678 wrote:
Kasatha have four arms, they are playable, they get one primary hand and 3 off hands. Also taking the Multiweapon Fighting feat reduces their penalties from -6/-10/-10/-10 which is what they would start at. Dropping it to -4/-4/-4/-4. Of course if allowed to use Light these reduce to -2/-2/-2/-2 with unarmed. Now if you get all four attacks at level 1 (Which it implies you do) when you get to the BAB of 6/1 do you get four attacks using the 6 as the base number, and then another four with the 1 as the base number before penalties? If this is the case should you ever even Flurry? ![]()
![]() Ok so I wanted to make a Kasatha who is going to start as a enemy, and then later join the group as my PC (We Round Robin the DM job around the table so DMPCs only last as long as you are DM.) Kasatha as the class
Monk gives AC and a Bonus feat (Pummeling Style)
Now if I added a template
How could this work.
Is this correct? Also what weapon to focus on? Light One-Handed Spinal Sword does 1d6 x3 and can add a DC +1 to when its poisoned and its their native weapon. Or should I do Scimitar or Bastard Sword (Four Arms after all) ![]()
![]() Well I was curious if I used the Advanced Template on a creature such as a small time bad guy who is gonna become a reoccurring creature, as a former rival of one of the players. If I give him advanced template on top of his rolls, and so forth is it work having him reappear later? Ok lets say I played him as a PC. He is a level 5 character (Gestalt Game) how many levels of his should be occupied by the Template? What if his RP is higher then 20? Does that add another level? ![]()
![]() Well here is the build idea Kasatha (Four Armed Creature)
+4 to Con and Fort saves against fatigue, exhaustion, and other ill effects from running, forced marches, starvation, thirst, and hot or cold environments. I have 2 18s.
![]() Would it be wise to take a Druid Class Dipping into Monk and Sacred Fist for the Wis to AC bonuses that will scale? I mean it loses 1 spell off level 8 and 2 spells off level 9 and you never get Wild Shape at will. But you do get it 8/per day which is still heck of a lot. You also get Blessings, bonus feats, a handful of cleric casting. ![]()
![]() Ok so the way me and my crew do this is Round Robin Campaign design. I will either select a module path or stand alone module and then after mine is done I will trade off with another and my DMPC becomes a regular PC so we all try to make our characters well balanced for falling back or leading the charge. I am homebrewing a campaign currently though starting at level 5. Because its just me and two others we tend to Gestalt alot to add an increase in our power output (Again we normally do modules and some are ment to be with a few more people or expect the stock Mage, Cleric, Fighter, and Rogue party set up) Well I was gonna run a Kasatha Monk 2(Kata Master of Many Styles)/Warpriest (Sacred Fist) 3//Barbarian (Serene Barbarian) 5 And focus solely on Unarmed Combat. But my one friend wants to use Guns, advanced guns like revolvers and so forth, so I think he will be good with a ranged or semi ranged build but I want to be sure I am not overwhelming his character because of my four attacks (Four arms) The other is likely going to play a Swashbuckler and something else. (She tends to favor healers or rogues). My game starts with the two of them as bought bodyguards for a caravan of merchants crossing a very large desert where the Kasatha hold control over several of the Oasis' and must barter and trade with them to allow you to stop and rest there as well as buy supplies off them left by other travelers (A little different then the Kasatah from the book I know). Very honor bound and the guy leading the merchants is a bit of a mouthy jerk who might get them into trouble. This is also were the DMPC gets deployed, as a guide to the end of the desert at the very least. But is this idea of an unarmed fighter throwing 4 attacks at level 5, too much? Now with 10500 I can buy a lot of gear, including a Agile (or Guided) Amulet of Mighty Fist. And a Corresponding Belt or Headband for most of my gold. But like I said I want him to be valid later on, but not too powerful right now. ![]()
![]() Well the base I was going to use was Monk 2/ Sacred Fist x
Also given that TwF allows you that second attack on a standard attack not a full attack you could in theory at least make all four attacks each round, with the proper penalties of course. So four armed monk throwing out four punches each round is cool. Yes the Example Kasatha is a monk and it does not state he gets multiple attacks in his combat section, though it does state up his unarmed attack it doesn't proclude multiple attacks. Remember, this is a Monk and the person writing it up likely wrote it as a monk class (Focused on Flurry). This could be a simple oversight, this does not prohibit multiarm fighting.