
Grond Borg-Drautran's page

371 posts. Alias of Edeldhur.


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Race: Half-Orc | HP5/12 Wounded | AC20 (DR3/-) F18 T12, AC17 F12 T15 (-1 to all due to Grazed) | F+5 R+3 W+3 | Init +2 | Intimid+3 Kn(Dung)+7 Kn (Nat)+4 Per+1 SM+1 Sur+4 Classes/Levels: Fighter 1

I have been playing bits ow WoW Classic (Yeah... I know...). It is losing steam though.

Been looking into getting back to DMing again - I think 5e will be my 'go-to' option.

Race: Half-Orc | HP5/12 Wounded | AC20 (DR3/-) F18 T12, AC17 F12 T15 (-1 to all due to Grazed) | F+5 R+3 W+3 | Init +2 | Intimid+3 Kn(Dung)+7 Kn (Nat)+4 Per+1 SM+1 Sur+4 Classes/Levels: Fighter 1

Good ol' bump, to say hi to everyone!

Managed to nail down two D&D5e games, will finally get to learn more about the system.

Race: Half-Orc | HP5/12 Wounded | AC20 (DR3/-) F18 T12, AC17 F12 T15 (-1 to all due to Grazed) | F+5 R+3 W+3 | Init +2 | Intimid+3 Kn(Dung)+7 Kn (Nat)+4 Per+1 SM+1 Sur+4 Classes/Levels: Fighter 1

And have you guys had any experience with D&D5e? I have been wanting to give it a try...

Race: Half-Orc | HP5/12 Wounded | AC20 (DR3/-) F18 T12, AC17 F12 T15 (-1 to all due to Grazed) | F+5 R+3 W+3 | Init +2 | Intimid+3 Kn(Dung)+7 Kn (Nat)+4 Per+1 SM+1 Sur+4 Classes/Levels: Fighter 1

HOLY smokes - that is insanely expensive!

Race: Half-Orc | HP5/12 Wounded | AC20 (DR3/-) F18 T12, AC17 F12 T15 (-1 to all due to Grazed) | F+5 R+3 W+3 | Init +2 | Intimid+3 Kn(Dung)+7 Kn (Nat)+4 Per+1 SM+1 Sur+4 Classes/Levels: Fighter 1

Another poke, just because you fine people are nice to talk to :D

I have recently been surprised by the really large amount of older modules/adventures already converted to D&D5e. As an interesting example = GHOSTS OF SALTMARSH

Like this one, there are many others, even from 3rd party companies, like Frog God Games and Rappan Athuk.

Have any of you guys ever looked at any of these conversions - did they seem accurate/faithful to the original?

Race: Half-Orc | HP5/12 Wounded | AC20 (DR3/-) F18 T12, AC17 F12 T15 (-1 to all due to Grazed) | F+5 R+3 W+3 | Init +2 | Intimid+3 Kn(Dung)+7 Kn (Nat)+4 Per+1 SM+1 Sur+4 Classes/Levels: Fighter 1

Never heard that.

I used to like The Rifleman a lot though :D

Race: Half-Orc | HP5/12 Wounded | AC20 (DR3/-) F18 T12, AC17 F12 T15 (-1 to all due to Grazed) | F+5 R+3 W+3 | Init +2 | Intimid+3 Kn(Dung)+7 Kn (Nat)+4 Per+1 SM+1 Sur+4 Classes/Levels: Fighter 1

Nothing to see here, just an half-orc dropping in to see how everyone is doing :D

Race: Half-Orc | HP5/12 Wounded | AC20 (DR3/-) F18 T12, AC17 F12 T15 (-1 to all due to Grazed) | F+5 R+3 W+3 | Init +2 | Intimid+3 Kn(Dung)+7 Kn (Nat)+4 Per+1 SM+1 Sur+4 Classes/Levels: Fighter 1

Question ALLENDM: why retcon? He can simply miss. As far as smuggler 3 is concerned, nothing has changed, right?

Race: Half-Orc | HP5/12 Wounded | AC20 (DR3/-) F18 T12, AC17 F12 T15 (-1 to all due to Grazed) | F+5 R+3 W+3 | Init +2 | Intimid+3 Kn(Dung)+7 Kn (Nat)+4 Per+1 SM+1 Sur+4 Classes/Levels: Fighter 1
Grond Borg-Drautran wrote:
I would like to go around him, if no further threats are visible in the cave. But it seems the tunnel is too narrow ALLENDM? So Grond will just move up to him, and ready an attack - if he moves, speaks, or tries to cast a spell, Grond swings.

ALLENDM, my intention was not to intimidate the caster, but to move up to him and ready an attack if he moves, speaks, or tries to cast a spell.

I had not updated the map position because I did not know if Grond would see 'further threats' in the cave. Since there seems to be one, Grond will only move up to the caster, and ready the action as above.

That also means I probably have cover from the guy attacking me (think I also did even if 10' back), so he may miss?

Race: Half-Orc | HP5/12 Wounded | AC20 (DR3/-) F18 T12, AC17 F12 T15 (-1 to all due to Grazed) | F+5 R+3 W+3 | Init +2 | Intimid+3 Kn(Dung)+7 Kn (Nat)+4 Per+1 SM+1 Sur+4 Classes/Levels: Fighter 1

Dang! That must have hurt like hell ALLENDM! So now you need to put your foot up and rest. In front of the computer :D

Race: Half-Orc | HP5/12 Wounded | AC20 (DR3/-) F18 T12, AC17 F12 T15 (-1 to all due to Grazed) | F+5 R+3 W+3 | Init +2 | Intimid+3 Kn(Dung)+7 Kn (Nat)+4 Per+1 SM+1 Sur+4 Classes/Levels: Fighter 1

I think that channel reaches Grond?

Feeling invigorated, the half-orc carefully pushes forward toward the caster, wary of any possible further ambushes or traps - "You will pay for this" - he promises with a growl - "Speak, move a muscle, or try to cast a spell, and your life is forfeit"

I would like to go around him, if no further threats are visible in the cave. But it seems the tunnel is too narrow ALLENDM? So Grond will just move up to him, and ready an attack - if he moves, speaks, or tries to cast a spell, Grond swings.


AC: 21 - 1 (Grazed) = 20
HP: 8/12
Effects: Inspire Courage, Power Attack

Race: Half-Orc | HP5/12 Wounded | AC20 (DR3/-) F18 T12, AC17 F12 T15 (-1 to all due to Grazed) | F+5 R+3 W+3 | Init +2 | Intimid+3 Kn(Dung)+7 Kn (Nat)+4 Per+1 SM+1 Sur+4 Classes/Levels: Fighter 1

Thx Ferona, I will take a look.

Though I think my players will complain - they like the options afforded by 3.5 and PF, etc. Too simplistic systems may be frustrating for them. Worth a try though.

Race: Half-Orc | HP5/12 Wounded | AC20 (DR3/-) F18 T12, AC17 F12 T15 (-1 to all due to Grazed) | F+5 R+3 W+3 | Init +2 | Intimid+3 Kn(Dung)+7 Kn (Nat)+4 Per+1 SM+1 Sur+4 Classes/Levels: Fighter 1

So Ferona, Swords and Wizardy is a standalone system, right? Based on a d20 logic but much simpler?

Race: Half-Orc | HP5/12 Wounded | AC20 (DR3/-) F18 T12, AC17 F12 T15 (-1 to all due to Grazed) | F+5 R+3 W+3 | Init +2 | Intimid+3 Kn(Dung)+7 Kn (Nat)+4 Per+1 SM+1 Sur+4 Classes/Levels: Fighter 1
Ferona Ardomil wrote:

Grond, there are several Old School rulesets out there that you could easily adapt to run one of those modules. I am, in fact, looking to try running one too. Also interested in giving the new ALIEN RPG a go, let me know if you are interested.

Would be interested indeed Ferona - which 'Old School rulesets' are those? :D

P.S: ALIEN RPG wow, I did not even know it existed - looks badass!

Race: Half-Orc | HP5/12 Wounded | AC20 (DR3/-) F18 T12, AC17 F12 T15 (-1 to all due to Grazed) | F+5 R+3 W+3 | Init +2 | Intimid+3 Kn(Dung)+7 Kn (Nat)+4 Per+1 SM+1 Sur+4 Classes/Levels: Fighter 1

Yep, you hit the nail on the head there Rabalar.

I have entertained the notion myself, of re-running older, iconic D&D and AD&D modules, updating them to a more current system (or not). But the perspective is daunting since there is a lot of work involved, not only to upgrade them, but to try and maintain the tone and ambiance.

It definitely takes a committed GM to carry it out.

Race: Half-Orc | HP5/12 Wounded | AC20 (DR3/-) F18 T12, AC17 F12 T15 (-1 to all due to Grazed) | F+5 R+3 W+3 | Init +2 | Intimid+3 Kn(Dung)+7 Kn (Nat)+4 Per+1 SM+1 Sur+4 Classes/Levels: Fighter 1

Still missing feedback from Naia and Peran, but... Have we reached a verdict?

Race: Half-Orc | HP5/12 Wounded | AC20 (DR3/-) F18 T12, AC17 F12 T15 (-1 to all due to Grazed) | F+5 R+3 W+3 | Init +2 | Intimid+3 Kn(Dung)+7 Kn (Nat)+4 Per+1 SM+1 Sur+4 Classes/Levels: Fighter 1

I will echo everyone’s words - PbP is very synergistic. If GM or players slow down their posting too much, games fall apart unfortunately...

I am invested in this one, but obviously understand how harsh RL can be sometimes.

Race: Half-Orc | HP5/12 Wounded | AC20 (DR3/-) F18 T12, AC17 F12 T15 (-1 to all due to Grazed) | F+5 R+3 W+3 | Init +2 | Intimid+3 Kn(Dung)+7 Kn (Nat)+4 Per+1 SM+1 Sur+4 Classes/Levels: Fighter 1

Grond is most likely planning on getting up close and personal with the caster, but will wait on Antas.

Race: Half-Orc | HP5/12 Wounded | AC20 (DR3/-) F18 T12, AC17 F12 T15 (-1 to all due to Grazed) | F+5 R+3 W+3 | Init +2 | Intimid+3 Kn(Dung)+7 Kn (Nat)+4 Per+1 SM+1 Sur+4 Classes/Levels: Fighter 1

All the best wishes to your daughter Rabalar.

@Naia: Life is like that - no stress.

Race: Half-Orc | HP5/12 Wounded | AC20 (DR3/-) F18 T12, AC17 F12 T15 (-1 to all due to Grazed) | F+5 R+3 W+3 | Init +2 | Intimid+3 Kn(Dung)+7 Kn (Nat)+4 Per+1 SM+1 Sur+4 Classes/Levels: Fighter 1

Grond carefully steps forward and attacks.

Morningstar: 1d20 + 2 + 1 - 2 ⇒ (20) + 2 + 1 - 2 = 21
Damage if it hits: 1d8 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11

Could that be a crit?: 1d20 + 2 + 1 - 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 + 1 - 2 = 6
Additional damage if it is: 1d8 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9


AC: 21 - 2 (Wounded) = 19
HP: 4/12
Effects: Inspire Courage, Combat Expertise, Power Attack

Race: Half-Orc | HP5/12 Wounded | AC20 (DR3/-) F18 T12, AC17 F12 T15 (-1 to all due to Grazed) | F+5 R+3 W+3 | Init +2 | Intimid+3 Kn(Dung)+7 Kn (Nat)+4 Per+1 SM+1 Sur+4 Classes/Levels: Fighter 1

We will be here ALLENDM.

Race: Half-Orc | HP5/12 Wounded | AC20 (DR3/-) F18 T12, AC17 F12 T15 (-1 to all due to Grazed) | F+5 R+3 W+3 | Init +2 | Intimid+3 Kn(Dung)+7 Kn (Nat)+4 Per+1 SM+1 Sur+4 Classes/Levels: Fighter 1

So... Is it Antas to act now?

Race: Half-Orc | HP5/12 Wounded | AC20 (DR3/-) F18 T12, AC17 F12 T15 (-1 to all due to Grazed) | F+5 R+3 W+3 | Init +2 | Intimid+3 Kn(Dung)+7 Kn (Nat)+4 Per+1 SM+1 Sur+4 Classes/Levels: Fighter 1

Seeing Antas dropping the smuggler, Grond turns around with a satisfied grunt, and moves to retrieve his morningstar and shield.

Not 100% sure where I dropped them, but shouldn't be more than a move away right ALLENDM?


AC: 15
HP: 4/12
Effects: Inspire Courage

Race: Half-Orc | HP5/12 Wounded | AC20 (DR3/-) F18 T12, AC17 F12 T15 (-1 to all due to Grazed) | F+5 R+3 W+3 | Init +2 | Intimid+3 Kn(Dung)+7 Kn (Nat)+4 Per+1 SM+1 Sur+4 Classes/Levels: Fighter 1

Don't want to be a nag ALLENDM - if he takes a 5' step all good, but if he moves out of a threatened (by Antas) square, I think smuggler 8 eats an AoO?

Race: Half-Orc | HP5/12 Wounded | AC20 (DR3/-) F18 T12, AC17 F12 T15 (-1 to all due to Grazed) | F+5 R+3 W+3 | Init +2 | Intimid+3 Kn(Dung)+7 Kn (Nat)+4 Per+1 SM+1 Sur+4 Classes/Levels: Fighter 1

ALLENDM I may be wrong, but I do not think you can do a 5'step and a move action in the same round. The exact rule states - 'You can move 5 feet in any round when you don’t perform any other kind of movement'.

Could you confirm this one before Grond acts? :D

Race: Half-Orc | HP5/12 Wounded | AC20 (DR3/-) F18 T12, AC17 F12 T15 (-1 to all due to Grazed) | F+5 R+3 W+3 | Init +2 | Intimid+3 Kn(Dung)+7 Kn (Nat)+4 Per+1 SM+1 Sur+4 Classes/Levels: Fighter 1


Race: Half-Orc | HP5/12 Wounded | AC20 (DR3/-) F18 T12, AC17 F12 T15 (-1 to all due to Grazed) | F+5 R+3 W+3 | Init +2 | Intimid+3 Kn(Dung)+7 Kn (Nat)+4 Per+1 SM+1 Sur+4 Classes/Levels: Fighter 1

Good to know he is at least on the mend Naia - that really seems like a dangerous situation, damn...

Race: Half-Orc | HP5/12 Wounded | AC20 (DR3/-) F18 T12, AC17 F12 T15 (-1 to all due to Grazed) | F+5 R+3 W+3 | Init +2 | Intimid+3 Kn(Dung)+7 Kn (Nat)+4 Per+1 SM+1 Sur+4 Classes/Levels: Fighter 1

Really sorry to hear that Naia - hope he has recovered?

Race: Half-Orc | HP5/12 Wounded | AC20 (DR3/-) F18 T12, AC17 F12 T15 (-1 to all due to Grazed) | F+5 R+3 W+3 | Init +2 | Intimid+3 Kn(Dung)+7 Kn (Nat)+4 Per+1 SM+1 Sur+4 Classes/Levels: Fighter 1

It was worth a try Peran! And I believe Grond should be at 3hp ALLENDM? He was at -3 and was healed for 5+1?

"Thank you Antas and Peran" - Grond grunts through bloodied teeth, standing up and moving at the closest smuggler without a second thought.

He draws his bardiche as he goes, and swings.

Move to stand.
Move to approach the smuggler (drawing bardiche as part of move).
Burning the second hero point (we have two, right?) to attack.

Bardiche on Smuggler 7: 1d20 + 3 + 1 - 3 ⇒ (17) + 3 + 1 - 3 = 18
Damage if it hits: 1d10 + 7 + 1 ⇒ (9) + 7 + 1 = 17

"You have one single chance to surrender. And that is now" - he growls at the second smuggler (smuggler 8)


AC: 14
HP: 3/12
Effects: Inspire Courage

Race: Half-Orc | HP5/12 Wounded | AC20 (DR3/-) F18 T12, AC17 F12 T15 (-1 to all due to Grazed) | F+5 R+3 W+3 | Init +2 | Intimid+3 Kn(Dung)+7 Kn (Nat)+4 Per+1 SM+1 Sur+4 Classes/Levels: Fighter 1

The rolls against Grond so far are just uncanny...

Race: Half-Orc | HP5/12 Wounded | AC20 (DR3/-) F18 T12, AC17 F12 T15 (-1 to all due to Grazed) | F+5 R+3 W+3 | Init +2 | Intimid+3 Kn(Dung)+7 Kn (Nat)+4 Per+1 SM+1 Sur+4 Classes/Levels: Fighter 1
ALLENDM wrote:
I started doing a review and noting what I wanted to revise with the main theme being make it completely backward compatible including being able to use 3.5 monsters.

This ALLENDM, for me is pure gold - there is a VAST amount of material from 3.5 available which I would kill to be able to use without 'too much' conversion work. Mainly classic adventures and campaigns. There is just a lot of good stuff out there being 'left behind'

Truth be told, there is a lot of even 'older' stuff I would just love to be able to pick up and use 'as is' somehow - heck, The Night Below boxed set is just sitting behind me for example :D

Of course one can go the long path and convert, but I just do not have enough time for that...


I live in Europe, and was complaining about -13°C when taking my daughter to school. I cannot even begin to imagine those temperatures you guys are going through ALLENDM, Rabalar and Antas. Hope you manage to stay safe and warm!

Race: Half-Orc | HP5/12 Wounded | AC20 (DR3/-) F18 T12, AC17 F12 T15 (-1 to all due to Grazed) | F+5 R+3 W+3 | Init +2 | Intimid+3 Kn(Dung)+7 Kn (Nat)+4 Per+1 SM+1 Sur+4 Classes/Levels: Fighter 1

Thanks for the update ALLENDM, and well, I guess I know what weapon Grond will want to wield if he survives. Reach AND shield are just too good to pass. Wish I knew that before.

Race: Half-Orc | HP5/12 Wounded | AC20 (DR3/-) F18 T12, AC17 F12 T15 (-1 to all due to Grazed) | F+5 R+3 W+3 | Init +2 | Intimid+3 Kn(Dung)+7 Kn (Nat)+4 Per+1 SM+1 Sur+4 Classes/Levels: Fighter 1
ALLENDM wrote:
Just so we are clear this smuggler will get an attack of opportunity on you with the reach weapon before you close.

I did not get it absolutely clearly from the descriptions, but I assumed as much yes. Decided to risk it anyway, but it seems these guys are blessed by Lady Luck.

In any case Grond's action remains the same. Two questions on that - 1) I attacked twice. Only one hits? 2) The man is wielding a 2h pike with reach, and also a Light Shield?

Race: Half-Orc | HP5/12 Wounded | AC20 (DR3/-) F18 T12, AC17 F12 T15 (-1 to all due to Grazed) | F+5 R+3 W+3 | Init +2 | Intimid+3 Kn(Dung)+7 Kn (Nat)+4 Per+1 SM+1 Sur+4 Classes/Levels: Fighter 1

"Told you" - Grond grunted with a smile as the one in front of him dies on the spot, trespassed by a very familiar harpoon.

Haha, ALLENDM you really threw me a bone there with him losing his shot ;)

"Give it your best shot" - Grond snarls, and moves ahead cautiously to make sure he is not surprised from the tunnel to his right.

Will react accordingly if something pops up from there. I am assuming the front guy has a reach weapon, but in any case, if Grond reaches his opponent:

Morningstar: 1d20 + 3 + 1 - 2 - 1 ⇒ (15) + 3 + 1 - 2 - 1 = 16
Damage if it hits: 1d8 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8

If I reached him, and he is still standing, I want to try and burn a Hero Point for another standard action. We start with 2 right? I don't think I ever used one.

Morningstar: 1d20 + 3 + 1 - 2 - 1 ⇒ (14) + 3 + 1 - 2 - 1 = 15
Damage if it hits: 1d8 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8

"Still feel like talking much?"

If I reached him, and took him down with my first attack, will still burn the Hero Point to close in on the Crossbow guy with an extra Move action.

Using Combat Expertise, so my stats should be, I think:
AC 20-2+1=19
HP: 5/12

Race: Half-Orc | HP5/12 Wounded | AC20 (DR3/-) F18 T12, AC17 F12 T15 (-1 to all due to Grazed) | F+5 R+3 W+3 | Init +2 | Intimid+3 Kn(Dung)+7 Kn (Nat)+4 Per+1 SM+1 Sur+4 Classes/Levels: Fighter 1

Thank you for clarifying ALLENDM (apologies as I incorrectly read the stats on the crossbow). However, my Attack of Opportunity happens as he is loading the crossbow, right? Fingers crossed for taking him down then, or hurting him enough that he decides to run instead? :D

Race: Half-Orc | HP5/12 Wounded | AC20 (DR3/-) F18 T12, AC17 F12 T15 (-1 to all due to Grazed) | F+5 R+3 W+3 | Init +2 | Intimid+3 Kn(Dung)+7 Kn (Nat)+4 Per+1 SM+1 Sur+4 Classes/Levels: Fighter 1

Hehe yeah. I have played lasertag only once or twice, but paintball more often and yeah... Friendly fire is a thing :D That is why Grond is gluing on them as much as he can - we have gave them all the time to get prepared, and now everything is that more complicated. At least while Grond stands, we know where they are!

Race: Half-Orc | HP5/12 Wounded | AC20 (DR3/-) F18 T12, AC17 F12 T15 (-1 to all due to Grazed) | F+5 R+3 W+3 | Init +2 | Intimid+3 Kn(Dung)+7 Kn (Nat)+4 Per+1 SM+1 Sur+4 Classes/Levels: Fighter 1
Naia Temlow wrote:
Unless he had started loading on the previous round? In non-house-ruled PF1e, loading a heavy crossbow is a full round action. In PF2e it is a two Action activity, that can be taken as the last action of one turn/first action of the next if your DM allows it. As far I’m Understanding anyway...

I think we are firmly in PF1e rules (with the houserules from ALLENDM), that is why I am asking. Also I think he moved last round?

Race: Half-Orc | HP5/12 Wounded | AC20 (DR3/-) F18 T12, AC17 F12 T15 (-1 to all due to Grazed) | F+5 R+3 W+3 | Init +2 | Intimid+3 Kn(Dung)+7 Kn (Nat)+4 Per+1 SM+1 Sur+4 Classes/Levels: Fighter 1

AoO: 1d20 + 3 + 1 - 2 ⇒ (13) + 3 + 1 - 2 = 15
Damage if it hits: 1d8 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8

ALLENDM quick question on that crossbow shot - since he is hitting me for 1d8 damage, I am assuming he is using an heavy crossbow. And 'Loading a heavy crossbow is a full-round action that provokes attacks of opportunity', is it not? So he should not be able to load and shoot on the same round I believe?

Checked also the house rules, but could not find any different info about this one. Let me know.

Race: Half-Orc | HP5/12 Wounded | AC20 (DR3/-) F18 T12, AC17 F12 T15 (-1 to all due to Grazed) | F+5 R+3 W+3 | Init +2 | Intimid+3 Kn(Dung)+7 Kn (Nat)+4 Per+1 SM+1 Sur+4 Classes/Levels: Fighter 1

"There are even more of them down here!" - Grond roars to his companions, then cautiously proceeds forward, in case others are ready to attack him.

He stands as close as possible to the nearest smuggler, hoping to get some cover in case of further ranged attacks.

"You understand your lives are forfeit, do you not?" - he grunts at the man.

Map updated.

Race: Half-Orc | HP5/12 Wounded | AC20 (DR3/-) F18 T12, AC17 F12 T15 (-1 to all due to Grazed) | F+5 R+3 W+3 | Init +2 | Intimid+3 Kn(Dung)+7 Kn (Nat)+4 Per+1 SM+1 Sur+4 Classes/Levels: Fighter 1

Thank you ALLENDM. As an added clarification - Grond can see only smugglers to the East, is that correct (none on the area 25 to the south)? Those two (5 and 6), and then more behind them - I know it is hard to count them, but... More than two? Also, I still have enough move to get up to 6, right?

Race: Half-Orc | HP5/12 Wounded | AC20 (DR3/-) F18 T12, AC17 F12 T15 (-1 to all due to Grazed) | F+5 R+3 W+3 | Init +2 | Intimid+3 Kn(Dung)+7 Kn (Nat)+4 Per+1 SM+1 Sur+4 Classes/Levels: Fighter 1

Would it be possible to see the updated map please ALLLENDM?

Race: Half-Orc | HP5/12 Wounded | AC20 (DR3/-) F18 T12, AC17 F12 T15 (-1 to all due to Grazed) | F+5 R+3 W+3 | Init +2 | Intimid+3 Kn(Dung)+7 Kn (Nat)+4 Per+1 SM+1 Sur+4 Classes/Levels: Fighter 1

Grond cautiously peeks around the corner.

If no apparent threat is visible, he wants to carefully (but at normal speed) move forward until he can see along both passages, and try to ascertain in which direction their adversaries have fled.

Race: Half-Orc | HP5/12 Wounded | AC20 (DR3/-) F18 T12, AC17 F12 T15 (-1 to all due to Grazed) | F+5 R+3 W+3 | Init +2 | Intimid+3 Kn(Dung)+7 Kn (Nat)+4 Per+1 SM+1 Sur+4 Classes/Levels: Fighter 1

If the map is accurate, Grond wants to cautiously move up to the XBow guys.

Race: Half-Orc | HP5/12 Wounded | AC20 (DR3/-) F18 T12, AC17 F12 T15 (-1 to all due to Grazed) | F+5 R+3 W+3 | Init +2 | Intimid+3 Kn(Dung)+7 Kn (Nat)+4 Per+1 SM+1 Sur+4 Classes/Levels: Fighter 1

The smuggler is still there though, right ALLENDM?

Race: Half-Orc | HP5/12 Wounded | AC20 (DR3/-) F18 T12, AC17 F12 T15 (-1 to all due to Grazed) | F+5 R+3 W+3 | Init +2 | Intimid+3 Kn(Dung)+7 Kn (Nat)+4 Per+1 SM+1 Sur+4 Classes/Levels: Fighter 1

Sorry ALLEND, it does not.

You can go off my words, but they did not indicate a lack of caution - in fact, lack of caution has nothing to do with my character ever since I started, nor even the direction where I would like to take Grond. He is simply being pragmatic in an otherwise unsurmountable situation. Someone is going to have to take the lead, and that someone will be hurt. Grond is assuming his heavy shield and new armor (thank you Naia) make him the logical choice for being point. He is moving ahead with ‘stubborn determination’ because the longer we take to move ahead, the more the smugglers will be encroaching themselves defensively. He only regrets he has not done it earlier.

Nowhere was stated the ‘combat round was finished’. In fact you said something along the lines Grond had to act as part of Group 2 - that is not indicative of a finished round or combat, but instead of a continuation of the combat.

If we are fighting, and one enemy goes down and the other goes around a corner, that is not the end of a combat, much less of an encounter, to warrant new initiatives (by the way, you did not tell me your thoughts regarding re-rolling initiatives).

If players/characters are going to be taken very literally, this called for exact the same from your end I believe? I am convinced if we take the literal part too far (which I am convinced is happening in this particular case), and assume that in every combat situation one has to state he ‘moves carefully’, in case anyone wants to attack him, etc. it will make for a very repetitive and sluggish game - I will try to do so however...

Also, I apologize again but I disagree that someone shooting from downstairs at a target upstairs dos not get a cover penalty. I am above the smuggle, but they are below him. Even more so if I move up to him with the rest of my move. Would you not agree?

I will stop the argument because these things sometimes get out of hand, and in forums there is no body language to accompany the words, and everything can be misunderstood. I still think my points are valid, but game on.

If my action is still not finished however, then there should be a smuggler in front of me, correct? Somewhere further down the stairs?

Race: Half-Orc | HP5/12 Wounded | AC20 (DR3/-) F18 T12, AC17 F12 T15 (-1 to all due to Grazed) | F+5 R+3 W+3 | Init +2 | Intimid+3 Kn(Dung)+7 Kn (Nat)+4 Per+1 SM+1 Sur+4 Classes/Levels: Fighter 1

You are the GM, and my actions would have remained the same regardless, but I completely disagree with your assessment on this one ALLENDM:

- I think my words and post are being taken too literally, to Grond's detriment. Nothing in my post implied lack of caution;

- These may be separate encounters, but they are not being ran as such. We are running them in round per round sequence for a long time now (regardless of the new initiatives). Round per round action itself implies moving carefully (I think it is in the actual description of a combat round, but I do not have time to check it now). I believe t should not require a particular statement;

- If Grond survives please assume henceforth he will always be moving with caution, until the next time he has a chance to lay down to sleep in a place he considers safe and friendly;


Also I have a few additional questions:

- Grond's move is 30'. If the stairs are difficult terrain he should be able to move 3 squares with a move, and 6 squares with a double move. Correct? Doesn't that mean Grond should be at least 1 or 2 squares further ahead? Since he did not attack, can he continue moving?

- The guy running from us was between Grond and the Crossbow guys when they shot, was he not? Shouldn't Grond get cover bonus from that?

- I just realized you re-rolled initiatives? That seems strange as it may cause some to act twice before others do. Or am I looking at it wrong? Wouldn't it be more adequate to continue the rounds? For example, if we continued in rounds, Group 3 would act now. But if we change, Ferona loses her action, and Narciso, Rabalar and Soros will all act again before her. It is a bit funky... And even worse if we factor in the bad guys.

EDIT: Just to say it is not my intention to retcon Grond’s actions, or anything along those lines. He has accepted his role as can opener, in this horribly disadvantegeous situation we find ourselves in. Idea is only to understand the flow of things, and state my opinion about it.

Race: Half-Orc | HP5/12 Wounded | AC20 (DR3/-) F18 T12, AC17 F12 T15 (-1 to all due to Grazed) | F+5 R+3 W+3 | Init +2 | Intimid+3 Kn(Dung)+7 Kn (Nat)+4 Per+1 SM+1 Sur+4 Classes/Levels: Fighter 1

Hmmmmm ALLENDM, I am not quite undestanding why Grond is caught flat-footed in this situation.

We are in the middle of a fight, He turns the corner fully expecting to encounter at least an attacker in the corridor, and half expecting an attack.

Even if others are there with crossbows, I would say this does not qualify as a situation where he would be surprised and/or flat-footed? Regardless of his perception roll.

Race: Half-Orc | HP5/12 Wounded | AC20 (DR3/-) F18 T12, AC17 F12 T15 (-1 to all due to Grazed) | F+5 R+3 W+3 | Init +2 | Intimid+3 Kn(Dung)+7 Kn (Nat)+4 Per+1 SM+1 Sur+4 Classes/Levels: Fighter 1

Perception: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 1 = 8

Hey ALLENDM, in these particular types of situations, have you considered doing that roll from your end? Imagine I couldn't post until tomorrow - the game could probably continue if you rolled ;)

Race: Half-Orc | HP5/12 Wounded | AC20 (DR3/-) F18 T12, AC17 F12 T15 (-1 to all due to Grazed) | F+5 R+3 W+3 | Init +2 | Intimid+3 Kn(Dung)+7 Kn (Nat)+4 Per+1 SM+1 Sur+4 Classes/Levels: Fighter 1

Without a word, Grond pushed ahead stubbornly, past their fallen enemies, and around the corner.

I believe there is a smuggler who bailed out around the corner? I am going for that one. If I can reach him (Grond has enough move to go 10' past the corner I believe) I attack.

Morningstar: 1d20 + 3 - 2 + 1 ⇒ (16) + 3 - 2 + 1 = 18
Damage if it hits: 1d8 + 5 ⇒ (8) + 5 = 13


AC: 20 (base) -1 (grazed) = 19
DR: 3
HP: 7/12

Race: Half-Orc | HP5/12 Wounded | AC20 (DR3/-) F18 T12, AC17 F12 T15 (-1 to all due to Grazed) | F+5 R+3 W+3 | Init +2 | Intimid+3 Kn(Dung)+7 Kn (Nat)+4 Per+1 SM+1 Sur+4 Classes/Levels: Fighter 1

What about Group 4? I believe they did not act after Group 3, or am I missing something?

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