
Grokk_Bloodfist's page

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If you're open to third party supplements, look at the Time Warden or Time Thief by Genius Guides.

Otherwise I'd go with a Witch with the Time Patron or Diviner wizard with some careful spell selection, potentially reflavored to fit.

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I'd go straight Slayer these days tbh...

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This is what happens when selfish a!%%$+$ players expect other people to make accomodation for their whims.

No this will not work. At all. By RAW or RAI. The end.

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The dwarf barbarian in my group charged into the room full of goblin women in Thistletop and botched on a charge. The goblin women rolled their AoOs and scored x2 critical hits. (I have the Critical Hit and Fumble decks).

Long story short: he survived, barely. Copped 4 strength damage and most of his HP dropped in one round.

The players are level 9 now and there's still a lot of jokes about the dwarf barbarian that got flogged by a bunch of goblin whores. He'll never live it down.

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I hate it when players in a group just say "I want to play x" without any discussion amoung themselves about how x fits into the group and what their role is. My group does it all the time and it drives me mad.

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I really like the idea of how long you can evade capture. Even if you change your appearance, scribe the spells and flee, you can't even travel with your same companions.

The extent to which you're stuffed is just hillarious. Talk about trying to go out in a blaze of glory.

Maybe you can beg or grovel for mercy and plead eternal servitude or something? At least there'd be no suprises when he reanimates you as an undead servant.

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Gallyck wrote:
Haha I'll keep this as a running journal of my impending doom. I think I can make it. Will it be because I should make it? No but if its a good story and fun it'll be worth it. I still think I acted completely as my character would.

That, is the only way to go - staying true to your character.

I've played my characters doing moves I know full well could result in death. My last character in Way of the Wicked died a horrible death doing something that only she could do. And I didn't regret it for a second. The players and GM were in stitches. But sometimes it isn't amusing and you wind up doing something, knowing your character will die but also knowing there is no other way to play it without metagaming.

As a GM, I usually give those players a bonus somehow on their new characters to reflect good roleplaying.

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I'm just in for the consequences on this one.

Please keep us posted how your character dies.

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ARgghh I'm posting at work so that makes it hard to reply, bloody proxy is doing something to my views.

I looked up the damage dice. 1d12 and 2d6 both step up to 3d6 so point taken on the feat. Fair point.

I like the look of the Fauchard and considered it long and hard. I couldn’t see a way to make it work as I’d need to invest in the Critical feats very heavily at the expense of Vital Strike/Devastating Strike combo (which is the thrust of what I was looking). While this is a very viable and awesome looking build, it just ran counter to what I was looking at. If you can show me how a sample feat progression would work, I’d consider it though?

Reasoning of Lunge: My turn, attack at 15’. Outside my turn: threaten 10’. Penalty to my AC means very little unless they have ranged weapons or reach.

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If you allow 3.5 feats, Doomspeak feat from Champions of Ruin (p20) also is fitting (if you are re-tooling her for a home campaign):

That would fit the Court Bard archtype nicely.