Grit's eyes dart between targets and Nikolai and back down the hall before loosing an arrow towards the Hulking Crabbeast in front of Nikolai, he then sprints to the corner of the room "Come'ere you nightmare balloons..hopefully you aren't as smart as Olek.."
(on his turn)
Quite out of character, Grit hesitates as to his target. He snap fires two serrated arrows towards the back ends of the brain closest to Nikolai. He knows humanoid targets better, but knows the brainstem is the most vulnerable part of brains he's familiar with.
First Attack with Advantage:1d20 + 9 ⇒ (10) + 9 = 19 First Attack with Advantage:1d20 + 9 ⇒ (2) + 9 = 11 Psychic Damage:1d8 + 5 + 1d6 ⇒ (7) + 5 + (1) = 13
The arrows disappear as they make contact in a flash of violet light.
His skin grows dark and speckled like stone it's surface becomes damp to match the rockface perfectly. He dashes to the otherside of the cave, his feet deftly making it's way across the wet rocks.
"Bah!" Grit shares his exasperation via telepathy.
"We should hide outside the cave and pick these abberations off, make them come to us but I think these 'worshipers' would get in the way...I think I should be able to inflict crippling damage with my first attack but once the arrows fly the jig is up. I should be able to stay hidden throughout"
Florr lifts her hands, palms out towards them to show she isn't holding anything. "Oh no no, you misunderstand the situation! We don't want to kill you, not at all! I thought that all of us at once knocking on your door might make you less likely to welcome us inside your warm fire, and I didn't tell you because, well..." Florr pauses and smiles, trying to keep the mood calm and welcome. "Because, you know, we were just as suspicious of you as you are of us! But enough of this, there is no need for weapons." She motions to Grit. "He was staying back with my horse. All we want is a warmer place to sleep for the night on our journey to my hometown, and any information you'd care to share."
She thinks to Grit, "Are you OK? Where is Nikolai? Should I tell them about him? They seem so jumpy and ready to strike."
Grit, no longer holding his bow is unable to answer you.
"Whaddya think Grit? They don't seem too hostile. We could make a play like we got separated from Florr and we just tracked her down. Get ourselves inside near that warm fire. May be suspicious but maybe I could smooth it over?"
"Hrm I don't know..there was definitely a third.."
Grit removes a bow he'd been crafting from his bedroll tied to the sleigh. It's smaller and sleeker than the large bow he lost while he was prisoner. It's made of a grey ash and has a tiny dwarven rune carved just below the grip.
You hear a quiet whisper in your minds, it's Grit's voice.
"I'll tell you what we see. You can speak to me this way too, if you'd like, while I hold this. But we need to be able to see each other."
His lips don't move but he motions to his bow as he strings it.
He motions for Nikolai to move towards the building. In your mind you hear "You go around the right, I'll go around left."
Gritnarr strings a bow he finds in the cart quickly and recklessly steping on the inside of the lower limb and yanking the string in place. He snatches an arrow from a stack of quivers and nocks it while drawing the bow simultaneous. His body rotates in the direction of the Western bear.
Grit takes a knee and strings is bow. He gives it a gentle pluck and it buzzes with a grim tone.
Round 1: Hit a Dish from 20 yards away
First Shot:1d20 + 8 ⇒ (10) + 8 = 18
Round 2: Puncture a swinging Waterskin hung from a signpost 20 yards.
First Shot:1d20 + 8 ⇒ (17) + 8 = 25
Round 3: Pass an arrow through a golden ring swinging from a treebranch above you. Branches and brush obscure the target slightly and a gentle breeze rolls through the it's branches. from 10 yards
First Shot ignoring cover:1d20 + 8 ⇒ (5) + 8 = 13 Second Shot ignoring cover:1d20 + 8 ⇒ (8) + 8 = 16
Grit takes a deep breath and brings his aim up slowly.
Third Shot ignoring cover:1d20 + 8 ⇒ (18) + 8 = 26
Olias decides to play this safe. He feels the dwarves are trustworthy, but he doesn't want to reveal too much.
"We had a job to investigate the vineyard just north of here, as they had stopped making deliveries to Haven's Cross, and report back to the guild. Unfortunately, when we arrived, we had found that everyone was dead by some mysterious cause. We're not exactly sure what to make of it, yet. Perhaps Wyrmshadow will know more."
Olias finishes his story and turns away, hoping to discourage any follow-up questions.
Feat: Fast Crawl; Spells: hibernate, tripvine; Traits: Beast of the Society, Berserker of the Society, Blade of the Society, Defender of the Society, Exalted of the Society, Greater Adept of the Society, Havoc of the Society, Honored Fist of the Society, Maestro of the Society, Stalwart of the Society, Tracker of the Society
The faction mechanic has been reused and refined in the Pathfinder Society Field Guide. Further factions have been included in "Halflings of Golarion", "Inner Sea Magic" and "Inner Sea Combat".
Ah, it didnt seem like Campaign Setting: Faction Guide and Pathfinder Chronicles: Faction Guide was the same.
My question is, what kind of AC bonus is it? I'm guessing a shield bonus, since shield is the spell that the crafting requires, but wouldn't that not stack with a shield?
Since no type is specified, it would be an untyped bonus.
My question is, what kind of AC bonus is it? I'm guessing a shield bonus, since shield is the spell that the crafting requires, but wouldn't that not stack with a shield?
Immunity to any effect that requires a Fortitude save (unless the effect also works on objects or is harmless).
Ghostbane Dirge requires a fortitude save to negate. It doesn't specify that it is harmless. Incorporeal undead are therefore immune to this effect. I am not aware of any incorporeal creatures that are not undead except for one outsider.
What's the deal?
Ghostbane Dirge is a will save.
Did you happen to look at the date of the post before you necro'd it? My guess would be they actually fixed the issue sometime in the last oh, what, almost 3 years since the post was made.
I'm kind of sorry you did this. I'm afraid it's going to cause them issues if they use this with...
So some GMs aren't allowing PCs to take 10 or 20 (which is a core rule)? I'm pretty sure Mike Brock and Moreland said we had to play by the rules of the game. And I'm pretty sure that's what we all agreed to do, especially when playing in public. GMs don't get to pick and choose which rules they do or do not use. I hope Brock or Moreland put a stop to that nonsense in your perception thread. You can't break a rule like that and claim you're playing RAW, what a joke.
Taking 20 on a whole room takes hours, wouldnt that make the time limit tick down?
This brings up an improtant question though...
After we had played this, another player asked me what was to prevent someone from just casting Rope Trick in a cleared room, crawling up in the space pocket and sleeping for the night? Is this on a "time limit", and if so, what is it?
3.0 rules don't really apply. Can you cite where you're getting your "Perception checks of rooms regardless of size only require a move action" if so, taking 20 to search is going to happen a lot more often for me and my gaming group!
I'm kind of sorry you did this. I'm afraid it's going to cause them issues if they use this with...
So some GMs aren't allowing PCs to take 10 or 20 (which is a core rule)? I'm pretty sure Mike Brock and Moreland said we had to play by the rules of the game. And I'm pretty sure that's what we all agreed to do, especially when playing in public. GMs don't get to pick and choose which rules they do or do not use. I hope Brock or Moreland put a stop to that nonsense in your perception thread. You can't break a rule like that and claim you're playing RAW, what a joke.
Taking 20 on a whole room takes hours, wouldnt that make the time limit tick down?
Immunity to any effect that requires a Fortitude save (unless the effect also works on objects or is harmless).
Ghostbane Dirge requires a fortitude save to negate. It doesn't specify that it is harmless. Incorporeal undead are therefore immune to this effect. I am not aware of any incorporeal creatures that are not undead except for one outsider.
2) Maybe...TBD since part 2 is just now starting to be written.
3) Maybe....TBD but there won't be an auto kill in it like last year.
4) No
I loved Gencon last year Mike, but not the auto-kill. I'll admit my team was pretty put off when a table of people who only made it 4 rooms in and decided to leave won the special round 2 because it was a "get the most points but no dying". We assumed the normal pathfinder universe where you can be raised and whatnot, who would have thunk that dying automatically negated all the points you gained? Not us, that's for sure. Pathfinders should be bold, not game the system, please dont reward this lame behavior in the future and give a win to the people that went the furthest and accomplished the most. Not the ones who played it safe and left 4 rooms in.
DR x/- cannot by overcome by anything. A weapon with +1 (or more) magical enhancement bypasses DR x/magic.
DR x/- can be overcome by energy (magical or not), spells or spell like abilities.
"Spells, spell-like abilities, and energy attacks (even non-magical fire) ignore damage reduction."
Zurai wrote:
+4 weapons count as adamantine for DR purposes (NOT for sundering, etc).
I think I know the answer, but what about an Iron Golem? He can't sunder any magic weapon, even a +1 longsword, since he only has DR 15/adamantine?
No, Iron Golems can sunder things. What the original quote was saying was that if you're swinging a +4 weapon it doesn't sunder things like an adamantine weapon, it only overcomes DR as an adamantine weapon.
In the Pathfinder Core rulebook on page 175 table 7-12: Common Armor, Weapon, and Shield Hardness and Hit Points. It lists Hardness and HP for armor. The Hardness is based on the material and the HP is equal to armor bonus x5. Keep in mind that Hardness is increased by 2 for each +1 enhancement point and Hp is increased by 10 for every +1 bonus.
So the material has no bearing on hitpoints for armor, but it does for everything else? So a breastplate made from steel and one made from adamantine has the same HP?
Did George Lucas just get hired at Paizo? Come on Paizo, you're better than this nonsense.
With the assumption you're not trying to be a jerk, I'd like to discuss this. If at the moment of product release Paizo had said "we're doing two different bindings... one is utilitarian and the other is a physically attractive version", would this still be Lucasian? I mean, then it's just "do you want to large-size your fries?" Or, "do you want the optional sunroof, and HEMI?"
Keep in mind, after the advanced race guide there are now "Dwarven Long Hammers" and "Dwarven Long Axes" added to the mix, same as their namesakes, but now with reach!
Just to be clear, I'm looking for something suitable for a huge sized miniature. I've already got a couple large sized owlbears.
This bear figure is perfectly sized to a huge scale miniature. You can find it at some of the better independent toy stores in your area (or online, obviously). I plan on using sculpting putty to put a beak on it.
It's made by a company called Hotaling. The toy line is Papo. It's about $6. [Edit] Even though the the website I got the picture from says $8. If you live in the Denver area, I stock them in my store and only sell them for $6.
On a friendlier note, what critters would you like to see done eventually?
I for one would like to see monsters from the Pathfinder Adventure Paths. Most of the monsters in the bestiary can be obtained from other sources, though the monsters that have a very unique Pathfinder look would be most welcome.
Ditto on this. Tatzylworms, Mud Giants and Giant Owlbears come to mind.
That's strange, because every other mini-manufacturer and retailer have figured it out...
Really? Wizards of the Coast and Wizkid the worlds two largest manufacturers of Pre-Painted Miniatures have been using a randomized format to sell miniatures for many years. And because of this format, there are thousands of PPMs available in the marketplace. Many, if not most, of these miniatures can be purchased from Paizo, Auggies, Troll & Toad, Ebay or countless sources. At least with the Wizkids/Paizo offering they are looking at including Adventure Packs with miniatures in a non-randomized format too. And Paizo has said they will be bursting boosters and making available miniatures from the randomized sets. And they will not be alone, many retailers will be bursting boosters and selling individual miniatures. You will have many opportunities to buy the miniatures without needing to play the "slots."
Forgive me if this is a broken record, but if I have to tell it a thousand times I will. We went nearly a year without any PPMs. It was looking like the day of PPMs was coming to an end. So for all of us that really likes having miniatures on their gaming table, we should be very pleased with the Wizkids/Paizos announcement. And especially pleased by the very stalwart way Paizo plans to make these miniatures available.
I didnt realize you could opt out of the randomized packs, I read the product description and seemed to miss that, thanks!
Or they could use a little brainpower, realize that some minis will obviously need to be stocked more than others and the rest can be ordered. I'm not going to spend 4 dollars for a mini I might not even need because distributors and retailers are lazy.
Take your own advise, seriously.
The reasons for the things you complain about are even in this very thread.
It has nothing to do with "laziness". It has to do with the fact that 40 products instead of 2 are simply more expensive. 40 products means shelf space for 40 products. And shelf space costs money. And that cost will be relayed to the customer, like every single cost a business has.
And yes, it means more effort to order. Again despite your claims, this has nothing to do with laziness, and everything with the fact that effort costs money. Refer to the last paragraph for where that cost goes.
And then there's the fact that if you sell them non-random, you can't just sell them in equal amounts. Some minis will be really well-liked, so they sell a lot. Considering that plastic figure have high fixed costs (read the rest of the thread for why that is), those figures will naturally have a low per-piece cost, which means they can sell it cheaper.
However, the less you sell a miniature, the less units you can split the fixed costs over, so the per-piece cost rices. That means the price will have to rise. Might be that they won't be done at all, because the more expensive you make those figures, the less you will sell. Vicious circle. People will wonder why the more popular stuff is cheaper to boot.
Either that or they'll just keep the prices flat across all figures and make more off the more popular ones.
And this "less popular figures" stuff isn't about the two-legged crocodiles and weird psionic insects thing nobody likes. It's about everything that isn't the most popular stuff.
That's strange, because every other mini-manufacturer and retailer have figured it out somehow without turning buying minis into playing a slot machine. I'm not playing a CCG or Heroclix, I'm trying to play D&D.
Sorry this was from a few pages back (and a bit off topic but I find it interesting.
Isn't it the same though? I mean with the radomness you are making less uniques and more orcs, etc, and spreading the cost of the molds over all of them. Why would it be different from non random, but orderable. What is the difference nbetween packing the boxes randomly with 1000 dwarves and 10,000 orcs, or putting them up on the website and selling 1000 dwarves and selling 10,000 orcs, if it isn't a matter of predicting the sales? You are still spreading the cost.
(Not trying to be confrontational, just really curious)
My guess is that the randomness helps the store owners more. They don't need a wall of minis to have these in stock. This saves a lot of shelf space, and helps with stock management. I know a number of stores that would never stock individual minis but will stock these because they have the space.
Or they could use a little brainpower, realize that some minis will obviously need to be stocked more than others and the rest can be ordered. I'm not going to spend 4 dollars for a mini I might not even need because distributors and retailers are lazy.
I'm still just trying to get the right minis together for the first chapter of the kingmaker adventure path, it's a nightmare. I ordered the paper minis, but they're missing about 25% of the creatures/characters, reaper has another 5%, there's no Tatzylworm anywhere...Should it be this difficult? I think not.
Where do I find the ATtack II or the Attack twice trick? I'm not seeing it in the core rulebook.
CRB p.97 wrote:
Attack (DC 20): The animal attacks apparent enemies. You may point to a particular creature that you wish the animal to attack, and it will comply if able. Normally, an animal will attack only humanoids, monstrous humanoids, giants, or other animals. Teaching an animal to attack all creatures (including such unnatural creatures as undead and aberrations) counts as two tricks.
Thanks, so If I trained it to attack (1 trick) then taught it to attack "all creatures" (2 tricks) so it's 3 tricks total?
Yeah, I have the mapfolio, I'm also thinking I can print of a completed 8x10 and a blank hex 8x10, then cut out hexes and overlaw (sort of like fog of war) while they're exploring.
If you're going to go to the effort of cutting out hexes anyway, take the map folio sheet, and buy yourself a stack of post-its. cut your hexes along the top (where the glue is)'ll likely get 2 hexes per post-it.
Cover the hexes with hex-shaped post-its, remove as they explore.
I'm fortunate in that I have a large-screen TV in our living room, with a PC attached to it. I use MapTool for our battle maps, and one of the standard maps I'm using is a map of the Greenbelt that I use with Fog-of-War for exploration.
Actually I just found an unlabeled map of the greenbelt, I think ill just give em that. (It just has the landforms)
Depending on how you want to run the adventure, you may find the Kingmaker Map Folio to be very helpful. Me, I just put the Stolen Lands map on the table and let them plan their movement. I figure that while settlements, camps, and so on aren't on the map (which is fair, since they don't know where those are) there have probably been enough maps made in Brevoy that lay out the general physical features of the region.
Some GMs disagree with me, and there are some pretty awesome handouts I've seen out there with half-complete maps and whatnot, if you prefer to keep the landscape a secret... but I couldn't be bothered to keep translating. ("We travel 55 miles east" vs. "We go to THAT hex.") I also bought a bunch of filing stickers and let them use those to mark all over the poster map, and I think I read somewhere that someone laminated their poster maps and lets their players write on them with washable markers.
Yeah, I have the mapfolio, I'm also thinking I can print of a completed 8x10 and a blank hex 8x10, then cut out hexes and overlaw (sort of like fog of war) while they're exploring.
When your druid is level 3, his ankylosaurus can have 8 tricks (6 for Int 2 plus 2 bonus tricks), yes. However, the tricks of combat training consist of attack, come, defend, down, guard, and heel; 6 total tricks, not 3. Each trick either needs to be a bonus trick, or you need to train it, one trick per adventure.
FWIW, make sure you take Attack II or the Attack trick twice. Then you animal companion will attack unnatural enemies without needing to be pushed.
Thanks everybody, I feel much better.
Where do I find the ATtack II or the Attack twice trick? I'm not seeing it in the core rulebook.
How many people use the paper minis? It looks cheaply made -- no offense -- to the makers. I use regular D&D minis the plastic kind -- my group hasn't complained yet, but if the paper minis have a great likeness to the npcs in the campaign I may at least look at em and maybe buy em.
I think for their price they're worth it. 3D models are great when you have them, but I'd rather have a paper mini that's EXACTLY what I'm trying to rep then have a 3D model that's SORTA what I'm trying to rep.
Especially when you consider it costs you about 8 bucks for 30 minis that you can print as many times as you want.