Erazire Khazhan wrote:
Erazire sneers at the weapons displayed, reluctant to let go of his own great axe. He turns to Samuel but knows he must choose a dulled edge. He picks up the dulled great axe, turns it in his hands to get a feel for it and takes a few practice swings, sending what feel like shockwaves through the air. He cracks his neck to the left and right, flexes his back muscles and then turns to Samuel.
Sam puts on a helmet. Smiles at you and says.
"Don't hold back. Been awhile since I've seen some action. I'd love to sweat a bit."
He grabs , what looks like, a large square table leg. One side has been smoothed and rounded and is wrapped with brown leather.
Initiative: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4