Wings of Protection

Greyhawke115's page

Organized Play Member. 221 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist.

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Thanks for pointing these out Hawkmoon. I hadn't yet read the blog.

I would have been happier had they stayed $29, but I jumped in and pre-ordered each anyway. I want WizKids to know that this isn't a passing fad for the first three. I'm committed for as long as they keep releasing these, through the rest of the iconics, any new iconics, and even class deck packs would be amazing.

I /hate/ blind box buying minis, and generally will not risk the money on them. But they can get me to way overspend easily by showing me what's in the box.

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Great blog post Tanis!

I want ALL the GOBLINS!


And Plarg!

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I would love to see Paizo & Wizkids do a PACG kickstarter for Class Deck character miniatures. I don't see a need for a crossover to make that happen.

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I think viewing the "B" sets as introductory is essential. Any base set has the potential to be someone's first introduction to the game, and it needs to provide that slow build of concepts and difficulty. To me, this is the whole point of having the B scenarios.

If the design philosophy is that the B scenarios are some sort of "bonus" starting scenarios for advanced players, then there should be some sort of warning to new players to consider starting with AD1 instead.

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All beta testers that I have asked have confirmed that the next PACG adventure path involves our heroes facing the fury of an artificial intelligence intent on imposing order across the land. The name of this super secret adventure path is Age of Hawkmoon.

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When Skull & Shackles first came out, we were able to skip the base set on our subscription and get the promos from the add-on decks. However, it involved a manual process with customer service, and there was some discussion of having a cleaner, possibly automated process for doing the same with Wrath of the Righteous.

Has anyone seen this option yet? Any news from Paizo about being able to do this again? This saved me quite a bit on shipping the last time, which quickly went to class decks. I would hope to be able to avoid those burdensome costs again if possible.

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Steve Wieck wrote:

2. There's over 1,500 pieces of art in the Card Art Collection that you can use for the card creator for a microlicense payment to the artist of 40 cents.
Easiest to navigate the collection using the subcategories for each card type in the left column.

We're glad folks are enjoying it and hope to see more finished cards.

Hi Steve,

Is there a process for submitting art for use in this manner? I am not an artist but I am sure there are quite a few artists who would be interested, depending on how those licensing terms read. I know of a few I would encourage personally.

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Mike Selinker wrote:
Why do you guys think you should you be able to use all your resources regardless of consequences at the end of the game, when that applies to no other part of the game?

I think that last ditch effort is part of the fun. We're all out of time, this is our last play, its all or nothing, the clock is ticking down... This is the big finish and it should be worth committing every resource you can. Holding back to play it safe should not be your last move.

Our previous instruction from the rule book was that the scenario ends immediately if you need to advance the blessings deck but there are no cards remaining in it. This gave us that freedom to make that last dramatic push and throw all of our resources into the battle. If we win, great! If we lose, I think everyone expected that the current player could perish if they did not save enough resources to be able to end their turn, but no one interpreted the next player to go would also have to complete a turn, without actually being able to do anything. Its that last part that really gets me. I have to take my turn, but I am not able to actually take my turn...

The change that was made seems to be a reaction to someone trying to avoid dying by causing the blessings deck to advance at a time other than the "Advance the Blessings Deck" step. While the change fixes that, it also introduces a very radical change in that all or nothing "last stand" approach.

My suggestion would be to change the scenario end to "If in the Advance the Blessings Deck step you need to advance the blessings deck but there are no cards remaining in it, the scenario ends immediately and your party of adventurers loses." Follow this with "If in any other step you need to advance the blessings deck but there are no cards remaining in it, immediately end your turn." (This would also need to be changed in the "Your Turn" section, currently page 8 in the S&S rulebook.)

This suggested change would have the same effect on cheating the end of turn death for the current player, while keeping the ability for all other players to go all in.

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I like gift cards. If I get money, I start thinking of bills that could be paid, or practical things that are needed. If I get a gift card to the movie theater or game store, I have to buy something cool.

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You all deserve a break. Thanks for the amazing customer service during this crazy month and a half or so!

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ThreeEyedSloth wrote:
I also wrote a short primer here, but if you've already read the guide, you're set.

Nice primer. A very good look into the process in plain language with references to the rules as written in the guide. If you are at all confused with the process, or have friends and fellow players who probably won't bother reading the guide, this is a great place to point them.

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This is great! Can I subscribe just to these iconic sets?

And, will Ranzak be added in? Please say yes.

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It would be nice if there was a method to continue the characters that you finished either RotR or S&S with, and WotR has the potential to use a "Mythic" mechanic to make that possible. It might not be a direct continuation, but some sort of evolution/conversion that would still allow the advancement decisions that you had previously made with the characters meaningful to their start in WotR.

I think its likely that they will start over fresh once again, especially given that Organized Play season 1 will start with WotR. Still, the Mythic component seems to be the best option that may ever come along to appease the demand to be able to continue with your characters. Definitely excited to see how things progress, whatever the design decision is/ has been.