
GreyWolfXR's page

Organized Play Member. 22 posts (460 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 5 Organized Play characters.


Working on picking (downloading) pre-gens then I'll update you guys.

Thanks for letting me pick up the slot.

Thanks Bigrin!

I just looked through the Additional Resources page again, and while I see all kinds of themes, feats, and equipment listed, there isn't anything about the playable races being legal yet.

Am I missing something from somewhere, or are we still limited to needing boons to be able to play a race other than the core races?

Honestly, I realize I could just be missing it.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Is there a place where all the current SFS scenarios are listed with their tags for easy reference?

I am having some trouble specifically keeping up with what is repeatable.

So far I only have two characters really, and I am having trouble knowing what I can run again as the player with another character.

I am getting ready to think through a new character as well, and that will just complicate things.

Any guidance?

I am in, do you want me to bring the playtest character, or the character the chronicle is going to?

As Hikaze exits Odessy he pauses and deliberately sniffs the air. He stops Bones, FunFreemy, and Keyrock, "Gentlemen, we are about to have a storm, it will entail falling crystals that will poison you if you are hit by them, be on guard."

When the storm breaks he manages to get most of the crew safely into the lee of a dune ridge to avoid the falling, blowing crystals.

Survival: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 5 = 21 only 3 allies :( get +4 to saving throws during the storm

Reflex: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 5 = 25

+4 to Bones reflex means he avoids the crystal damage. Sorry to leave you hanging Mr. Scott, but Bones had already failed his survival roll, and the other two didn't list Survival skills.

Since these are playtest characters and not getting the credit themselves, did you want the SFS number of the character getting the credit, or?

Just wanting to make sure.

Working on a Vesk Vanguard Spacefarer :)

Name: GreyWolfXR
PC Name: TBD
SFS No.: 340976-702
Day Job: None (playtest)
Have you played any of these quests before? Currently playing with one of your characters.

Will be running a playtest character, just not sure which class yet. Need to re-read the rules. Will try to have a character up and ready by Thursday evening US time.

Well we certainly don't want any further loss of sanity on your part, Thirsty.

We kooky role players certainly tax it enough as is. :cheers:

Trying to decide if I can put together a playtest character (only PbP available to me atm), and hopefully find a game.

Am I correct in thinking core races only currently, because we don't have Sanctioning for the other playable races (AA, AA2) yet?

Answered above, missed it somehow before I posted.

Just to add to my thoughts on what my character would be for this to help you choose I guess.

I am thinking a Skittermander Mystic Scholar - probably focused on Medicine - so a support healer type.

I would like to be considered for this as well.

You GM'd for me (my characters) in the Gameday Special, and Gameday 1-01.

I would probably go Skittermander since all races of AA1 are open. I don't know what theme or class. I would have to work on it.

Thanks a bunch to both of you.

I played the 1-99 special via pbp and took the Slotless Boon to allow my character to gain the xp to move to level 2. I like him like he is at this point so I'm going to go with it. :)

I knew the question would come up eventually, I just didn't expect it so soon. I am still figuring out a lot of things about this system having not played any system with any kind of tie to DnD before.

I have a L2 Mechanic for First Mandate as well.

Forgive me if this has already been asked I wasn't able to find it in searches.

Other than the Society guidebook 3XP per level change, are there any other rules differences from pages 26 and 27 of the core rulebook I should be aware of for leveling an SFS character?


Onda Fritz wrote:
(like Steelskin there being the only real pilot and so on).

Ok, I'm new to Starfinder, still feeling my way through things. What qualifies a character as a "real" pilot, engineer, (insert job here)?

Piloting for instance is not a trained skill, anyone can attempt a piloting check. However if a character has a skill rank in piloting wouldn't that classify them as a "trained" pilot, and thus a "real" pilot.

True, Steelskin as 2 ranks and a higher base modifier due to his DEX modifier than say Takeshi with just a single skill rank, and a lower DEX modifier.

I am not taking offense to the statement, I am just trying to understand your point of view.

Isaac Zephyr wrote:

Looks good as far as I can tell.

Now, I wouldn't recommend the Skill Synergy, as your Bypass ability as a Mechanic is also an Insight bonus, so they will not stack. But you can use the editor to retrain it later, so useful for the early levels to be ahead.

You know, I thought about that. However, if doing SFS org play, it'll be at minimum 6 scenarios before Bypass forces the need to re-train the Skill Synergy.

If this character goes PbP (only), it'll be quite a while before the +2 get's surpassed.

Perhaps not the best option in a min/max situation, but I was having trouble with the feat list and coming up with something that would fit, at least not the way I see playing the character.

Though, now looking through the list again, I think I'll swap Skill Synergy out for Improved Initiative. It may not help as much in Starship combat, but that could prove important in the rest of the adventuring.

Thanks for the input! :)

I pulled together a new character, before I build it in my orgplay list, would someone mind doing a rules validation for me?

I am still thinking through the description / background.

The sheet can be found here

Thank you!

Isaac Zephyr wrote:
Alien Archive, Universal Monster Rules wrote:

CONSTRUCT IMMUNITIES (EX) Constructs are immune to the following effects, unless the effect specifies that it works against constructs.

- Bleed, death effects, disease, mind-affecting effects, necromancy effects, paralysis, poison, sleep, and stunning.
- Ability damage, ability drain, energy drain, exhaustion, fatigue, negative levels, and nonlethal damage.
- Any effect that requires a Fortitude save (unless the effect works on objects or is harmless).
Format: Immunities construct immunities.
There you go. Unfortunately no, something I learned playing an Envoy, as my Dispiriting Taunt is also mind-effecting. Mind Thrust lists under the School line "divination (mind-effecting)".

That was the answer I was looking for. Thank you!

I had been trying to find "construct immunities" and I guess I didn't check Alien Archive, or messed up the PDF search.

Thank you very much.

Specifically Observer Class security robots.

They have an INT modifier and a Will save modifier.

Nothing I have found in the CRB or anything else (I have) published for Starfinder indicates that Mind Thrust can't be used on a construct.

The only limitation I have found is that the adversary must have an INT score, page 270 of the CRB.

A mind-affecting effect works only against creatures with an
Intelligence score of 1 or higher."

I am new to the system and the GM chair and running Skitter Shot for my kids. One has played some homebrew Pathfinder previously, the other three are new to RPG in general.

I plan on setting them up with Org Play, SFS characters, and running SFS sanctioned stuff with them. Skitter Shot grabbed their attention, so we started there. I want to get this right, hence the question.

New version of the sheet up. Took your advice on the BP, somewhere I got lost in the process and dropped 2 BP.

Adjusted the Base Attack Bonus as well.

Thanks so much!

I have played some D6 & D10 based RPGs previously, but I am brand new to Starfinder.

I have created a character - intending to jump into play-by-post, and I want to make sure I haven't broken any creation rules I may have missed.

I've gotten a bit bogged down reading through the entire rule book, but the character sheet can be seen here

I have a backstory and bit more complete description written as well. I don't want to build the character in my profile until I know it is correct.

I built this more in mind with how I want to play the character, than the ideal "min/max" or "optimal" character, please keep that in mind.

I appreciate the help validating.


Organized Play Characters

Grand Lodge Adelaide-229196
(1 post)
Wayfinders Friend - Xix

Host Shirren Mystic 2 (0 posts)
Goblin Sneak
Vigilant Seal Nakla

Male Goblin Ranger 3 (2 posts)

Envoy's Alliance Rogue0000
(0 posts)