Warden Rogard Hammerfell

Granitt's page

256 posts. Organized Play character for Deevor.


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Vigilant Seal

Champion/4 HPs 58/58, Hero 2/3, Focus 1/1, AC 20(22 shield) Saves F +10 R +6 W +9, Perc +7, Athletics +9, Intimidation +8, Craft, Medicine, Religion, Society, Lore: Guild, Scouting +7, Acrobatics +6 Male Forge Dwarf Artisan Exploration: Defend, Active Conditions:

Granitt blocks the creatures strike with his shield, Hardness 5, Granitt and Shield -2HPs

Gritting his teeth knowing that it will take more to get this creature down than his normal strikes, he calls out "Just because your carapace keeps my axe at bay, I will have to hit you twice as hard with my blade." He grinds his teeth, his red beard flies in all directions as he steps to a more advantageous position before continuing his attacks

◆ - Step
◆ - Strike Dwarven Battle Axe (potency +1, striking +1, ghost touch) 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (18) + 10 = 28 damage 2d8 + 3 ⇒ (2, 6) + 3 = 11
◆ - Raise Shield

Vigilant Seal

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Champion/4 HPs 58/58, Hero 2/3, Focus 1/1, AC 20(22 shield) Saves F +10 R +6 W +9, Perc +7, Athletics +9, Intimidation +8, Craft, Medicine, Religion, Society, Lore: Guild, Scouting +7, Acrobatics +6 Male Forge Dwarf Artisan Exploration: Defend, Active Conditions:

Given that Granitt was standing guard before entering the room, I assume you allow that he has his axe and shield ready.

Granitt steps forward to the large bug, raising his axe tries to hit the thing past it's obvious armoured body, before raising his shield. He lets out a shout, "Now what did I say, there's black forces in here!!"

◆ - Step
◆ - Strike Dwarven Battle Axe (potency +1, striking +1, ghost touch) 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (15) + 10 = 25 damage 2d8 + 3 ⇒ (4, 1) + 3 = 8
◆ - Raise Shield

Will necromantic lackeys mop the floor with pathfinders?....Hopefully not!!!

Vigilant Seal

Champion/4 HPs 58/58, Hero 2/3, Focus 1/1, AC 20(22 shield) Saves F +10 R +6 W +9, Perc +7, Athletics +9, Intimidation +8, Craft, Medicine, Religion, Society, Lore: Guild, Scouting +7, Acrobatics +6 Male Forge Dwarf Artisan Exploration: Defend, Active Conditions:

Hearing the calls of there being a trap, Granitt walks into the room to see his companions all standing back and looking at a chest. "So what makes this chest so interesting, that you stand back and say it's a trap? " his red bread twitches as he thinks of the evil that lurks further on, yet his companions seem transfixed by a chest. "We can take it with us when we leave, if you're so worried about it. If you want, we can take it to the entrance and collect it on the way out."

Seeing the items and clothing in the southwest, over the chest, Granitt asks, "I don't suppose anyone has taken a look at that pile of rags and things in the corner? I don't know much but, before you discover the treasure you seek in the chest, check the easy things first." It's Dorgen, seeking treasures of the past before ridding the place of evil. Suppose I'll have to help them past their infatuation to get them to move on.

Reluctantly he stomps past the chest to search the pile of clothes and see what is there?

If nothing happens from walking past the chest, or by searching the clothes, Granitt goes back to study the chest for marking etc.....

Vigilant Seal

Champion/4 HPs 58/58, Hero 2/3, Focus 1/1, AC 20(22 shield) Saves F +10 R +6 W +9, Perc +7, Athletics +9, Intimidation +8, Craft, Medicine, Religion, Society, Lore: Guild, Scouting +7, Acrobatics +6 Male Forge Dwarf Artisan Exploration: Defend, Active Conditions:

Granitt turns back as he hears Mandoo's words, "If you insist, but the greater evil lies out there." He stands guard, waiting patiently and stoically for the rooms to be searched, ready to defend his companions from any threats from the West, ready to go to their aid if they call for help.

As a player, happy for you guys to search the southern rooms, in fact I would too.

Vigilant Seal

Champion/4 HPs 58/58, Hero 2/3, Focus 1/1, AC 20(22 shield) Saves F +10 R +6 W +9, Perc +7, Athletics +9, Intimidation +8, Craft, Medicine, Religion, Society, Lore: Guild, Scouting +7, Acrobatics +6 Male Forge Dwarf Artisan Exploration: Defend, Active Conditions:

Grannit drops to one knee in supplication at the sound of the voice announcing the Forge. His eyes close in revere, he has never felt so close to Torag. "Pardon my failures of the past, my reward is in hearing your voice submitting to your will in penance, protecting my companions." He rises, with renewed vigour, and with a contented look on his face, rather than his normal black clouds hangdog look.

He claps Dorgen on the back, "We must uphold the clans traditions and honour, this place was ours once!"

He retrieves his battle hardened battle axe and shield, raising them high, before setting them in his arms and getting ready to face the evil Duergar, his peoples nemesis. Whether they are some undead necromancer or not, Granitt's new confidence gives him hope and determination.

He marches onwards towards the natural caves and stands there guarding his companions, "Come, glory awaits."

Vigilant Seal

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Champion/4 HPs 58/58, Hero 2/3, Focus 1/1, AC 20(22 shield) Saves F +10 R +6 W +9, Perc +7, Athletics +9, Intimidation +8, Craft, Medicine, Religion, Society, Lore: Guild, Scouting +7, Acrobatics +6 Male Forge Dwarf Artisan Exploration: Defend, Active Conditions:

OK, I'm loving that we found this forge and a new quest for later ...

Vigilant Seal

Champion/4 HPs 58/58, Hero 2/3, Focus 1/1, AC 20(22 shield) Saves F +10 R +6 W +9, Perc +7, Athletics +9, Intimidation +8, Craft, Medicine, Religion, Society, Lore: Guild, Scouting +7, Acrobatics +6 Male Forge Dwarf Artisan Exploration: Defend, Active Conditions:

He looks to see the altar and cannot stop from shaking his red hair and making it more presentable as he says in wonder. "I know that the duegar were here, but could this have been dedicated to Torag. What does it say, I must find out." He walks next to Mandoo and Libertina, as he looks to the altar.

Religion Recall Knowledge:

Religion 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (16) + 7 = 23

Vigilant Seal

Champion/4 HPs 58/58, Hero 2/3, Focus 1/1, AC 20(22 shield) Saves F +10 R +6 W +9, Perc +7, Athletics +9, Intimidation +8, Craft, Medicine, Religion, Society, Lore: Guild, Scouting +7, Acrobatics +6 Male Forge Dwarf Artisan Exploration: Defend, Active Conditions:

As he leaves Dorgen, he claps the dwarf on the back "Let's hope your professional interests can be protected by my professional axe, eh! But we wouldn't know what we face if we didn't have you with us." he relents.

Granitt busily pushes his way through joining Mandoo going through the southern door, his axe and shield ready to face any fracas with Duergar, undead or alive.

Vigilant Seal

Champion/4 HPs 58/58, Hero 2/3, Focus 1/1, AC 20(22 shield) Saves F +10 R +6 W +9, Perc +7, Athletics +9, Intimidation +8, Craft, Medicine, Religion, Society, Lore: Guild, Scouting +7, Acrobatics +6 Male Forge Dwarf Artisan Exploration: Defend, Active Conditions:

"It may be a dream for you, but it seems a nightmare for the Duegar, and they are not part of my dreams. This is evil begotting evil. A time for my axe and weapons to destroy the evil within. Not a time to look at it, draw pictures and ask questions of it, when it's intention is to steal your soul from Pharesma and make it dance to it's tune." the dwarf says with a deep seated growl, as he starts to sharpen his axe. "We may be brothers Dorgen, but brothers may be joined by blood, but not always actions."

"Let's prepare and face our truths." his stern voice echoes in the chamber.

Vigilant Seal

Champion/4 HPs 58/58, Hero 2/3, Focus 1/1, AC 20(22 shield) Saves F +10 R +6 W +9, Perc +7, Athletics +9, Intimidation +8, Craft, Medicine, Religion, Society, Lore: Guild, Scouting +7, Acrobatics +6 Male Forge Dwarf Artisan Exploration: Defend, Active Conditions:

Granitt looks over Dorgen's shoulder as he appears to be able to read all the funny scribble on the funny little book they found. He turns and shrugs his shoulders as a slight smile crosses his lips, And those surface dwellers just cos we came from the underground cities, our brains are underground too. That Dorgen is some clever. he thinks.

Vigilant Seal

Champion/4 HPs 58/58, Hero 2/3, Focus 1/1, AC 20(22 shield) Saves F +10 R +6 W +9, Perc +7, Athletics +9, Intimidation +8, Craft, Medicine, Religion, Society, Lore: Guild, Scouting +7, Acrobatics +6 Male Forge Dwarf Artisan Exploration: Defend, Active Conditions:

So about deciphering this book!!

OK, Granitt is at least trained in Society(+7) and speaks Dwarven, though unfortunately not Undercommon. Think I still have a hero point .. will have to check ...

Vigilant Seal

Champion/4 HPs 58/58, Hero 2/3, Focus 1/1, AC 20(22 shield) Saves F +10 R +6 W +9, Perc +7, Athletics +9, Intimidation +8, Craft, Medicine, Religion, Society, Lore: Guild, Scouting +7, Acrobatics +6 Male Forge Dwarf Artisan Exploration: Defend, Active Conditions:

Hope all goes well with the move.

Vigilant Seal

Champion/4 HPs 58/58, Hero 2/3, Focus 1/1, AC 20(22 shield) Saves F +10 R +6 W +9, Perc +7, Athletics +9, Intimidation +8, Craft, Medicine, Religion, Society, Lore: Guild, Scouting +7, Acrobatics +6 Male Forge Dwarf Artisan Exploration: Defend, Active Conditions:

"Right then off we go, we need the best trap spotter at the front if we are going trap hunting." the dwarf says without any conviction that he sees trap hunting as anything but very dangerous. "I goes with them, try and keep them alive if something other than a trap tries to bite us." he shrugs and smiles weakly at Mrs Perkins.

He turns round and with an arm round Dorgen's shoulders he says "You pretty good at finding stuff, you come with me at the front? We dwarves should stick together."

Vigilant Seal

Champion/4 HPs 58/58, Hero 2/3, Focus 1/1, AC 20(22 shield) Saves F +10 R +6 W +9, Perc +7, Athletics +9, Intimidation +8, Craft, Medicine, Religion, Society, Lore: Guild, Scouting +7, Acrobatics +6 Male Forge Dwarf Artisan Exploration: Defend, Active Conditions:

Granitt kneels before the statue for a brief pray, "Join me in prayer to Kols. Though I have made no oaths myself, other than to follow the tenants of Torag, Kols protects those who keep their oaths. Granitt waits amoment before he starts to speak in dwarfen, his voice lowered in both duty and reverence.

Once the prayer is ended, the dwarf starts to clean the dried blood from the statue and made good and repair what he can. As he does you hear him grumble, "Duegars have no honour, they break their oaths and thus despise Kols and the good he brings. Damn those dark dwarves, they take to breaking their promise, their regard even to Torag and follow paths of evil gods. My axe waits for your blood, to revenge the disrespect shown to Kols."

Crafting 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (19) + 7 = 26

Once Granitt is satisfied that he has made as good the statue as his skills will allow, he looks over the bones, after his companions have told him their opinion of what happened here.

Started to write this when I got into work... now it's mid afternoon I only just posted it, and everyone else has filled in the middle .. :-)

Vigilant Seal

Champion/4 HPs 58/58, Hero 2/3, Focus 1/1, AC 20(22 shield) Saves F +10 R +6 W +9, Perc +7, Athletics +9, Intimidation +8, Craft, Medicine, Religion, Society, Lore: Guild, Scouting +7, Acrobatics +6 Male Forge Dwarf Artisan Exploration: Defend, Active Conditions:

Granitt listens to the pale faced man's request to heal the pallid ghost that went forth and attacked the undead and bats. With a quick prayer to Torag, Granitt lets Torag make the decision to heal or harm Imelia when he lays his healing hands on her arm.

Then joining Dorgen he starts to grumble "They be duegar, if they was dwarves, they wouldn't attack a follower of Torag." the dour dwarf says with great conviction, but no evidence.

"If they be corrupted," he says as he tugs on his red beard, "We gotta get to the bottom it. Destroy it or stop it at the very least." He leans on his axe, with a sigh as he waits for the clever ones to determine the corruption, though when he hears Mandoo talk about necromancy he looks over at Alexandr and Imelia "Hmmm, necromanny you say, that's bad magic!"

Granit will refocus and deliver Healing Hands every 10 minutes, as required.

Vigilant Seal

Champion/4 HPs 58/58, Hero 2/3, Focus 1/1, AC 20(22 shield) Saves F +10 R +6 W +9, Perc +7, Athletics +9, Intimidation +8, Craft, Medicine, Religion, Society, Lore: Guild, Scouting +7, Acrobatics +6 Male Forge Dwarf Artisan Exploration: Defend, Active Conditions:

When the skeleton steps and smacks Imelia, the dwarf quickly reacts, stepping forward (5ft) and swinging his battle axe at the bag of bones.

Ranged Retribution On skellys first strike Imelia get resistance 6 against damage - Dwarven Battle Axe (Potency,Striking) 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (4) + 10 = 14 damage 2d8 + 3 ⇒ (5, 5) + 3 = 13

Then as the area is filled with a cloud of bats, he attempts to beat away the tiny biting creatures. Despite some of the bats, causing scratches to his face, none manage to cut deeply.
Reflex Save 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23 - no bleed

The dwarf swings his axe at the nearest foe Skelly if still up.
◆ Strike - Dwarven Battle Axe (Potency,Striking) 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (20) + 10 = 30 damage 2d8 + 3 ⇒ (5, 8) + 3 = 16

But hears Alexandr's request to move so scatters out of the strange man's way.
◆◆ - Stride twice

Vigilant Seal

Champion/4 HPs 58/58, Hero 2/3, Focus 1/1, AC 20(22 shield) Saves F +10 R +6 W +9, Perc +7, Athletics +9, Intimidation +8, Craft, Medicine, Religion, Society, Lore: Guild, Scouting +7, Acrobatics +6 Male Forge Dwarf Artisan Exploration: Defend, Active Conditions:

I'll have to remember all this in my games I GM then, cos it does seem a little wooly, like a lot of 2e.

Vigilant Seal

Champion/4 HPs 58/58, Hero 2/3, Focus 1/1, AC 20(22 shield) Saves F +10 R +6 W +9, Perc +7, Athletics +9, Intimidation +8, Craft, Medicine, Religion, Society, Lore: Guild, Scouting +7, Acrobatics +6 Male Forge Dwarf Artisan Exploration: Defend, Active Conditions:

Granitt shout to all, "It's just a big ugly bat, but it's got nasty claws and a big sharp toothy mouth." as he continues to stare at it for a moment.

Assume from now on any knowledge known by Granitt will be shared with the party

Vigilant Seal

Champion/4 HPs 58/58, Hero 2/3, Focus 1/1, AC 20(22 shield) Saves F +10 R +6 W +9, Perc +7, Athletics +9, Intimidation +8, Craft, Medicine, Religion, Society, Lore: Guild, Scouting +7, Acrobatics +6 Male Forge Dwarf Artisan Exploration: Defend, Active Conditions:

Slow to react the armoured dwarf stomps forward, "Stay back, let me through, let me at them." he growls as he moves forward trying to get some sort of advantage. "Humpf, skeleton thing and a bat." He looks over the bat, not liking what he sees, and shouts with an angry and vicious tone "Look at me you big flying rat! You leave my companions alone!" then his eyes glow and his face is full of antagonism and violence.

◆ - stride 20ft
◆ - Recall Knowledge Nature +1.
◆ - He uses Intimidating Glare at the bat - Intimidation demoralise 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (5) + 8 = 13
unless he discovers the bat cannot 'see' him using vision from his recall knowledge check, then he will Recall Knowledge - Religion +7 on the skel

Vigilant Seal

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Champion/4 HPs 58/58, Hero 2/3, Focus 1/1, AC 20(22 shield) Saves F +10 R +6 W +9, Perc +7, Athletics +9, Intimidation +8, Craft, Medicine, Religion, Society, Lore: Guild, Scouting +7, Acrobatics +6 Male Forge Dwarf Artisan Exploration: Defend, Active Conditions:
GM Farol wrote:

Granitt wrote:
Thanks for the neat and tidy beard Dorgen, I would have RP'd but we are in combat mode so don't want to interrupt by going back in time, suffice it to say Granitt would have grumbled and growled about the water barrel....

Which is a nice way of saying: 'it was great RP opportunity, butchered by GM by rushing game to much ;)'

Noted! :D

I didn't mean it like that, I was fine with going into combat, you have to keep the game moving and you're doing very nicely.

P.S. In England very nicely translates to Great in US speak. .. :-)

Vigilant Seal

Champion/4 HPs 58/58, Hero 2/3, Focus 1/1, AC 20(22 shield) Saves F +10 R +6 W +9, Perc +7, Athletics +9, Intimidation +8, Craft, Medicine, Religion, Society, Lore: Guild, Scouting +7, Acrobatics +6 Male Forge Dwarf Artisan Exploration: Defend, Active Conditions:

I'm happy for Granitt .... carry on as far as I'm concerned. I liked your post to show I didn't take it badly.

Vigilant Seal

Champion/4 HPs 58/58, Hero 2/3, Focus 1/1, AC 20(22 shield) Saves F +10 R +6 W +9, Perc +7, Athletics +9, Intimidation +8, Craft, Medicine, Religion, Society, Lore: Guild, Scouting +7, Acrobatics +6 Male Forge Dwarf Artisan Exploration: Defend, Active Conditions:

Thanks for the neat and tidy beard Dorgen, I would have RP'd but we are in combat mode so don't want to interrupt by going back in time, suffice it to say Granitt would have grumbled and growled about the water barrel....

Though he is quite impressed at the magical way his beard is braided .. :-)

Vigilant Seal

Champion/4 HPs 58/58, Hero 2/3, Focus 1/1, AC 20(22 shield) Saves F +10 R +6 W +9, Perc +7, Athletics +9, Intimidation +8, Craft, Medicine, Religion, Society, Lore: Guild, Scouting +7, Acrobatics +6 Male Forge Dwarf Artisan Exploration: Defend, Active Conditions:

Granitt takes 2 minor healing from his school of swords.

Vigilant Seal

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Champion/4 HPs 58/58, Hero 2/3, Focus 1/1, AC 20(22 shield) Saves F +10 R +6 W +9, Perc +7, Athletics +9, Intimidation +8, Craft, Medicine, Religion, Society, Lore: Guild, Scouting +7, Acrobatics +6 Male Forge Dwarf Artisan Exploration: Defend, Active Conditions:

Granitt thanks Yandrada and Luna for more of their insights of the mountain's interior and let's others take what they need. He listens to evening chat and discourse, hardly joining in himself, just the occasional grunt and groan. The grunts get louder, as the tankards of ale are emptied of the alcoholic contents. Almost like clockwork, he burps every hour on the hour, as the malt, barley and still barely alive yeast, make their presence felt.

The morning may have been pleasant and warming to most, but for Granitt it is bright and compounds his dismal feelings, he grunts good morning to the rest pf the party from behind his face full of red bushy hair. He takes a barrel of water in his hands, lifts and pours the water over his head and then drinks into his body. His now dripping wet and straggling down red beard and hair are left to their own devices, drying as they walk towards the mountain. That is after he shakes his head, much as a dog does, to throw out as much water from his hair as possible.

After this refreshing moment, whilst still feeling it's goodness, Granitt prays over his war axe, it glows with a faint greyish wispy aura that blurs the edge of the blade. Now it is time to march.

Dwarven War Axe has Ghost Touch from Divine Ally(Weapon)

When Mandoo introduces his companion Tina, Granitt's hands grip his axe even tighter and he readies his shield as he listens to the strange Pathfinder's words. "She's ..... unusual!" he growls his only comment as he eyes her, looking up and down for a spot of weakness, if ever he needs to raise his weapon against her. She best be with us or her bones will end in a heap. He walks behind Mandoo and 'Tina' on the way to the Peak.

Entering the dark of the mountain, Granitt feels more at home, his eyes seeing into the darkness, just as easily as he sees in daylight. Darkvision He takes the lead, and lets out a long breath or sigh as they get further inside, turning back he says, "This is more like it eh?" his now dry red beard is bushy and moving as he speaks.
His shield ready and his axe in one hand, he strides slowly forward, well slowly as far as the taller folk might imagine, but at a good pace according to Granitt. "Keep close my friends, I might be able to help you should we be attacked." his voice deep and growly, as he concentrates on getting through the gap to the cavern.


As a reaction, Granitt will use his Retributive Strike and Ranged Reprisal so that he can move up to 5ft to attack and gives Resistance 6 against the strike to the ally that is struck.

If his is attacked first and suffers over 15HPs damage, will use shield block if his shield is readied.

Vigilant Seal

Champion/4 HPs 58/58, Hero 2/3, Focus 1/1, AC 20(22 shield) Saves F +10 R +6 W +9, Perc +7, Athletics +9, Intimidation +8, Craft, Medicine, Religion, Society, Lore: Guild, Scouting +7, Acrobatics +6 Male Forge Dwarf Artisan Exploration: Defend, Active Conditions:

All the talk of undeath and the Whispering Way leaves Granitt perplexed, "Your talk leaves me uneasy Mandoo. Is your companion a ghost then Alexandr? She looks like no other ghost I've seen and doesn't seem to be evil unless she has enchanted you. Not a great feeling, but if she fights for good, then I suppose she is fine." Granitt's small bright eye peer out from his face, trying to take in the young lady.

Vigilant Seal

Champion/4 HPs 58/58, Hero 2/3, Focus 1/1, AC 20(22 shield) Saves F +10 R +6 W +9, Perc +7, Athletics +9, Intimidation +8, Craft, Medicine, Religion, Society, Lore: Guild, Scouting +7, Acrobatics +6 Male Forge Dwarf Artisan Exploration: Defend, Active Conditions:

"Ah Yandrada, good to see you again, as for Torag he brings the hammer and the flame together in the forge to create his holy iron. I honour him with my hammer and anvil." he growls in a friendly way to Yandrada. "And you, have you found a new safe home?"

Vigilant Seal

Champion/4 HPs 58/58, Hero 2/3, Focus 1/1, AC 20(22 shield) Saves F +10 R +6 W +9, Perc +7, Athletics +9, Intimidation +8, Craft, Medicine, Religion, Society, Lore: Guild, Scouting +7, Acrobatics +6 Male Forge Dwarf Artisan Exploration: Defend, Active Conditions:
GM Farol wrote:
@Granitt - I saw that you took blade ally but you are not using Warhammer which is Torag's favorite weapon. Any comments? :D

It's his ancestral weapon thematically, he uses to bring honour back to his family. Using the Deific Weapon - Warhammer doesn't make a difference to his abilities as far as I can see, so only uses it when required and in any more religious ceremonies.

Vigilant Seal

Champion/4 HPs 58/58, Hero 2/3, Focus 1/1, AC 20(22 shield) Saves F +10 R +6 W +9, Perc +7, Athletics +9, Intimidation +8, Craft, Medicine, Religion, Society, Lore: Guild, Scouting +7, Acrobatics +6 Male Forge Dwarf Artisan Exploration: Defend, Active Conditions:

On the journey, he offers Aleksandr some fruit and meat on the journey, "He you go Aleksandr, eat some of this it'll put some colour into you." The red beard wags up and down as he speaks.

After another bit of travelling Granitt can only think, "By Torag's beard, I could do with a drink." He is the last of the company of Pathfinders to enter the Inn, his legs don't stride out as much as the others, with maybe the exception of Dorgen.

His eyes and red bushy brows come together in a frown as he hears the word, Duegar, Nasty evil ones them. He leans on his families ancient axe and continues, "So this camp, what do you mean the camp was in ruins. Did you see bodies, what do you think destroyed the camp, fire?" he asks intently, though his shoulders slump as looks at his companions and thinks And how do we keep these surface dwellers safe in the caverns and tunnels.

Vigilant Seal

Champion/4 HPs 58/58, Hero 2/3, Focus 1/1, AC 20(22 shield) Saves F +10 R +6 W +9, Perc +7, Athletics +9, Intimidation +8, Craft, Medicine, Religion, Society, Lore: Guild, Scouting +7, Acrobatics +6 Male Forge Dwarf Artisan Exploration: Defend, Active Conditions:

Granitt would buy a potency rune and striking rune for his dwarven battle axe. Cost 35gp + 65gp. Also buy Healers Tools 5gp as the make their way out from Absalom.

Vigilant Seal

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Champion/4 HPs 58/58, Hero 2/3, Focus 1/1, AC 20(22 shield) Saves F +10 R +6 W +9, Perc +7, Athletics +9, Intimidation +8, Craft, Medicine, Religion, Society, Lore: Guild, Scouting +7, Acrobatics +6 Male Forge Dwarf Artisan Exploration: Defend, Active Conditions:

"At last ... time for a drink and some grub." a gruff voice speaks from out of a mass of red beard and furs. The beard has been blown to cover his face by the winds blowing through the alleys of the city, leaving nothing to see of the face, just red hair, furs, a glint of polished armour and a shield etched with the image of a hammer. As the dwarf enters he reaches down and places a large ancient looking battleaxe leaning against the wall, reaching into a pocket with his free hand he retrieves a metal comb and starts to brush out his beard. He grumbles loudly under his breath, "Gotta remember, plaits to make me look pretty in Absalom, keep everything in place, nice and tidy."

His bright blue eyes look around, [b]"Ah, they look some likely folk, I mean you don't get our sort from the sunshine state over here very often." he chuckles to himself. "Me names Granitt, glad to meets you." he offers his hand to the one eating onion soup. He shakes his head in delight and his beard flies all over, sending a cloud of dust around him as he does. "Sorry about that, I was gonna have a bath, but got an invite over here." he smiles somewhere behind the red bushy beard.

As he surveys around the room, he blinks as he recognises other that could well be fellow Pathfinders, "Ahh, looks like we got a few fine fellows, time to order me beer and grub then." he says to no-one in particular, but then shouts to the wench serving the tables, [b]"Some of your best meaty stew and an Admiral Ale, if you got one.... no make it two, I'm parched! the gruff gravelly voice heard clearly.

With a cough after supping his two mugs of ale, ordering another, the dwarf rises and joins in the game of arm wrestling, the hours at the forge should have given him some strength. His face goes as red as his beard, when he strains and uses his arm. Overhearing Mandoo introduce himself to others, the gravel voice under pressure of the wrestle, splutters out between breathes, "Good to meet, ....... Man....doo.... and you .... Mrs Man... Dooo......" He adds as an older woman recognises and speaks to the greying gentleman.

Unarmed Strike - Arm Wrestle 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (17) + 9 = 26

Vigilant Seal

Champion/4 HPs 58/58, Hero 2/3, Focus 1/1, AC 20(22 shield) Saves F +10 R +6 W +9, Perc +7, Athletics +9, Intimidation +8, Craft, Medicine, Religion, Society, Lore: Guild, Scouting +7, Acrobatics +6 Male Forge Dwarf Artisan Exploration: Defend, Active Conditions:

Damn, I'm 4th level, forgot that there were two games that weren't reported to Paizo online ... got the certs tho, so 38XP = 4th....

Will up Granitt again tomorrow.

Vigilant Seal

Champion/4 HPs 58/58, Hero 2/3, Focus 1/1, AC 20(22 shield) Saves F +10 R +6 W +9, Perc +7, Athletics +9, Intimidation +8, Craft, Medicine, Religion, Society, Lore: Guild, Scouting +7, Acrobatics +6 Male Forge Dwarf Artisan Exploration: Defend, Active Conditions:

I'll update Granitt and the other things tomorrow, RL game night is Tuesday and I have the characters in a wee bit of trouble in the Slithering, it's a slow slow encounter and they are feeling a wee bit vulnerable. Anyway bedtime now, it's well late.

Vigilant Seal

Champion/4 HPs 58/58, Hero 2/3, Focus 1/1, AC 20(22 shield) Saves F +10 R +6 W +9, Perc +7, Athletics +9, Intimidation +8, Craft, Medicine, Religion, Society, Lore: Guild, Scouting +7, Acrobatics +6 Male Forge Dwarf Artisan Exploration: Defend, Active Conditions:

I have a glyph to award a hero point to someone, I think it will go to Sindari's character as it will need all the bumping it can get.

Vigilant Seal

Champion/4 HPs 58/58, Hero 2/3, Focus 1/1, AC 20(22 shield) Saves F +10 R +6 W +9, Perc +7, Athletics +9, Intimidation +8, Craft, Medicine, Religion, Society, Lore: Guild, Scouting +7, Acrobatics +6 Male Forge Dwarf Artisan Exploration: Defend, Active Conditions:

Got to level the old lad up ... and he'll be ready.

Vigilant Seal

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@GM Farol - Working on the background (which seems to have been lost in the annuls of time), but you have met Granitt before on the ill-fated race through the ice cold wastes of the Lands of the Linnorm Kings. It was then when the unfortunate Mad Hopper, alchemist extraordinaire, passed to Pharesma's judgement....


The victory seems a defeat for Granitt, his head bowed he enters into the celebrations with little appetite for frivolity. He grumbles to himself, "We ... I failed him, he may have been a goblin, but he was my friend. More than that he was my brother in battle." a tear weals in his eye. He cuts off the final inch of his fine red beard and lays it Under Hopper's hand which is across his chest. "Torag, put in a good word for him, when he reaches the boneyard. He may not have had the body of a dwarf, but he had our spirit."

(Then I spent time I should have been working and wrote it up....)

It is this experience that has hung heavy on him in his missions since, that he was not able to hold the line and keep the beasts at bay from his friends. Melancholia has followed him ever since, dour, stubborn as dwarf's are, this has given him more dour, more stubborn. More than once has he returned to the Wall of Remembrance to lay trophies to the fallen.

His beginning, now just memories, were of a happy time growing up and learning the ways of the dwarven kind. Happy to give thanks to Torag and stay at the forge, wielding his hammer to beat the red hot metal in place. That is until his family were expelled from their settlement in the Five Kings Mountains, when his father was convicted of a theft and his family disgraced. He felt the shame and after many years he decided bring back honour to his family, the only way he knew, by becoming a champion of Torag, to defeat Torag's foes and protect family and friends from adversity.

In time he joined the Pathfinders, where his early failures have driven him to take on undead creatures in the sewers of Absalom, travel to Tian and eventually return to the mountains and explore under Droskar's Crag, into the Pallid Peak. But that exploration still left questions unanswered...

Vigilant Seal

It's now nearly 23:00 hours and past my bedtime, I'll give you Granitt's background later, but he has Entered the Pallid Peak and would love to continue ....

Vigilant Seal

Champion/4 HPs 58/58, Hero 2/3, Focus 1/1, AC 20(22 shield) Saves F +10 R +6 W +9, Perc +7, Athletics +9, Intimidation +8, Craft, Medicine, Religion, Society, Lore: Guild, Scouting +7, Acrobatics +6 Male Forge Dwarf Artisan Exploration: Defend, Active Conditions:

Ditto (what Haechi says) .... :-)

Vigilant Seal

Champion/4 HPs 58/58, Hero 2/3, Focus 1/1, AC 20(22 shield) Saves F +10 R +6 W +9, Perc +7, Athletics +9, Intimidation +8, Craft, Medicine, Religion, Society, Lore: Guild, Scouting +7, Acrobatics +6 Male Forge Dwarf Artisan Exploration: Defend, Active Conditions:

Religion 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 5 = 25

"Once you got the body up, he has some incense we can use as part of a simple ritual to set the priest's soul at rest." Granitt calls up, before he asks for the body to be lifted out of the basement.

Please notice that out of combat, Granitt seems to be fairly well equipped to adventure, it's just the dice roller hates Granitt in combat!!!

Vigilant Seal

Champion/4 HPs 58/58, Hero 2/3, Focus 1/1, AC 20(22 shield) Saves F +10 R +6 W +9, Perc +7, Athletics +9, Intimidation +8, Craft, Medicine, Religion, Society, Lore: Guild, Scouting +7, Acrobatics +6 Male Forge Dwarf Artisan Exploration: Defend, Active Conditions:

Granitt wraps the body remains in old worn cloth, in the hope that the corpse stays in one piece, before he ties it to the rope. "All right me boyo's. Time to heave ho and pull the body up." He chuckles, "Give it a big ole pull, Haechi, I knows yous can do it!"

Whilst the body is being retrieved, Granitt has a poke around the basement, looking for the anything that might be interesting. "Be up in a minute, just seeing what else might be left to rot down here.".

Once it's all done, Granitt climbs back up.

Perception 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (13) + 5 = 18 - has dark vision

Athletics(Climb) 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (17) + 7 = 24

Vigilant Seal

Champion/4 HPs 58/58, Hero 2/3, Focus 1/1, AC 20(22 shield) Saves F +10 R +6 W +9, Perc +7, Athletics +9, Intimidation +8, Craft, Medicine, Religion, Society, Lore: Guild, Scouting +7, Acrobatics +6 Male Forge Dwarf Artisan Exploration: Defend, Active Conditions:

Granitt takes out a rope and finds a sturdy anchor point to tie up one end of the rope. Granitt watches as Haechi finishes fixing the floor, amazed at his dexterity as he shores up the floor. Gingerly Granitt moves to the edge, holding the rope, just in case. He creeps step by step forward, before he goes over the edge and down. "Keep an eye out Ionic, cover me in case anything untowards decides to think of me as food. Bound to be nasty rats and other vermin down here."

Once down he gets his axe and shield ready to defend any that follow him down.

Vigilant Seal

Champion/4 HPs 58/58, Hero 2/3, Focus 1/1, AC 20(22 shield) Saves F +10 R +6 W +9, Perc +7, Athletics +9, Intimidation +8, Craft, Medicine, Religion, Society, Lore: Guild, Scouting +7, Acrobatics +6 Male Forge Dwarf Artisan Exploration: Defend, Active Conditions:

Granitt gives Ionic his potion back and says, "I can help here, give me some time and I can provide healing for you all."

With that Granitt calls on the power of creation in Torag's name to bring healing to those who want it.

As per discussion thread, 6HPs back to Haechi, Zelphari, Zaza, then Ionixc and Granitt so here for 40 minutes, using Lay on Hands.

Vigilant Seal

Champion/4 HPs 58/58, Hero 2/3, Focus 1/1, AC 20(22 shield) Saves F +10 R +6 W +9, Perc +7, Athletics +9, Intimidation +8, Craft, Medicine, Religion, Society, Lore: Guild, Scouting +7, Acrobatics +6 Male Forge Dwarf Artisan Exploration: Defend, Active Conditions:

Thought I'd bought a Healer's Kit, but not on the sheet. Will check my certs to see if I bought one and the sheet is out of date, or I was an idiot and forgot to buy one. If I did, I'll attempt to do some medicine on anyone that wants it.

Vigilant Seal

Champion/4 HPs 58/58, Hero 2/3, Focus 1/1, AC 20(22 shield) Saves F +10 R +6 W +9, Perc +7, Athletics +9, Intimidation +8, Craft, Medicine, Religion, Society, Lore: Guild, Scouting +7, Acrobatics +6 Male Forge Dwarf Artisan Exploration: Defend, Active Conditions:

Medicine 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12

Granitt looks at the wounds as his legs bleed, "These cuts are medical but unnecessary, let's get away from these things and heal up." he says as he stumbles down the corridor towards the next room. "Perhaps they won't be in this room! Whatever they are where did they come from, what unholy force causes this."

Religion +5 to recall knowledge about this manifestation.

Vigilant Seal

Champion/4 HPs 58/58, Hero 2/3, Focus 1/1, AC 20(22 shield) Saves F +10 R +6 W +9, Perc +7, Athletics +9, Intimidation +8, Craft, Medicine, Religion, Society, Lore: Guild, Scouting +7, Acrobatics +6 Male Forge Dwarf Artisan Exploration: Defend, Active Conditions:
Ionic Saltbeard wrote:
Granitt, I think you moved Ionic there, your token was still in the kitchen.

Sorry, forgot I changed the icon for this game, so it wouldn't be confusing. Seems it confused me!!! :-)

Vigilant Seal

Champion/4 HPs 58/58, Hero 2/3, Focus 1/1, AC 20(22 shield) Saves F +10 R +6 W +9, Perc +7, Athletics +9, Intimidation +8, Craft, Medicine, Religion, Society, Lore: Guild, Scouting +7, Acrobatics +6 Male Forge Dwarf Artisan Exploration: Defend, Active Conditions:

Granitt hearing Haechi's words, Granitt kind of hurumpfs and his lips press together in a strange smile. "Well you and the little one are right, best we get on with looking for a body, before it get dark. There's some here need a light to find their way." The dwarf retraces his steps and starts after Zelphari ... he hurries but the human seems to be quite fast on his feet.

Vigilant Seal

Champion/4 HPs 58/58, Hero 2/3, Focus 1/1, AC 20(22 shield) Saves F +10 R +6 W +9, Perc +7, Athletics +9, Intimidation +8, Craft, Medicine, Religion, Society, Lore: Guild, Scouting +7, Acrobatics +6 Male Forge Dwarf Artisan Exploration: Defend, Active Conditions:

"Ionic, seems whatever was here is gone or at least suppressed for the time being, best we search here and move on." Granitt does his best to search the area to find any clues to the haunt, before moving back into the kitchen.

Vigilant Seal

Champion/4 HPs 58/58, Hero 2/3, Focus 1/1, AC 20(22 shield) Saves F +10 R +6 W +9, Perc +7, Athletics +9, Intimidation +8, Craft, Medicine, Religion, Society, Lore: Guild, Scouting +7, Acrobatics +6 Male Forge Dwarf Artisan Exploration: Defend, Active Conditions:

Religion 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (14) + 5 = 19

Granitt stands his ground, "There's something unnatural about in here. Stay away let's see if we can clear it up."

Vigilant Seal

Champion/4 HPs 58/58, Hero 2/3, Focus 1/1, AC 20(22 shield) Saves F +10 R +6 W +9, Perc +7, Athletics +9, Intimidation +8, Craft, Medicine, Religion, Society, Lore: Guild, Scouting +7, Acrobatics +6 Male Forge Dwarf Artisan Exploration: Defend, Active Conditions:

"Well, whilst we're over here, lets take apeek in through the next door." Granitt replies to Haechi, "Come on everyone lets check these rooms out. If any feel peckish, we found the kitchen for you cooking needs." he laughs. He waits for Ionic and winking at him, he tries the door to the next room, entering with axe in hand and shield by his side. He looks around the room, and beckons others to enter, if the coast is clear.

Vigilant Seal

Champion/4 HPs 58/58, Hero 2/3, Focus 1/1, AC 20(22 shield) Saves F +10 R +6 W +9, Perc +7, Athletics +9, Intimidation +8, Craft, Medicine, Religion, Society, Lore: Guild, Scouting +7, Acrobatics +6 Male Forge Dwarf Artisan Exploration: Defend, Active Conditions:

Granitt walks through the double doors, seeing no trouble he continues further into the hall. He turns back and in a low voice, "All clear, be careful though. There's a couple of corridors and a door to my right. Once we have secured this area, we should try that door, before clearing the rest." He stands axe and shield ready, turning on the spot scanning around the hall.

Vigilant Seal

Champion/4 HPs 58/58, Hero 2/3, Focus 1/1, AC 20(22 shield) Saves F +10 R +6 W +9, Perc +7, Athletics +9, Intimidation +8, Craft, Medicine, Religion, Society, Lore: Guild, Scouting +7, Acrobatics +6 Male Forge Dwarf Artisan Exploration: Defend, Active Conditions:

"Yeah, you take that door, I'll take the other, on 3 we'll enter as a pincer movement, OK Ionic." Granitt runs up the stairs and takes the other turning, casting a glance though any windows as he goes. He gets ready for any nasty surprises the only way he knows how, with axe and shield ready. He looks at the door, his head slightly to one side as he eyes it up for any threats. Placing the axe head on the ground, he fingers the door knob, does it move, does it open?

Assuming the door isn't locked...

Granitt turns the knob, slowly and as quietly as possible, opening it up so that the door is free to move. Picking up his axe, he calls loudly "1-2-3" and on the 3 kicks the door open and steps into the room. He looks across at the other door, with a smile and a nod.

Full Name

Arden Oakwald




Witch / 1






Chaotic Neutral

About Arden Oakwald

Arden Oakwald is a young man, thirty years of age. His scrawny frame stands at 5'1" and is accentuated by shaggy brown hair hung over a set of dull, grey-blue eyes. His clothing, though of an above-average quality, is usually disheveled to the point of mockery.