Grey Maiden

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I think so!

oh thanks so much! I think you are right (I'll have to find some other meaning for that :P)

3 people marked this as FAQ candidate.

I know I have asked too much for today T___T sorry, I just wanted your opinion on this...

"You discover a cure for aging, and
from this point forward you take no penalty to your
physical ability scores from advanced age. If you are
already taking such penalties, they are removed at this
time. You must be at least a 20th-level wizard to select
this discovery."

Does this mean that I *only* don't take a penalty fo my physical ability scores because of age *but* the character will die from old age when her time comes up? or does it mean that she is immortal (as long as she gets fed and doesn't die in a combat and all)

What do you think? (Since the name is also Immortality)

yay :D thanks!

Thank you :D yeah, i was thinking of that xD. Would be nice, wouldn't it? :P

bonus question: if I have a skill or ability or spell that asks me to "touch a creature" can I "touch myself?" (:P). As in, can I gain the benefits of the (whatever) or only for other creatures?

so if I choose a wand for my arcane bond as a lvl 1 wizard. Do I get... a masterwork wand without spells? meaning 0 charges? or do I get a fully charged wand of whatever I want? (even lvl 4 spells?)

p.s.: yeah every party loves haste. I used to buff blessing of fervor both on my cleric and on my oathbound: revenge pally and I believe it was never a bad spell to cast!

thank you Callarek! all of those are Pro tips :D. Played a succesful wizard in 3.5 (up to lvl 16) but I believe we were young and missing some of the rulings =P.

Yeah, in the end I think buffing will be safer ground. Planned my wizard to be evoker/admixture school in order to deal some damage to most mobs and feats allowing be able to spell focus/gsf both evocation and either enchantment or transmutation since there are a lot of save or die (cc) spells. I learnt a lesson from certain final boss of a Pathfinder campaign where a save or die aoe spell at DC 34 can instakill 3+ party members and win the encounter through that.

Indeed! I am totally a fan of touch attacks (Wraithstrike will be in my heart forever) but some mobs (the dexterous type) seem to be a real problem (touch AC at 20+ which will surely be problematic for a wizard to hit).

There's another wizard in the party and I believe he will be an abjurer/counterspeller specializated who designed evocation as opposition school, so we might be lacking somewhat in aoe, elemental damage and all of that.

Thank you for the tips and thank you all for your time and insight :D

thank you guys for the explanations :D, will also take those into account when DM wants to use rays on party members ;D

thank you! however I believe this will bring in more disadvantadges than advantadges ):

Honestly I was thinking the same but I was looking for an obscure rule to save me. So I better buy feats, be invisible, on higher ground (flying) and all if I want to land a spell on my targets. Le sigh.

Also this is the description of "shooting or throwing into a melee" If you shoot or throw a ranged *weapon* at a target engaged in melee with a friendly character, you take a -4 penalty on your attack roll."

Hello, sorry to bother. I was wondering because the description of the feat says "You can shoot or throw ranged weapons at an opponent engaged in melee without taking the standard -4 penalty on your attack roll".

Shoot or throw ranged *weapons*.

So... Are rays (magic rays such as enervation, scorching ray, and so on) treated as "weapons"?. Or in other words, do I incur in the -4 penalty if I shoot my ray to an opponent engaged in melee (a situation that will come up often in my wizard's adventures). Im somewhat worried because my wizard won't probably be good at shooting with her base attack bonus and her not-too specialized dexterity bonus (aiming at a 12 or 14) and honestly I don't want to spend my feats in point blank shot/precise shot (but will if i have to ): )

Thank you!

My story. We wiped. 1st action was a quickened wail of the banshee that one shotted half of the party including the cleric, the magus and the archer. gg.

yeah. After the wail of the banshee I knew we were only doing a heroic stand. My DM told me that he still had Primatic sphere (but that he didn't need it anyway).

"That thing was not fun" +1

I'm glad :D , that would have helped. And I can only imagine that fight with adds (I was actually expecting them). Guess most parties defeat him, don't they? Wonder if anyone else has wiped on him.

I don't know. Was very hard actually. Normally 1, 2 dead members per encounter which were resurrected between fights (we bought materials for a res/restoration for each of us before embarking on the module). The battle against the paladin was very hard. Karzoug just obliterated us. We engaged without resting "as we had no time" altough I don't think it would have made a difference. He could have just disjuncted our buffs with his quicken rod before anything else.

I don't know why I'm even posting this. Guess I just wanted to write it down.

The fight is very, very difficult. We wiped on it. In a very anticlimatic and antidramatic way (most of it). Party characters were level 15, most of them non-mixmaxed composed of magus, rogue, cleric, tank fighter, archer fighter and me (paladin).

So owned. 1st round rogue wins initiative and wands me with dimension door (place had teleportation trap and dimension door fails) Karzoug casts quickened wail of the banshee DC 33, kills 3 members (cleric, magus and archer) so essentially bye bye dispels, magic and heals. Then time stops. Gets a 4 in the dice. Forcecage/cloudkill/prismatic wall/(illusionary wall or something like that, disguising the prismatic with a "stone wall") and I don't know what else but I was surprised he didn't gate or delayed blast fireball us.
I somehow passed the reflex saving throw but the rogue and the tank warrior didn't. The rogue popped a gaseous form pot and got out of the cage. I tried to dimension door with the wand but I let myself to be "dragged" to the dimensional anchor which was placed inside the cage. Put the warrior inside the bag of holding, opened it outside the cage and asked him to do the same with me. The rogue tried to cross the prismatic wall and got insane/sent to another plane (Material). I crossed it as well and got insane and dpsed hard by the wall. My boots of haste, green ioun stone and armor destroyed in the process. Insane also.

Meanwhile Karzoug targeted me with a finger of death, 3 transmutation spells that my domineering weapon sucked (telekinesis and 2 others, most probably disintegrate and something else). I got "attack nearest creature" from the insanity. Declared smite evil and I charged him and closed my eyes before I stroke to avoid his mirror images (still had 50% chance because of total concealment). Managed to hit despite "blindness" and blink. Threatened and confirmed. Got my critical card which was rubbish (normal damage and 1d6 str).

His turn. Delayed blast fireball. I had 20 hp left. Failed reflex. 70something damage GG.

The tank warrior surrendered and for that he got baleful polymorphed by Karzoug.

That's how it finished after 2 years of campaign against the rise of Karzoug.

My advice is: don't engage him with less that lvl 17+ party members which necessarily need a dedicated healer, a dedicated arcane caster (counterspelling, dispelling, etc) and heavy dps buffed to the teeth with protections. Karzoug is *that* über.

wow first of all thanks for doing my homework for me :). Wish I replied before but was hanging out with some friends yesterday :P.

=0 so it covers it then. Yeah, I heard the argument of "you can't interrupt one action with another until the first one is finished" so that's when I started wondering but this in particular doesn't seem to be the case quoting the "Full-Round Action: A full-round action consumes all your effort during a round. The only movement you can take during a full-round action is a 5-foot step before, during, or after the action. You can also perform free actions and swift actions (see below). See Table: Actions in Combat for a list of full-round actions.". I believe it got errataed or something in the srd as I believe my edition of the corebook didn't have that explanation on free/swift actions along the full round one.

I'll tell you how the things went (wish my inspiration to start the thread was so deep as Diego Rossi would suggest but the truth is that it was more simplistic:

We were facing 4 succubus. Tried to negotiate prior to combat but negotiations failed.

1st round: Smite evil succubus 1, full attack her (i rolled terribly and i hit her only once :( but left her kinda wounded (hit her for around 80 hp)

2nd round: As my DM described my past attack damaged her badly I thought that she would die with 1 or 2 attacks at most so I decided to declare a smite evil on succubus #2 but my DM told me I wasn't able to have 2 smite evils at the same time (My take is that he believed that to be true, rather than a whimsical ruling). Then I hit her once I believe and wanted to declare a smite evil on succubus #2 to keep full attacking but I was ruled again that I wasn't able to declare a smite evil in the middle of a full attack. So I had to hit her without SM and deal pathetic damage for that round :P

hours later: I checked in the corebook/srd to see if i was missing information on smite evil and the nature of swift, free and full round actions.

As Diego Rossi stated having 4 smites per day (I have 5 , being pally lvl 11 + silver smite bracers (name might be slightly wrong) ). Also she's oathbound (vengeance) pally so I think she has normally more smites than encounter per day. (up to 10 smites per day)

Thanks Diego Rossi, Wraithstrike, Happler, Fozbek and Abraham, Owen and Mournblade for shreding (more) light into the topic :D

thanks :D Jiggy
For a moment I thought I wouldn't be able to "interrupt" my own full round action with another action (the swift) and in some particular cases like the magus they aren't allowed to. However I couldn't find a ruling that didn't allow me to in the corebook.

About smite evil I thought I would be able (unlike a Knight's challenge or whatnot) but my DM told me I couldn't (?). My guess is that he got confused and thought that in Smite Evil there's a description where I can only smite one monster at a time. But i wanted to make sure =0, thank you!

hi! Is it possible to declare a smite evil (swift action) between the attacks of a full attack action?
The corebook says that you can do a swift action, every time you could do a free action (but only 1 per turn).
In a full attack action you are allowed a 5ft step before, between or after your full attack, so i can only wonder.
Does anyone know? thanks!

Also, is it possible to have more than 1 enemy declared with smite evil? I thought you could =0.
round 1: declare smite evil to monster 1
round 2: declare smite evil on monster 2 (monster 1 still alive)


Beckett wrote:
Goldenbraid wrote:
p.s.: I know I'm not going to convince anyone that spellcasters aren't the powerhouse they used to be and that one-trick-pony classes are the kings of the mountain now, so what else can be said?
No need to convince, I agree, for the most part. I think the big issue with a lot of these threads is that people don't know how to fully use a front-line fighter type.


in character: the barbarian doesn't like getting less gold so he chop the rogue's head off.

Paladin: stealing is evil, thus you detect as evil (see detect evil), then i can smite you in the name of law, justice and good.

Perhaps I don't tend to see spellcasters as powerhouses anymore mainly due to the departure of many swift versions of spells. I believe a caster has a lot of disadvantages in exchange of their magical versatility:

-The 8 hours-casting prior to preparing spells count against your next day spell slots.
-The inability to cast a share of their spells without a spell component's pouch (which can be sundered/stolen)or divine focus
-Silence is the complete bane of spellcasters (unprepared ones). Don't cast silence on the caster itself, cast it on a tiny rock and let it slide inside your own boot. Silence aura w/o save for the spellcasters.

But honestly this brings to me the next question: Is versatility more powerful than one-trick-pony über abilities? Leaving RP reasons aside, a paladin is way a better option (or blackguard for an npc) to get the job done. A spellcaster must choose which spell to do every round (which are also dispelable)and the rich one might have a quicken rod every now and then. A well minmaxed pally can put around 200 damage per round(not missing/not critting)at lvl 12 without even having to make choices. TWF pallies , archer pallies, even 2hpallies. Not versatile but quite good at its job.

As a DM you can nerf spellcasters as much as you want but Im guessing you came to the forums for some PoV. I don't think spellcasters need to be nerfed (more) but if they are doing too much and ruining your players campaign, well... .

Sadly (for the DM) the PC spellcasters are still a useful tool, otherwise they won't overcome half the challenges an adventure offers.

p.s.: I know I'm not going to convince anyone that spellcasters aren't the powerhouse they used to be and that one-trick-pony classes are the kings of the mountain now, so what else can be said?

EWHM wrote:

Well, I've done various setting-specific house rules in my day. Here's one observation:

I ran a game some years back with a 3.x ruleset where casting on the defensive wasn't allowed, and if you took any damage at all, a trip, or a grapple, or a spell that you didn't save against, that you didn't even get a concentration check. Basically it was 2nd edition interrupt rules ported to 3rd edition. Here's what I found:
The parties STILL wanted a divine caster and an arcane caster. My groups tended to be around 6, so typically they had 2 casters and 4 noncasters---sometimes one of the noncasters was a semicaster like a paladin or ranger. Without those rules (i.e., in other games i ran), the caster-noncaster ratio tended to be the inverse (i.e. 4 casters to 2 noncasters, where sometimes the noncasters were semicasters also).
So it did affect the market share of casters.

Those rules can only be fair if your noncasters get penalized equally. When they are subject to whatever kind of action (trip, spell, grapple, attack, gaze) from an enemy they lose their next standard action. Now we are even ;)

Ravingdork wrote:

The BBEG didn't notice the casting because the enchanter is built like an enchanter. Kind of hard to identify a spell being cast, or to even know that a spell is being cast, when it is silenced and stilled.

+1 to your enchanter.

My arcane rogues (unseen seers mostly) always had silent spell. So stupid to cast silence or invisibility with verbal (and sometimes) somatic components.

Torger Miltenberger wrote:
Nightfall wrote:

My question is why does the character want to play a divinely powered atheist. Is it because he wants to fill the healer niche but isn't into religon?

This was my case. I wanted to play a healer because the party was in need of one but I really don't like the god's things. I played it like "i revere good" and I thought that i could either be sponsored, or that my devotion to the philosophy would let me tap into that power.

A bit of "gods grant you your spells" thing: in deities and demigods (3.5) it was silly that you were a divine spellcaster deity and had to ask for your spells to another deity so it was ruled that your prayers and whatnot was the special formula of "going to a god's source of power and steal a little bit for yourself" (and as a god you could tap into a bit of your own essence so you didn't need to ask other gods for your spells). Gods aren't answering in a call center of divine spellcasters "do you want 3 blesses for tomorrow? check". It's more of a symbiotic relationship. You as a divine spellcaster tap into a bit of that power and you promote the god's agenda. If they find you are against its porfolio or agenda, it might cut out the supply line of divine stuff and or even try to punish you, w/e. Also when there's no god and thus no divine magic source, you can't get any from it. I'm sure this has a lot of DM fiat and interpretation of the rules so for some DMs it might be good enough that gods are omniscient and omnipresent so they can answer like the aforementioned divine call center to give spells to their clerics.

Anyway, I don't know how Golarion works (I presume everyone has to worship a god, even commoners). If they don't, would it be a problem for your campaign? The paladin is sworn to promote law and goodness into the world, not a personal god's agenda. Perhaps he or she could work as a freelancer between lawful good churches and seen as a pariah or whatnot but I think he could tap into a bit of power from a lawful good god. I believe it's a small DM concession, not that he's asking "can i own the largest kingdom in Golarion?". The ultimate goal in PF should be to have fun

Ravingdork wrote:
OberonViking wrote:
I think you should at least move the Enchanters alignment to Evil. Surely whatever the methods are to obtain unlimited wealth it involves treading on a lot of toes(slitting a few throats), enough toes to become evil. Let the PCs deal with it when they find out (have an NPC point it out - a Paladin in the street works well).
Maybe so. Still the enchanter has commissioned a ring of mind shielding, which will be ready in only 4 in-game days. He's determined to keep these new-found secrets secret. Also, the paladin is not in the habit of scanning his long-time allies due to their having earned his trust long ago.

honestly my pallies are a bit suspicious and scan her allies regularly, not using it as "you are evil, die" but to know who to trust, etc. Perhaps the first time he/she did a scan, the PC was using protections (undetectable alignment, etc).

The story you tell us is very interesting. Honestly I don't think you should punish PC's intelligence and dare. Actually casting a dominate person was asking for it if the BBEG passed his save. He'd probably be dead or in jail or something like that. Was a win-or-die case for the enchanter imo and he won. As long as he isn't disrupting the campaign I don't think there's any problem, in fact, it made the chronicle much more interesting. My advice would be to give him time to screw it up, someone dispels for some reason (might never happen tho),talk to him when the character is more seasoned, perhaps your player will agree to make him an NPC or just let him win (PvP following, I presume). Otherwise choose to finish the campaign and play another one (=/).

As for similar experiences: let me tell you 2 of mine:
In age of worms campaign (3.5) i used to play a necromancer (who liked enchantment a bit too much :P) and after she discovered Programmed Amnesia she made a plan with the party's rogue (an assassin) and we were going to rob a magic item shop. Disguise ourselves, cast some protective stuff and brainwash (changing memories to)the clerk that we were some nobles who bought everything and that he would move out of town, now that he was rich (but that he would be cautious about not telling anyone, as people would try to gain advantage from it). So in short he would just move out of town quietly, he wouldn't call in the (mage) authorities and we'd be rich ;). In the end didn't happened because we stopped playing before that (=( )

Another case, from White wolf, which was way more extreme. I was playing some kind of terrorist and my friend a rich smuggler, in the end we became allies and one night, after being severly humiliated by the local prince, we planned his assassination. I brainwashed a girl from a nightclub to spend the night with me, who got bondaged after that, made her vampire and forced my blood into her on 3 consecutive nights to force a blood bond (with a syringe, nonetheless). At the time, I requested an audience with the prince in order to introduce my "childe" (which i told i created years ago in another city) (which wasn't yet created), I got an answer and the audience for some days later. My friend, meanwhile smuggled in a monstrous amount of C-4, with which we filled the trunk of the car and even the inside of the seats. Also a 2-faced jacket which my childe would wear. When my childe was blood bonded, I released her of her binds and requested her to introduce to the prince and to wear the cloth that I thought would be appropiate for it. I never told her anything. We arrived to the prince's house, my friend called me so I had an excuse to leave the place. She went in and remotely (i had a mini camera in a part of the jacket), after assuring the man in front of the camera was the prince, I called her and the mobile phone detonator activated the c-4 of the jacket, an explosion that we designed to be enough to reach the trunk of the car. gg. Even if the prince read her thoughts (my childe's), he wouldn't be warned, even if he had celerity 10/fortitude 10 he wouldn't be able to survive such massive explosion. My DM thought about it for minutes and decided the plan was succesful. We killed the prince and half of the primogens/important people of the city (unknowingly). After 2 sessions we stopped playing =/ (i believe the prince was the last boss of the campaign). I'm not proud of this but it's a similar case I think

SlimGauge wrote:
Kent T. wrote:

Most would have 20 in casting stat, as primary casters (witch, sorcerer, wizard) on level 1.

But assuming 18 in the stat on level 1, they get +5 stat points for 20 levels. That's 23.
Then they have at least a +4 or +6 item for the stat, and possibly up to +5 from wish or books.
That's as a minimum 28, most casters would most likely have 30.


In all my years of playing, I've NEVER had a character with all those things. Maybe all my GMs are stingy or I only play in low magic worlds, but the constant assumption of and 18 to start, +5 from tomes and a big boost from items irks me. I've had one of the three, rarely two, but NEVER all three.

If the DM never puts tomes as loot, try to craft them, sure they are almost as expensive as if bought but you will have the chance to have them.

Also... why should a noncaster have a chance against a caster? every village idiot can pick up a stick and call himself fighter 1, why should he have a fair chance of fighting a well prepared spellcaster? imo they shouldn't. The fighter has some feats he can take in order to increase the DC of the casting defensively roll, and there's the step up feat which can keep the pressure on the casters. Otherwise I'd be using invisibility/stealth (not counterable by true seeing), and attacking by surprise, etc. If the non-caster is charging against the caster saying "ima gunna beet j00 evul spellcasta" (with orc voice, please), don't be surprised to face an array of save or die spells.

Spellcasters are weak, 2 hits from the village idiot and they are bleeding to death, they have to play very carefully. Also, 1 spell failed when casting defensively and it's normally gg. The case of my cleric, I was healing the tank against an "evul" dragon. The dragon was huge so i had to cast everything defensively. Lost 1 heal / 1 breath of life = gg.

Caliburn101 wrote:

Sorry - if you came to me with a Pally with that stat block build I would slap you round the head, tell you to stop being such a munchkin min-maxer and send you back to reallocate.

7 Int?

7 Wisdom?

How the hell does any self-respecting religion allow you to become a paladin who is too stuopid to read their holy book and even if he could, wouldn't understand what 'Lawful Good' behaviour was, couldn't remember his God's name on bad days and would regularly forget where he left his horse AND how to summon it!


sure, keep sending your 11 str, 10 dex, 10 con, 10 int, 10 wis, 10 cha paladins to missions and don't be surprised when they come back in coffins ;)

edit: i just saw the "mom" of the kobold babies. mmm my take is that even if she's evil, she's still necessary for her role (protecting the babies). Should the paladin don't understand that and decapitate her just for being evil, well, nothing can be done.

I remember that their alignment comes because of how they are raised. Demons/devils on the other hand are born evil. Even then, I remember there was a succubus paladin, so nothing is impossible.

Honestly I think killing the mom is a lawful stupid act (unless she attacks first), and killing the babies is an evil act (at the very least is not a lawful act as they are helpless).

**Spoiler:** Remember the book "IT"?

I believe that was a very different case, quite the opposite, I would have killed the eggs as they were inherently evil (and ultra mega powerful once they grew up. Perhaps I'd have lost my paladinhood but I'd know I did the right thing

I don't think I'd take them to the church (as that's not their culture). If possible I'd take them to a place of neutral / good kobolds. Failing that, Id take them to any kobold tribe who was not at war with the former kobold tribe

My paladin would probably leave them be, being babies and all. About "letting them to live would be a slow cruel death" it depends. I remember in Sunless Citadel the moms were considered "non combatants" as well. My pally would let them live too.

Yeah, we all know they will return one day for revenge. Well, they would be right. The only thing that can be done is prepare for that likely moment. "You killed my daddy!" "I did, for he was an evil man (or kobold xD)" "I will kill you and rip the intestines out of your still living body" "Bring it on".

There's no 100% certainty that those kobold babies will grow and be evil when they are adults. Maybe 90%, 95%, 99% will be. When they become a problem then you go for them, not before =/. No one said being pally would be easy.

Asherick "Ashe" Whiteplume wrote:

I agree as well Shaman. I own a set of double-ring chain-mail that is a hauberk and about 50 to 75 pounds as well as a Large Round shield. The shield has three straps to be exact. One that is a long sling to hang it over my back/shoulder if need be or just drop so it hangs at my side and the other two secure it to my arm in use. None of which keeps me from laying my hand upon my chest with a simple gesture.

Now if the Lay On Hands ability mentioned that flesh to flesh contact would be necessary most paladins would be hard pressed to use it on anyone save to touch their face or something like that. Armor does not hinder a priest casting a healing spell with mace and shield does it or healing someone in armor? A shield in hand does not replace your hand you can still use that hand to hold something light ... like a torch or some such even holding onto the strap of your shield. Especially a cleric/paladin of IOMEDAE... whose sword IS her/his Holy symbol?

A case could be made that with a swift action you can 'release hold' of a shield with your hand and touch someone without dropping the shield entirely. I don't know of any shield perhaps a buckler that are not secure to two places on the arm...forearm and hand. Releasing the hand does not drop the shield... usually. Of course in the swift action period of time you are not getting your shield bonus. That might be cause for someone with a readied action to strike...but I really don't see that provoking an AoO.

Plus indeed the iconic paladin picture shows Selah {by the way who I think is totally cool being a woman and black! Heck I'd date her!} wielding a Sword and shield in heavy gauntleted hands. Sometimes game mechanism should be TRUMPED by plain common sense.

Ah well leave it to the DMs to decide case by case...

As my cleric I was using a "mace" which was actually a Quicken rod and a buckler in my offhand. So I could take the rod in the offhand while I was casting with somatic components. A shame, Id have loved a large steel shield or something like that.

Quickstrike shields or whatever they are called are great now that Animated ability is trash. Get off shield, full attack with my 2h, get on shield again, all for the price of Quick Draw. Looks like I will be in, when Ill manage to buy a +5 shield or something like that :P

Rory wrote:
TheSideKick wrote:

s 15____7

d 12____3
c 12____3
i 10____0
w 10____0
ch 15___7 (20)

12 stat is 2 pts, so this is an 18 pt build. You get a bonus 2 pts!

S: 15 D: 12 C: 12 I: 12 W: 10 Ch: 15 (20 pt build)
S: 16 D: 14 C: 13 I: 13 W: 10 Ch: 15 (28 pt build) - two-handed
S: 15 D: 15 C: 14 I: 12 W: 10 Ch: 15 (28 pt build) - sword&board

As a "striker" first, put the +2 racial stat to strength.

thank you for your time and your answer : D. so many advice n__n thank you! haha now i hope i won't get devoured by some random dragon >=(. Thank you all!

Tiny Coffee Golem wrote:
If spell like effects are repressed items would not work. See the antimagic field spell. :-)

Thanks, yeah that's what I thought at first but wanted to be sure. Especially since an antimagic field creates a "dead magic zone" (or used to in 3.5 while Sigil's spire worded it as limited magic trait.

Thought it would be better to ask first, thanks Golem : D

Tiny Coffee Golem wrote:

Sla's have no command word, somatic, verbal, or material components.

Many items have command words etc.

Continuous items are continuous so there is no need to differentiate sla or spell.

I'm not sure I understand what you're asking. Once an ability is in effect they act Identically regardless of Spell or SLA.

my question arose because there's a plane (The spire below Sigil) that among other things makes "spells and spell-like effects unavailable". Also psionic spell-like abilities, positive and negative energy can't be channeled, supernatural abilities don't function, access to the astral plane prohibited and divine powers annulled.

It doesn't say anything about items but I thought they reproduce spell like effects?

Tiny Coffee Golem wrote:
Depends on the item, bu generally no. Just spell effects.

=0. I'm getting lost. Do you mean that the effect of a magic item (continuous or not) count as a spell effect? or that only spell effects from magic items count as spell/spell-like (like, the effect from a wand)?

Yeah I believe scrolls, pots, staves and wands would produce spell-like or spell effects but I was a bit more concerned about a sword +3 or a ring of freedom of movement for example

Grick wrote:
Goldenbraid wrote:
do magic items effects count as spells/spell-like abilities?

Does this help?

Saving Throws Against Magic Item Powers: "Magic items produce spells or spell-like effects."

thanks :D sure does!

i had the same problem. Wanted a cleric with travel / trickery but I couldn't imagine a roleplay I would like to do with that. So had to dump trickery for something more manageable for RP (like good). I roleplayed that , as a professional, i would like to do my job to the best of my ability and that in order to serve good better id learn "travel" (as a master or ph.d) in order to avoid dying grappled by a monster. That so many clerics met their end that way and that i would serve good better if i managed to stay alive. of course i wouldn't be able to act against travel dogmas, but i believe it was a more less credible story.

do magic items effects count as spells/spell-like abilities?

edit: yes i had another thread on this but no one told me ):

TheSideKick wrote:
Goldenbraid wrote:

first of all thanks to all n__n, sorry, it's been a very busy week, would have loved to answer before. Yeah, I was thinking on pretty much smiting evil everything :P. Smite evil is so awesome I don't want to run out of it. Extra to hit, extra damage, extra AC, huge duration, bypass DR. Yes, I'm in.

Thanks :D so I will build her and tell you later if the stupid dragon that wtfpwned my poor healer gets what it deserves ;)

i would make STR and CHA both 18 not a 20 str and 16 CHA. the extra 1 strength wont make as big of a deal as the extra layon hands, the extra +1 to saving throws, and spells per day.

at lower levels a high strength is more important, but at higher levels it becomes charisma.

Goldenbraid wrote:
i was rolling 11, 9 , 7, 5, 3 , i didn't roll the last one before the DM told me to reroll again and I asked if i could use standard point buy instead @ 28 points as in rpga 3.5.

so does this mean you're using point buy? if so here is a nice set from a 20 point buy from PFS that would be better over all.

stats points
s 15____7
d 12____3
c 12____3
i 10____0
w 10____0
ch 15___7 (20)

you will have better saves without magic, well slightly better, better hp, and you will get your second skill point from pally. just remember you dont need a 20 ster or cha... its just nice when it happens.

Thanks Side :D yeah, these stats look way more balanced and without penalties. n___n

LazarX wrote:

He's referring to the spire around which Sigil orbited in 3rd edition. Not sure where it is now. It pretty much nullified all magic, supernatural and divine abilities once you got that close to it.

I would say no, you can't planeshift into it. In the original setting the only way to get there was by walking.

yup =0 and thanks to both : D. oh i didn't know the only way to get there would be walking. I'm trying to set up a demigod, i believe it will be the only "fair" place where a duel can take place.

What about magic items?

mmm I don't think it's an antimagic field. It's a plane that says that "all spells, supernatural and spell-like abilities (and even powers from gods) don't work there. But i was wondering if the effects from magic items would count as spells or spell-like abilities =0

Now that i got your attention ( :P )here it goes:

There's a special place where supernatural abilities don't work, all spells don't work and spell-like abilities don't work as well. Also powers of gods don't work. (I know there are a lot of you who know what I'm talking about, shhhh :P , I don't think I could ask these kind of questions there anymore, so...) Extraordinary abilities DO work there, tho.

Would magic items work in a place like that? My thought is no as they replicate spell effects but Im not completely sure. Also I think it would be outright absurd "no zeus, you can't use your powers here but you can use your sword +1! ". I would think items would just become masterwork items there. Unfortunately I couldn't find this anywhere.

Also... would i be able to planeshift into such a place? it's not a "dead magic" zone, it's a plane with "limited magic" trait. My theory is that you *can* teleport into it , but not cast anything once you are there.

Since we are here... would a divine characteristic count as power? i believe gods conserve their non-supernatural/spell-like divine characteristics there.

Thanks! i know this is not the place to ask all of this ): but since the systems are practically the same, i thought you would be the right people to ask. Have a good day!

The Shaman wrote:
Goldenbraid wrote:
Outhbound paladin (vengeance) yes or no? I could have more smite evils per day, but the lvl 11 ability would be severely nerfed (which is more of a teamwork ability). Also i could buff with blessing of fervor.
I'd say it's about equal. The vengeance oathbound has weaker aura of justice, but it is also cheaper. If you plan on using smite more times per day, it could be handy.

first of all thanks to all n__n, sorry, it's been a very busy week, would have loved to answer before. Yeah, I was thinking on pretty much smiting evil everything :P. Smite evil is so awesome I don't want to run out of it. Extra to hit, extra damage, extra AC, huge duration, bypass DR. Yes, I'm in.

Thanks :D so I will build her and tell you later if the stupid dragon that wtfpwned my poor healer gets what it deserves ;)

1 person marked this as a favorite.

@Wraithstrike coolest name ever. Loved that spell, especially when persisted ;)

Maxximilius wrote:

*Logins on messageboards.*

*Sees 220 new posts on the "Smite Evil" thread.*

It's like wondering why your giant eagle BBEG was changed into nuggets by the two-handed fighter, only to discover that apparently your eagle was previously buffed by some spells, but for some reason didn't fly. Oh, and the THF had a Eagle Bane Greatsword, and the "I kill eagles for the fun" feat.
Surely the two-handed fighter is too powerful, and the giant eagle's CR, broken.

Or maybe he just didn't fly.


CR is given counting their INT modifier. If it has INT 14 play it (tactics/buffs) that way. If you teleport instead of the dragonslaying, smiting pally and say boo, prepare to be owned. Don't blame the game, blame the player (or DM).

Of course you feel disappointed when your über mob gets owned, just look at its INT and think what would a character with his score do. Surely no one above INT 6 would charge unbuffed in front of a swat team wearing bazookas

oh thanks to all of you 3 :D. yeah at a moment i didnt know if multiclassing fighter would help (extra feats and has some really nice bonuses =0 )thank you for the build n___n, yes, i forgot extra lay on hands which is the other part of the combo for oathbound (vengeance) pally. extra smites yay :D, thanks for all the feats

davor: thanks for the weapon and the feats :D, about the stats: i rolled worse stats: i was rolling 11, 9 , 7, 5, 3 , i didn't roll the last one before the DM told me to reroll again and I asked if i could use standard point buy instead @ 28 points as in rpga 3.5. Seriously when i rolled the 5 i thought that was the number id exchange with the 7th (free) roll. It's amazing how i rolled so bad with 4d6 per stat, it's a real story =0. come on, 4 ones in a roll? i never, ever gotten 4 6 when rolling stats. 3 and something else, yes. anyway. My last character didnt have stellar stats tho. Those were rolled, 17, 12, 10, 8, 8, 8. So 18, 16, 10, 8 , 8, 8 sound amazing in comparison. While im a bit concerned about the low dex and 10 con i guess i could just use a belt of 3 physical stats and be playable at least. Would a balanced 14 and 16s work better than getting a single great stat?

black: thanks for the insight , yes :D the bonus to hit would be the same (charisma is added when smiting evil). yes, wouldn't work against nonevil mobs, however i believe id have better deflection bonus to armor and saves (and more spells), perhaps better umd too. But i believe im going for str as you suggest for the better cmb/cmd and overall damage

that all said thanks a lot for your advice :)

ah thanks :D yeah, honestly i believe 1km falls would kill anyone, leaviong only a mess of gore in the ground . But hey Wilie coyote survives everytime, huh? xD.

I believe hp is also that, knowing how to roll with the punches so you can take more punishment before you go down. However by RAW its 20d6, if you survive, you do your massive damage roll, if you pass, you are good (not even unconscious).

I believe 20d6 is not 140. I think it's 3.5 damage per die for a total of 70. extremely bad luck (every die rolling 6 would be 120 i think). I had 108 hp when fully healed and since we were falling from so high i believe i could cast a spell or two before splatting on the ground.

And yes I believe PCs are special. A lvl 1 commoner or expert (like 90% of us in real life) would die from such a fall. But would a character with 100+ hp?

70 hps for the fall doesn't sound that bad when the breath was doing around 60 per and a full attack from the dragon was averaging 90 =/.

Thanks :D especially for the terminal speed, I wasn't sure about that one. Thanks everyone :D

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