Sorry for the hold up. My sister had some issues with her birth but after giving birth it seems she is doing well. The baby seems to be having some problems but like any talley she's a fighter and I'm sure she'll pull through. On another plus side I am in virginia again so internet hopefully won't be such a big issue. So for now I'm gonna put this on hold as I kinda forgot to bring my DM notebook on vacation with me it seems. O_o coulda swore I had it on me too before I left alaska. ![]()
sorry about that seems home internet was down for a bit O_o The hall that you all move down leads to one large chamber that appears to be a recently vacated camping spot, likely for the wizard that has been within the dungeon helping these Gnolls. However that which draws the attention first is the group of 4 Dire Skeletal Rats currently chewing apart a back among the remains of this 'camp' for now they seem to be ignoring you all, however they are sitting in the middle of also a magical trap that was sprung, a spectral fear trap since it was tripped it's runes are surprisingly easy to read. ![]()
and as it fades around the group Riggar is overcome with a sudden feeling of dread and fear as the Scorpion seem's to fade into each of you as Sunset swings and hits into it's misty body. forgot to add the racial +2 bonus against spells for Riggar, but sadly that still misses the DC by 2, and sunset, that's two major will saves in a row it seems. O_o you sure you arn't iron willed? However Riggar is under the effects of a fear effect and is currently shaken ![]()
XD I would but thankfully it isn't a zappy trap j/k As the beard of steel dwarf Gloin steps over the runed floor, they all glow alite, a sound echoes off into the distance of the corridor, and is quickly met with the sound of something large pushing down the corridor on many clicking legs. Once within sight however the group can make out a Large Scorpion moving with suprising speed in these cramped halls. ![]()
The Door indeed radiates an aura of magic. It is enchanted with a permanent Hold Portal spell and likely why it seems the door has taken several bashing's without actually breaking or showing much age damage at all compared to the rest of the ancient temple. Sunset can tell that their are no mechanical traps but cannot tell if their are any magical traps attached to the door or around it. ![]()
Returning to the room that you had all been at before entering into the descending chamber to the lower levels. You find the other doorway and the hall that you had avoided earlier. The door has a few runes on it, but they appear to be the same age as the temple itself, and while the door shows signs of beatings and other assorted afflictions, it does not appear to have been opened. ![]()
Riggar- the old Gnoll woman warns you not to touch the Levers, as it seems you didn't activate either trap by pulling them. The stairwell to the lower level takes some time to get back too, and the corridors are unusually silent. Is the group ready to make their way down,Although their are still two areas known that haven't been explored, merely passed over. A locked room and a passageway that lead further down a hall. ![]()
"Perhaps we shall see." she looks to Sunset slowly "My tribe will likely have to raise the new males to be leaders with their small females we should be able to continue on, however most likely another tribe will take us in, except for me as I am too old to be of use to another tribe." The female Gnoll gestures to the others and they begin to pack a few things around them. "They shall wait here...if you live, They will leave with our Tribes Pups, if you die... They will remain. Beware of the ancient tombs traps... the magic man has helped to restore many of them." ![]()
Gnoll Will save1d20 - 1 ⇒ (9) - 1 = 8
"They are below, We attacked to make a point on the furless ones that this Oasis should be ours by strength of numbers. The Magic furless one... he says he seeks the power of the first wizards, he wanted into our home and to be safe, he offered his power to us as a Genie for three tasks in exchange into the great room of the first wizards." She seems to sigh and moves to sit on a near by rock as though the use of the bow had been too much really for her. "As for bloodshed....you will most likely have it anyway from my late mate whom the magic man brought back to his prime... Warchief Hukar... he will fight to keep his new prize" she looks at Gloin when she says this. "The third wish is his...to have power over the oasis chief, the magic man said he needed the daughter for this." Sunset: Your count of this rooms gives you about 8 birthing females and at least 24 children at various ages milling about the room, the one addressing the group, the 9th female adult seems actually too old judging from her fur pigment to give birth. ![]()
The gnoll archer lowers her bow and surprisingly speaks out in common. "So the furless ones wish to speak for once? I shall listen, but I will not help." The others seem to back away into corners of the room, it seems the only one with any fight in her is the female in the center with the bow and even with no arrows she holds herself with some strange level of dignity, she also appears to be a fair bit older than the others as well. ![]()
still I can't believe I missed some posts O_o As you come to the end of the corridor there are two levers that blend very well with the wall on either side of the door, however the door doesn't appear to be locked and the large room seems very empty with a doorway itself on the other side as well as a chest. what would you like to do? However a very audible thump can be heard within the room even without entering. ![]()
As the group moves forward through the hall chamber, the oily feeling increases as a sudden burst of electrical energy flings through the hall from statue to statue. Reflex Saves DC 15 for half damage
Gloin's Perception Roll 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (13) + 6 = 19 Utarah: Dungeoneering, their are stories of such statues being disguised as rock in order conceal traps. Gloin: As you move forward you can see bits of 'stone' falling off some of the statues iron bodies underneath, the a faint sound can be heard and the air feels strangely oily here. ![]()
Amusingly enough the doorway that the new Caravaneer came from, was the same main entrance room that you all had entered from before, by luck it seems the trap at the entrance has still not gone off their, however there is the other passage way further in the Hyena's room. As looks down the passage several statues line the walls. However it seems that the statues themselves are seven on each side, lined up with there double on the opposite wall. Under the statues in script on the left are each written a single sin, but on the right the writing is of Virtues, but the statues themselves are indeed the same person. With garments that appear to be arcane casters of some sort. ![]()
sorry the long wait The sounds of battle rage through the room the Hyena's getting smashed now by two weapons and a bolted in the side. Raggar's blow easily fells the Hyena on Sunset and between the blows from the bolt and Gloin's hammer they fell the other. The third Hyena takes his likely only shot on Gloin as he has no where to retreat from his home. Hyena (13HP)
Hyena Attacks Hyena 1 on Gloin (7HP left)
Hyena 2 on Gloin (13HP Left)
Hyena 3 On Sunset (4HP Left)
Thankfully it seems that the Gnolls are use to the Hyena noises or they cannot hear them. But as some feet beats tracks into the room from the door towards the right of where you entered a figure bursts in morningstar in hand.
Hyena Attacks
[ooc] Utarah firing with bow1d20 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 5 = 21 As Gloin bursts in he fires at one of the laughing creatures. This room has several kennels it seems, likely a dozen but only 3 Hyena's are within the room. All three however move in after Gloin until the group enters the room. Hyena Attacks On Gloin
Hyena Damage if they hit.
As your group moves up the hall an opening to a room on your right is visible. Since it is not a door style room and instead appears to be a room that was originally mean't for visitors. However a recent addition which radiates both magic and evil sits within the middle of the room. A bench with several runes that drape around it. However the intent of the bench doesn't take long for ones such as yourselves to understand. The spells on the bench are from the healing and divination, the bench has a 'trap-like' effect to heal anyone of a dark nature who sits upon it. However beyond this room along the same hall is a doorway made of sturdy stone. The same hyena like laughs that you heard from outside can barely be heard from beyond it. Is it another illusionary trap or will be actual creatures? ![]()
excellent rp of getting over the illusion their everyone involved gains an additional 250 Exp, plus 135 for the Gnoll and for the actual illusion trap 400 With the illusion delt with There are three doors available. One across from where they had come from, and one to the left with a stairwell leading downward. ![]()
As they attack Gloin and Sunset see the Hyenas vanish after the first pass their weapons moving through them without striking anything solidly. However as the shards crash through the Hyenas Utarah instead see's the very beasts not only withstand the deadly crystal onslaught but also slay Gloin and Sunset with two slashes across their bodies and then the neck biting. They munch on the bodies for only a moment before returning their attention back to Utarah. ![]()
As the door is pulled open by Utarah 2 large Dire Hyena's stare at the door that Utarah just opened, their eyes glaring intently at the three of you. The room is circular with another door behind the Dire Hyena's, but to the left of the circular room there is a 10ft wide hallway leading further into the complex. The Hyena's remain waiting and watching your group as if waiting for a command or for your group to do something. ![]()
As you move down the hall towards the right and make two turns through the narrow hallway you come to a single door. While Gloin detects no evil he can hear deep hyena like laughter beyond the door, yet low to the ground. However unlike the Hyena laughter from outside this one sounds, deeper in tone. ![]()
The gnoll carries a few copper coins 6 in total The scimitar which appears to be of masterworked quality, he also wears a suit of studded leather, but instead of metal woven into the leather it has bone. Which seems to be rather useless as the bone isn't as good as metal. Between the scimitar and the armor it seems whomever gave them the blades didn't equip the Gnolls with good and worthwhile armor. Perhaps the unknown merchant that had helped outside or perhaps the Gnoll that knew magic. which could it have been. made a mistake at work when trying to remember my map so reposting choices in directions to go The corridor you are in moves to the right 15 ft before it turns, their is also a turn to the left within five feet that leads down a long hall with a turn 20ft down but at the end of the hall is a Door that appears to have been attacked. ![]()
Surprise Round goes to the group and will not need initiative rolls until after everyone get's their free attack. The Gnoll is shocked to see anyone it seems coming through the door as it was standing their playing with it's Scimitar against the darkness as the hall lights up around it confusing it even more. ![]()
Gloin can sense of distance evil off to the right of passage but as one looks it is possible to tell that this chamber in either direction is a room with several pillars within it. A Chest is visible on the far wall but the pillars near it currently block the vision to see whats on either side of the chest. The chest itself bears some of the strange runes like the rest of the temple and seem to be built into the group. Their is a door off to the right along the wall where Gloin can sense some evil, as he get's closer to the door he can tell it is a single evil creature standing just outside the doorway. So will the group investigate the chest or attack the single evil creature on the other side of a doorway? ![]()
Between all the knowledge of arcane, Religion and even dungeoneering. This is one seven temples that had been dedicated to a lost order of magic, one that bordered on ascending into godhood as some legends believed. The runes here slowly glow alit like soft torches as gloin walks into main chamber eliminating his need for the light spell. However if it lit the whole temple or just this room isn't known until you begin down the hall on the left. Which starts to grow alight as gloin walks down the passage. The runes on the wall that give off the greenish glow appear to be an off text of Celestial and Dragonic, a blending of the two languages ancient forms. The passage comes to an another hall one leading to the left the other to the right, the runes behind your group at least turn off their illuminance as Gloin leaves rooms which should help keep your group partially unknown from the enemy within. ![]()
Sunset is able to stop the group and gestures to stone on the floor slightly out of place to the others. "There seems to be something wrong with that stone...I think it might be a pressure plate for a trap. Let's avoid it if possible." As the group enters into the main 30' wide and 40' long chamber with stairwells going down either side on the left and right of the room. the chamber itself seem's to be roughly 9 feet in height allowing for even the tallest members to be able to walk though here with ease. Sunset: "Which way should we go Utarah to the left or right? This place...doesn't seem like something like 'bottom' feeders of the desert would create. Guess Jubair..." She trails off seeing a few missing limbs near the left corridor from where you entered. "Seem's the ones that ate the Sheiks men where here and went that way."