
Gisher's page

7,531 posts (7,808 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 81 aliases.

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I'll note that Gnome Weapon Familiarity specifically grants access to the kukri (uncommon rarity) along with those weapons that have the gnome trait.

You favor unusual weapons tied to your people, such as blades with curved and peculiar shapes. You gain access to kukris and all uncommon weapons with the gnome trait.

It looks like that rule was added in the errata for the first printing of the CRB.

Page 44: Gnome Weapon Familiarity grants access to kukris as well as all uncommon gnome weapons. Change the first sentence of the second paragraph to “In addition, you gain access to kukris and all uncommon gnome weapons.”

So it seems that the initial lack of access was overlooked rather than intended.

Based on this example, my guess is that the problems with access for those other ancestries were similarly overlooked.

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Gnolls don't have the finesse trait because they are pretty unwieldy.

Have you ever tried swinging a gnoll at someone?

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RaptorJesues wrote:
I for one would very much enjoy some extra info on sorcerers and investigators

We've compiled a decent list of the Investigator changes here on Reddit.

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Cordell Kintner wrote:
You could carry ... infinite medium daggers.

Not an infinite number of daggers. There are reasonable limits even with negligible bulk items.

PC1, pg. 269 wrote:
Items of negligible Bulk don’t count toward Bulk unless you try to carry vast numbers of them, as determined by the GM.

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WeKnock42 wrote:
Any idea when the PDF will be available to preorder? Just want something I can autosearch

I don't think that's a thing (aside from having a subscription). I've always had to wait until the pdf is released to buy it.

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shroudb wrote:

We get 4+Int Items (not batches of items) with the Advanced Alchemy. Those are per day. (upgradable to at least 6+Int with a feat)

We get 2+Int Versatile Vials.

Those Versatile falsks can be used for 3 things:
a)Quick Alchemy
b)makeshift bomb
c)Unique Field use

We get back 2 of those /10min.

In addition, we can spend an Action to use Quick alchemy to ALSO make a "temporary versatile vial"

This "temporary versatile vial" can ONLY be used for:
a)makeshift bomb
b)Unique Field use

(plus it takes an extra action to make)

Shinigami02 wrote:

If you want to think of it another way, think of Alchemist like a caster.

Each morning you can pre-make X many items during Daily Prep (don't have the text, so with the changes to General Crafting IDK if you need to have the Recipe in your book or not for these). These are full potency items, all the bells and whistles, full durations, etc. These are your Spell Slots.

Then you have your Versatile Vials, which regen 2 every ten minutes. These can be used on the fly to create any item in your recipe book (spellbook), but it has to be used by the start of your next turn, and if the effect has a long duration that duration caps at 10 minutes. These are your Focus Spells.

Then you have the Quick Alchemy instant Vials. These are infinite, but have to be used by the end of the turn they're created, and can only be used for either really basic bombs or your Field's unique ability. These are your Cantrips.

And then there's the secret fourth option, items you spend downtime and money to Craft. These last forever, function at full potency, may or may not be limited to their Item DCs (depending on how things get phrased), etc. These are your Scrolls.

Those two posts explained how this works so clearly! Thank you both!

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I love the Investigator changes that I've seen so far!

But I do have a couple of thoughts for future errata.

• Devise a Stratagem still lists the sap separately even though it is an agile melee weapon and so was already included in that category. Somehow this unnecessary text survived a reprint of the APG and now also the remaster.

• And it would be nice if ranged unarmed attacks got added to the Devise a Stratagem list like it did for Sneak Attack. DaS with Leshy seedpods sounds like fun. :)

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Dhaise wrote:
Order status: pending! Very excited for the Alchemist and Oracle.

And so it begins.

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Arkat wrote:


I think my question boils down to whether Golarion's sun works like our RL sun does (fusing hydrogen into helium at millions of degrees centigrade), or is it a "fantasy" star that, while hot, isn't nearly as hot as Sol is.

I'll just note that Sol's temperature varies widely for different layers.

While the core is about 15,000,000 °C, that drops to a 'mere' 5,500 °C at the 'surface' (the photosphere). Sun spots can even lower that a bit. So your dragon might not have any temperature difficulties in Golarion's sun so long as they stay around that depth.

Weirdly, temperatures actually increase again as you rise from the photosphere to the corona, with parts of the corona having temperatures as high as 2,000,000 °C. No one is sure why this is the case, but interaction of the coronal plasma with the sun's magnetic fields seems plausible.

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Perpdepog wrote:
Finoan wrote:
I vaguely remember reading something like that - but I thought it was for a different game system. Pathfinder1e or Starfinder or something.
I know it's in PF1E, and it could be in Starfinder too. All wearable magic items other than armor resized to fit a character in PF1E.

Not necessarily all wearable items, but the PF1 rules made it clear that usually the size of wearable items (aside from armor) wasn't an issue because they could be adjusted to fit either through physical or magical means.

Core Rulebook pg. 459 wrote:

Size and Magic Items

When an article of magic clothing or jewelry is discovered, most of the time size shouldn’t be an issue. Many magic garments are made to be easily adjustable, or they adjust themselves magically to the wearer. Size should not keep characters of various kinds from using magic items. There may be rare exceptions, especially with race-specific items.

Armor and Weapon Sizes: Armor and weapons that are found at random have a 30% chance of being Small (01–30), a 60% chance of being Medium (31–90), and a 10% chance of being any other size (91–100).

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Deriven Firelion wrote:

I rate the lists more by impact spells than size.


I was intrigued by your list, but I couldn't really analyze it as written. So I reorganized it a bit. Thought I'd share.


A D O P enlarge 2

A D O P haste 3

A D O P heroism 3

A D O P true target 7

A D O P foresight 9


A D O P slow 3

A D O P vision of death 4

A D O P synesthesia 5

A D O P wails of the damned 9


A D O P fireball 3

A D O P banishment 5

A D O P chain lightning 6

A D O P eclipse burst 7

A D O P sunburst 7


A D O P charm 1

A D O P invisibility 2

A D O P invisibility sphere 3

A D O P mind reading ᵁ 3

A D O P clairvoyance 4

A D O P fly 4

A D O P invisibility curtain 4

A D O P magic passage ᵁ 5

A D O P wall of stone 5

A D O P mislead 6

A D O P teleport ᵁ 6

A D O P wall of force 6

A D O P proliferating eyes 9


A D O P heal 1

A D O P soothe 1

A D O P regenerate 7

A D O P moment of renewal 8

6 people marked this as a favorite.
Ravingdork wrote:
Errenor wrote:
Unless of course "Usage: worn belt" also exists. (I don't know)

"Usage: worn belt" does exist on a few items.

I wonder if wearing one precludes all other belt items, or if you can have one "Usage: worn belt" and a bunch of "Usage: worn" belts as well.

You can only wear one "Usage: worn belt" item, but there isn't any such limit for the number of "Usage: worn" items.

GMC, pg. 222 wrote:
An item that needs to be worn to function lists “worn” as its usage. This is followed by another word if the character is limited to only one of that type of item. For instance, a character can wear any number of rings, so the entry for a ring would list only “worn.” However, if the Usage entry were “worn cloak,” then a character couldn’t wear another cloak on top of that one.

So there's no problem with wearing one "Usage: worn belt" item and a bunch of "Usage: worn" items which happen to have the word "belt" in their name or description.

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Sibelius Eos Owm wrote:
I took it that "Air Walk" came into the sights for having its D&D-esque name, and was replaced on all lists by Fly.

Quite possible. But they also seem to have used the remaster as a chance to streamline the spell lists a bit using various means (consolidating light and dancing lights, for example). Replacing air walk with fly would serve both purposes.

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Eoran wrote:
This also appears to be an improvement over the previous iteration of this item - the Gloves of Storing - which had 'Usage: worn gloves'.

I wish they had done something similar with Handwraps of Mighty Blows so wearing them didn't conflict with wearing Healer's Gloves.

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Captain Morgan wrote:

See comments from Mark and Michael there.


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"Our paper is sad to report the death of Oogla the Barbarian, famed far and wide for his tremendous strength.

Oogla reportedly went for a walk on the woods and lay down on a flat boulder beneath a walnut tree to take a nap.

While he slept, an ordinary spider attached a web to both him and the boulder.

Lacking any spell casting ability, Oogla was, of course, unable to break the web and eventually starved to death.

Compounding the tragedy is the fact that the many fallen walnuts around the boulder would likely have sustained him until he was discovered — if only he had possessed the spells needed to break open the walnut shells."

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Qaianna wrote:
I always thought non-composite bows let you keep your Strength penalty to damage, too.

By default, ranged weapons ignore your Str modifier for damage.

The exceptions are those with the Thrown trait (which add your full Str modifier) and those with the Propulsive trait (which add half the modifier if it is positive or add the full modifier if it is negative).

Since the non-composite shortbows lack both the Thrown and Propulsive traits, they ignore your Str modifier for damage no matter what it is.

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Kobold Catgirl wrote:
Honestly, I want a sling subclass for gunslingers. Slings need more love--they're sort of viable for rogues and thaumaturges, but only vaguely. I've thought about making the subclass myself, even. I'd call it the. Slinger. Hm. Well, it needs work.



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Master Han Del of the Web wrote:
Longbows have the Volley 30ft trait which means they take a -2 to targets within 30ft. Shortbows do not and are therefor better for ranged combatants that expect to end up in near-melee ranges with their target but do not want to or cannot take the Point Blank Stance feat.

True, but the comparison here is between shortbows and composite shortbows, not shortbows and longbows. Neither type of shortbow has the volley trait.

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Sibelius Eos Owm wrote:
The Raven Black wrote:
Gisher wrote:
firelark01 wrote:
WWHsmackdown wrote:
Always fun to see a good skill feat in action!
I think that’s a new Swashbuckler feat.
Water Sprint
Jirelle starts her move in the water though.
In the water, but I think not on the water... her feet were touching (mostly) solid ground when she started moving, even if it was under some water.

That's how I read it.

Her first few strides were indeed slow. Grounded.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
firelark01 wrote:
WWHsmackdown wrote:
Always fun to see a good skill feat in action!
I think that’s a new Swashbuckler feat.

Water Sprint

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OceanshieldwolPF 2.5 wrote:
My favorite part of reading the second Dragonlance novel to my son was where the heroes were attacked by guards in Tarsis wielding…hauberks. Now that’s mob justice. I guess it’s…bludgeoning damage?

That sounds like a horrible way to die. :)

(I'm guessing that 'hauberks' was meant to be 'halberds.')

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PossibleCabbage wrote:
If you want your sword to have a zig-zag in it so it looks like a lightning bolt, that is fine.

No, that is not allowed!

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Squiggit wrote:

Excited to see Swashbucklers become a little more consistent. Sounds good.

... Not a huge fan of the last 8 words of Twirling Throw though. Almost complete replacing the need for a returning rune but adding in a small chance to lose your weapon on any given attack feels like it could be very frustrating in actual play in non-ABP Games.

I'm thinking that a Thrower's Bandolier effectively makes that problem go away. Every once in a while your weapon won't come back and you'll just have to draw another one. Spending one feat to free up the space that a returning tube would take up, seems like a reasonable deal to me.

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Terevalis Unctio of House Mysti wrote:
MadManx wrote:
Mika Hawkins wrote:
Announced for November! Product image and description are NOT final and may be subject to change.
If I buy the hardcover do I get a PDF too?
I think you can get the pdf by itself if that is all you want.

They definitely can. I only buy the pdf's, myself. I love the convenience of having them on all of my devices, and I love getting the free updates for each new printing.

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Yay! A poppet adventure!

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The Raven Black wrote:
Gisher wrote:
shroudb wrote:
Alignment not being a mechanical thing doesn't impact the fact that morality exists.

More precisely, lots of different moralities exist — arguably at least one for each sapient creature.

shroudb wrote:
You can still be an evil bastard or a virtuous paragon without having a tag on your sheet.

And you can be an evil bastard under some of those moralities while simultaneously being a virtuous paragon under others. :)

Replacing a singular definition of good and evil with the realism of subjective ethics is the main reason that I'm so happy that alignment was eliminated.

I think the singular definition of good and evil is still there. It is merely hiding behind the Holy/Unholy tags.

There is still a one true way of cosmic morality even if its impact on a PC level has been drastically reduced.

As I read things, Holy and Unholy indicate whether or not one has joined a side in one particular cosmic conflict rather than defining singular, universal definitions of good and evil the way that the alignment system did. It's now possible for people to disagree about which actions they consider good and evil within their own ethical systems just like in real life.

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shroudb wrote:
Alignment not being a mechanical thing doesn't impact the fact that morality exists.

More precisely, lots of different moralities exist — arguably at least one for each sapient creature.

shroudb wrote:
You can still be an evil bastard or a virtuous paragon without having a tag on your sheet.

And you can be an evil bastard under some of those moralities while simultaneously being a virtuous paragon under others. :)

Replacing a singular definition of good and evil with the realism of subjective ethics is the main reason that I'm so happy that alignment was eliminated.

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keftiu wrote:
12-year thread necro with a mostly off-topic comment has gotta be some kind of record.

It's a real trip down memory lane. There are some people on this thread that I haven't seen here in a long time.

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Deriven Firelion wrote:


That is why the magus is probably one of the best designed classes in the game other than perhaps the AoO going off when melee spellstriking. After experiencing this against werewolves, it can be quite brutal.

It's why the Elemental Wrath cantrip is so popular among Magi despite its comparatively low damage. No somatic components so no manipulate trait.

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Ascalaphus wrote:


You could even do a high-charisma magus who mostly leans on cantrips you get from ancestry feats. Your spellcasting proficiency now scales across all traditions so that's solved.

Alternatively, Psychic Archetype gives access to the Ancestral Mind feat which allows the use of Int for ancestry-based cantrips and spells. So an Int-focused Magi can lean on those ancestral options, too.

The fey-touched gnome heritage is a particularly nice option in this case, since it gives access to the entire list of common primal cantrips and the cantrip can be changed once a day.

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The Raven Black wrote:

We know Gorum is killed by Achaekek.

My hope for the story is that something (a ritual maybe) was underway to mutate Gorum (with other war deities involved too). And that rather than being vanquished in such an ignoble way, he went to battle the killer god : the only opponent worthy of killing him.

Or perhaps Gorum was the one who hired Achaekek to kill him? ;)

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Chelsea Williams wrote:


Source Rage of Elements pg. 232
Requirements The monster's last action was a successful Strike that lists Grab in its damage entry, or the monster has a creature grabbed or restrained; Effect If used after a Strike, the monster attempts to Grapple the creature using the body part it attacked with. This attempt neither applies nor counts toward the creature's multiple attack penalty.

The monster can instead use Grab and choose one creature it's grabbing or restraining with an appendage that has Grab to automatically extend that condition to the end of the monster's next turn.

The rules that you cite here are for the Monster Ability called Grab. Those don't apply to players.

Players need to use the Grapple Rules if they want to use the Grapple action.

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Chelsea Williams wrote:


However, if I am using a light or Finese (Compbat Grapnel) weapon as part of the grapple procedure, I could use my Dex and add whatever bonuses apply.

No you can't use Dex to Grapple even with a finesse weapon. (I'm unclear why you mentioned light weapons since Bulk isn't relevant here.)

The finesse ability only applies to attack rolls.

PC, page 282 wrote:


You can use your Dexterity modifier instead of your Strength modifier on attack rolls using this melee weapon. You still calculate damage using Strength.

Since Grapple, despite being an attack, uses an athletics check rather than an attack roll, finesse doesn't let you replace Str with Dex for a Grapple.

The distinction between being an attack and using an attack roll was clarified in the errata for the first printing of the CRB.

Page 446: Attack Rolls. There was some confusion as to whether skill checks with the attack trait (such as Grapple or Trip) are also attack rolls at the same time. They are not. To make this clear, add this sentence to the beginning of the definition of attack roll "When you use a Strike action or make a spell attack, you attempt a check called an attack roll."

To clarify the different rules elements involved:

An attack is any check that has the attack trait. It applies and increases the multiple attack penalty.

An attack roll is one of the core types of checks in the game (along with saving throws, skill checks, and Perception checks). They are used for Strikes and spell attacks, and traditionally target Armor Class.

Some skill actions have the attack trait, specifically Athletics actions such as Grapple and Trip. You still make a skill check with these skills, not an attack roll.

The multiple attack penalty applies on those skill actions as well. As it says later on in the definition of attack roll "Striking multiple times in a turn has diminishing returns. The multiple attack penalty (detailed on page 446) applies to each attack after the first, whether those attacks are Strikes, special attacks like the Grapple action of the Athletics skill, or spell attack rolls."

So (except for the Athletic Strategist feat allowing the use of Int for Grapple, Shove, Disarm, or Trip) everyone has to use Str for Grapple, Shove, Disarm, Trip, and even Ranged Trip.

So a fighter would use Dex to Strike someone with a bola, but Str to trip them with a bola. :)

Note that this language was carried over to the Player Core.

PC, page 402 wrote:

Attack Rolls

When you use a Strike action or make a spell attack, you attempt a check called an attack roll.

So the rules still work this way in the remaster.

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As others have said, larger size weapons and shields don't grant any benefits in PF2 (with the singular exception of a giant instinct barbarian wielding a larger size weapon).

While you can't put a shifting rune on a shield, there are the Sapling Shields that transform between a buckler and a tower shield. Adding a Reinforcing Rune to one of those makes it even tougher.

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Simeon wrote:


To make things even more confusing though, Baphomet is specifically called out as being the first of the minotaurs, and was born in Iblydos because of Lamashtu. Maybe Tulo was an Azlanti colony in Iblydos? But with that in mind, how does that tie into the origins of minotaurs from Howl of the Wild?

The Baphomet-Minotaur connection is no more.


Baphomet: His association with minotaurs and him looking like a minotaur is OGL content, so those elements aren't part of the remaster. We've already gone with a different appearance for him based on mythology, so it's just losing the minotaur stuff in the remaster.

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Darksol the Painbringer wrote:


Normally, Large creatures get 10 feet of reach. Short of them being quadrupeds or being serpentine-like, they have 10 feet of reach by default. Every other effect that adjusts your size will likewise adjust your reach as well, such as Enlarge spells. If Minotaurs were meant to only have 5 feet of reach, I think it would be important to spell that out in the ancestry statblock, and not in some random area in a splatbook.

Referring to it as a splat book is an odd choice of phrase. They put those rules in the same 'splatbook' that the ancestry appears in. That seems like a significant detail to me.

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graystone wrote:
Castilliano wrote:
I'd be of a mind to take MC Wizard myself, maybe seek out a decent focus spell. Or maybe rig Snares w/ that Class DC. But an actual martial role w/ the Commander chassis? That'd be a struggle IMO, playing catch up.
IMO, Psychic archetype fits well: you can start off with Message for an Amped focus spell that allows you to double up on movement on someone [or strikes]. You can also pick up other cantrips Amps for focus use.

I'd consider Magus MC as well. At lower levels it offers Int-based cantrips, a once-per-battle Spellstrike, and a few nice focus spells. I especially like Shielded Strike for a bit of action reduction which I think a Commander could make good use of. Force Fang might occasionally be useful, too.

A Commander/Magus MC that invests heavily in the archetype (or uses the Free Archetype rules) reminds me of a very martial-focused PF1 Eldritch Knight build using Lore Warden. Spellstrike is even similar to the Eldritch Knight capstone ability, but here you could get it at 4th level.

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The Raven Black wrote:
Zoken44 wrote:

Okay How silly is the following character idea?

Awakened animal Wolf, with the beast kin (wolf) verstile heritage, and werewolf archetype, and either a ranger with a Wolf companion or a Summoner with a beast (wolf flavored) eidolon or a Animal instinct barbarian?

Is it too silly? Is there something you would add to silly it up more?

Need to find a way to add some kind of wolf-like familiar.

Perhaps using Old Friend to have the ghost of a wolf pup pet who died too young?

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David knott 242 wrote:
Dtmahanen wrote:
I'm actually shocked no one's asked this yet, but what are the centaur heritages?

I am shocked at the lack of answer since you posted the question.


Kelseus did answer this question. Yesterday.

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You're welcome. :)

The biggest advantage of the shove weapon trait is that it lets you use your weapon's potency rune bonus as an item bonus to your athletics check.

If you use your hand, you'd likely want to buy either a Lifting Belt (for a +1 item bonus) or Armbands of Athleticism (for +2 or +3).

The same reasoning works with the trip, disarm, and grapple traits.

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Verzen wrote:
Is it time for PF3E?


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The class has a lot of ways to provide support to your allies. It feels a lot like a martial version of Bard to me.

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Finoan wrote:


Also, if you are somehow moving to your destination faster than the light travels, the fact that you can see the event happening doesn't mean that it didn't already happen in the past. What you are seeing is the image of it happening. Pre-recorded and streamed. You are just watching the rerun.

The problem is that under relativity, faster than light travel would allow you to watch those events occur through the telescope, go back in time to Golarion before those events occurred, and then stop those events from occurring.

Relativity, FTL travel, and causality can't all be true.

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Steven T. Helt wrote:
Terevalis Unctio of House Mysti wrote:
love this cover!
I mean it's great, but that horse is the wrong color.....
Steven T. Helt wrote:
Elfteiroh wrote:
Steven T. Helt wrote:
Terevalis Unctio of House Mysti wrote:
love this cover!
Ha! It's perfect of course. Just a little Four Horsemen rivalry. I prefer my mounts pitch black.

The horses are those specific colors because Paizo based their horsemen on the ones from Christian mythology.

Revelation 6:1-8 wrote:

I watched as the Lamb opened the first of the seven seals. Then I heard one of the four living creatures say in a voice like thunder, “Come!” I looked, and there before me was a white horse! Its rider held a bow, and he was given a crown, and he rode out as a conqueror bent on conquest.

When the Lamb opened the second seal, I heard the second living creature say, “Come!” Then another horse came out, a fiery red one. Its rider was given power to take peace from the earth and to make people kill each other. To him was given a large sword.

When the Lamb opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say, “Come!” I looked, and there before me was a black horse! Its rider was holding a pair of scales in his hand. Then I heard what sounded like a voice among the four living creatures, saying, “Two pounds of wheat for a day’s wages, and six pounds of barley for a day’s wages, and do not damage the oil and the wine!”

When the Lamb opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature say, “Come!” I looked, and there before me was a pale horse! Its rider was named Death, and Hades was following close behind him. They were given power over a fourth of the earth to kill by sword, famine and plague, and by the wild beasts of the earth.

Although I should note that the word translated here as 'pale' can also mean a shade of green or greenish-yellow.

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What if the hole in Gorum's armor wasn't caused by an attack from without but rather was caused by something hatching from inside him? ;)

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Cole Deschain wrote:
Gisher wrote:
ornathopter wrote:
The Dragon-Eagle is going to die protecting people from a shard of REDACTED in the Worldwound only to be attacked by the Rider of War taking a cheap shot. REDACTEDs will also be falling over the world in addition to Gorum's blood.
What is a dragon-eagle?

That helped my searches. Thanks!

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keftiu wrote:


EDIT 2: The Esoteric Order of the Palatine Eye has apparently tapped into divine power in some sort of unusual way, with a related Archetype.

The Palatine Detective. Luis said that it is an Investigator class archetype. I'm hopeful that it will be something along the lines of the PF1 Psychic Detective.

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